Variety (September 1907)

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VARIETY 29 REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS ONI SENSATIONAL BIT The moat unique and acnaational jujgliiig and balancing act in existence. ORIGINAL ARTIST \A/ AND CO. In hi* ORIGINAL NOVELTY ACT, .. A ROOM UPSIDE DOWN Pf ASSISTED BY THE DAINTY COMEDIENNE Playing Kitw ft Erlnnger time. Thieves 1 Get Ideas of Your Own. Miss Madge Anderson ■•ekes Exclusively by WILLIAM MORRIS IV THEIR ORIGINAL DUTCH BCZHA Reba and Inez Kaufman Introducin* Bint-ins;, Pantomime. Toe and Danos d« U Holland. Watch the Boy la His Tint Smoke. A REFINED SINGING ACT Church City BOHLMAN CAMPBELL THORSON BRIGHT Thanks to Mr. Mose Gumble for giving us the song hit of our act, "Cherry Tree." ALL FOR FUN—FUN FOR ALL RETURN FROM EUROPE A LBURTUS and ALT US MIRTHFUL JUGGLERY VION & LOWE, Agent.. ENOLAND'8 PREMIER HIGH CLASS AND COMEDY VOCALISTS ELLIB MORA BLAMPHIN and hehr PASTOR'S THIS WEEK No Friends Thiese's "STROLLING PLAYERS •f SUPREME NOVELTY. THE 3 OLIFANS Now playing: the Western States Vaudeville Association. A BIO HIT EVERYWHERE. Address all communications care VARIETY'S SAN FRANCISCO OFFICE (1115 Van Neat Ave.). A-B-C-D GIRLS AN EFFECTIVE ACT. HENDERSON'S, C. I.. THIS WEEK HAVE YOUR CARD IN VARIETY GARRICK THEATRE, Wilmington, Del. THE TALK OF THE CITY .. NIGHTMARE jj A ONE-ACT GOSEDY WITH MUSIC, SPECTACULAR AND MECHANICAL NOVELTIES HAMILTON HERALD, SEPT. 8: "The biff bit of the blU, from a laughing standpoint, was a one-set musical comedy entitled Staley's Nlghtmsre, In whleb Signer Olovsnl, a youthful comedian, makes a biff hit. Joseph Madden as K. Z. Mark portrays the psrt of a man who is subject to nlffbtmsre, and tbe youthful member of the company, as his son, mskes matters merry all tbe while. It la a case of a boose of mys- teries during the time tbe nightmare scene Is on, and tbe manner In which little Olovsnl disappears and reappears causes all the fun. The clocks on tbe wsll dlssppesr st bis bidding, and he Calls through tables, Book, lyrics end mechanical effects ey Richard P. Staley, sew three-set musical comedy, entitled "Between Twelve end fireplaces and ssfes without leavlnff sn Impression. During the act some food Kong>» are introduced by Miss Eva Thatcher, Glovanl and Mr. Madden." WILMINGTON MORNING NEWS: " 'Staley's Nightmare' shows the possibilities of broiled lobster—when one overdoes It. Tbe piece Is cleverly Bridged, carries plenty of speclsl scenery snd effects snd opens up s line of orlglnsl fun-making that scored a bit at both per- formances yesterday." author of Staley & Birbeck's "Musical Blacksmiths," Staley's "New Transformation" Company, and a One." VION & LOWE. Booking Representatives. Enormous suceoos this week at ALHIMBRA THEATRE M. S. OENTHAM, Agent Week 23, Maryland, Baltimore DAISY HARCOURT A SENSATIONAL HIT AT THE NEW YORK THEATRE CLAIRE ROMAINE CORRESPONDENTS WANTED WHEREVER THERE IS f\ VARIETY PERPORMANGE When answering advertisements kindly mention Variety.