Variety (September 1907)

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VARIETY FEIBER CREATES COMMOTION. (Special Cable to Vaxiett.) London, Sept. 6. H. H. Feiber, one of the United Booking Offices' foreign representatives, who lately arrived here, has placed the Variety Art- ists' Federation in arms against him this week by attempting to cancel 13 medium priced English acta which were booked for the United time in America. Mr. Feiber is insisting that the artists will be unsuccessful if they appear on the other side. There is considerable commo- tion over the attempt to cancel, and the V. A. F. insinuates that intimidation in being- attempted. At the United Offices nothing is known of the matter stated in the above cable- gram. E. F. Albee said that there must be some mistake. While it was possible Mr. Feiber had asked an act or so to place their American engagements back for a time to suit the booking convenience of the office, he had no knowledge of any wholesale cancellation, or attempt to do so. Percy G. Williams could give no infor- mation regarding the story. Mr. Williams said he would not be surprised if it origi- nated about an artiste named Odean Sparks, who had been booked over here fov four weeks, but demanded more time, which could not be given. That was the only case, Mr. Williams remarked, which ho could think of. MUSIC COMPANIES INCREASING. Hoth the United and American Music Stores Companies are adding to their list of retail places over the country. This week the American opened a store in Schenectady, and others are in view for Pittsburg and Cleveland. The United is also after locations, and has considerable of a chain. A man well versed in the music trade expressed the opinion this week that neither of the combinations would meet the original expectations. The scheme as at first outlined was to indent the large retail outlet obtained by Jerome H. Rem ick & Co., through the firm's connection with department stores in all of the larger cities, where Rem ick & Co., have the sheet music aelling privilege. The combinations have discovered that Romick & Co. are firmly intrenched in this position, and it is hard to dislodge them, or even make an impression upon t'oeir sales. OBJECT TO SUNDAY SHOWS. Washington, Sept. 6. There is a prospect of trouble for the local managers who have made known their intention of running Sunday night shows in the capital. Sunday concerts are announced to open to-morrow (Sunday) at the Gayety, Belasco and Majestic theatres. No sooner had this announcement been made by the respective managers than there was a concerted howl of protest from the local amateur reformers, and the po- lice department was for days deluged with letters of fiery objection. The ministers of the city are aa usual in the fore in the "crusade," with claims that Sunday per- formances seriously reduce the church at- tendance. The Heras Family of acrobats, nine in a'I, arrive to-day from Europe. The aci will play K. & E. time. ISOLDE FRERES TAKE CHARGE. (Special Cable to Variety.) Paris, Sept. 4. The Folies Bergere will be opened on Sept. 7 under the direct management of the Isolde Freres, who will also take charge of the Olympia, reopening the lat- ter on Sept. 12. This announcement just made removes Paul Ruez from the running, but what booking arrangements have been made, and how far H. B. Marinelli is now inter- ested in the bills for those houses has not become known. SHARP BROTHERS CLOSED. London, August 27. The Sharp Brothers, an American blackface act, did not play out their al- lotted time at the Palace. They may be on your side now. It is understood here to be a question of finance. One or two Americans in London refused to advance the transportation to the act, through its conduct on the Palace stage. I They had opened as arranged, but after |.laying a short while informed the man- agement they could obtain more money elsewhere. They were told to write a let- ter to that effect and a release would be ghen. The letter did not arrive, and nothing r.'ore was heard until on Tuesday night, Aug. 20, the boys came out, deliberately insulting the audience and the orchestra, acknowledged to be one of the best in the city. The curtain was rung down, and the Si>arp Brothers ordered to leave the thea- tre forthwith, with the further informa- tion that unless their baggage was re- moved by the morning it would be thrown out on the street. MISS TANGUAY SIGNED LONG AGO. The article recently appearing in Va- MKTfi stating that the former story of Miss Tanguay signing with the United while playing the 125th Street house, was in error and she had only completed her contract a short time ago, was denied this wrek at the United's office, with the re- quest that it be corrected in justice to the singer. Miss Tanguay executed a contract with the United Booking Offices early last Spring, and it covered one year and a half at a salary of $1,000 weekly. Also it was denied that Miss Tanguay felt aggrieved at Reed Albee, manager of the Union Square, through her location on the bill during one show of her engage- ment there. No such occurrence as printed happened, it was said. MR. AND MRS. COHAN PERMANENT. The vaudeville tour of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cohan in "Running for Office," com- menced this week at the Grand Opera House, Brooklyn, will continue during the season. It was at first intended that a short engagement of the "Yankee Doodle Boy's" parents be played in vaudeville, but the success of the Brooklyn engagement changed that plan. ALLOWS NO "TIPS." The order has gone forth from the gen- eral offices of the United States Amuse- ment Company that no fees of any kind for any services be accepted in any house on its circuit of "Advanced