Variety (September 1907)

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18 VARIETY ,11111' .VLiYLmiiiiiiiiirrrniiinTiMiiin T VARIETY ARTISTS' ROUTES FOR WEEK SEPT. 2 WHEN NOT OTHERWISE INDICATED. (The route* here given, bearing no dates, are from SEPT. 1 to SEPT. I, inclusive, de- pendent upon the opening and closing days of engagement! in different parts of the country. Whan an address follows the nam* the ant is "laying off" for the week and may be written or telegraphed to accordingly. All sdd r sisss are furnished VARIETY by artists and may be relied upon as accurate. Addresses oar* managers or agents will not be printed.) "0. R" indicates that the rout* of the oirous immediately preceding it may be found under "CIRCUS ROUTES." "B. R." in the list indicates the route of the burlesque company named, with which th« artist or act is with and may be found und*r "BURLESQUE ROUTES." 'liiiiiiiiiwiiivaiiiiiiiiiiniv . ■^■^•^^.^-vw^ •%.•*..*.* Abbott, Molll*. Windsor, Ocean City, Md.. lndcf. Abel, George, A Co., Poll's, Mew naven, Coon. Abrsm A jobns, ilstbaway's, Maldeu, Mass. Adair, Art, Hagaubevk-Waliac*. C. A. Adams Bros., Eag.e, llagerstown, Md. Atfauu, E. Klrke. A Co., Audliurluui. Norfolk, Vs., to Sept. 80. Addison A Llviugstou, Orphlum, Lima, O. Adler, Harry, Park, Alameda, Cal., lndcf. ▲uler, Flo.. 464 Cleveland, Chicago. Ah—rn*. 280 Colorado, Chicago. Amain, Charles, Gayety, ualiluiore. Alabama Four, North Beach, U 1.. indef. Albene A La Brant, 164 E. Rsndotpb, Chicago, R. 12. Alberto, Forepaugh-8ell*; C. It. Aldo A Vannerson, Circo Bell, Mexico, to Oct, 20. Alfredo A Cerlta, ttoJls-Kloto, C. R. Alton, Delmsln A Allen, 840 Ifndlson, Brooklyn. AJliater. Unrry, 11 Rue Geoffrey Mart*, Hotel Urn Sport, Paris, Prance. Alpine Troupe, O. 11., Madison. Wis. Alpha Trio, Mohawk, Scheneitady, N. Y. Allyn A Sherman, Tumbling Run pk., Pottsvllle, Ps. Alrouas, Three, Fair. Fnlr Haven. Vt. Atoarettss, Three, Bijou. Duluth, Minn. Alvora, Golden Crook, B. R. Amerlcus Comedy 4, Bennett's. London, Can. Ampere, Electricsl, Mist N. Y. Jr., B. R. Anderson, Carl, Bowery Burlesquers, B. R. Appleby. C. J., 88 Dearborn, Chicago, R. 41. Arcarls Trio, Rlngllng Bros., C. B. araell A BblvO, Forepsugh-Sells. C. R. Ardo A Eddo, Luna pk., Coney Island, N. Y. Arlington Four, Orpheum, Denver. Armstrong A Clark, Hopkins* Louisville, Ky. Armstrong, Geo. F., 283 No. State, Chicago. Arnold, Cspt. J. W.. Fair pk., Dallas, lex., indef. Arnot A Gonn, 216 6th At*.. N. Y. ArtM, Lee, Col* Bros., O. R. Auberts. Les, Apollo. St. Petersburg, Russia, 10 Oct 1. Austins, Tossing, Casino. Grenoble. Frsnce; 16, Eden, Nlmes. France. Balno A Shaw, Hippodrome, N. Y., Indef. Banks-Ureaxeale Duo, Bennett's, Hamilton, Can. Bsnts Bros., Bijou, Cbicsgo. Barton, Joe. Bohemians, B. R. Barneys. Three, Webstar pk.. La Salle. 