Variety (September 1907)

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VARIETY ARTISTSVFORUM Confine your Utters to 150 words and write on one side ol paper only. Anonymous communications will net be printed. Name of writer must be signed end will bo held In strict confidence. If desired. i Gibel Salikh, La Khumass Mountains, Morocco," Africa, Aug. 7. Editor Variety: I am sending you this letter with brief news relating to one of the most remark, ably realistic dramas. The spectacle started when I arrived here in the catnp of Muly Ahmad Raisuli, the Moorish ban- dit, or by an American description "Jesse James, the Second." I was commissioned by the foreign min- ister of the Sultan at Tangiers to deliver letters and packages to Kaid MacLean, an English army officer, who is held a pris- oner by Raisuli. On my arrival yesterday at 11 a. m. Rai- suli received me with usual Arabic Mar- haba. I handed the packages to him, and he ordered one of his men to give me some food. I was very hungry, but had to eat dry figs and barley bread, with pure olive oil. My horse had a better lunch of fresh green grass. There are about 500 well armed men here with Raisuli, besides about 5,000 na- tives of La Khumass, among whom Rai- suli is camping. Kaid MacLean is an old- looking, gray-haired man. lie wears a Moorish turban, and is of very distin- guished appearance. There are 25 men guarding him. Raisuli gave me permis- sion to shake hands with Mr. MacLean and to say to him in Arabic "How are you, sir?" but nothing else. This camp is on the top of the moun- tain called "Gibel/' and gives a clear view of the country for miles around. Raisuli does not appear to worry. He is a man of about Oscar Hammerstein's size, but his long hair and whiskers give him a frightful appearance. Raisuli's skin is clear white. A student would accept him as the real type of a third century Roman chief. His mother was a Sharfufian woman. Raisuli has one brother by his father and mother, but has about 50 other "brothers" from "relatives." The bandit is a learned man in the Mohammedan religion. Yes- terday he led the prayers, after which he read two letters from the tribes Bini Has- san and Beni Ensoor. Both promised to support him against the forces of the Sul- tan. I am writing this letter between 11 12 at night. My candle is very low, so 1 must close. I expect to have a long con- versation with Raisuli to-morrow. I shall now lay my head down on my saddle and close my eyes, hoping to dream of comfort enjoyed by my friends at the Green Room Club restaurant. Aug*. 8. I am starting this again at 4:30 p. m. Raisuli and his men are going to move to Gibel Gazi, about 18 miles east of here. I have been notified to follow the camp. The Sultan's troops are approaching. I will be very glad to get away alive from this wandering bunch. Raisuli is treating me nicely on account, I think, that when he was the Sultan's prisoner in Madagascar eleven years ago I fed him. Raisuli has always appreciated it. If I could have a talk with him I am sure I could convince Raisuli of the future for him if he would return to America. There is a Moorish Hebrew here with Raisuli. He speaks French and English, and I believe he is Raisuli's confidential adviser. My time is up, and I will have to end this or some one may end my life. I know ttiey are not particular about those things. A messenger is here with us. Raisuli told him to depart to-morrow, and to the messenger I give this letter to mail in Tangiers, where all the members of my Tozoonin Troupe are. They performed two weeks for the Sultan in Fez. They are in Tangiers waiting for me to return, but I have sent word for them to sail for New York from Gibraltar on Aug. 26. Sie Hassan Ben AU. (When Sie Hassan Ben Ali, who is a manager of many Arabian troups of acro- bats playing over here, left for Africa, it was with the intention of inducing Rai- suli, the bandit chief, to return with him, and show in vaudeville or elsewhere on this side. In his own country, Sie Hassan is a man of much wealth and influence. His visit to the bandit's camp, while os- tensibly to deliver letters, was in pursuit of the mission he had undertaken. The letter received consisted of small sheets of yellow pad paper, written in lead pen- cil, and as though the writer was not at ease.—Ed.) Pike's Peak, Colorado Springs, Colo., Aug. 31. Editor Variety: I can safely say I am a man of records. I thought I was all to the good when I entertained at a wake in Brook- lyn, N. Y., three years ago, but now I beat all records. I was engaged by Bob Ellis, who is resident manager of the Empire, Colorado Springs, to amuse a party of 100 called "The Quakers of Penn." I appeared in the parlor of the Peak's Hotel on top of Pike's Peak. I can swear I have been up higher than any vaude- ville artist in the world as an entertainer. I also am the only one who ever played on top of Pike's Peak, Colorado Springs, Colo. (Saturday morning at 11:30, August 31, 1907). Colorado Springs is 14,000 feet above the level of the sea, and Pike's Peak is still one mile and a half higher up. Eddie Leslie. Sept. 1. Editor Vahiety: Tn a recent number of Vakikty there was an article giving Charles Scigrist credit for accomplishing a double somer- sault from the ground. Jim Cowley, of Latoy Brothers., comedy acrobats, on Fri- day afternoon, Aug. 30, did a round-off, flip-flap, double back somersault at Pes Moines States Fair/ where l^atoy Brothers were working as the free attraction. Mr. Cowley accomplished the trick with grace and apparent ease near the close of the act after doing much