Variety (September 1907)

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VARTETY 21 Will tossiters (OMItK CHICAGO, 8ATTFSDAT, SMPT 81. Mamie Harnish The little artht with "Those Laughing Eyes" is featuring WILL ROSSITER'S INDIAN BONO "HIT" "NAPANEE" Ambitious writer* needing- inspiration should ■ee Miss Harnish. Prof, copies free. WILL KOSSITER 158 LAKE ST., CHICAGO. ALL KINDS OF ACTS FOB AmboyTbeatre, Perm Amboy, N.J. t SHOWS daily. Can nse big- "break-in" acts. For time, address DAVID B. KEITH. 41 W. 24th St.. Hew York fink t onion Tailors 1S66 BROADWAY, NEW TOBK. Formerly with Max, Marx. Telephone 4467 88th St. Platon Brounoff VOICE CULTURE AND COACHING. Good lingers for vaudeville and opera always on hand. Shubert Building, 88th St. and B'way, New York (Boom 408). National—Rochester Bastable Syracuse New Lyric Rome Davidson CanandaIgua Foster—Fulton Pratt—Albion FOR TIMS S.S.NIAY WRITER OF PLAYS AND SKETCHES Author Of "A TRAVELLER'S ROMANCE"; "TWO OF A KIND." etc. ALSO WBITEB OF SPECIAL MATERIAL. 68 Wall St. (Boom 81), N. Y. City. MAY NEVADA Assisted by ALGEBNON EDEN, In Her Farcical and Character Change Act, "THE MA8QUBRADBRS" Management of LOUIS HALLETT. Room 427. Knickerbocker Thentre Annex lUdg., N. Y. City. Will not conflict with any oilier style of act. Positive hit on any hill. ABTHUB J. GBACE McWdttcrs'«Tyson Specially engaged by Mr. Geo. W. Lederer for his stupendous production "The Girl Bangers," Auditorium, Chicago. day and was excellent. NOTE.—Vaudeville will not be a regular offering at this house, ouly st tiroes. SCENIC (II. C. Young, mgr.).—Week 10: Jack and Birtha Rich are clever song and dance artists; Jack Welch has a good blackface monologue; Nellie Burt pleased in songs; Jhb. Trsvers sings some lste ill. songs. The moving picture* are excellent. Picture* chauge on Thurs- day. ' WILLIAM II RHODES. HAZLETON, PA. FAMILY (Harry Knoblauch and Harry Heraker, props.).—Murphy. Whitman and Compauy, head- liner*, "Old Frlenda." very good act; Mosarto, musical act, best of his class ever in city; Can- tor and Curtis, alnglng and dancing artist, sing- ing is weak, dancing good; De Mara Brothers, tomedy acrobats, good; and I). F. Da vies. ill. songs, good. RAY T. DRUM. HOBOKEN, N. J. EMPIRE (A. M. Bruggemann. mgr. Monday rehearsal 10).—John C. Rice and Sallle Cohen and Sydney Deane and Company about evenly dividing the honors; Apdale'a Animals very prominent; others are: Lavlne-C'imaron Trio, comedy acro- bats, very clever; Hanson and Nelson, singing and dancing comediennes, pleased; Foster and Foster, clever pianists and good singers; Cook Brothers, jugglers, good; and Frances Knight, singer, neat and pleasing. JOHN KAY. INDEPENDENCE, KANS. AIRDOME (W. Rex Bell, mgr.).—The Ferris Comedians, 1 to 15, capacity taxed. THEATO- KIUM. LYRIC and VAUDETrK.— Moving pictures and ill. songs; good business. J. P. McBRIDE. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. NEW GRAND OPERA HOUSE (Shafer Zleg- ler, mgr. Monday morning rehearsal 10).—The second week of the season at the beautiful New (*rand had rather a light hill to offer. The comedy ponies and clown donkey "Maude," ex- hibited by Cliff Berzac, carried away the honors of the show. Lalla Selbini, dainty, pretty and artistic, appeared In her "bathing girl" act, dis- playing her graceful figure and showing a few feats on the bicycle, and some juggling stunts. She was well liked by the audiences. Mary Du- |K>nt and Company did fairly well in their sketch. "A Lenp Year Lean"; Masslas O'Connor's hand tricks were entertaining; Flo Adler and James J. Cullen, in their respective