Variety (September 1907)

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ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE DUO. BERRY BERRY Now playing advanced time on the advanced Orpheum Circuit, for an advanced salary. Advance to 'Frisoo next ween. "Three (advanced) oheert for Vaudeville." ELSIE HARVEY Assisted by the FIELD BR0THER8. K.P.. UNION 8QUARE, THIS WEEK. BOOKED SOLID TO APRIL. 1908. FERNANDE MAY DUO 15 Minutes in "ONE.' EXCENTRIQUE MU8ICEAUX. Nellie Seymour *"<» Nestor Character Sonne and Changee. ISO W. 116th St., New York. Phone 8470 Morningside. IVIcrVIAMOIM'S fit Porter IN/iaids 99 Sam Sidman PRINCIPAL COMEDIAN COLUMBIA THEATRE. OAKLAND, CAL. BEN AND JOHNSON MARK WORLD'S GREATEST COMEDY CYCLISTS. Featured this week at Vic Hugo's Charitable Institution at Cedar Rapids, la. It's a regular teater, you auto see it. Circus friends should take advantage of this institution. Address VARIETY, Chicago Office. Chicago Opera House Block, or per Route. ■ WEEK GRACE HAZARD FORREST THEATRE m. PHILADELPHIA f— 3-C0RELLIS-3 In one merry whirl of sensational comedy—4 Paw-Sells Circus (second xeason). NOTICE.—A few selected French Bull and Toy Bostou Terrier Puppies for sale, all from champion stock. Noted French Hulls, "Kip I)e Alfort, Jr.," A. K. C, No. 110.132, and "Pierrot" at private stud. KKNNEL ADDRESS. JAS. D. IIENCIION, 25 OSWEGO ST., BOSTON, MASS. DIXON, BOWERS AND DIXON In the "AR-KAN-9AW FIDDLER" including MISS ANNA BURT JACK MURPHY and MAOEE "WILLIAMS' IDEALS" OPENED AUGUST 1ST. SO OUR LABOR SONG WAS THE FIRST. Correspondents Wanted Wherever There is a Variety Performance. The Absolute WEEK SEPT. 23, GRAND OPERA HOUSE, BROOKLYN Master NOW PLAYING K. OX E. CIRCUIT BOOKED BY RICHARD PITROT JNO.A "THE MUSICAL BROWNIE" Booked Solid WILL SHORTLY INTRODUCE THE TEN COMMANDMENTS IN WOLF LANGUAGE. Permanent Address. 161 W. 66th St., CHICAGO, ILL. When answering advertisements kindly mention Variety.