Vaudeville" theatres. This notice has been directed to each. Louis F. Werba, the Klaw & Erlanger general vaudeville representative, said this week that the rule had been promulgated for the reason the salaries paid the house staffs were the largest of any in the coun- try, and the Amusement Company wanted artists to put forth their best efforts while playing at its theatres, with the knowl- edge that such effort was not dependent upon any fee to be paid out for services rendered by an employe in the pursuit of his duties. What the artist required in his act would be furnished gratis, added Mr. Werba, upon requisition being made. In- structions to this effect have already been issued. CLAIRE ROMAINE DISAPPOINTS. Montreal, Sept. 6. Claire Romaine, an English artiste, was lii'led for the opening K. & E. bill in this city but did not appear at the Academy of Music, Joe Flynn coming here in her sttad. Miss Romaine was announced to have only arrived in New York last Saturday, and on Sunday found herself hoarse and weary from the voyage. It was not deemed advisable to have her open under the circumstances. STILL CALLS ACT "JUST. KIDS." Schenectady, N. Y., Sept. 6. Felix and Caire are playing at the Mo- hawk Theatre this week, and the program describes the act as "Just Kids." Tht Mchawk is owned by Weber & Rush, of New York City, who also are the pro- prietors of the "Bon Tons," a burlesque organization, numbering among its mem- Iters Rawson and Clare, who were the Prst to use this title in the variety pro- fession, and are still employing it. TOM MOORE "JUMPS" CONTRACT. Akron, 0., Sept. 6. Tom Moore, the "coon shouter," is ac- cused of contract-jumping by Manager I lawns, of the Casino, week Aug. 25. He played this week out, according to the story, and was booked for an engagement in several of the houses controlled by the same management. Moore was even billed in Canton, O., but failed to give notice of his intention to disregard the date, and did not put in an appearance. The Flying Martins are on their way to New York after playing five weeks in Seattle, Wash. They were engaged for that length of time in the houses of the Sullivan-Considine and Pantages circuits without a railroad jump. A BUSY MANAGER. Kd F. Rush, the producing member of Weber & Rush, is entitled to some sort of a medal for the swift production of pieces, but Mr. Rush will not even speak of it. Tt is talked about, however, that in two weeks and three days Rush turned out ready for the road Weber & Rush's "Par- isian Widows," "Dainty Duchess," "Bon Tons" and "Morning Glories," equipping the shows from costumes to scenery, be- sides rehearsing the companies. TURBULENT COLONIAL MATINEE. The opening matinee of the season at the Colonial on Labor Day brought a re- occurrence of the scenes which were a diead to the artists playing the house early last season. After David L. Robinson assumed charge of the theatre towards the closing, he stopped the practice. Mr. Robinson thought he had stamped it out for good mhi all, but on Monday afternoon in the motley crowd which swarmed to the gal- lery were a few celebrators of the holiday. No extra precaution had been taken to quell any disturbance and after the inter- mission, with the additional beverages stowed away, the crowd commenced when Beatrice Lindley, a foreign artiste appear- ing for the first time, came on the stage. They caused Miss Lindley to retire, and Julius Tannen followed. Mr. Tannen had been in his dressing room and did not know of the preceding scene. Walking upon the stage he was at once interrupted fiom the gallery. Percy Q. Williams sat in a box and Mr. Robinson waa in the back of the house. Mr. Tannen was not quite certain what he should do under the circumstances, but "took a chance," telling the gallery in moderate language what his composite estimation of them amounted to. He at once received the support of the orchestra and it quieted the mob. He remained on the stage for 21 minutes. Next Monday, Mr. Robinson says, there will be five special policemen in the gal- lery, and an ambulance stationed at the door. The manager states he will break up the crowd of loafers disturbing his show if they all have to go to the hos- pital and it stops the performance to do it. Failing in this, the gallery will be closed hereafter at the Monday matinee. An admission of 50 cents to the top loft may also be tried. ARTISTS THE HITS. Chicago, Sept. 16. The huge Auditorium opened its regu- lar season on Sunday last, with George W. Lederer's musical production "The Girl Rangers." The large and magnificent playhouse has been transformed into an all-year-round theatre and the attractions of Klaw & Erlanger will be played. The musical show which auspiciously inaugurated the season is the largest ami most massive ever presented on any stage. It combines vaudeville, musical comedy, melodrama, circus and every other con- ceivable branch, employing more than 200 people. The individual hits in the sho are credited to vaudeville artists, wh* have been selected by Mr. Lederer, undew whose personal direction the spectacle is given. The celebrities identified with the variety field who received unstinted com- mendation for their work are Reine Davie, Lillian Shaw, Grace Tyson, Francis Sulli- van and Will Rogers. The theatre seats 4,000 people and Mil- ward Adams is the resident manager. About the middle of next, month the show is expected to be transferred to New York for a run to make way for Klaw & Erlanger's "Advanced Vaudeville," which is then scheduled for the Auditorium. The show is drawing large audiences. and the gross receipts for tin* week are estimated at $20,000. Louis Harrison will appear week of September 30 in one of the Percy G. Will- iams local theatres in a monologue.