Variety (September 1907)

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VARIETY 17 Picchlanl Troop*. 104 E. 14, N. T., car* Pike. Lntir, Falrbaven. N. J. Piukhain, George, Orpbeum, New Orleans. planophlends, Albauibra, N. Y. Piper, franco, Albambra, London, En*., te Oct. 14. Porters, 3. 12 Notre Dame de Lourdes, Mon- treal, Can. Porter, Alice, Broadway Oalety Girls, B. It. Posner, Allan H., 486 Central Park W., M. T. Potter ft Harris, Dominion, Winnipeg, Can. Potter ft Ilartwell. Champagne Girls, B. R. Powers, Mr. and Mrs. John T., People's, Los An- geles, Cal. Power, CUetta ft Co.. Bijou, Osbkosb, Wis. Primroses, Musical, Star, Jeannette, Pa. Prltskow, Louis, Century Girls, B. R. Pryors, The, Orpheum, Portland, Ore. Psycho. Mils., Mananeld, 0., lndef. Qulgg. Mackey 4c Nlckerson, Grand O. House, Davenport, la. Quintette, K-P 58th St., N. Y. Radford ft Valentine. Oxford, London, Bng.; to Feb. 10. Rain Dears. Poll's, New Haven, Conn. Rainbows, Ragle, llagerstown, Md. Ramsey Sisters. 110-B. Nassau Ave.. Brooklyn. Raataa ft- Banks. Albambra, Paris, France, la Oct. l. Rawls ft Von Kaufman, 315 B. 14, Kansas City, Mo. Rsy, Fred ft Co., Orpheum, Oakland, Cal. Ray no, Al., Box 68, bbarptown, Marylaa*. Reded A Hadley, 270 W. 88, N. Y. Bedford ft Winchester, Doric, Yonkers, N. Y. Reed * Esrl. R. R. No. 8, Box 818, Los Angela*. Cal. Reed. Harry L., Washington. Buffalo, lndef. Reed, Sam E., Cole Bros.. C. R. Reed ft St. John. 454 Manhattan Ave., N. Y. Reed, John P., Bijou, Jackson, Mlcb. Reeves, Al, Reeves' Beauty Show, B. R. RelUy, Johnnie. 218 E. 11, N. Y. Remington. Mayme, Olympla, Chicago. Rennee Family, Bijou, Jackson, Mich. Renaelta, Bernard. Barnum ft Bailey; •>. E. Revere ft Ynlr, Champagne Girls, B. R. Reynolds, Abe, Miss N. Y. Jr.. B. B. Rlalto Comedy Quartet, Poll's, Hartford, Conn. Rlanos, Four, Poll's, Hartford. Conn. Rice ft Cohen, Hoboken, N. J. Rice ft Elmer. 828 Vine, Philadelphia. Richards, Chris, Orpbeum, Los Angeles, to Sept. 80. Richards. The Great, Family, Lebanon, Pa. Rich Duo, 215 E. 18, N. Y. Rio Bros., Tivoll, Dublin, Ireland. Rice. Fanuy, Utlca, N. Y. Rlnaldos, The, Hoop Rollers. Wonderland, Wheel- ing, W. Vs. Bitter ft Foster, Empire, Johannesburg. 8. A. Robert-de-Mont Trio. Majestic, La Salle, 111. Rogers ft Mackintosh. 121 W. 42d St., N. Y. Ronaldos. The. 138 Third. Detroit. Roblsch ft Childress. Garrlck, Burlington, la. Roblsou, Marcotte ft Co., 70 Poplar, Brooklyn, N. Y. Robinson-Parquette Trio. Keith's, Portland, Me. Robinson Crusoe's Isle, Sbea's, Buffalo. Rockway ft Conway. Majestic, Birmingham, Ala. . Rome. Mayo ft Juliet, Wason's. Joplin, Mo. Romola, Bob, Bijou. Davenport, la., lndef. Rooney ft Bent. Trent. Trenton, N. J. Rosalres, The, Bijou, Jackson, Mich. Ross, Clark, 1408 6tb ave., N. Y. Rosa Sisters. Providence, lndef. Ross ft Lewis, Empire, Dublin, 23; Liverpool, Bn «- 30 ' « , ■ ni Rosso ft Slmms, Bowery Burlesquers, B. R. Ronsek, Jack, Air-Dome, Leavenworth, Index, Russell, Fred, Bowery Burlesquers, B. E. Russell, Fred P., 23 Burwood. Omaha, Neb. Ryan. Zorella ft Dlan, Barnum ft Halley: 0. E. Ryan ft Richfield, G. O. H., Pittsburg, Pa. Sattler, Chas., Lady Birds, B. R. Savoys, The, Hagenbeck-WaUaca, 0. B. Saunders, Bennett's, London, Can. Sanford ft Darlington. 