111., indef. Bartelmas, The, Bell. Oakland. Cal. Barry, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy, Orpheum, San Fran- cisco, to Sept. 22. Bartoa A Aaktoy, St. Jsmea, L. I. Bayrooty Bros., Barnnm A Bailey, C. R. Beard, Billy. Keith. Utlca. N. Y. Beecher A Maya, 28 Atlantic, Brldgeton, N. J. Bedlni, Donat. Hathaway'*. New Bedford, Masa. Badlala Family, Rlngllng Bros., C. R. Bellclalre Bios., Orpheum, Denver. Bell A Richards, 181 Central, Leominster, Mass. Bell Boy Trio, car* Wolf a, 18 StnyToaant, N. Y. Boll. Frank, 228 W. 46, N. Y. Belmont A Brennan, Imperials, B. R. Bennett, Laura, 14 Linden, Jersey City. Bentley, Harry, Imperials, B. R. Benton. Elwood A Msggle, Orpheum, Turtle Creek. Ps. Berry A Berry, Orpheum. Salt Lake City, Utah. Sorro A Hlcka, John Robinson. C. R. Beyer A Johnson, Fair. Wheaton, 111. Bimm, Bomin, Brrr, O. II.. Indianapolis, Ind. Blasonetto A Newmsn, 167 Dearborn, Chicago, car* Gregory. Blnney A Chapman. Garden. Memphis, Indef. Bissett A Miller, ilayuiarket, Cnicago. Blair A McNolty, Gem, Mlsaonla. Ment . Indef. Boise*. Five, 44 Curtis, Grand Rsplds, Mich. Boiler, John A Louis, Bsrnam A Bailey, C. R. Bowers, Walters A Crooker, Orpheum, Omaha, Neb. Bowery Comedy Quartet, 821 Charles, W. Ho- boken, N. J. Boyce Bros., Hargreaves, C. R. Boyce, Jack, Trocaderos, B. R. Boyd A Veola, 208 B. 14. N. Y. Brschard. Paul, Hagenbeck-Wallace, C. R. Bradford*. The. 280 W. 41, N. X. Bradley A Davia, Acme. Sacramento. Cal. Bradshaw. Chan. II.. A Co.. Toledo. Toledo, O. Bradnn A Derrick. Barnura-Balley, C. R. Bragg. John D., Toreadors, B. R. Bradys, The, 247 So. Flower. Los Angeles. Brlnn, I>. B., Richmond. Richmond. Eng.; Oct. 7, Palace, Wolverhampton. Eng. Brooke A Jeanette, 1602 Madison, N. Y.. care Levitt. Brooks. Herbert. 20 W. 88, N. Y. Brooks A Klngmsn. Alrdome. CHlro, 111. Brooks A Vedder. Kmi-lre. Colorado Springs, Col. Brown A Bsrtolettl. City Sports, B. R. Browning. Mr. and Mr*,. 126 W. »». N. Y. Browning et Le Van. 16. Keith. Providence, R. I. See explanatory note head of Routes Bruce, Al., Toreador*. B. R. Braces, The, Col* Bros., C. B. Bruno A Russell, Menlo pk., N. J. Buckleys. Musical. Pittsburg. Kan. BUCRNER 8EN8ATI0NAL CYCLIST. Hotel Gerard, ». Y. City. AMOoU . Ud Z 1 ** AL - ■WTHERLARD, Taude- vill. Booking, St. James Building. Bucaeye Trio, Family, Erie, Pa. Buckeye State Four. 2304 E. 57. Cleveland. O Bod worth A Welle. White Bear Lake. Mlua Burke A Urline. 118 E. 14. N. Y. Burke A McEvoy. 44 Seventh *t*., N. Y. Burkart. G., Cole Bros.. C. R. Burkhardt. Chaa. J., 156 W. 45, N. Y. Burns, Morris A Co., 811 Ocean, Jersey City. Burns. Harry. Pastor's. N. Y. Burt, Glenn, Bijou. Dubuque. la. Burtlnos, The. 1370 Richards. Milwaukee. Burton A Vass, Lyric. Springfield. Mo. Burton A Burton, 808 W. 55, N. Y. Burton A Brookes, Fair Karen, N. J., Indef. Burnett, Edna, Unique, N. Y., Indef. Buah A Elliott. Bijou. La Crosse, Wis. Bossier. Walter II., Orphla. Madison. Wis.. Indef. Butler. Isabel!*, Barnnm A Bailey. C. B. Butler*. 