singing turns, won plenty of applause, and Henderson and Ross, who opened the show, filled in their allotted ten minutes without doing much of anything worth while. Charles Sharp's monologue was not up to much, but, with the aid of his trusty saxophone, he got away with his act. and managed to "pass the examination." MAJESTIC (E. J. Frlbley. res. mgr. ). —Three shows a day. The hit of the hill was "Love a la Mode," a musical comedietta given by Edith O'Reilly. Adela Ferguson and Harry K. Richards. Armstrong and Holly, in their farcical sketch. "The Expressman." went well with the audience, and the other contribu- tors to the program were the Three Liviers. nov- elty acrobats; Belle Belmont, halladlst; Wayne Crlsty, monologist. and W. R. Butler, with 111. songs. EMPIRE (Harry Drury, res. mgr.).— Lotilse D'Acre, popular among burlesque-goers here, turns up again this week as the bright par- ticular star of "The Parisian Belles" and re- ceives more applause in her specialty In the olio than anything else on the hill. (JAYETY (Bdwttd Shayne, mgr. ).— "Vanity Fair" has a good big chorus this season nnd the girls are pretty and shapely. If It were not for these energetic chorus folk the show wouldn't amount to much. L. W. KANSAS CITY, MO. SHUBERT (Walter Sanford. mgr.).— The bill for the third week of "advanced vaudeville" Is distinctly entertaining, including Lee Harrison and his Broadway Clrls. headllner. hit; Julian Rose. Hebrew story teller, good; Sa-Heras. en- tertains; (Jeo. W. Monroe, monologue, pleases; Mosher, Houghton and Mosher, cyclists, hit; J. Francis Dooley, singing and dancing, good; Radle Furniau, singing comedienne, pleases; Willie Hale, acrobat, bit. ORPHEUM (Martin Beck. gen. mgr.).—A good bill Is offered for this week and from start to finish there is not a dull moment. "The Stunning (Jrenadicrs" are splendid; Ye Colonial Septette, pretentious musical offering, hit; Emll lloch and Company In "love's Young Dream," big hit; (Jartelle Brothers, roller skatprs. good; Murphy and Francis, singing and dancing, please; Scott and Wilson, comedy acrobats, very good; Four Arconls, gymnasts, please; Stlnson and Merton. In "A Bunch of Nonsense." good. CENTURY (Jos. R. Donegan. mgr.).—"Wat- son's Orientals," clean burlesque and vaudeville. Next: "Lady Birds." MAJESTIC (Clint Wil- son, mgr.).—Hyde's "Blue Ribbon Clrls." good show. ELM RIDGE.—Annual Inter-State Fair Sept. 23 to Oct. S. NOTES.—Electric Park closed Its season Sept. 15. The management claims to have lost greatly with Its new park on account of being refused a liquor license and because of bad weather. FAIRPLAY. LAWRENCE, MASS. COLONIAL (J. Fred Lees. mgi\>- Dalley Brothers, equlllbrlstle noveHy. good; Lillian I*e- Roy, straight singing, fair; Fetching Brothers. In "The Musical Flower Garden," very pretty and went well; Billy Beard, blackface monologist, pleased; Henry Horton, assisted by I»ulse Har- denburgh and Company. "Uncle Lem's Dilemma." good; Clark. Bergman and Mahoney. singing and dsnclug. very good: F«ur Comrades, comedy ac- robats, good. LYCEUM (Wm. H. Gallagher. mgr.)—Dollle Clifford, Golden Star Dnrlesquers. Big musical first part by company. Olio: Crames and B«verley. singing and dancing, very good; Wesslcv N'orrls, pleased; Dollle Clifford, ill. SOOgs, fine. JOHN J. JOYCE. LIMA, OHIO. ORPHIUM (Will G. Williams, mgr.).— Fravlola and Grey, cyclists, good; (Hies W. Harrington. singing and talking, pleased; DeMonde and Dins- more, comedy and singing, good. The ■ singing through megaphones Is new here sud msde a hit. Radcllffe aud Belmont, sharp-shooting, tine. The Three Violets, singing, well received. Isa- belle Parkerson, ill. songs. L. F. WAKEFIELD. LONDON, CAN. BENNETTS (J. D. Elms, res. mgr.).