2422 So. Adler, Pbila. Salvaggla, 5, Miss N. Y. Jr., B. B. Ssvsge ft Kell, 67 So. Clark, Chicago, care Brown. Schaar Trio. 8130 Commercial Ave.. Chicago. Schell's, Mme., Lions. Circa Bell, Mexico oity, as Jan. 4, 1008. Schepp, Grover, Rolllckere, B. R. ucbnildllng, H. H., 174 Chicago Ave., Chicago. Schuster, Milton. Palace, Boston, lndef. ncott, Edonard, Grand, Reno. Nov.. lndef. Scott. Great, Moore's, Portland, Me. Scott, Mike, Ellis, Brockville, Ont.. Can. Salblnl ft Grovanl. 85 Princess road, Kensington pk., London. Sevengala. Stockton, Csl. Seymour ft Hill, Orpbeum, St. Psul, Minn.. 22. Seymour Bisters, 1840 Nicholas, Philadelphia. Seymour. O. G., ft Co., Lyric, Danville, 111. Shah Manek, Pastor's, N. Y. Shannons, Four, Utahna, Ogden, Utah. Sharrocks, The Empire, San Francisco, lndef. •harpa, Dollle, Family. PottavUlo, Pa., laded. Rhaw, Margaret. Hargreavoa, C. B. fthews, Aerial. Blngllng Bros.. C. E. Sheck Bros., Gotham. Brooklyn. Shelvey Bros., Novelty, Denver. C. Sherman ft Fuller. 858 N. 8, Reading, Pa. Sherman ft DeFore^t, Gayety, Brooklyn. Shipwrecked, Colonial, Lawrence, Mass. nhlrhart. Anson, Crystal, Detroit, lndef. Shone. Madelyn, Star, McKees Rocks, Pa. Short ft Edwarda, 07 Mldoagh. Brooklyn. Shrodes, Two, Orpheum, Brooklyn, N. Y. Sldman. Sam, Columbia, Oakland. Cal. Sldonlas. The Parisian Belles, B. R. Sllbo ft Emerson. 227 E. 25, N. Y. Simpsons, The Musical, Young'a Pier, Atlantic City, N. J. tmiths. Groat Aerial, Blngllng Bros.: C. B. Smith ft Arado. 820 Converse ave., B. St. Loala, 111. Suiltb, Larry, Trenton, N. J. Smith Bros., 66 Hawtborne, Hartford, Conn. Smith. Wm. M., Broadway Gaiety Girls, B. R. imytbe, Wm. H., Family. Bcranton, ladef. Snyder ft Buckley, Victoria. N. Y. OomsnarM, AL, ft M. Cook, Weat Blvor, Oi Bay, Wis. 8ommera ft Storke. Ideals, B. R. Homers. Zalmar, Pat White's Gsiety Girls, B. R. Sonnett, Annette, City Sports, B. B. Sopor, Bert, Star. Altoona. Pa., lndef. Spencer, Lloyd, Lyric, Houston, Tex., lndef. Spooler, Lew H., Empire, B. B Spaulding ft Dupree, box 285. Osslnlng, N. Y. SPISSCLL BROS. OX MACK COMEDY ACBOBATS. WEEK SEPT 16, MARYLAND, BALTIMORE. Stafford. Frank, ft Maria Stone, Dixieland. Jack sonvUle, Fla.. lndef. Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. W. H., 448 Oentrsl. Brooklyn. SUnley, Minna, City Sports, B. R. Stanley ft Scanlon, Wigwam, 'Frisco, Cal. Stanton ft Sandberg. 