4. Radium. Oblckaab*. I. T.. Indef Bulla A Raymond, Waahlngton Society Girls, B.R. Buxton. Chaa. C, Crystal, Meaaah*. Wto., tod*f. Byrd A Vance. Bijou. Duluth. Minn. Byers A Hermsn, Mohawk. Schenectady, N. Y. Byron A Langdon. Alhambra. N. Y. Cae<ar A Co.. Orpheum, Watertown, 8. D. Callahan A St. George, St. Joseph. Mich. Cameron A Flanagan. G. O. H.. Pittsburg, Pa. Camp. Sneppard, Kentucky Belles, B. R. Canfleld A Carlton, 2218 80. Bensonhurat. L. I. Cardownl* Slater*, box 108. Liberty. N. Y. « arlla A Otto. 818 Pmepeet *ve.. Buffalo. Carlton. Arthur A Lucille. Novelty, Alleghany, Pa. Carmen Troupe. Barnnm A Bailey, C. R. Carlllo, Leo, Nyack. N. Y. Carloa, Chaa.. Rlngllng Bros., C. R. Carroll A Cooke. Hotel York. N. Y. Carroll A Clark. W. R.. 1558 Broadway, N. Y. Carson A WlUard. 2210 No. Lambert, Pblla. Carson Bros.. Bebman Show. B. B. Carter A Taylor. 256 W. 48. N. Y. Carr, Jessie, Toreadors. B. R. Carroll. Nettle, Forepaugh-Sells Bros., 0. R. Carroll, Great, Fay Foater. B. R. Carters. The, 16, Star, Wllkensburg, Ps. Cartmell A Han-la. 1081 McDonnngh. Baltimore. Cased A DeVerne, 812 Valley. Dayton, O. Canaady, Eddie. Steel Pier. Atlantic City. Casein A Cassldy, Crystal pk., Joplln. Mo.. Indef. Chad wick Trio, Bennett's. Ottawa. Can. Chameroye, The, «0 Manhattan Ave., N. Y. Chandler, Anna, City Sports. B. R. Chester A Jones, Hathaway's, Lowell, Mass. Chester. Chaa., Hagenbeck-Wallace. C. R. Chick, Leonard T.. Garden, Washington. Indef. Christy, Wsyne C. Lyric. Cleveland, O. Christy, Great. Knickerbocker, B. B. Clnqueealll. 1'aul, 5 Moatyn road, Brixton. Law don. Clalrmnnt. MSI Ryder »v.. N. Y. Clark Bros., Hagenbeck-Wallace. C. R. Clark. John F., 425 Forest, Arlington. N. J. Clarke, Harry Corson. Lambs Club. N. Y. Clarke. Wilfred. Lamb* club. N. Y. clans A Rsdcllff, Trocsdero, B. R. Cleveland. Claude A Marlon, 215 Shutleff, Chel- sea, Mass. Cliffords. The. Bsrnnm-Bsller. C. R. Clinton A Jerome. 229 W. 145. N. Y. Clinton. Chris, Half Dime, Jersey City, N. J., Indef. Cllvette. 274 Indiana. Chicago. Coate, Charlotte A Sunflower, 1553 Bway., N. Y., W. R. Coccla A Amato. Innocent Malda. B. R. Cogan A Bancroft. 10. Pastor's. N. Y. Cogswells. Cycling. (Jarrlck. Wilmington, Del. Cohan. Josephine. South Africa. Cole, George. Barnnm A Bailer. C. R. Col,. A demons. Pastor's. N. Y. Cole A Coleman. 126 W. Pleasant. Springfield, O. Coleman, Boyd A Co., Peace Haven, Winthrop Main. Collins. Eddie. Oshkoah. Wis., Indef. Collins A Collins, 821 Dakota. Phlla. Coltona, The, Champagne Girls, B. R. See explanatory note head of Routes. Connolly A Klein, Empire Show, B. R. Conway. Jack, 281 W. 141, N. Y. Colleens, Singing, 102 W. 88. N. Y. Con ley. Anna A Effle, Bennett's. Ottswa, Can. Conu, Downey A Wllllard, Lyric. Sioux City, la. Conway, Nick, Family, Butte. Mont. Cooke A Mi«a Robert. Wesson's, Joplln, Mo. Cook, Joe, A Bro.. Empire. Peterson, N. J. Cook, Billy, Toreadors, B. R. Cook. Frank. Austin A Stone's, Boston, Indef Cooper, Harry L., Fay Foater, B. B. CoooibM, Frank. A Muriel Stone. U5 W. 108. N. Y. Core 111, Jack, Forepaugh-Sells. C. B. Corellls, 8. 25 Oowego. Beaton. Cossar, Mr. A Mrs., Family, Lancaster, Pa. Couthoul. Jessie, A Co., 8582 Harvard are., Chi •■ago Cosad. Belle A Barl, Bast Lak* pk., Birming- ham. Ala., Indef. Craig. Blcby. 885 8d Ave.. N. Y. Cra n '. Loug A Craine, Academy of Music, New- burg. N. Y. Crawford A Manning. 