Variety (September 1907)

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VARIETY WRIETY A Variety Paper tor Variety People. Published every Saturday by THB VARIETY PUBLISHING CO. Knickerbocker Theatre Building. 1402 Broadway. New York City. fwWI Telephone 4 88th St. 07 * g#AA# W ^mm^mm^Mm\^m%^^H ^ Entered ee eeeotMf-eJttes metier 2>ecee«5er 28, 1905, el (he Poet OAK* at NewYork,N. Y. t under the act of Congreta of March 8, 1879. CHICAGO OFFICE, . Chioaeo Open House Block (Phase. Main 4SM). F&ABTX WIX8BEBO, Raprsasntatlvs. ■AIT FRANCISCO OFFICF, 1115 Van Bass Are. (Room 11*). W. ALFRED WHJOI, Rapraaentatlve. LONDON REPRZSENTATIYE, C. C. BARTRAM, 49 Rupert it., W. PARIS OFFICE. i, Rua Lafitte, 0. M. SEIBT, RepresantatlTa. ADVERTISEhtENTS. 15 cents an agate line, $2.10 an Inch. One page. $100; one-bell page, $50; one-quarter page. m Cbsrges for portraits farnlsbed on application. Special rate by the month for profess i on s ! card uuder besdlng "RepresentstlTs Artists." Advertising copy abould be received by Thurs- day st noon to lnanre publication In current lasue. SUBSCRIPTION BATES. fnnoal 9* orelgn 5 Six and three months In proportion. Single copies ten cents. VABIKTY will be mailed to a permanent ad dreas or sa per route as desired. VARIETY msy be bad abroad at INTERNATIONAL NEWS CO.'S OFFICES ) Bresuis Building, Chancery Lane, LONDON. E. C. ENGLAND. Advertlaementa forwarded by msll moat be sc rompsnled by remittance, made payable to Variety Publishing Co. Copyright. 1907. by Variety Publishing Co. Vet, Vll. SEPTEMBER 7. No. 19 Chas. E. Evans has been booked for the season through the United. Vardon, Perry and Wilbur have en gaged with "The Cracker-Jacks." Walter Hearn ia the guardian of the "art room" at the New York Theatre. Agents are inquiring after Georgia Caine once more. Miss Caine ia not en- gaged at present. Harry Scott, formerly manager of "The Clay Baker," ia now in charge of the Fam- ily Theatre, Pittston, Pa. Frank Milton and DeLong Sisters are giving their specialty during the action of Whitney's "Piff-Paff-PoufP show. The elder Ten Brooke, of the former trio of Ten Brooke, Lambert and Ten Brooke, is now with "The Oaaino Girls." The Shubert theatre at Columbus, 0. (Eastern Burlesque Wheel) will open Sept. 9 with Clark's "Runaway Girls." Trovollo, the ventriloquist, will take a vacation for five weeks before opening the regular season. He has played iteadily for 48 weeks. The latest advertising device gotten out by Herbert Lloyd is a card index, con- veniently gotten up and useful to agents and managers. R. C Mudge, president of the White Rats, has been appointed to the executive committee of the International Artiaten Loge of Germany. Thomas J. Meyers is the resident man- ager of the Bur wood Opera House, Omaha, which has been linked to the Sullivan- Considine circuit. Will Von Tilzer's new act, "The Gains- boro Girl," written by Alfred Doyle and staged by Geo. R. Wilson, has been booked by the United. Salmon and Chester are back in Aus- tralia. After playing through their native country a visit to India will be made be- fore returning to New York. Jules Delmar, of the United Booking Of- fices, will have charge of the bookings for the Keith houses at Syracuse, Columbus and Cleveland this season. Minnie Marx will bring a new singing net into Pastor's week of September 16. It is railed "Ned Wayburn's Nightingales." Eleanor Henry, who formerly did a single singing act in vaudeville, will be a member of Chas. B. Dillingham's "Mile. Modiste" company the coming season. Lew M. Goldberg is manager of the Grand Theatre, Joliet, 111. The Castle Theatre, Bloomington, and Bijou, Kan- kakee, 111., are also directed by Mr. Gold- berg. Carter and Blueford are now abroad, where they are reported to be auccessful. The colored team style themselves, since striking the foreign territory, "The Cu- bans." Ollie Young and Three Brothers enter- tained the youthful scions of the Newport aristocracy recently under special engage- ment by Mrs. Stuyvesant Fish, the society leader. Hill and Whittaker, who have not played on this side in four years, have been booked for the season by Jenie Jacobs through the United Offices, opening No- vember 19 next. The new Williams theatre in Greenpoint will not likely open before the season of 'O8-'09. Building operations cannot com- mence much before next November owing to unexpired leases. "That" Quartet, booked originally for one month at the Wigwam (W. S. Vaude- ville Association), San Francisco, had the engagement extended two weeks longer, at the same house. The Sunday concerts at the Dewey and Gotham theatres commenced for the sea- son last Sunday, booked by the Morris office. It has not been decided whether the Circle will give Sunday vaudeville shows this season. Vesta Jerome, formerly of Jerome and Morrison, has entered into partnership with Dora M. Hall, "coon shouter" and buck dancer, and the pair are showing a new act at "Dreamland," Coney Island, this week under the name of Hall and Walsh. L. Rosenthal, Jr., formerly stenographer to P. J. Casey, of the Morris office, has accepted a position in the headquarters of the United States Amusement Com- pany, in the New York Theatre building, where Florence Glenn presides with grace and dignity over the short-hand, type- writing