Variety (September 1907)

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34 VARIETY REPRESENTATIVE ARTIST® REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS AMERICA'S GREATEST WILD ANIMAL ATTRACTION. SPELLMAN'S PERFORMING BEARS sm„ m Number and Mills La Visre Bonnie Gaylord "THE GIRL FROM POSEY COUNTY." Addreae all communications to Tudor Cameron (Husband), oaro Cameron A Variety. WALTER, JR STILL WORKING FOR THE Weotern Statoo Vauderille Aeeooiation. • • Flanagan, par mat* in BOB STANTON - SANDBERG COMEDIANS—THAT'S ALL. ■oMRHxve SS S 55 HBBB 25 E5SBS 3E Curtis, Palmer AND CO. Presenting " MAMA'S DARLING BOY/' By AARON HOFFMAN wit* K~ A P., by our maaoot, Harry Loonhardt. Addreaa oaro VARIETY. YAVOLA WILLIAMS and iYlELBURN In a now aot. "The Miaatral and the Kali.*' Direetloa of JACK LETT. THE ORIGINAL KEELEY BROS. (Watob the Leua-h.) BOOKED SOLID FOB TWO TEARS E.-P. OTRCTTTT. THE PATRICOLAS Muiio, Aorobatioi and Dencin*. AddreM 7. B. M0RRD3, 1416 Broadway, Now York. EUGENE HOWARD AND HOWARD WILLIE (ORIGINAL) BR BOY AND THE THESPIAN •• BOOKED SOLID SEA80* '07-08 ON A TELLER, A»enta, SI W. Slat St., Now York. KETTH-PROCTOR AND WILLIAMS' OTRCUTTt. Have Your Act Illustrated ...Div... A Diagram Made of Your New Tricks ILL DRAW THEM FOR YOU Leo Carrillo BE ORIGINAL Ifvou are, this is the best orotection Address Care VARIETY QUEEN OF FEATHERED WORLD. ARZELLA ARRI VED A UG. SO ON KAHKt WILHELM DER OROBBE. Mgr. 9 MAX ROSE William Morrow and Yerda Schellberg lft MINUTES IN "ONE. la Charaotor Siaginff Comody Playlet "HAPPY'S MILLION." JAMES AND LUCIA COOPER In a now bunch of talk by GILROY AND McCREE. September IS, Star, Brooklyn. "Gee, Blutch made me laufh." 1ETY KNICKERBOCKER THEATRE BUILDING, NEW YORK CITY. CARDS OF ARTISTS UNDER THE HEADING OF " REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS " AT FOLLOWING RATES: 2 Inohea double ool., S20.00 monthly, net 1 -2 Inoh eoroaa page, 1 S.80 M M 1-2 Inoh alngle ool, f S.OO monthly, not 1 Inoh " 6.O0 " ■ 1-2 Inoh double ool, 0.00 " " 1 Inoh ■ 10.00 " ■ it 21.00 44.00 1 Inoh 2 Inohea L,avraJe>r Space Pro RatL No adTartiaement under thla heading aooepted for leaf than one month aad no preferred position SiTOB, Remittance mint aooompany advertisement* forwarded by maiL Cash dlaoount for 6 aad IS months. When answering advertisements kindly mention Variety.