Variety (September 1907)

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VARIETY -'3 "WHEN TWO BIART8 ARE ONB" HAVE YOU " A QUIIT EVENING AT HOME" (Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Drew), ^_^ ■- (Johnstone Bennett), U TEARS' BUN. " " " Bl 3IN 10 YEARS' BUN. »S TOMBSTONES?" VARIETY—*A Veritable Masterpiece of Clean, Concise aud Infectious Rumor—A Perfect Bxanaple of Sustained Entertainment—Not a Doll Moment From Start to Finish." MI RROR — "Screamingly Funny — Distinctly Novel—lilt Home— Roars of Laughter Followed Almost Every Line." IF YOU WANT SURE VAUDEVILLE MATERIAL GO TO KENNETH LEE "THE ONE WRITER FOR VAUDEVILLE WHO UNDERSTANDS THE FIELD." RECORD OF FAILURE Sketches, Monologues, Lyrics, Quickly Prepared. ADDRESS CARE VARIETY. A Startling Novelty in Vaudeville Jolly John Larkins 14 MINUTES ALL IN ONE Late Star with "BLACK PATTI" CO. Formerly of LARKINS & PATTERSON In i Refined CHARACTER, SIMM and DANCINC ACT FEATURING HIS OWN SONGS, "COMMON SINSf" AND "(10RINDA BROWN" Two of the Greatest Coon Songs of the Season. Professional Copies and Orchestrations Free. PUBLISHED BY THE THOMPSON MUSIC CO., Grand Opera House, Chicago, 111. For time address ALF. T. WILTON, St. James Bldg., New York. THE "ACTWRIGHT »» URN VAUDEVILLE AUTHOR office M Nothing But Hits " kdOsersHoaie CHICAGO itldence men Houi PASSAIC THEATRE PASSAIC. N. J. lalCIV/ /a o^T^C* Can Get Their Opening Week by Applying at Once l\r" \U i\ I I ^ t0 HENRY PINCUS, Room 414, St. James Building ■ ^*— ** «a^" ■ >*■* (26th St. and B'way), N. Y. I MAKE A SPECIALTY OF VAUDEVILLE SCENERY Either Water Color or Dye. EUGENE COX STUDIO, CHICAGO. DOES IT PAY? " ~~~ "~ — w/Q5!S ASK ANYBODY— Nella Bergen. Eltlnge, Macy and Unll, Chcrldah Simpson, Emma Janvier. Virginia Karl. Eddie I.e mard. Orace Uiinlnir, Grace Van Studdiford, Emma Goodrich, Dorothy Rns.tell, Virginia Sargent, Amelia Snintm i\ ill.-. Belle Gold, Jcunnettc Lowrie, Etc. Nella Webb, Irene Btntley, Helen Bertram, V n. M. MARKUM, • • SI Wwst Slat Straet, New York City FOR iHert** 0 * Variety's Chicago Office IS IN THE Chicago Opera House BlocR Advertisements and subscriptions received at regular rates. News items may be forwarded there, and will be promptly transmitted. Mruvlair. who Hbsred the honors. Ben WeUii occupied s good place on the bill and he prac- tically achieved a triumph. Ben tells Ids starts* well end sings his parodies even better. Ityau and Richfield presented "Mag Haggarty's Re- ception" to many laughs. The Dunedlu Troops or Cyclists arc as good as any who visit is. Cienai«> and Bailey, aided by K. Simmons, presented "Tony the Bootblack," a skit they have done here ke> fore. 'The Dixie Serenaders" (colored) sing and dance weU. Cooper and Uoblnson (colored) in a nice, quiet way sing and dance, which soon wins for them well deserved applause. One feature of their act is the positive lack of hoist erousnes*. Kroueman Brothers with new acrobatics were well reeelved. Donetran Sister- Australian roller skaters; Gretx and Nelson, revolving gloliex; D011- nollcy and Km a I in, character songs; ami Clarence Sinters. songs and dances, complete n very plead- ing bill. 1». S. C. PITTBT0N, PA. FAMILY (Harry Scott, res. mgr.h -Kreture, "The Mad Musician,'" go«>d; Fritz. Houston, eomedy cartoonist, very clever; Jenny Conchas and her troupe of trained dog*, good; Helm Chil- dren, Juvenile artists, excellent; the Three Jack- sons, physical culture experts. DltKAMhAM) (Fred Westler, res. mgr.).