Variety (September 1907)

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ARTHUR THE 9«0,000.00 GASOLINE MUSICAL COMEDY-DRAMA IEMBATION. NELSON AND COMPANY Introducing Tha following Famous Racing Carai — 1 — THE 916,000 RACER, MAXWELL WORLD'S RECORD CHAL- LENGER (li Cylinder!, 190 Horsepower). Lowest speed, 45 miles an hour. Maximum, 160 miles. Known the world over as the fastest and most powerful oar ever built. — I — THE VANDERBILT CTJP RACER (9 Cylinders, 199 Horsepower), Popularly known as the SO seoond oar. — 8 — "The fastest little ear in the world." THE BABY MAXWELL. Winners of the 9,000 mile non-stop record of the world. The Glidden Trophy (9) and many other notable events too numerous to mention. 960,000 WORTH OF AUTOMOBILES. CI A IN Absolutely the Blffeet Thing ever prepared for the Vaudeville stage LAUGHTER AMD TEARS 96 RACING NOVELTY AND SENSATION ROMANCE" PEOPLE (who ean act and sing) RIO 8CENE8 (everything* carried) REAL AUTOMOBILES (the greatest in the world) ELECTRICAL EFFECTS (tome of them new) BIO MUSICAL NUMBER8 86 A OASOLINE CYCLE IN FIVE REVOLUTIONS THE GREATEST RACE EFFECT EVER 8EEN OH AMY STARE. BOWEN BROS Refined Singing end Dancing Management JACK LEVY HARVEY and DeVORA DANCING KIDS with flaw Rialto Rounders AM UNRIVALED ATTRACTION. 50 - PERFORMING PETS-50 Vermanent Address: 1887 EAST DAUPHIN ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA. THE NIGHTINGALES BIG HIT EVERYWHERE WEEK SEPT. 23-GARR1CH THEATRE, WILMINGTON. DEL. WARREN AND BROCKWAY In Musical Nonsense at PASTOR'S THEATRE, N. Y., WEEK SEPT. 23 Wesley & Pincus j Maddox j Mevlin LOUISE HENRY Both the Real Goods-Eh ? "The Sal Skinner Gal" No, I'm not married, but engaged to Keith & Proctor. For eventful dates, consult GEORGI HOMANS. Sept. 23, Proctor's, Newark, N. J.; Sept. 30, K. & P.'s 23d St., New York. THAT REAL ORIGINAL COMEDIAN J AS. FRANCIS SULLIVAN Late principal comedian with "The Girl Ranger*" at the Auditorium, Chicago, in which he created a new character, haa retimed from the oaat to return to VAUDEVILLE for an extended tour of the West. P. B.-Wh the real laughing hit of the piece, with his eccentric dancing and the long "GET OFT AND WALK." HARRY ARTHUR i* SHEAN - WILLIAMS The Discovery of Nothing September 23-Novelty, Brooklyn »> Howard's Theatre CHICAGO TEN SHOWS A WEEK ALL THAT IS BEST IN VAUDEVILLE HOWARD A KILROY. Manager!. 96 WASHINGTON 8T., CHICAGO. What Willy Zimmermann Thinks of the Western Statas Vaudeville Ass'n Editor VARIETY. New York: I finished my sixth and last week of the Western States Vaudeville Association time, an engage- ment I accepted with considerable misgivings, and only at the solicitation of one to whom I felt indebted. Not only from my own personal experience, hut also of the acts associated with me on the various hills. I must. In Justice to the Western States people, confess that my misgivings were entirely without foundation, and that I was agreeably surprised in their fair and Just treatment of the nets playing their circuit. My contract was fultillcd to the letter, and It was with regret that previous contracts compelled me to decline the offer of additional time. Not only was my business relations of the pleasnntest, but In my personal contact with the different managers I found the same ruyul trentnient that I hud met with on my previous tour over the Orpheum Circuit. (Signed) WILLY ZIMMERMANN. When anmnring advcrti*c,ncnt* kindly mention Variety.