711 Orchard, Chicago. rttanta, Henry C, Hagenbeck-Wallace, 0. B. Stelnert ft Thomas, Auditorium, Pittsburg Pa. eierling Bros., John Robinson, O. B. Stevens ft Boehm, 828 B. 14, N. Y. St. Julia, M., Bijou, Winnipeg, Man., Can. Steger, Julius ft Co., Majestic, Cbicsgo. Stevens ft Keeley, Washington Society Girls, B. E. Stewarts. Musical. Bohemians, B. B. Stewart, Harry, Rose Sydell, B. R. St. Onge Bros.. 22 Portland, Worcester, Mass. Strickland, E. C, Family, Bllliugs, Mont. Stnsrt ft Keeley, 21 B. 14. N. Y. Stunulng Greusdlers, Orpheum, Kansas City, Mo. Sturgls, Ida. Imperials, B. B. Stutsman, Chas., Nlnewg pk.. Para, 111., ladef. anker. Cola Bros., U. B Sullivan, W. J., Bljoa, Jamestown. N. D., lndef. Sully ft Phelps, O. H., Fishkill, N. Y. Summers ft Winters, 5800 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Sunny South. Orpheum, San Francisco. Subers, Emlle. Orpheum, Salt Lake City, Utah, 23. Sutcllffe Troupe, Proctor's, Albsny, N. Y. Sullivan & Pasquelana, Orpbeum, New Orleans, La. Sutton ft Sutton, 160 No. Clark, Chicago. Sweeney, John 8., 452 Turner, AUeatowa, Pa. •yiow, il, rorepaugh-Sella, C. B. Tanean. Felix ft Claxton. 331 E. 93d St., N. Y. Tunna, Family, Blmlra, N. Y. Tarieton ft Tarleton, Hageaback-Wallace; O. R. Taamanlana, Four, Hagenbeck-Wallace; 0. ft, Taylor, W. B., Cole Bros.; C. B. Taylor, Tell. La Salle, Chicago, lndef. Tegga ft Daniel, 621 Soulard, St. Louis. Tenors, Four, Pat White's Gaiety Girls, B. R. Thor, Musical, Chester, Pa. Thome, Mr. and Mrs. Hairy, Hotel Braddock, N. Y. Thompson ft Carter, City Sports, B. B. Those 4 Girls, Olympic, Chicago. Tham, J. G., i Shonandoah, Pa. Tianita Midgets, Wonderland pk., Minneapolis, lndef. Tlddlewlnks ft Dugan. 508 Hudson, N. Y. Toledo Troupe, Novelty, Denver, Col. Tomklns. Wlllism, H. ft S., Toledo, N. Y. Torcst, 220 W. 39. N. Y. Toys, Musical, Lyric, Allentown, Pa. Travelle ft Landera, Chutes, Chicago, lndef. Trillers, The, Sldinnls, Clinton, Pa. Troubadours, 3, Majestic, Chicago. ' Truesdell, Mr. and Mrs. Howard, Orpheum, Read- ing, Pa. Trolley Car Trio, Hagenbeck-Wallaeo; 0. B. Trocadero Quartet, Dixieland, Jacksonville, Fla., lndef. Turn«nil. Nellie, pk., Detroit, Mich., indef. Tybell Staters. Sells Kioto. C. R. Tyee, Lillian, Orpheum, Omaha, Neb. Ceasems, The, Bellevue, Remlch, Lnxemboarg, to October 1. Units ft Paul. 820 La Salle St.. Ottawa, 111. Vagge's, Haymarket, Chicago. Valdare, Bessie, Tioupe, Orpbeum, Denver, Col. Valmore, Mildred. Toreadors, B. B. Valveno Bros., 107 B. 81, N. Y. Vaa Dlemon Troupe, Hagaabeck-Wallace; C. E. Vardaman. 270 W. 80. N. Y. Varno ft Valdere. Sella-Floto, 0. B. Vardon, Perry ft Wilbur, Crackerjacks, B. B. Vasco, Scale, Antwerp, Belgium. Tardier Trio, Coeor d'AIene, Spokaae. Wash.. lndef. Verlopa. The, Barnum ft Bailey; C. B. Viola & Engle, 123 Montauk Ave., Brooklyn. N. Y. Violets, Three, Marlon. Marlon, O. Vivians, Two, Columbia, Clnn., O. Waddell. Fred and May, Fountain Fenz pk., Louisville, Ky. Waller & Maglll, 0th and Arch St. Mus.. Phlla., Pa. Walters, Harry, care W. R.. 1558 Bway., N. Y. Ward Trio, 656 20th, Milwaukee. Walton, Fred, St. Jamoa. L. I. Walton. Irvln B., 121 W. 42, N. Y. Washer Brcs., Orpbeum, Cbllllcothe, O. Walsh-Lynch ft Co., Irwin's Big Shaw. B. R. Walsh, George, Toreadora, B. R. Ward Trio, 656 20th, Milwaukee, Wis. Washburn, Blanche, Broadway Gaiety Girls, B. R. Watson's Farmyard, Alhambra. N. Y. Watson, Jos. K., Rolllckers, B. R. Wayne, AL, West End. Green Bay, Wis. Webb, Josle, Tiger Lilies, B. B. Wentworth, Vesta ft Teddy. 