—Moving pictures and 111. songs. DAVID II KIM AX. PORTLAND, ORE. FANTAGES (John A. Johnson, mgr.).—Week 9: The Morton Jewel Tronpe, club Jugglers, nve In number, have a clever act, well dressed; La Zar and La Zar; comedy musical act. exception- ally good; Von Hoflf. dialect comedian, good; Lafayette Lamont Trio, European acroiiars, clever; Sisters Kxcela. song and dance, fair; Jean Wilson. 111. song, well received. The blograph pictures of the Burns-Sijulrc* contest are pro- duced for the first time in this city and proved a great drawing card. (J HANI) (James II. Errlekson, mgr.).—Al Jolsnn. tne monologist. who scored a tremendous hit last week, is the head- liner, closing the show. Murphy and Wlllard, "The Fhrenologlst," exceedingly clever; Harris, Beuuregarde and Company, "The Country Judge." well received. Cora Thomas, vocalist, clever; Fitzgerald and Gllday, song and dance, pleased; Flexible Frederick, contortionist, good; Joe Thompson, ill. song, received several encores. FRITZ'S (Fred frits, prop.).—Lottie Goldman, Mae and Virginia Vernon, Beulah Lane, Rowe and Maurettus, Dan Harr, Helen Graham. Billy Nixon, Wanda, Jones and Ralvelle, Trlxeda, The Hewlettes ami stock in "Mr. and Mrs. Dooley." The entire show is very good and playing to crowded houses. THE OAKS (D. C. Freeman, mgr.).—Chlaffarelli and his band. NOfTE.— Dr. I .con. professionally known as Dandull, the Hindoo mystic, will return to the stage after an absence of two years. W. It. B. ST. LOUIS, MO. GAKUICK (Dan S. Fishell, mgr.).—It Is quite evident that St. Louis has taken a liking to K. & E. "advanced vaudeville." Manager Fishell says that "not one night since we opened has it happened that, not only the house has been crowded, but we have turned people away." The headline!- this week Is Fred V. Bowers In "Col- lege Days." Roy L. Joyce, a versatile character comedian. Is the liest ever seen here; his rursl impersonations and amusing caricatures were en- Joyed; Mills and Morris, minstrel maids, as uoiul proved favorites; Harry C. Stanley ami Sarah L Congcswell have a diverting sketch. "The Ceruian Professor*'; Adelaide Herman has a lot ef Illusions, chief among them The Mystic Cross; Canficld and Carleton. farce; "The Hoodoo Man." excclhnt; Willy Zimmerman MSJSfBOMteS tne musical mastpis of all nations; Delmore ami Lee, revolving ladder act. and moving pictures.—— COLUMBIA (Mlddleton & Tate, mgrs.).- ~".Mc- Mahon's Cullman Porter Maids." headed by Rdytbe Chappelle, a vaudeville favorite, took the house, licit Leslie and Company Is always wel- come with his "story"; Tom Nawn and Company In "Pat ami the Genii" is once more seen la his famous comedy; Elsie Faye with Blsset and Miller, singer* and dancers. Miss Faye Is not only a dainty singer but a splendid dancer. She never falls to make a hit. Four Golden Grace* proved both graceful, well sIui|hm1 ami pretty; The Chrlste Ihio have some new comedy com- hlned in tin ir darning; Daisy Dumoiit |< charm lug ami plesslhg! Kd Lavlne closes the hill. He gave his old tricks. This house reports exceed- ingly good business, and from the general look out It seems that the vaudeville war In bringing extra patronage to both houses. GAYKTY (0. T. Crawford, mgr. i. Sunday night ns usual the house was packed. "The Bodon Bell •s" in "The Wanderer From Nowhere" Is a musical comedy pure