Variety (September 1907)

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VARIETY 25 TOOK A CHANCE AND GOT 32 WEEKS FRED PRETTY FAIR GOING LILLIAN (FROM THE WEST) We call ourselves "THE DANCER AND THE LADY MAGNETIC" and will travel thusly this season over the circuits of the United Booking Offices s DON'T FORGET THAT "32," secured by our EXCLUSIVE AGENT, ALF T. WILTON, St. James Building, New York * Regards to the West; Come on; it's soft if you're "right." MYERS AND KELLER Vaudeville Agents, will on Qctober First occupy their offices in the Broadway and THirty-nintH Street Building, where they will continue to represent the best acts in vaudeville. MYERS ^ KELLER BROADWAY AND THIRTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK WANT ED Feature Acts Can five 8 to 10 weeks in and near Chicago. Nothing too large. No salary too high for the right acta. Bond your open time. Address Henderson's Theatrical Exchange W. F. Henderson, Proprietor and Manager. Charles H. Doutrick. Assistant Manager. Frank I. Doyle. Representative. N. W. Cor. La Balle and Washington Streets. Entrance M La •all* Street, Chicago. Representing First Class Managers, Vaudeville Theatrea and Artists. "The official organ of the Australian Theatrical Profession." "ST A GEL A NO 99 Gives a bright commentary on Drama, Vaudeville, Mualc, Circus, etc. TO ARTISTS, AGENTS. PUB- LISHERS: An advertisement in "STAGELAND" brings yon directly in touch with all the Managers and members of the profession in the Commonwealth and New Zealand. Rates. 6/ per quarter. Cards with block, 20/ per quarter, payable in advance. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. Foreign sub- scription 9/ per year. WANTED—Acts for Sunday Night Concerts Commencing Sept. 82. Performers en route through this city, keep us informed aa to your open Sundays, and salary. CENTRAL AMUSEMENT EXCHANGE, 89 Lowell St., Rochester, N. Y. DARE DEVIL SCHREYER THE SENSATION OF TWO CONTINENTS In the Greatest Aet en Earth Interstate Fair, Trenton, N. J. Sept. 30 9 Oct. t, 2, 3, 4 If You're From Missouri, Go to Trenton. A 5-year contract at $500.°° per weeR to any man in the world who successfully duplicates this act after SCHREYER AT TRENTON IN PUBLIC deeming feature of the show and consists of Hlgglns and Phelps, in "The New Valet." well reeelved. Mazle Yale and Rodger's Buster Brown Girls, singers and dancers, good; Bush Devere Trio, Illustrated musical novelty, good; The Ballet of the Roses by La Alvora, assisted by company, hit; ('has. Ahern. tramp bicyclist, clever. John L. Snlllvnn, monologlst, received a hearty welcome ami was well liked. The per- formance closed with the burlesque "The Two Professors." During the burlesque John L. Sul- livan and Jake Kllralu show a few points In boxing and sparring und Kid Cutler Is meeting all comers nightly in wrestling exhibitions for a *do stake. NEW LYCECM (Eugene Herman, mgr.).—Tom Miner's "Bohemian Burlesquers." with novel Ideas and with considerable merit, are the drawing card this week. The performance begins with a bright and breezy burlesque In two acts. "The Summer Time." written and staged by Dave Marion and Barney Gerard, which Introduces Andy Gardner and Billy Spencer as the principal comedians, assisted by Geo. Davis, who nlays the straight, and Ida Nlcolal. who still is a hit. Good musical numbers are rendered by Ida Nicolal, Gertie Hayes atid Mabel Carew. wit'i the ass ista nce of a handsome chorus of eighteen. NOTES. -Abe l^-avltt, manager and owner of the Rent* week in tills is assistant Gerard left be Initiated n local i>oy, Sunday nigh Impression. strela, a. c doing -Tea Academy 0|M concert ami A new mi in business Snntley burlesquers. Is spending the city with his son. Geo, I*»nvltt. who treasurer of the Oayety. Barney late Monday night for New York 10 in the Masonic order. Will Brown, made his debut in vaudeville last t at the Oa\ct\ and made a good lie is hooked with Trnetnan's Min Meyer-' Sunday night concerts are t business tit the Oayety. The tills Sunday with motion pictures on trolled by Archie I. Slieppard. publishing company has staffed this city, called The Southern •ns in MttslC Publishing Co. Eddie La Alvora, a local bojr, mad" his tirst appearance In this city this Meek at the Oayety and received a hearty wel- come. The Owls are reorganized and have elect- ed ten new member* In the nap] week. Social session* will be held as usual every Friday even- ing at their club rooms. The house staff of the Oayety »on»t*ts Of Win. S. Clark, resident man Bger; Joe er. treasurer; Ceo. Lcavltt, assist- ant 11 •casurer; Harry law*on. advertising agent lead doorkeeper; Henry Lewie, stage man- \\ Gibson, propcrl.\ man. E. Eke), orrhes- Icader; and Walt. IfUtChilis, chief usher. BILLY BOWMAN. and age t ni "When (insucring advertisements lindlij mention Variety