200 Pratt, Merlden, Conn. Webb, Harry L., Beatrice, Neb. Webb. Mabel. Pat White's Gaiety Girls, B. B. Weah'e Scale, Oapt., Forepanga Salle ENS.I a E. Weber, Chas. D., Bowery Burlesquers, B. B. Weber, John, Broadway Gaiety Girls, B. B. Wells, Psuline, Parisian Widows, B. B. Wentworth, Vesta ft Teddy, 200 Pratt, Merlden, Conn. , West, John A., 161 W. 66, Chicago. Wast ft Benton, Oak Park, Sacramento, ladef. West. Drsne ft Co., Empire, Springfield, III., lndef. West, Harry. Washington Society Girls, B. B. Weston, Emma, Empire, B. B. Weston, Willie, Hammerateln's, N. Y. Whalen ft West, Empire Palace, Edinburgh, Scot- land; 23, Empire Palsce, Glasgow, Scotland. Wharton ft LeBoy. 161 Klnslo. Sampson Co., Chlcsgo. Wheeler Children, 2814 N. 25, Phlla. Whelan ft Searles. 805 W. 42, N. Y. White, Ed. ft Rolla, 502 B. 78. City. White, Tom, Lady Birds, B. R. White, Pat., Pat White's Gaiety Girls, B. R. Whltie. 84 Glen wood Rd.. Somervllle. Maes. Whittle, W. E., Maryland, Baltimore, Md. Whitehead, Joe, 84 E. Adams. Chicago. Whitehouse, The, travel,; 23, Columbia. Cincin- nati. Whitman, Frank, Lyric, Dayton, O. Whitman Slaters ft Willi* Bobtns—, 188 To* noMeo ave.. Atlantic City, N. S. Wilder, Marshall P., K.P., Newark. Williams ft Mayer, 808 W. 08. N. Y. Williams, C. W., 8818 Jamaica, Blchmond Hill. L. I. Willlama, Richard, Colo Bros.. C. B. Williams, Sam, Proctor's, Albany. N. Y. Williams ft Melburn, 188 Gregory, Rochester, N. Y. Wlllard ft Bond, Shubert, Newark. Wlggans, Joe, Imperials, B. B. Wilson Bros., May wood. 111. Wilson, Tony, Helolse ft Araaoroa Sister*. 1 Prima rd., Brixton, London, 8. B.. Bng. Wilsou, Alf. ft Msbe, Trocadero*. B. B. Windom. Parlo, Colo Bros., 0. B Winston's Seela. Barnnsa ft BaUey's Show. Wolff Bros*., Clrco Bell. Mexico. Wolfing'■ Stallions. Blngllng Bros.; 0. E. Wood Bros., 207 E. 14, N. Y. Wood, Balph, Lyric. Ft. Smith. Ark., ladef. Woodward, V. P., 107 B. 81, N. Y. Wood ford's Animals. Rose Sydell, B. R. World ft Kingston, travel; Orpbeum. Minneapolis, Minn. Work ft Ower. Shubert, Ctlcs, N. Y. Yackley ft Bnnnel, R. F. D. 6, Lancaster. Pa. Yalto Duo, Empire, San Francisco, lndef. Yerxae, The, Forepangk-Sella; C. ft. Yomamato Bros., Emerald. Adams Co., O. Young ft Brooks, Lyric, I>nnvllb\ 111. Young, OUIc and Bros., 50 Euclid, Columbus, O. Young, Harry C, Lady Birds, B. R. Zamloch, Grand, Tacoma, Wash. Zaraa. 4. 104 W. 40. N. Y. Zasell-Vernon Co., Poll's, Bridgeport, Conn. Zenda, Parisian Widows, B. R. Zeno, Bob, 848H 1. Portland. Ore. Zimmerman, AL. Empire, B. B. Zobedle, Fied, Forepaugh-Sells. 