Variety (September 1907)

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24 VARIETY JOSE- PHINE SABEL 18 MAKING The Hit of Her Life Singing JEROME ft SCHWARTZ'S Greatest Irish Song MISS KILLARNEY MORA BAYE8 Is creatine a sensation with J. A S.'a Handle Me With Care FRANCIS, DAY A MITER 15 WmI 30th St. New York X Forward Addressed And stamped en- velope. No letters delivered At office without identification or written order. Bart, Jules (Mason A Bart). Calhoun. William. Carr. Eddie (Leutell* A Carr). Crane, Lawrence. Cunningham, Carl. Cunningham A D'lrrj (8). Demlng. Arthur. Donnellj, Henry V. Dow ling, Joseph. Emerson, Morton. rigf, Chss. Fisher, Chsrles. Ford, John. Fullam. Tom. Gilbert, John D. Qllllngwater. Claude. Golden, Jack. Grant, Alf. Greer, J. B. Harris, Chas. M. Keefe, Matt. Kelcy, Alfred. Lackey, Jas. Leontlna, Mile. Marie. Libbey, Jane. Macart, William. Manning, Grace. Mars. Grace. Mcara, Grace. Moore, Rhodes H. Nelson, Walter. Onrl Family. O'Roorke, Eugene (t). Owen, May A. Pearl, Tony. Qulgley, Helen. Rae, Frank. Sarli, Tony. Sully, Lew. Welch, Thomas. Wilson, Harry B. Wroth, Bd. Yorke A Adams. PHILADELPHIA By OE0RGE M. YOUNG. FORREST (Klaw A Brlanger, mgrs.).—With the exception of "Bubbles," a new species of "girl act" (New Acts), the Initial bill In Klaw ft Erlsnger's new playhouse was composed of sets which are familiar to vaudeville patrons, though one or two of the other, offerings had their first local showing and altogether they made up sn evenly balanced snd entertslnlng variety show. Rawson snd June were given the honor of being the first act shown In the new house and their norel act was much appreciated. Carlln and Otto make their best bid for favor with some psrodles and the dancing which finishes their set. Williams and Tucker are s pair of vaude- vllllans who have been missed here. Two of the three single sets scored the principal hits. Ar- thur Prince hsd an unquestioned success. It 1m not alone that Prince Is a clever ventriloquist, but even were be to use the dummy as a team partner for a regular vaudeville talking act, be would be equally successful. Mr. Prince was called upon to acknowledge an ovation at every performance. Edith Helena, no strsnger In vaude- ville, was another "single" who scored. She wss forced to respond to several encores. Klein, Ott Brothers and Nicholson made a strong im- pression In their strslght musical act. The quar- tet has a strong finishing number with a bit of comedy In it by the trombone player, which was a hit. Stuart Barnes has not made changes enough in his monologue to call for any distinc- tion, but got along nicely with the old stuff and a change of songs. Collins and Hsrt held down their usnsl position of closing the show In great shape. No set of Its kind approaches this In genuine, clean-cut comedy, snd they were ac- corded their ususl recognition. Animated pictures clcMed. KEITH'S (H. T. Jordsn, mgr.).—For the open- log of the regular sesson, this week's bill con- tained two new acts, while Eva Tanguay re- turned to repeat her "brain-storm" specialty. Jesse Lasky's "Robinson Crusoe's Isle" and Lucille Mulhall and "Her Ranch Boys," are the new sets. While the show generally pleased there wss nothing of distinct merit about it. The Four Fords scored as ususl. One of the boys Is showing some new steps snd still classes among the very best wooden shoe dancers. The Rlgoletti Brothers show s routine of familiar hand-balancing tricks, cleverly done, closing with a whirling ladder act which pleased. The laugh- ing hit of the bill was furnished by Friend snd Downing. The comedy member of the team has little or no dialect and is not funny, but wherever they get their parodies and talk, it Is good for laughs. Donald and Carson repeated their singing sketch "McLean's Dream," which via* well llk-id. Lind, the female impersonator, has msde some changes In his specialty, using a novelty in the scenic snd moving picture line for a finish. His Impersonation is still cleverly enough concealed to cause surprise when his Identity is disclosed. Msrle Walnwrlght again appeared in the silly sketch "Our Baby." it Is draggy and uninteresting. Miles and Rlcard hsve a number of good songs snd do well with them, although the man should restrain his msnnerlsms and gestures. Edwsrd Grsy remains among the three-a-dsy acts snd as usual shows no reason why some others should be given the preference. McCrea and Poole do nicely with their interesting sharp shooting. Mr. snd Mrs. Dick Tracy in a rural sketch snd Elesnor Blanchard, vocalist, were the others. ADD BURL SHOWS PHILA TROCADERO Fred Willson, mgr.).