Variety (June 1907)

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28 VARIETY REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS ROY KNABENSHUE AND HIS FAMOUS AIRSHIPS THE ATTRACTION THAT HAS MADE MILLIONS TALK. ADDRESS FRANK 8PELLMAN, SOLE MANAGER ROT KNABENSHUE AND THE FAMOUS AIRSHIPS MOW BOOKING FOR BIO PARKS AMD , BOOM 14, LYCEUM THEATRE BUILDING, CLEVELAND, 0. GAIETY QUARTETTE WD I sf* I TT Emphatic Hit. Now playing |fj Jk I o*m F" SAB RIU I! I Gorman Circuit of Parka. Ad- ff AL I %3 Km Pi DDtC bUbMCbVI dre " *' w ' Qorm **> Coloniml MM I nDTH BKc,WIMc.IM B "^»°>- B °' to °- «-• MILPK ED Gertrude Mansfield "The Girl with the Red Ximona' lO MINUTES IN 2 4 MINUTES IN 1 Lena La Courier "THE STATELY SONGSTRESS." With the Empire Show INVITES OFFERS FOB NEXT SEASON. Addreaa Care VARIETY, Chicago Offloo, Chicago Opera Houae Bleak. TOM HEARK "The Lazy Juggler " HERE AGAI EUGENE A NOVELTY FEATURE ACT. JEANE LE. PELLETIERS la their New Western Playlet, entitled "ON THE C H E T EH HE TRAIL," by Jack Burnett. Speeial •cenery, Coatumee, loc—arlss. OPEM AFTER JULY 27. Address Sternad and Hayman, Western Vaudeville Association, Majeatio Theatre, ChioaffO. ONE OF THE FEATURES WITH 4 PAW-SELLS BEOS.' CIRCUS. Jundts World's rreateet Lady and Gentlemen head-to-head balancera and equilibrists. ASK VION OR ADDRESS PER ROUTE. Week July I, Hammer-stein's, New York Management Jack Levy, 140 West 42d St., New York Citv JUST CLOSED PLAYING I WEEKS OF PARKS FOR WM. MORRI8 IN THE WEST. DAVE ROSE HAVE SIGNED WITH CAMPBELL A DBEW FOR NEXT SEASON, TO FLAT A DAGO PART. THANKS TO MR. TOM MINER FOR MY RELEASE. BARTON and ASHLEY RESTING NEW ACT IN SEPTEMBER ST. JAMES, L. I. DENT The ever grand juggler RETURN ENGAGEMENT ON HAMMERSTEIN'8 BOOF. Juggling- 7-plate-trick is going big. HAPPY JACK GARDNER WANTS good, up-to-date parodies on popular songs. Will pay any price for the right material. Address Jack Gardner, 718 Huron St., Toledo, Ohio. JIM FLORENCE HARRINGTON and LESTER A PIANO ACT IN •'ONE." Permanent Addreaa 46 W. 88th Street. N. Y.. J. H. Bemiok A Co. BARRY mb JOHNSON Richard ON JULY IS, 1807. WILL HAVE WORKED 48 WEEKS OUT OF 88. VERY FAIR. A NOVELTY ACT IN "ONE." FRED \A/. MORTON Triok Harmonioa Player, Finger Whistler and Paper Manipulator. Using- Hohner Harmonicas exclusively. Week July 1, Park Theatre, Johnstown, Pa. niETY KNICKERBOCKER THBATRB BUILDING, NEW YORK CITV CARDS OF ARTISTS UNDER TUB HBANNO OP " REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS " AT FOLLOWING RATESi 1 -2 Inch single ooL, S3.0O monthly, net I 2 I none e double ooL, 820 00 ■unjswj, net 1 Inoh " B.00 * * 1 ktoh aoroee page, 20.00 r ^ 1-2 Inoh double MS, 0.00 " ■ 2 Inohoo " 40.00 1 Inoh ■ 10.00 " " I Larger Spooo Pro Rata No advertisement under this heading accepted for loss than one Remittance must accompany advertisements forwarded by sai FLOOD Novelty Equilibrists and Jugglers. A girl and dog on an UNSUPPORTED ladder!! Feature at Luna Park, opening June 24. Address care VARIETY. VARIETY wants correspondents wherever there is a variety theatre or summer park. Write. When amtcering advertisement $ kindly mention Vaehtt.