force. When the foreign managers were as- sembled in Berlin to listen to H. B. Mari- nelli's scheme of a booking combination, Ike Rose, husband of Saharet, wagered Mr. Marinelli $250 that the managers would not listen to the agent for 30 min- utes. Marinelli was with the managers over four hours. Oscar Hammerstein is fitting up an apartment at his Manhattan Opera House, where he will live during the opera sea- son there. In addition to his numerous other enterprises the indefatigable Oscar has found time to invent a new non-punc- turable automobile wheel that bids fair to revolutionize that branch of the motoring industry. The Howard Theatre, Boston, which opened last week for the Western Bur- lesque Wheel season, has already 200 extra vaudeville acts under contract. These bookings extend until late in the season, but all along there are spaces in the shows to be filled later. Jay Hunt, the manager of the house, returned from Europe last week. Camille H. Poujal, the street car con- ductor in San Francisco, who assaulted Victor Jerome, the contortionist, causing the amputation of Mr. Jerome's right arm as a result, was fined $500 in San Fran- cisco last week. A new trial was denied and the ex-conductor must pay the fine or serve 250 days in prison. Jerome is suing the traction company for $50,000. Arthur Prince, had $150 taken from his pocket last week. Mr. Prince has no sus- picion of who relieved him of the money. He had placed the amount carefully away (as he thought) to settle some outstand- ing accounts. Now the ventriloquist is waiting to hear if his creditors received payment. Mr. Prince saya if the thief knew where the money was, he ought to know what it was there for. Several foreign acts under engagement to the United Booking Offices are pro- hibited under a clause in their contract from publishing their opening engage- ment on this side before they shall have actually appeared here on the stage. This stipulation is new in American contracts with foreigners, although a custom in the agreements signed by vaudeville man- agers on the European Continent. A report reaching here says that the Apollo Theatre, Vienna, which opened on Aug. 16, had two disappointments on its bill. The Apollo, Dusseldorf, Germany, which should have opened as announced on the same day, was obliged to postpone the first performance twenty-four hours owing to four disappointments, the first time on record that this has happened on the Continent. It is ascribed to the "American fever." At the new Gayety in Washington last week the "Bowery Burlesquers" were the opening attraction. Harry Hills, of the company, lived in Washington for a short time, and Neely Limbach, another mem- ber, ia a Washingtonian, born and bred. Mr. Limbach suggested to Ben Jensen that he "pull a local." "Just give out 'Dorsey Fultz/" said Mr. Limbach, "and see 'em fall off the seats." Mr. Jensen "gave it out," then remarked, after the silence had lifted, "I guess you have your cities mixed." P. C. Armstrong, of Dial & Armstrong, returned to the city last week, leaving his "Navassar" band playing an engage- ment at Kansas City. A vaudeville offer has been made for the musical organ- ization, and if not accepted, the firm will place four acts in vaudeville, including "The Aeolians," their latest. The "Vas- sar Girls" will be played in the variety houses in any event. Forty instrumental- ists are now members of the "Navassars." There are eight trombone players among this number, 6 saxophonists and eight drummers, all girls. There are rumors floating about that agents abroad have advised acts consist- ing of several people, and where substitu- tion could be made without being easily de- tected, to separate the act into two num- bers, one coming here as agreed, and the other remaining at home. This advice is given only when the original act has not been seen by the other of the contracting parties. It will bring about, if practised, the insertion of a strict "personnel" clause in all agreements calling for the services of foreigners who are booked for America through the large agencies on this side. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Powers, Western players, who have not yet appeard in New York, are coming East next year. They are one of many acts in the West which for some unaccountable reason are kept there. Sometimes it is the art- ist who does not wish to risk a metro- politan showing, but more often the man- agers. These latter gentlemen are astute, and know their vaudeville. An act which would find ready engagements in the East is kept continually employed West, being booked a year or more ahead. This is the manager's scheme to keep salaries within bounds, or at least that reason was ascribed by a prominent Western manager not so long ago. But the Western acts are waking up. Several are working around town now, and" have been since their entrance here. An Eastern manager would be content to-day to pay the cus- tomary money for certain lines of acts, and suffer a little inferiority at the be- ginning for the purpose of showing his audience new faces. The success of West- ern acts in the East has gone back to that territory, and this season should witness more unknown native :<ets in New York than was dreamed existed a year ago. ,