0. B ADDITIONAL ROUTES TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION American Newsboys' Quartette, Star, Elgin, 111. American Dancers, Six, Sbeedy's Fall River, Mass. Comrades Four, Colonial, Lswrence, Msss. Cunningham, Bob ft Daisy, Orpheum, Cbllllcothe, Ohio. De Lisle. Mae. Colonial Belles, B. R. Duffy, Thos. H., Academy Hotel, N. Y. Dunn, Maud, Bennett's, Montreal, Can. Duprez, Fred, Star, Seattle. Wash. Eckhoff & Gordon, Poll's, Worcester, Mass. Elwood, Dean Benton, Avenue. Duquesne, Pa. Faust Bros., Family, Butte, Mont. Flood Bros., Empire, London, Bug., Nov. 2. Forrester, Sidney, Star. Seattle, Wash. Fox, Jack, Dominion, Winnipeg, Can. Fernande May Duo, Majestic, Madison, Wis. Golden ft Hughes. Bijou, Kenoshs, Wis. Helena. Edith, Academy of Music, Montreal, Can. Hylands, Three, Lyric Alrdome, Beaumont, Tex. Hickman, Eugene, P. O. B. 320, Bowie, Tex. Leontlna, Marie. 17 E. 97, N. Y. Majestic Musical Four, G. O. H., Syracuse, N. Y. Masons, Four, BIJou. Green Bay, Wis. Mason & Shannon, 1061 Lexington, N. Y. Morton & Elliott, Appolo, Paris, France, to Sept. SO. McBreen, Billy, ft Bro., Gaiety, Galeahurg, 111. Mack & Worthley, Armory, Blnghamton, N. Y. giilnn, Mike. 23. Bijou, Winnipeg. Can. Itcda ft HmImi. Olympic, South Bend, Ind. Raleigh ft Harrington, Orphium, Marietta, O. Raymond. Edith ft Frank, Clrco Bell, Mexico, to Oct. 20. Stutzman & Crawford. Keith's, Columbus, O. Splllera, Musical Bumpers, Novelty. Brooklyn. Sinter ft Finch, O. H., Iowa City, la. Symonde, Jack, Family, I/chanon. Pa. Tlppel ft Kllment, Broadway. Mlddletown, O. Woods .V Woods, Lyric, Lincoln, Neb. Zanoras, Cycling, Crystal, Rock Island, 111. CIRCUS ROUTES Barnum-Bailey.— Leavenworth, Ka»., 18; At. hi son, 17; Chllllcothe, Mo., 18; Usnnibal, 18; Mo berly, 20; Marshall, 21; Kansas City, Mo., 23; Ft. Scott, 24; Springfield. 20; Joplin. Mo., 26; Parsons, 27; Pittsburg, Kan., 28; Ottawa, Kan., 30; Emporium, Oct. 1; Topeks. 2; Clsy Center, 3; Bololt. 4; Sallna. 5; Hutchinson, 7; Wichita, 8 (all In Kansas). Buffalo Bill Grafton, W. Va., 16; Clarksburg. W. Vs., 17; Psrkersburg, W. Vs., 18: Marietta, 0., 18; Athens, 0., 20; Charleston, W. Va., 21; Portsmouth, O.. 23; Huntington, W. Vs., 24; Ashland, Ky.. 25; Mt. Sterling, Ky., 26; Lexing- ton, Ky.. 27; Louisville, Ky., 28. 4 Paw-Bella Bros.—Hoopeston, 111., 16; Tus- cola. 111., 17; Mt. Vernon. 111., 18; Marlon, 111.. 10; Cape Girardeau, Mo., 20; Carutheravllle, Mo.. 21; Rogers. Ark., 23; Neosho, Mo., 24; Webb City, Mo., 25; Lamar, Mo., 26; Rich Hill, Mo.. 27; Paola. Kan., 28; lola, Kan., 30; Coffeyvllle. Kan., Oct. 1; Independence, Kan., 2; Ponca City. Okla., 3; Paul'a Alley. I. T.. 4; Ardmore. I. T., 8. Pawnee Bill.—Rocky Ford, 16; Trinidad, 17; Raton, 18; La Vegas, 10; Santa Fe, Albuquerque, 21; Scorro, 23; Silver City, 24; Doming, 25. Blngllng Bros.—San Francisco, 18 to 16; Ssn Jose. 17: Stockton, 18: Fresno, 18; Vlsalla, 20; Bakersfleld. 21 (all In Cal.). Frank A. Robbina.—Shlppensburg, JPa., 16; Cbambersburg, Pa., 17; Waynesboro, Pa., 18; Gettysburg, Pa.. 19; Westminster, Md., 20; Em- mlttsburg, Md., 21; Louisville, Ky., 28. Sella-Floto.