258 W. 43. N. Y. Creo. 1353 Broadway, N. Y., care Wilton. Crickets. Sept. 16. Orpheum, San Francisco, to Sent. 30. Creole Belles, Buda-Peath, Austria, to 8ept. 80. Creswell, W. P., Wonderland pk., Indlanapolla, Ind. Cronln. Morris. 21 Alfred pi., London. Culver A Foster, care Y. M. C. A., IBS LaSalle. Chicago. Cunningham. AL, 200 W. 44, N. Y. Cutty**. Musical. New York. N. Y. Dale. Dottle A Co.. Crystal. Martinsville, Ind. D'AlTlnl, Rocky Point, R. I., Indef. Duly A Devere. 115 E. 115, N. Y. Dslley Bros., 1878 N. Main, Fall Elver, Maes. Darrowa, The, 48 Front, Owego. N. Y. Day. Geo. W., Academy of Music. Montreal, Can. Davis, Floyd, Temple, Boulder, Col., indef. Davla. 11., Air-Dome, Murpbyaboro. 111., indef. Darts, Will, Majestic. St. Paul. Minn. Dsvls A McCauley. Grayling, Mich., indef. Davla, Roland, Fay Foater, B. R. Davla A Davis. Mlsa N. Y. Jr., B. B. D'Ort, Frank and Leonard, 5 Bealdensate, Dresden, Blssewlts, Germany. Dell A Miller, Hippodrome, Buffalo, Indef. Dell A Fonda. 295 E. Chicaso. Chicago. Delmar A Dexter, Groat Anaclm* Co., Terrs Haute, Ind., Indef. Belmont, Fred, Hagenbeck-Wallace, C. R. Delno Troupe. Hagenbeck-Wallace. 0. R. Deltons. Three. Jolly Grass Widow*, B. R. Delmore, Misses. Keith. Phi la. DeLaceys, Dancing. Dreamland, McKeesport. Pa. Delsphone, 54 Willoughby, Brooklyn. Do Mateo*, The, Hotel Fremont, Chicago. DeWitt, Burna A Torrance, 828 N. 45, Phlla. De Vay A Miller, 209 E. 14. N. Y. Deveau. Hubert, Bijou. Battle Creek, Mich. Delmore A Darrell, Novelty, Ogden, Utah. Demarast'* Equeatrlana, Hillside pk., Newark, N. J., Indef. Demarlo, Harry, Rlngllng Bros.. 0. R. Demlng, Joe, Sacquea, Waterbury, Conn. Diamond A May, Flscb*r'a. Loa Angele*. Indef. Diamond. Jas., Innocent Malda, B. R. Dlerlck Bros., Circo Boll, Mexico City, to Jan. 4. Dillae. Max, Rlngllng Bros,. C. R. Dixon. Bowers A Dixon, Garrlck, Wilmington, Del. Dixon A Fields, Travel; 16, Orpheum. Mlnne 'spoils, Minn. Doherty, Lillian, Ronachers, Vienna, Austria, to Sept 80. Dollar Troupe. Forepaugh-Sell* Bro*.. C. R. Donald A Carson. K.-P. 58th St.. N. Y. Doherty, Jim, High Jinks. B. R. Dot* A Lee. 422 W. 48, N. Y. Dowllng. John. Toreadors. B. A. Drawee, Frisco A Hambo. Palate B'Bte, Brus- sels, Belgium; 16, Scale. Antwerpln, to Oct. 31. Drew, Lowell, Lubln's, Baltimore. Md. Du Ball. Frank. Maryland. Baltimore, Md. DuBola, The Great, 2087 N. Main, Bridgeport, Conn. Dudley, 0. E., Crystal. Elwood. ind.. Indef. Duncan. A. O., V. 0. C. 147 W. 48. City. Dunedin Troupe, State Fair, Syracuse, N. Y. Dupree, Bob, Canvas. Provo. Utah. Indef. Dupree, George A Llbby, Palace Hotel, Chicago. Dupree, Lena, Conner*', Coney Island, N. Y., Indef. See explanatory note head of Routes. Earl. Virginia, A Co.. Cooke's, Rochester, N. Y. Earle A Bartlett. Ke.tb. Phlla. Barle, Burt. 5th Ave., N. X.. indef. Edmonds A Haley, 808 E. 80, Chicago. Edward*. M. A C. K.. Hippodrome. Buffalo. Indef. Edwards, Jennie, Bowery Burlesquers, B. R. Kldredge, Pre**, 11 Oxford Terrace, Hyde Park. W., London, Eng. Eiser. Carrie, Tiger Lilies, B. R. Eller, Glole, Fay Foater, B. B. Ellinore Sister*. Keitb. Phil*. Ellls-Nowlln 1 rio. IS