Variety (September 1907)

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VARIETY »1 REPBE8ENTATIVE ARTISTS UBPRB»BNT/\TIVB ARTIST© ARTHUR PRINCE AMD TIM KLAW * ERLANGER CIRCUIT. PAULINE BERRY BERRY COMEDY MUSICAL DUO. OBPHEUM THEATRE, SALT LAKE CITY, WEEK SEPT. 9. ELSIE HARVEY Aeaiated by the FIELD BROTHERS. PROCTOR'S, NEWARK, WEEK SEPT. 9. BOOKED SOLID TO APRIL, 1908. FERNANDE MAY DUO IN/lclN/IAHOIM'S 16 Minute* in "ONE." EXCENTRIQUE MUSICEAUK. Nellie Seymour and Nestor Character SonffS and Ghanfes. ISO W. I16th St., Haw York. Phon* 8470 Mornin«-aide. Sam Sidman PRINCIPAL COMEDIAN COLUMBIA THEATRE. OAKLAND, OAL. BEN AND JOHNSON MARK WORLD'S OREATE8T COMEDY CYCLISTS. ' Two man, one straight, one comedy, and we are both rider*. That is a novelty for the variety. Address VARIETY, Chioaffo offloe, Chios*o Opera House Blook or per Route. Tbnv Ripley DE SCIENCE f MAN^ A. Sciervtif ic buncK of norvseixce irv orve Wri t e to, or pKorxe J<vck Lov,y ALL FOR FUN-FUN FOR ALL RETURN FROM EUROPE A LBURTUS and A LT US MIRTHFUL JUGGLERY VION & LOWE, Agents. Josephine Gassman AMD "PICKS.' ATLANTIC CITY for the Summer. From June to October. Amerioa'a T op r osoa taU io yodel singer, also novelty three-unffered violinist. HO OTHER ACT LIKE THIS. Conners • /*.< •■ »*; and JOSEPHINE'S VILLA. Aldert ECCENTRIC DANCING COMEDIANS. Sept S—Jamestown, H. Y. Sept. *—Younsatown, O. Sept. IB—Toledo, 0. Sept. 8S—Dayton, 0.. Cycling Cogswells OPEN TIME after Sept. 9th for BURLESQUE OR VAUDEVILLE. WEEK SEPT. 9tH, FOREST, PHILADELPHIA, PA. The Absolute Master NOW PLAYING K. <H E. CIRCUIT i BOOKED BY RICHARD PITROT JIM©. A When answering advertieementt kindly mention Variety. "THE MUSICAL BROWNIE" Booked Solid AUO. St, HOPKINS PARK, ST. LOUTS. MO. SEPT. 1, FOUNTAIN FERRY PARK. LOUISVILLE. KT. SEPT. 9, WHITE CITY, MEMPHIS. TEMH. Permanent Address, 161 W. 66th St., CHICAGO, ILL.