—Rockdale, 16; Taylor, 17; George- town, 18; Austin, 18; San Marcos, 20; New Braun- fels. 21; San Antonio, 23 (all in Texas). BURLESQUf ROUTES WEEK SEPTEMBER 16. When not otherwise indicated, "L. 0." after a show indicates it ia "laying off." American, 16-18, Jacoba, Peterson; 18-21, Star, 8cranton. Avenue Girls, Eighth Ave., N. Y. Bachelor Club, Gsyety, Columbus. Bebman Show, Murray Hill, N. Y. Blue Ribbons, Majestic, Kansas City, Mo Bohemians, Lyceum, Wanning ton. Bon Tons, Waldman's, Newark. Boston Belles, Gsyety, St. Louis. Bowery Burlesquers, Garden, Buffalo. Brigadiers, Bon Ton, Jersey City. Brosdway Gaiety Girls, People's, Cincinnati. Bryants, Harry, Gayety, Milwaukee. Casino Girls, Gsyety, Philadelphia. Century Girls, Dewey, Minneapolis. Champagne Glrla, Star, St. Louis. Cherry Blossoms, Acsdemy, Pittsburg. City Sports. Gsyety, Detroit. Colonial Belles, L. O., 16-18; Gsyety, Albany, 18-21. Cracker-Jacks, 16-18, Empire, Albany; 19-21, Em- pire, Holyoke. Dainty Duchess, Euson's, Chlcsgo. Dreamlands, Dewey, N. Y. Empire Show, Star, St. Paul. Fay Foster. 16-18, Terre Haute; 19-21, Indian- apolis. Girl from Happy land, Gayety, Birmingham. Golden Crook, Gayety, Washington. Crass Widows, Buckingham, Louisville. High Jinks. 16-18, Evansvllle; 19-21, L. 0.; 16. Empire, Chicago. High School Girls, Trocadero, Philadelphia. Ideals, Empire, Chicago. Imperials, Avenue, Detroit. Innocent Maids, Star, Toronto. Irwin's Big Show, Palace, Boston. Jersey Lilies, Westminster, Providence. Jolly Girls, Star, Milwaukee. Kentucky Belles, Imperial, Providence. Knickerbockers, 16-18, Bijou, Readlug; 19-21, L. <).; 23, Gayety, Phlla. Lady Birds, 16-18, Des Moines; 19-21, St. Joe. Lid Lifters, L. O., 23, Majestic, Kansas City. Majesties, Corinthian, Rochester. Masqueraders, Gaiety, Brooklyn. Merry Maidens, Monumental. Baltimore. Merry Makers, Theatre Roysl, Montreal. Miss N. Y. Jr., Folly, Chicago. Morning Glories, Star, Brooklyn. New York Stars, Lyceum, Boston. Nightingales, Howard, Boston. Night Owls. Casino, Philadelphia. Orientals, Lafayette, Buffalo. Parisian Belles, 16-18, Indianapolis; 19-21, L. O.; 23. Folly. Chicago. Parisian Widows, Empire, Cleveland. Pat White's Gaiety Girls, Bijou, Phils. Beeves Beauty Sbow, Olympic, Brooklyn. RelUy ft Woods, 16-18, Lyceum, Troy; 19-21, Gayety. Albany. Kent/. Sunt ley. 10 18, L. O.; 19-21, BIJou. Read- ing. Rlalto Rounders, London, N. Y. Rice ft Barton, Greenwalds, New Orleans. Rollicking Girls, 16-18, Star, Bcranton; 19 21, Jacob's. Psterson. Rose Hill. 125th St. Music Hall. N. Y. Rose Sydell, Empire. Toledo. Runaway Girls, Standard, Cincinnati. Sam Devere's, L. O.; 23, Eighth Ave.. N. Y. Scrlbner's Big Show. 16-18, Court Sq.. Spring- field; 19-21, Empire, Albany. Star Show Girls. Bowery, N. Y. Strollers. Met. O. II., Duluth. ' Thoroughbreds, Columbia. Boston. Tiger Lilies, Colonhtl, Cleveland. Toreadors. L. O.; 23, Bowery, N. Y. Trans-Atlantic*. Trocadero, Chicago. Trocadero*, Gayety, Baltimore. 20th Century Maids. Gotham. N. Y. Vanity Fair, Gayety, Indianapolis. Washington Society Girls, 10 18, Gayety, Albsny; 19-21, Lyceum, Troy. Watson's Borlosqners, Century, Kansas City. World Beaters, Gayety. Pittsburg. See explanatory note head of Routes. See explanatory note head of Routes. See explanatory note head of Routes. See explanatory note head of Routes.