rand, Syracuse, N. Y. Elliott A West. Crystal. Goshen. Ind. Ellsworth A Burt. Bijou. Racine. Wis. Ellsworth, 4. Tiger Lilies, B. R. Emery, Maude, 2110 E, Federal, Baltimore. Emerald Trio, 448 Central ave., Brooklyn. Emerson A Baldwin, Orpheum, Reading. Pa. Euuuett, Grade, Hammersteln's. N. l. Empire Comedy 4, Tlchys, Prague, Austria; 1C, Nell In 1. Hanover. Germany, to Sept. 80. Emperors of Mualc, Four. 431 W. 24. N. Y. Ergotti A King, Circus, Cinlselll Wsrsehsn. W. II Mall ftn Esterbrooks, Muslcsl. Miss N. Y. Jr., B. B. Esmeralda Slaters, Aards, Moscow, Russls, to Oct. 15. Eugene A Mar. Crystal, 1740 W. 1 »3d St., Chi- cago. Evans Trio, Howard. Boaton. Evans. Billy, Colonial Bellea, B. R. Everett, Jo*, Hargreave*. C. R. Everett, Ruth, Ideals, B. R. Everett. Sophie. A Co.. O. H.. Rockford. III. Fsrb A Hyams. 515 N. 6, Cincinnati. Farrell, Charlie, 882 Main, W. Everett. Mass. Farrell A Le Roy, Bijou, Bay City. Mich. Farrell. Billy, Moo* a Stoll. Eng. Farrell, Taylor Trio, Orpheum, San Francisco. Fay, Coley A Fsy, Empire. San r'rsnclweo, indef. Fay. Ray F., The Alamo. Cedar Rapid*, la., Indef. Faye, Elsie, Haymarket. Chicago. Felix. Mr. and Mrs., a Co.. Jamaica, L. 1. Ferguson, Dsve, Miss N. Y. Jr., B. R. Ferguson A Dupree. 818 E. 71. N. Y. Ferguson, Bsrney A Dick, Grand, Jollet, 111. Ferry, Bijou, Lansing, Mich. Fevoll. Frederick, O. H., Walden, N. Y. Fields, Will II., Lyceum, Cincinnati. Fllson A Errol. 122 So. Austin. Austin 8tstlon. Chicago. Fluk. Henry, 150 Potomac. Chicago. Fiaher, Mr. and Mrs. Perkins, Portland, Ont. Fisher A Berg. Rents-Santley, B. R. Flatow A Dnnn. 205 E. 14. N. Y. Flemen A Miller, Kentucky Belles, B. R. Flora. Mildred. Night Owls, B. B. Fletcher, Chas. Leonard. 121 W. 42, N. Y. Fogerty, Frauk, K.-P. 58th St.. N. Y. Forber, the Marrel, 158 W. 9. South Boaton. Mas*. Fords, Famous, Swisher, Morgautown, W. Vs. Forrest, Edythe, Innocent Mslds, B. R. Foster A Foster, Empire, Peterson, N. J. Foater, Geo., Central Y. M. C. A.. Chicago. Fax A Hughes, Empire. Boise. Idaho, indef. Fox. Will II.. Empire. New Cross, Eng.; 16, Empire, Stratford, Eng. Foote, Commodore, A Sister Queenle. White City, Chicago, Indef. Foster A Coulter. Rlverview pk., Chicago, indef. Franks, Two, Col* Bros., C. R. Franka A Franks. Robinson'* Shows, C. R. Frey A Allen, Ideals, B. R. Fredo A Dare. 207 B. 14, N. Y. Frederick, Snyder A Poole. 200 N. Gsy, Baltimore. French, Henri, Hopkins pk.. Memphis. Tenn. Frey Trio, care Chicago Evening Post. Chicago. Fmeto. Chaa., W. 8. Faribault, Minn. Futurity Winner. K.-P.. 23d St.. N. Y. Galando. 82 Summer. Brooklyn. Galea A Nelson, 101 Grand ave.. Brooklyn. Garden A Sommera. Toreadors, B. R. Gardner A Maddern, Myers Lake Casino, Canton. O. Gardiner Children, 1058 N. 8th. Phlla. Gardner, Andy, Bohemians, B. R. Gardiner A Vincent, Empire. Hackney, London. Eng.; 16, Empire, Holloway, L ndon, Eng. Gardner, Jack, Orpheum, Reading, Pa. Gartell Broa., 416 So. Main. Gloversvllle. N. Y. Gaasman, Josephine, Magdeburg. Germany, until Sept. 80. USE THIS FORM IF YOU HAVE NO ROUTE CARDS CARDS WILL BE MAILED UPON REQUEST