Variety (September 1907)

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32 VARIETY REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS — AND *4 BLBVATBD HEBREW/ WARNING—"THE CIS AHEAD 18 BEHIND" 18 QUE OWE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY. PIRATES, LEAN OFT. DY " ALT. T. WILTON. AGENT. •ORIGINAL- "JUST KIDS" RAWSONi CLARE FEATURED WITH "BON TONS." PIRATES NEEDING TITLES, APPLY TO THE ABOVE. HAVE A FEW MORE L PROGRESSIVE RAPID FIRE ACROBATS uigJ-Picaro Trio BILLED A8 THE WORLDS GREATEST JUGGLER IN PHILADELPHIA LAST WEEK. Big bit at Auditorium, Lynn. Mam., thit week. Weak Sept. 23, Mohawk, Schenectady, V. Y. the: dancing wonders BROWN I WRIGHT WEEX SEPT. St, BENNETT'S, OTTAWA, CAM. Management JACK LETT. HARRY TATE'S Co. FISHING: MOTORING New York. Australia Africa Jim -a Jenny Jee World's Greatest Wire Artists sad Jumpers. SEPTEMBER 28, KEITH, PROVIDENCE. R. I. « LITTLE In M A MATRIMONIAL BARGAIN." By Len Spencer. BOOKED SOLID ON K. & P. CIRCUIT. Sept. 33, Proctor's, Albany, N. Y.; Sept 3c> Proctor's, Troy. P. S.-We Bought and Paid for this Act, including the "Cocktails and Cherries" "gag," so, PIRATES, LET IT ALONE. ANNA AND EFFIE " Ole Man Moon Girls V In Story-songs. Booked solid until Oct 7. Week Sept. 23, BENNETT'S, Montreal, Can. Sole management JACK LEVY. UOMING EAST—THE BOYS THAT SET ALL LONDON TALKING COLLINS': HAWLEY MEW STUFF MEW 8TUFF MEW STUFF Management ALT. T. WILTON. KATIE BARRY COMING EAST THE SS019 2 BE ANOS CfiOSl 2 THK LADY AND THE CLOWN ALF T.WILTON, Agent, 980 St. Junes Bid*, Mew York City. HILL, CHERRY and HILL America's Greatest Novelty Comedy Unioycle end Bicycle Riders. GUS The Famous English Goster Comedian FORREST THEATRE, PHILADELPHIA WEEK SEPT. 23. Charles Wayne ASSISTED BY GERTRUDE DES ROCHE and GO. IN A SCREAMING NOVELTY ENTITLED "Ten A. M. on The Morning After" 10 MINUTES IN "ONE" AT OPENING. BOOKED BY WESLEY A PINCUS. IM l-ty IVIimio Bennett'e Theatre, Montreal, Canada, Week September 23rd. *" communications to jack levy, mo w. 42d St., New York When answering advertisement* kindly mention Variety.