Variety (September 1907)

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38 VARIETY REPRESENTATIVE ARTIST© REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS ▲ production. Ed.F.Reynard am ki« ruou W*km**i Week Bept. 9, Trent, Trenton, V. 7. MAY TULLY ■ CO. From the Legitimate to Vaudeville and «• •all BrUk. in *stof, look abb lutbm." Timo all Elinore Sisters Ml to of 1997-1. entitled Copyright OUaa B. XXO, Be. 999 xxe, He. ML of See. HOMAMB. jt/ooleb yob ever bawi TOY FLA1 nl OREENWAY CHAS. J. BURKHARDT with 7m T. GEO. MOZART April 1, 1997, Fiftee. Weeka, LONDON PAVILION Frankic Le Marche The Original Into •M and Life KOHL £ CABTLE CXBCUTr. BalnoudShaw BTJBLEBQTjE ECCENTRIC*. V. T. Hippodrome), indef. c*m*j* R.CmA«P5 Chris Richards EngUnd't Eccentric Comtdiin Sept. 9, Orpheum San Francisco JAMES J. MORTON Talkaloejue—Fooled o»ue—Laugheloejue—Monologue. Opened the) leuon this week At the Grand Opera Hon—, Brooklyn, M. Y. counts PALMETTO cVy a». f. ^tttto,. -not hariow nun.' TIE MIL ITALIAIS Lew * Millie Piotti H So. Margin WL, THX GREAT AJTD ONLY HELLO (>») A* aet that always f.My Goin* it alone onoe i »ood. What do and always think of that! Work i Ower of 1909-1907, with ■HOW. Season 1997-1999, TORI. ROAD eh PBOO- Great Scott THE LADDER KINO. SEPT. 9, HATHAWAY'S, LOWELL, "Village Choir" IV VAUDEVILLE Mill. MARIE LEONTINA The tWMt toned aoprano with the treat iddr—j oare Ti Haw Taik. Joe Cook - Bro. The J Berlin* Kida. JACK LETT. Agent. Lillian Tyce Orpheum Circuit, Sept. |, '97. Bob Van Osten Gartelle Bros. >m HOMER B. MARGUERITE MASON KEELER FONTAINE, BEAUCHAMP -nd FONTAINE Addreaa THE ASTONISHING GYMNAST A Genuine Novelty Ring- and Trapeze Act for Burlesque. AT LIBERTY. Address care Variety, Chicago Office, Chicago Opera House Block. Not "That" Quartet or "The" Quartet, hut A Quartet. Favorite TllWll of ARK WBL JOI DALY GAVIN, PLATT and PEACHES "THE BTOLEB KID. Harry Brown THE COLORED COMEDIAN AMD BOKO WRITER. la ■bPBBI Address "The Performer," 28 WELLINGTON BT., LONDON, W. O. Amorioan Agents, Wealey A Pinoee. GRAY «»GRAHAM IN VATJDETTLLE. tlive Your (art in VARIETY BILLIE REEVES ORIGINAL DETJNK Fred Karao Co., "A Night la Engliah Koala Hall." TIME ALL FILLED. Ein Ahead in Einem Amerikanisohen Tingle-Tangle Now Playtog Klaw A Erlanger for 90 Weeks. Sutton 1 Sutton "The Rube and the Living Pumpkin." (Copyrighted.) With "High School Girla Co.," LAND, Mgr. 7. Russell i Held THE LADT MAGNETIC ALE. T. WILTON. Agent. This Weak, K.-P., Jersey City* Mr. & Mrs. Jthi T. Powers "THE PLAYERS •• Bullivan-Conaidine tour nntll No vena her. Bfan- agement ALE. T. WILTON. ME. AMD MRB. TRUESDELL Time ell tiled. Address eare VAUDEVILLE OOMMBT 91MB, 147 W. 41th ft., M. T. Olty. THAT MATTTRAL TEW COMEDIAN WITH THE BIO VOICE. fRfD. RUSSELL 1097-09 wftfc When answering advertisements kindly mention Variety.