Variety (September 1907)

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28 VARIETY ^ GEO RENO & CO GEO. B. RENO Assisted by Bessie Reno and Company of 3 THEMESmOX/S SXTCCESS Biggest Laughing Hit that Has Ever Played the Wintergarten, Berlin • . i Re-engaged for 2 Months Next Year- at Salary of o.OOO Marks » • 'Winter Garten* Berlin, until Sept. 30. Folios Marigny, Paris* Month of Oct. Sail for New YorR Nov. 7th. RETURN TO VAUDEVILLE FAMOUS COLBY FAMILY Better, Brighter, More artistic than everJ3| Address/ Getty Hous Yonkers, INI. Y make a very food bill. LYCEUM (R. H. Kel- ler, mgr.).— This is the second week at tbU house. The Gay Toreadors opened to two packed houaea. The attraction won favor from the start. Among the members of the company are Garden and Homers. musl<ul team: Bobby Harris, come- dian, and the singing of Olga Orloff were pleas- ing features. For the .last half of the week Yankee Doodle Girls. EMPIRE (W. F. Mc- Laughlin, mgr.).—Morlng pictures and 111. songs to good business. NOVELTY (W. C. Fleming, mgr.).—MoTlng pictures; business big. J. J. M. NEW LYCEUM (Eu- WA8HINGT0N. D. C. GAYETY (Wm. F. Clarke, mgr.).—The Bach- elor Club Burlesauers. a clever burlesque com- pany, opened to 8. R. O. Monday matinee. The usual burlesque is given. The leading laugh pr.v Tokers are Tom Coyne. Harry Hastlugs. Philip Apel. Frank Manning and Dan Evans, who keep the audience in continuous laughter. Both bur lesauee move livelv. Good musical numbers are rendered by Viola Sheldon, assisted by a cho- rus of pretty girls who are well costumed. The olio consists of Hill and Sylviany, who are fea- tured and who make a decided hit with a novelty cycling act. The Gotham Comedy Four stng sev- eral good songs and their voices are well blended: Gertrude, the whistler and imitator, was well liked. The Six Lancashire Lassies In songs snri dances were very good: Frank Manning in a little nonsense was given a warm reception; Margaret Ryan, singer, was liked.- gene Kernan. mgr.).—Whallen and Mart ell's High -School Girls were given a hearty welcome. The show opens with a pleasing burletta in two acts. "The Medicine Man." which la full of funny situations and Is amusing. The comedians are Mull Clark. Will Aswald. Harry Sutton. Several new and catchy musical numbers are rendered during the burlesque by Jeanette Young \nd Maida Dupree, accompanied by a neat look- ing chorus. In the olio are Bijou Comedy Four, good: Sutton and Sutton, comedy acrobats, clev- er: Young Buffalo, crsck shot, big hit; The Three Wioras, dancers, well liked; Jeanette Young, popular songs, well received, and Maida Dupree, coon singer, scored. Business good. LUNA PARK (Cbas. J. Good fellow, mgr.).—The attend- ance at this park is growing dally and many new and novel features are added to increase the at- tendance. The main attraction this week Is The Greater Washington and the Cefiue Bands combined in the Musical Shell and on the Hip- podrome stage the Cycling Cogswells, who are making a decided hit. Many large excursions are going to the park dally. All the river resorts closed Labor Day with a special program and tournament day and carried large crowds. CHEVEY CHASE (T. B. Claude, mgr.).—The main attraction is hand concerts by the U. 8. Marine Band and picture shows and dancing; to large crowds nlghtlv. GLEN ECHO (L. D. Shaw. mgr.).—Several new concessions have been added to this park in the last week, which la drawing large crowds. The Dive and What Is It are doing a good business. Chesapeake Beach and Luna Park close September 15. NOTES.— Geo. W. Rife and Tom Miner, who are directors of the Empire Circuit, made a flying trip to Washington last Friday evening to witness the opening of Miner's Dreamland Burlesquers.— Harry Martell of the Western Burlesque Wheel and owner of the Hlith School Girls company 1* spending the week in Washington looking over his show, the High School Girls, which is play ing the Lyceum this week.—Matt Kennedy, late of "Busy Issey" and who Is well known in bur- lesque, is spending a few days In Washington this week before Joining the High School Girbi in Baltimore next week.—Mr. E. D. Stair of Stair ft Havlln spent several days in Washington this week looking over his houses. He left for Cleve- land last Saturday night. BILLY BOWMAN, WATERBURY. CONN. JACQUES (Mr. Clancy, mgr.).—The vaudeville season was opened at this house Sept. 2. Although there was a raise in the price for the show, the opening bill did not justify such a proceeding by Improved quality. But Mr. Poll has a monopoly of the theatrical business In this city. The headline act was presented by John T. Kelly and company and was enjoyed. Sperry and Rav. with the aid of the spotlight man. made good: Paul Le CtoIx presented an interesting Juggling act: Almont and Dumont. In a musical act: Relff Brothers, a dancing team: Cook and Stephens, a comedy act; The Four Comrades, acrobats. GIRARD. WINNIPEG, MAN. DOMINION (Geo. & V. C. Kobold, mgrs. Monday rehearsal 10).—Week 26. A. K. Ca dera opens with an exceptional Juggling ac J. C. Roblsch and Mayme Childress in operat skit, well received; Deodato. Italian maglclai shows a number of new features, makes goo< Clayton. Jenkins and Jaoper. return visit wit burlesque. "Darktown Circus," good; Bobby Ga; lor, Irish comedian, popular: Golden Rod Quart drew big applause with a deserving musical tun BIJOU (Nash & Burrows, mgrs. Monday r hearsal 10).—Week 27. Big crowds. Nick Coi way, the Dublin entertainer, makes hit; J. Zo< boulakis. clav modeler and musician, pleasir turn: Mankln. contortionist, makes big hit, n turn visit; Jolly and Wild, comedians, mat good: Rawls and Von Kaufman, sketch, caui roars of laughter: The Three Millards well r ceived. the juvenile comes In for big share < annlause. 8. J. MORTON. YOTTNOBTOWtf. 0. IDORA PARK (Robt Cunningham, mgr.).- chalk Saunders, cartoonist: The Pendelton musical act: Harrington, ventriloquist; Carbrt Brothers, dancing act. best of the season, an Seymour's comedy dogs. AVON PARK (Jo Wess, mgr.).—Ada Wilkes and plckanlnnie Brown and Wright, dancers; Edna Earl, aoi brette: The Musical Russels. and The Pelett lasso experts. NOTE.—Idora Park will cc tlnne vaudeville until Sept. 14, while Av< will close 8. When anttwering advertisements kindly mention X RIETY.