—The show given by the "Americans" is much the same as offered last year. There is plenty of room for Improvement. "Mixed Pickles" is still the burlesque with all the rough house slap-stick comedy retained. Will H. Ward Is featured this year In place of Jolly Zeb, playing the same role he did last year. In many Instances be ap- proaches very close to the limit line of broad comedy and it Is doubtful if some of it will pass the censor. The ststuesqne Moselle Is featured, having the principal female role which she handles only fsirly. Clarence Wilbur Is also featured, but has little chance to stand out, ex- cept In the number he leads, all the comedy being well worn. There sre two or three at- tempts at novelty In musical numbers, among them being a trolley car, merry-go-round and a boat formed by the girls with flags. Wilbur Dobbs handles the rustic school-teacher role cleverly, dividing what honors there were in the comedy line, while Msrty S. Ward, In a make- up like Hlgander Crane of the Crsne Brothers, draws a lot of laugh! In the school room scene. The costuming Is not particularly attractive and the girls, who are a listless lot, with two or three exceptions, make up In good looks what they lack In figure and dressing. The Sisters La Tour open the olio. Both appear to be suffering from colds. Moselle repeats her nosings ss a background for fancy lantern slides. The World's Comedy Four contribute their singing turn, besides working hard in the bur- lesque. "The Americans" have ample material for a good show, but It needs to be wblpped Into better shape than it is at present to please as It did last year. PEOPLE'S (Klaw ft Erlanger, mgrs.).—Henry Lee with Impersonations heads the second week's bill of "Advanced Vaudeville," presenting the same list of characters used on his recent ap- pearance downtown. It was s distinct novelty to the Kensington theatre folks, and highly appreciated. Nellie Beaumont and her "Eight Mad Marigolds" were featured. Since given its Initial showing at the Chestnut Street Opera House several weeks ago, several changes hsve been made which gives more action and helps considerably. The monologue by Miss Beaumont has been cut out and a singing number added, which does away with the draggy portion in the first part of the act. The girls, some of whom appear to be new since the last showing, worked smoothly, danced'gracefully and In al- most perfect unison. It Is a much Improved act and received hearty recognition. Keefe and Pearl, who were announced recently at Keith's but did not appear, proved one of the big hits of the bill here with their musical and dancing sketch. Finlay and Burke In their familiar com- edy sketch kept the laughs going while they were on. and Dewar's dogs perfomed their clever tricks to the delight of the children snd Interest of the older folks. James F. McDonald repeated his' monologue and singing, the latter being the best part of the aet. and Morris and Morris, English comedy acrobats, rounded out an enter- taining show. Business is reported as satis- factory. CASINO (Ellas ft Koenlg, mgrs.;.