—Duryea and Mortimer in "The Impoaier," repealed suc- cess. The Belloug Brothers, cycle, excellent with thrilling finish; "The Village Choir," pleased greatly; Florence Sauuders, soprano, good; Zlska aud King, comedy magicians, well liked; I>erre and Elmer, eccentric dance, a hit. Rest average. The Banks Breazeale Duo—owing to Illness of Miss Banks, her partner appeared alone and re- ceived tlattering reception. Brown and Wright, dancers, good. M. G. HUSTON. LOWELL, MASS. HATHAWAY (John I. Shannon, mgr.).—Joy and Clark, "The Fountain of Youth," very funny; The Makarenko's Russians, gypso duo, scored a hit; Grant aud Hoag. hurlesque on rural drama, good; Mr. and Mrs. Fired Lucler In "A Rustic Romeo," good; Olga Lorraine, comedy, scored a hit; Wesson, Walters and Wesson, "Hotel Repose." very good. BOSTON (J. 11. Tlhbetts, mgr.).—The season of 1007-8 was opened vesterday afternoon with S. R. O. with burlesque aud vaudeville. JOHN J. DAWSON. MABION, IND. CRYSTAL i A mminis & Dubois, props. Monday rehearsal KK—Week 9: Chas. Hasty's All Stur Vaudeville Company. This is a new Idea in vaudeville conceived by Charlie Hasty, familiar- ly known as "The Hoosler Boy." The company consists of six people, as follows: Chas. Hasty, "The Hoosler Boy"; Mont. Munger, bari- tone singer; Sadie Ray, pleasing soubrette; Vir- gil Downard, clever blackface comedian; Kittle Downard, vocalist, musician and character art- ist; Curtis Vance, vocalist aud comedian. A light comedy sketch entitled "Troubles of Lit- tle' Nemo" closes bill, but this could be improved. GRAND (Sam Pickering, mgr. Monday rehear- sal 10).—Cleone Pearl Fell, bright and clever dancer, hit of the bill; Mr. and Mrs. Wesley, comedy sketch, very good; Hsrry Newman, Eng- lish con i iq ne. pleased immensely; Ahearn and Baxter, acrobats, clever; Jake Montross, 111. songs, very good. L. O. WETZEL. MEMPHIS, TENN. WHITE CITY (A. B. Morrison, mgr.).—Van Osten's Band and Emma Partridge, prima donna, outside attractions. Solos best heard this season. Ethel May, mind reading, good: Lilian Ashley. songs and imitations, fair; Piccolo Midgets, acro- bats, good; Aulilii Leonal Duo, songs, fair. W. C. MISSOULA. MONT. Billy Evans, formerly of Biff and Bang, has Joined' hands with Joe McDonald.- The new team will be known as McDonald and Evans. TIVOLI (G. F. O'Grady, mgr. Week 9).— McDonald snd Evans, Bobby Boyle, The Parkers, Starr and Vernon, Monte Raymond, Hazel Cody, Zetta Lovell, Edith La Marr. Margie Lovell. Clara Norrls, Lillian Russell, Stella Tudor, C. E. Pegg. Leona Ix)ve, Abby (Sale, (trace LeWta, Ray Simons, Bee Carlyle. GEM (Geo. V. II. Shaver, mgr.).—Owens and Knight. Carlierry and Nell- son, Hart and Hart, Milton Twins, Aggie Allen, Blanche Wilson. Ora La (Jalle, Maud Osbourne, Stella Clare, May 1* Rose, Dorothy Vernon, Lrona Howard, Bessie La Barr, Ruth La Van. Dick Hutchlns, McSorley and Elllnore. COS- MOPOLITAN (Tent show, continuous. G. M. Brown, mgr.).—The Parkers. Earl Howell, Jack Obrlen, McGee and Collins, Joe McDonald. BIJOU (J. J. McCarthy, mgr.).—Moving pictures, Gene. McCarthy. 111. songs. M0NESSEN, PA. STAR (Wm. McShaffrey. mgr.).—Frank Vin- cent. Parish. The LIppencots. AVENUE (A. Goldberg, mgr.).—Hay's Marionettes. Cheiiowetti and Terrarl. Leora Venetta. GAIETY (Leon Louis, mgr.». Opened 14. Week 10: The Duvalk. Emily Waltc. John R. Noon. LEON W. MEYERS. NEW CASTLE, IND. ALCAZAR (B. F. Brown, mgr.).