ami simple. There are no distortions, no caricatures, no Incongruities. Kdgar Illxley has the role of the "Wanderer From Nowhere" and handles it exceedingly well. The costumes, as well as (lie scciery. are all new and beautiful; May Bryaol has the prima donna role, she did not fall to carry off her share of the honors. Minnie Rurke nnikc- a lively sonhrette. She made a hit. partly through h«r own efforts and partly through Hi \ ley's store of comedy. There Is no olio, hut both pieces ale full of novelties. Rice ami Walters give their well known sketch "A Pay on the Farm." Although It |s not on tho prograiium'. the Military Tactics given by the twelve chorus girls scored a hit. Credit Is due W. U. Whiting, who wrote the music. It Is of the catchy kind Slid scored. STANDARD (L. Kchhcnhoch. mgr. i. In SOU)*' parts "The Cham- pagne livls" Pon pany are not only Capable, they mi' brilliant. The cotupsny has among Its chorus pretties! girls In burlesque. There n< scarcity of girls when this show 'The Mouse of Too Much Trouble," Is good burlesque. Eleanor Keveal are pleasing singers and dancers. some of the seemed to In was put on. the flr-t piece. and M'i\ Yulr The Col tons scored the hit of the bill in a no i- sensteal sketch. Two lii lied": Potter and Hart- well In a comedy, and McFarlaiie and Murray, eccentric |e*tef«: "Mixed in a Muddle." a llvdv farce. The audience were well ple*a*d with the show. BD. J. CAIN. HAYDE COSTUMER m WEST sto street, MHW tobjl Telephone 711 Chslssa. STRASSMAN, Attorney, M* BROADWAY. MEW YORK. I AIVI RICH In Ideas for new and original SKETCHES. Author of "A JOLLY BARON," Co-author of "THE ROYAL CHEF." COLONIAL BELLES (2 seasons), NIOKT OWLS (this season), Lyrics of the BEHMAN SHOW (this season), Ac. Ac. I can also WORK OUT YOUR IDEAS at a moderate figure. MATT WOODWARD, 815 W. 49th St., New York City. . U. S. PRINTING (0. PROFESSIONAL PRINTING 45 W. 28th St. New York City Phoaa 87M Madleoa Sf. Anything There'* a Dollar In JftCK LEVY 140 Weet 42d St. Mew York Scenery Vaudeville and Production. Largest Scanio Concern In the ESSMi^FHtHLSpfill BUko *°* •** DANIELS SCENIC STUDIOS, CHIGAOOw LOUIS WESLYN WRITER OF SKETCHES AND BONOS. Author of "TWO MEN AND A BOTTLE," now being plsyed by Mr. end Mrs. Howard Trues dell end company, sod writer of special material for many high class artists. GRAND OPERA HOC8B. INDIANAPOLIS. I Want Performers To know that I build Sketches. Monologues, Parodies, etc., ef quality. CHARLES E. WELCH Vaudeville Contractor. Per. Address: COOK'S OPERA HOUSE. ROCHESTER. N. Y. GOING SOME! Phil. Bennett The Italian Street Singer KEITH'S, PHILADELPHIA, SEPT. 9 Asked for the worst possible spot on the bill and got it. Did twelve shows on th*> week. Took 85 bows and 7 encores. Will try to beat it this week, Park Theatre, Johnstown, Pa. Address NORMAN JEFFERIES Ninth and Arch Sis., Philadelphia, Pa. LISTE Jn«e completed the mon| mysterious AUTOM- ATON FIGURE eeer Invented. My partner Incurably 111. We arc a reputable Deadline set, Want rapshte man i»r woman to ill. patter. Sn amateurs unles s you pre i n "Angel. Add rent "ADVERTISER." 242 West 44th St. WANTED A man who Is capable of playing a small part in animal nit; mid slso f;• k<• can* of baggage ami transportation. Cm II or write, SAMMY WATSON'S FARMYARD. Sept 23. Hammerstsin's Victoria Theatre, New York. 117//;/ aiDsin rinfi tfflrirti*cmeni$ kindly uuution VARIETY,