—Few alter- ations hsve been made bv Weber ft Rush In their "Bon Ton" extrsvaganxn company, the show be- ing practically a reproduction of the one given last year with "A Pousse Cafe" and "The Girl From Mars" as first part and burlesque. What changes have been msde, however, are for the better, and there is an Improvement throughout the show. Frances Clare and Guy Rawson sre again the principals, and they have better sup- port than last season. Miss Clare still retains the chlcness and attractive personality which made her such a favorite, and she showed some prety new dresses, opening in a Frenchy cos- tume of almost full length, which is new to her. She leads the principal numbers and scored a big hit with a "conversation duet" with Harry Woods snd "Monkeyland" with the chorus as support. Rawson leads one number and handles the principal comedy role in his usual style. The first part is cnmimoil of familiar bits, but it is capably handled by Rawson with the assistance of Harry Woods. Ben Pierce and Harvey Greene. The latter po^es as an automoblllst. snd by a habitual forced laugh, during his talk with Raw- son and Pierce, gives a better Imitation of an auto than he Imagines. Ben Pierce looks well and takes good care of his role, while Harry Woods plays a Hebrew with commendable re- straint. The chief contribution of Florence Louis Namety TAILOR 167 Dearborn St., Suite 612, CHICAGO BEST CLOTHES FOE THE BEST DRESSERS. "Coda* Rapids, la., July M. "Friend Louis: The suit yon mads for ma is good far a minute round of applauaa. Haw make me another, same style, only X want Us first pattern I picked out (the gray). "Yours truly, (Signed) "JOB WHITEHEAD." Moore, who appears new. Is to mske a fine ap- pearance, which she does In a green dress snd later in black tights. Gladys Carlvle assists in the comedy. She also makes an attractive figure in blue in the burlesque. The chorus is active and of good appearance. The costumes are prlu- < lpally the same as used last year, and have been given excellent care. Minnie Cook shows prom- inently for her good work in the chorus line and later contributes one of the best acts in the olio, as principal dancer in the "Girl in the Red Mask." The "Six Cocktails." an English Im- portation, assist In this set with fslr success. They also fill up the chorus, which probably ac- counts for the weakness in vocal strength, the girls being better dancers thsn singers. Woods and Greene, "the Ball Room Boys," open the olio. A topical song was the principal hit of this act, the opening talk needing, refreshing. The same fault lies with Ben Pierce, who is working alone this yesr. Pierce puts a strong finish *o his act with a burlesque vocal number and witn some new stories would improve. As it was he went very big. Rawson and Clare retain their sketch, "Just Kids," unebsnged with the excep- tion of the singing of "School Days" and new scenery, both of which Improve the act and it received its usual recognition with four cur- tains. The 'Bon Tons" bid fslr to continue the good impression msde last year, and business was big all week. GAYETY.—"The Golden Crook" was the at- traction which opened this bouse, which has taken the place of the Lyceum In the Eastern Wheel. "Dr. Balmey's Daffy House" snd "The Two Wrong Professors" are the titles for the bur- lesque numbers used with Dora DeVere, Masle Yale, Marie Rogers, Billy Buscb, Joe Conway, George Donaldson and a large chorus. The olio includes Yale and Rogers. Busch-De Vere Trio. Charles Ahearn, the White City Quartet, and there Is a special feature. "The Ballet of Roses," with Alvora as principal dancer. BIJOU (Lewis II. Baker, mgr. > .—Campbell ft Drew's "Avenue Girls," presenting the new- est version of "Tom. Dick and Harry," formerly used by Klekel. Watson and Wrothe, opened to big business here Monday. John Hanson, Joseph Emerson and Dave Conroy have the principal roles with Lorraine Dreux. Llbby Blondell and Marlon Alexander in the leading women characters. There is a large chorus and numerous specialties and musical numbers are Introduced during the action of the niece. AKRON. 0. NEW LAKESIDE PARK CASINO (Harry A. Hawn, mgr.).—The Casino was packed to the doors at both performances Labor Day. The bill Includes. W. T. Eckert and Emma Berg, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gorden. 1 he Three Troubadours, Zella and Ned Wayburn's "Nightingales." J. K. R. ALBANY. H. Y. PROCTOR'S (Howard Graham, mgr.).