—The Orpheum StiK-k Company In "The Little Church Across the Way." Vaudeville features: Doyle and Emerson, juggling comedians and hoop rollers, hit; Sam Barlow, the "Man In White," good; The Or- pheum Quartet scored in comic and vocal selec- tions; Louise Brown, singing and dancing co- medienne, hit; Guy J. Sampsel. 111. songs, good; Sampsel and Arnsman, comedians, good. THE- ATORIUM <G. D. Foote. mgr.).—"Nine Lives or a Cat" and 111. songs. ROYAL (II. O. Webb, mgr. i.—"Merry Frolics of Satan" and vaude- ville. FERN (W. A. Coyne, mgr.).—"Race For a Wire." Miss Hazel Bell, soloist. ROY W. JONES. NEW HAVEN, CONN. POLLS iS. '/.. Poll, prop. F. J. Hindlsch. res. mgr. Monday rehearsal 10). — E. Frederick Haw- ley ami Company (Francos Halght and William Hilllanl) gave u splendid melodramatic playlet. "The Bandit." The character work was clean cut. Lottlse Montrose and the Eight Rain Dears in a conception hy Joe Hart made a big hit. Swor Brothers, negro imitations, good; Paul De Croix, comedy Jugglers, very f tinny. Curtis. Palmer and Company. "Mama's Darling Boy." caught on. Goldsmith and IIoppo, musical co- medians, good, and Le Villi and Sinclair, singing and dancing act, ordinary. E. J. TODD. VICTOR KREMER CO. 152 Lake St., CHICAGO i mounce that their NEW Y0BK OFFICE has removed from 1431 Broadway to 1416 Broadway Your act is not complete without '•Under the Tropical Moon/' "Moon- beams and Dreams of Too/' "Morning CjT." Onr 880.00 sons book is the flneet published. Title In three colore. WHEN WRITING MENTION VARIETY. VICTOR KREMER CO. 162 Lako St.. CHICAGO An Open Letter to the Vaudeville Profession Sta. "L," Cincinnati, 0., Sept. 9, '07. In a recent issue of Variety I note an advertisement inserted by Mr. Chas. Bar- nold stating that he is the originator of a "Drunken Dog," and was the first to pro- duce same in New York. He makes some very insulting remarks about what he pleases to term "imitators of his (?) act." I produced a Dog Pantomime, with a Drunken ]X>g at a Lamp Post, in May, 1904. I played all the principal theatres in and around New York before Mr. I'.am* ill I arrived there, and I think before he had an act at all. When Mr. Harm.Id first arrived in New York he asked me for one of my letter heads, which I kindly gave him. As he has since then used the word "Dogville" in his billing, and as I was the only one who ever used that word in billing an ani- mal act, I don't think it necessary to ask where he got that idea. Mr. Harnold seems to be a very cheer- ful copier himself, and should be the last one to cry "stop thief." J. AL COIN (Owner "COIN'S DOOS"). "/ have been a Budget subscriber from the start and you can count on me clear through to the finish. "—FRED NIULO. MADISON"S BUDGET N? 11 (Just out) contains 100 pages of my newest and best monologues parodies, sketches and afterpieces. Price $1, but worth $r>0 to any performer or money back. JAMES MADISON, 1404 Third Avenue (Dept. 20;, New York. OTTAWA, CAN. RENNETT'S (flu*. 8. Greening, mgr.) — Pant- her Trio. contortionists, very graceful. clcTcr; Conicy sister*, story «o»gs. Immediate catch: JiiIch Garrison ami Helen Conklln. "An Ancient Roman." comic novelty; Alexander and Scott. song and dance. Introducing "Alexander" in hi* girl impersonation, very clever; The Tennis Trio, higgling novelty, greatly pleased; Murk S"ulll van. monologue, very well received: Four Raltns B rot her s , "flereuleti '* clever mid Interesting: Howard and Bland, through the non-arrival of their properties, were compelled to do a parlor turn Instead of their ••stage Manager." it wa* excellent HmwKK HAIL (Central Canada "When answering advertisements kindly mention Vauikty.