Variety (September 1907)

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VARIETY 35 REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS OH —— HATTHEW8 AND ASHLEY. GREAT BIG HIT in absolutely the GREATEST SHOW ever seen on Broadway "EVEN WILLIE HAMMERBTEIN LAUGHED.' A SMASH-UP IN CHINATOWN. EOoEoUviJOTlPW^ Qq ObD PiSOBKfDflo MAXIM No. 25 How many of ub live In the "land of going o do and die with nothing done"? How many k««mI w o lat fowa ure born with the rising sun, augmented at high noon, fall aaleep through the twilight, and pass away like shadows Into the night? Do it To-day or leave undone. To-day la forever. To-morrow will never come. 114 W. 40th St.. or Wilton, the Agent. CLEANEST AND MOST AUTISTIC OF ALL COMEDY GYMNASTIC ACTS. ftHH Greatest Living Gymnasts. Acne of Gvnnastic Comedv Turin* France and Italy ADDRESS PARI VARIETY, 49 BTJPERT ST., LONDON, W. (ENGLAND). Robert-DeMont Trio COMING EAST Aorobatio Comedy—'FUN IV A HOTEL." ALT T. WILTON, Agant. St. James Building, Nrw York. HAVE YOUR CARD IN VARIETY BESSIE WYNN In Vaudeville DcVcldc & Zekto .Artistic (equilibrist REID THAT SISTER ACT SISTERS The Prettiest, Daintiest and Best Aorobatio Dancing and Singing Aot in Vaudeville. Always WORKING. JACK and CLARA GOOD COMEDY AOT OPEN FOR BURLESQUE. BOTH PLAY PARTS. ADDRESS CARE VARIETY. "NIT" in Vaudeville "HIT" A Hebrew Monologue without the full beard Lyric Theatre, Dayton, Ohio, Week Sept. 9 IN NEW YORK TOWN" CO.) OLLIE YOUNG «. 3 BROTHERS The Headliners of Hoop Rollers. The Big Hit at the New York Theatre This Week. PROPERLY MATED TWO REAL HUMAN HEBREWS MARK JOS AND In a screamingly funny act written for us by the Hebrew and the Dago BEN WELCH. The West claimed us first so we're going to stick. Permanent address, care VARIETY, Chicago Office, Chicago Opera House Block. MaDell - Corbley ALF. T. WILTON, Director. Some Artist* work for K. St E. Some Artist* work for K. & P., Where'er we go; where'er we be, The qurhtion it financially Who Pays the Biggest Salary? ST. JAMES BUILDING. N. Y. Mr. s Mrs. Frank E. Terrill IN THE MILITARY MUSICAL COMEDY, "A DAY IN CAMP" Special Scenery and Effects. MYERS & KELLER, Agents, Shubert Building, 39th St. and Broadway, N. Y. HIGH CLASS Instrumentalists and Vocalists 1,000 lbs. excess baggage carried and used on the stage in this act rWO MfNf ONE WOMAN CHRIS O. BROWN, 67 80. CLARK ST., or Charles Hart, 2403 West Ontario St., Chicago, 111. When answering advertisements kindly mention VARIETY.