—S.R.O. each performance; Marie Lecea Brockman In the "Galnsboro Girl" made a decided hit; Mr. and Mrs. Gsrdner Crane. "Am I Your Wife," good; Seven Samois. whirlwind acrobats, excellent; Wm. Cabill, songs and stories, pleased; The Robinson Parquette Trio (colored), singers and dancers, good: Scheik Brothers, hand to hand balancing, fair, and Zano. GAIETY (H. B. Nichols, mgr.).—Crowded houses. Yankee Doo- dle (iirls with James F. Leonard keep the house In good humor from start to finish. EMP1RB (J. B. Rhoades, mgr.).—Season opened with Al. Reeves' beauty show. Andy Lewis, principal comedian, made good. NOTES.—Howard Gra- ham, resident manager of Proctor's, Albany, while stepping from the stage to a private box, fell into the orchestra pit and broke his leg this week.—The De Vole Trio. Roman ring experts, billed at the Mohawk, Schenectady, this week, When the Moon Plays Peek-a-boo With You" By That Writer— Fred Fischer— An- thor of 77 !? the Man in the Moon Were a Coon/' "I'm Going to ttt Myself » { i» »•»'« A »" By Wesley Hamilton. Fred Fischer Music Pub. Co. 1431 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. FRED FISCHER. NAT SHAY. were unable to go on yesterday or to-day, their apparatus having been lost in New York.—Ed- ward Walsh, for a number of years with Edwin Keough and company, is now on Weber A Rush's pay roll, being the property men at the Mo- hawk. Schenectadv. MARTEL. ATTLEBORO. MASS. TALAQUEGA PARK (R. H. Harrington, mgr.). —The bill this week Includes George Morton, wooden shoe dancer, clever: Edward Xlocum, ban- Jo player; Devene and Shulti, acrobatic comedy; 1 he Clevelands. clever team of sketch artists; the Musical llolbrpoks: Fostell and Emmett, Ger- man comedy and music, and Marlon Cleveland, "the little girl with the big voice."—BATES OPERA HOUSE (Josh E. Ogden, mgr.).—The Taylor stock company, with vaudeville, Includ- ing Marzelle Brothers, comedy acrobats; Hsrry Moone, the droll comedian; Ethel Hamerlck, novelty act; Dempsey and McKeena, ill. songs, ■aid the Taylor Stock Company Quartette. ASHLAND. PA. WOODLAND PARK (G. H. Gerber. mgr.).— The largest crowd of the season witnessed the performances on Labor Day. The bills Included Herbert Holcomb and Sue Smith, a big success; The Three Alronas. comedy acrobats, good; Coo- gan and Bancroft, skaters, made a hit; the Vy- nos. musical farmyard, went big; Stlney Straite scored bis usual success with ill. songs. NOTES.—The local G. A. R. Opera House opens September 9. Professor Jepbcott, who directed the orchestra for the past season, left last week and was replaced bv* Professor Farrell.—The Frank A. Bobbins shows exhibit here on Thurs- day, September 12. H. R. M. CLEVELAND. 0. KEITH'S (H. A. Daniels, mgr. Monday re- hearsal 10).—The headllner of the bill, Tom Nawn and comnanv. "Pat and the Genii," well liked; The. Boldens. colored singers and dancers; Gallettl's Monkeys; Mignonette Kokln gives a unique dancing specialty; Countess Olga Rossi and Monsieur Paul!, "During the Performance"; Clayton Kennedy and Mattle Rooney, comedy and dancing, clever; skit. "The New Reporter," has been here before but was enjoyed agsln; The Four Baltus. acrobats, are tbe best seen here for manv a moon. OPERA HOUSE (Harry D. Klein, mar.).—Dockstader and his minstrel com- pany the big drawing attraction. Tbe scenic effects and the costumes are good and costly. LYRIC (John J. Busher. mgr. Monday rehear- sal 10).—Opening day for the Lyric, which pre- sents "Twentieth Centurv Vaudeville." Tbe Four Onettls, European women gymnasts, do norel feats; Elmer, the foolish Juggler, good; The TH NEW I NEW YORK THEATRE The Representative American Vaudevllls Playhouse. KI a w & E r I a nger's ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Introducing Stars of All the Nations WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 9th OLLIE YOUNG AND 3 BROS. GRACE HAZARD. LONDON FIRE BRIGADE. CLAIRE ROMAINE. Owing to the unitorm importance of .11 the f eatnres. the names are given in the order of their appearance. Matinee Dally Concert Every Sunday DESROCHES AND BIANCA. JAMES J. MORTON. ESMERALDA. GUS ELEN. ALEXANDROFF TROUPE. "THE DERBY RACE" (A graphic moving picture of England's famous turf event.) hV When anawering advertisements kindly mention Variety.