Variety (September 1907)

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VARIETY REPRCSCINTATIVB ARTIST© REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS Le AMD *• WARNING— "THE CAS AHEAD II BEHIND" IS OUR OWN ELEVATED HE BREU/ LEAH OFF DY " ALT. T. WILTON, AGENT. RAWSONi CLARE "JUST KIDS" Features with " Boa Tons** Address care Variety L PROGRESSIVE RAPID VIES ACRORATS uiei - Picaro Trio Week Sept. ft, Fair, London, Ont., Canada. y- JUD WILLIAMS ONE light comedian who oan REALLY la "oae." Too busy '^luggine;" my now OhapolU Music Co., Cadeago, to aooept •TNG. Etftoon minvtoo of sigh-elans and dloloot singing "I'D LIKE TO SQUEEZE YOTJ." published by 0. M. offer*. Eoal managers, please write. Hotel, Milwaukee, Wis. THC DANCING WONDERS BROWN! WRIGHT Management JACK I3VY, 140 W. 42d 8t., N. Y. City. HARRY TATE'S C°. FISHING. 'MOTORING INc England Australia Africa Jim and Jenny Jee World's Greatest Wire Artists sad Jumpers. SEPTEMBER 9, KEITH, SYRACUSE, N. T. mil TBI OBOIOIA IVlirLOWtR BOOKED SOLID IRVING BROOKS Plunging Into TEMPLER SAKE 67 Varieties of What? WHO CAM TELL ? Ask JACK LEVY , 140 W. 42d St. CSrAU?). New York ANNA AND EFFIE CONLEY " Ole Man Moon Girls " In Story-songs. Booked solid nntil Oct 7. Week Sept 9, BENNETT'S, Hamilton, Ont, Can, Sole management JACK LEVY. COMING EAST—THE BOYS THAT BET ALL LOBDON TALKING COLLINS IHAWLEY NEW BTTJTF NEW STUFF NEW STUFF Management ALF. T. WILTOB. HILL. CHERRY and HILL I ,'i Oraateet Norelty O osBOdy Unloyolo and Bicycle Riders. September 9, Electrio Park, Baltimore, Md. ««T HAT MINSTREL MAN'* w. i>. LTK1K8. aawewoswQMHrg Welsh Miller KING OF DOLLARS The wonderful dexterity displayed by this (prsst artist in palming any number of United States Surer Dollart, from one to thirty, and causing them to Appear and disappear at will, has excited the wonder and admiration of Europe.—-London Era. Management JACK LEVY KATIE BAEET The Chameleon Comedian Mr. HYMACK The ORIGINATOR off an ORIGINAL sot Will shortly visit America under Mr. Peroy 8. Williams' management "There Is st present bat one Mr. Hymsck; In six months thsrs msy bo s doses, sll Imitators, store or less clever, not one of whom would ever have thought of the thing (or himself."- "Tribune," August 29, 1807. WAYBURN'S NIGHTINGALES WatcK for them at PASTOR'S. WEEK SEPT. 16 When answering advertisements kindly mention Vabiett. BIG HIT EVERYWHERE