Variety (June 1907)

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VARIETY 31 REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS RICE & PREVOST "Bumpty Bumps II It Isn't the nam* that If s tha act that tha the THE KOTO OF TUTiilD, JAMES B. DONOVAN AND RENA ARNOLD QUEEN OF VAUDEVILLE. DOING WELL. THANK YOU. GEO. MOZART April 1, 1907, Fifteen Weeks, LONDON PAVILION VACATION TOOK FOE Bruno: Russell tad by Booked solid. Btarting September United Booking; Offloe. Address V. I. Joe Cook - Bro. Tha Jo gglin g Kids. JACK LEVY, Agent. This Week, Grand Opera House, Pittsburg. THE FAM0U8 JACKSON FAMILY WORLD'S MOST MAR- VELOUS CYCLISTS. DOING NICELY. Joe Deming Baa Jsck Lery. NOVELTY EQUILIBRIST 811 West 84th Street, Mew York Pity. TTm Talk wiaairs farm Apply to THE OHADWIOK TEIO. Dave Nowlln THE MAN WITH THE FLEXIBLE VOICE. STUART BARNES Direction GEO. HOMANB. KEATO JOE. MYRA, BUSTER, JINGLES AMD LOUISE. Important to Managers— Buster Will ha If years of ago, Oot. «, 1809. Address the man with tha wife, tha table and three kids. Address care of Comedy Club, or Shriek House, 889 W. 98th It., M. Y. City. HARRY EARLE GODFREY and YETA HENDERSON "A Daughter of tha Gods." Direction JACK LEVY. THE HURLY BURLY OOMIQUES Direction Bternard A Kayman, Majestic Theatre Bldg., Chicago. Vastest sot of Its kind in Vaudeville. H. B. MARLNELLI, Agent. I it. mm Ecoentrio comedy juggler. Booked by A. E. MEYERS, 107 Dearborn St., Chicago. Refined Singing and Dancing. Direction M. 8. BENTHAM. Tell Taylor '07—Engaged for La Salle Theatre, Chicago—'08 "After They Said Good-bye." My Lstest Song. R. F. D. No. 9. Box 19, Findlay, Ohio. JUGGLERS AND HOOP ROLLERS, 825 E. 14th St., N. Y. City. Are you looking for a novel ty ? A beautiful aot in 25 minutes, represent- ing A Night in Venice. and his Venetian Gon- dolier Band Direction M. S. BENTHAM. Alhambra Roof, Week July 1. Comedian Multum in Parvo. Fred Karno's Companies. The Bad Boy in "A Night in a London Music Hall." . Mr. Meek in M A Night in a London Club." The First Newsboy in '"A Night in the London Slums." Jardin de Paris, New York Roof. Indef. GLOVER WARE'S a Harry Brown THE COLORED COMEDIAN AND BONO WRITER. Meeting with success in England. Address."The Performer," 88 WELLINGTON ST., LONDON, W. C. Amerioan Agents, Wesley A Pinous. THAT NATURAL JEW COMEDIAN WITH THE BIO VOICE. RED. RUSSELL Signed season 1907-08 with Rents Santley Co. THOS. W. EGAN s mm SUMMER ALL FILLED Permanent Address, WILMINGTON, DEL. §[R LOUIS Jumping and Bumping our way East 80th Successful Week SulIiTan-Considine Time. World's greatest tambourine juggler and only finished exhibition of its kind extant. Playing Western States Vsudeville Circuit. JEANETTE DUPRE COMEDIENNE. VAUDEVILLE. Have Your Card in Variety When answering advertisements kindly mention Variety. ZOUBOULAKIS Musical and Plastie Artist. Presenting two novelty acts that are away from anything else. Gloss in "ens," VERA de BASSINI "Tha girl with tha million dollar voice" and won- derful humsn violin. Management AL. SUTHERLAND. Ryan-Rjchfjeld "RESTING." Vaud-Villa. Bayville, L. L Per. Order—Will Creasy. and Compaay TIME ALL FILLED. Netta Vesta SIEGING COMEDIENNE Keith Circuit Address oare VARIETY Howard howdrd "The Hebrew Messenger Boy and tha Thespian." Management MYERS A wwt.t.ww, WILDER -r Tha Florham, 860 W. 97th St, E. T. City. •Phone 8188 Elver. NELLIE DONEGAN WORLD'S FAMOUS ROLLER BEATER, asnisted by ber sister Msnde, now booking In coo junction with the DUNEDIN TROUPE Of CI CLER8. Address JAKES E. DONEGAN, "CLIP PER" OFFICE, NEW YORK. And their musical instruments. A oomedy aot in "one." 809 W. 55th St., N. Y. City. GRACE ACROSS THE POND Address Empire, Johannesburg, S. A. Alt'. T. Wilton, Agent. DeWITT YOUNG AND COMPANY. Presenting "The College Boy Juggler." Alf. T. Wilton, Exclusive Agent.