hard tumbling. In my estimation he deserves great credit, as it was a boiling hot day, and he was working in the open on a platform. Mr. Cowley showed this trick last sea- son on several occasions. The following acts were on the bill and several witnessed the trick: Sensational Boises. Jackson Family. FeriBsen Troupe Arabs. Wills and Hassen. The Fowlers. Laurent Trio. Auer and De Onzo. C. 8. Auer. Parkersburg, W. Va., Sept. 3. Editor Variety: I saw advertised in Variety where chorus girls were so scarce. If you need any at any time my friend and I would like to come. Have some road experience. Ruby Marshall, Care of Jackson Hotel, Parkersburg, W. Va. New York, Sept. 2. Editor Variety: I just read an article in Variety, and I wish to take it up. It stated that a certain agent had over 500 correspondents from different acts, but would not book any or write because he did not know them. Very likely I am one of the acts he would not answer, as I wrote and did not receive a reply, but that does not prove that because he does not know me I shall not work. His system is entirely wrong. I have an act that has played the very best of time in all parts of the globe, and yet he does not know me. Any agent who can remember over 500 different acts is going some in this business. There are hun- dreds of acts which do not know Maurice Boom, and there are many good acts that he will never know. J. Wallace. Bayonne, N. J., Sept. 4. Editor Variety: Mr. W. S. Harvey still continues mak- ing insulting remarks, saying we have stolen the act we are doing and originated. If this person, Mr. Harvey, is working an act likewise, he is stealing from us. Numerous artists have informed us lately about Mr. Harvey's act. They also claim our act is entirely different. We wish to rectify the mistake, men- tioning parlor suite. And furthermore, if at any time this gentleman, Mr. Harvey, wishes to have a peisonal interview we will give him all the desired information regarding our act. Parker Brothers. $?3,ooo NEW YORK'S FIRST WEEK. On last Sunday night, after sixteen \audeville performance! had been given at the New York theatre under the man- agement of Klaw &. Erlanger, the gross taking! at the box office amounted to $2.1,300. The Sunday night show brought £2.206.50 into the house. An estimate of the profit for the man- agement shows a net earning of about $1,000 for the inaugural week of "Ad- vanced Vaudeville" at the house. The advertising for the opening, ren- dered rather heavy through that event, amounted to $2,000; the orchestra costs $604 each week (18 pieces), and the en- tire expenses of the house, exclusive of the bill, but including the normal ad- vertising, rent, attaches, etc., foots up $7,000. The bill for the opening week added $7,050 (16 shows) to this, leaving COMPLAINT AGAINST MYSTICUS. The White Rats of America, through the Variety Artists* Federation of Eng- land, have received a complaint entered in the organization across the water by Mr. Hymack, who alleges that Mysticus, a quick change artist now playing the Klaw & Erlanger circuit, is a "copy" of himself and act. William Morris, who booked Mysticus, says there is no data at hand of convinc- ing proof that Mysticus is a copy of Hy- mack, and no one has been found over lure who has seen both acts, Should it b* proven that Klaw & Erlanger are har- boring a copy act, Mr. Morris stated, it would be stopped at once. It is understood the White Rats have written the English order for more par- ticulars, and the matter will rest until a decision can be made. Hymack has been engaged for a New York appearance by Fercy G. Williams. He is due to open here in December. Mysticus has yet to be seen in New York o^ing to the act he is presenting no^ be- in^ considered up to the Metropolitan standard. Mysticus denies he is a copy, and claims the right to everything he does. NORTHWEST CIRCUIT IN SEATTLE. Portland, Ore., Sept. 6. The United States Amusement Com- pany, recently organized to carry on a chain of vaudeville theatres in this and neighboring States makes the announce- ment that it has secured the Lyric Thea- tre, Seattle. It is reported at the same time that the United States people through its local representative are con- ducting negotiations for the acquisition of another theatre here. The declared in- tention of the concern is to secure and operate a circuit of eight theatres in Ore- gon, Idaho and Washington, besides con- trolling others in Vancouver and Victoria, D. C. NEW EASTERN SHOW. Chicago, Sept. 6. ''The Mardi Gras Girls" is the name of the new burlesque show which Al Reeves and W. S. Campbell are organizing. It will play the Columbia Amusement Com- pany's houses (Eastern Burlesque Wheel), and is scheduled to open the season at the new theatre in Toronto some time in October. C. E. llelyea will be the manager. POPULAR VAUDEVILLE IN YOUNGS- TOWN. Youngstown, O., Sept. 6. The Edison Theatre here wi'l shortly be elaborated into a popular priced vaude- ville house. A policy of vaudeville will be conducted there under the management of George Olnhausen, the present proprie- tor, who also owns the new liijou, a vaudeville theatre now in process of con- struction. No announcement has been made as to where the new enterprise will secure its supply of acts, but the pre- sumption is that it will form some sort of affiliation with one of the many small circuits in the middle West. Harry Fisher, late of Fisher and Car- roll, opens at the Twenty-third Street on Oct. 6 in a monologue. Jack Davis, last season with Hyde's "Blue Ribbons," has signed to play in "The Seminary Girls."