Variety (September 1907)

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VARIETY 35 REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS a* HOW ARE THE PICTURES THIS WEEK? ASK Jim Mtrttn, Cliff Gordon, Howard ^North, Jim Thornton, Julius Tannen, iatthewi. Ashley and Other Grapefruit Gatherers MATTHEWS AND ASHLEY. 'EVEN WILLIE HAMMEHBTEIN LAUGHED. " up nr oniATeinr. E©o[^oLfvJc)©(PW^ ^ ObB IrBaEKJDfl. MAXIM No. 26 Respect yourself. Self-respect, self esteem, self- eotifldence will lead a man* on to greater achieve- ments than be could possibly accomplish without them. We have open time, ask Wilton. Per. Add., 114 W. 40th St., N. Y. C. CLEANEST AND MOST ARTISTIC OF ALL COMEDY GYMNA8TIC ACTS. Greatest Living Gymnasts. Acme of Gymnastic Comedy Will arrive in America Sept. 28th. At liberty Oct. 7th onward. Four years since this act played Variety Theatres in America. Address rare VARIETY. HAVE YOUR CARD IN VARIETY BESSIE WYNN IN VAUDEVILLE. Direction of MB. E. F. ALBEE. DeVelde & Zelcta yUlisHc (rquilihrisfs REID THAT SISTER ACT SISTERS The Prettiest, Daintiest and Beet Acrobatic Danoin* and SingHa* Act in Vaudeville, Always WORKING. S I A DECIDED HIT • t AT KEITH-PROCTOR'S 23rd STREET THEATRE. THIS WEEK Look out (or announcement of my New One (This Space Next Week) B A. R.OLFE Suite 924. ST. JAMES BUILDING NEW YORK CITY Mr. s Mrs. Frank E. Terrill IM THE MILITARY MUSICAL COMEDY, •"A DAY IN CAMP" Special Scenery and Effect*. MYERS A KELLER, A*ents, Bhubert Building-, 89th St. and Broadway, N. Y. WATSON'S ORIENTAL AMUSEMENT CO., Inc., Owners Always giving the Best Style of Refined Comedy and High Class Vaudeville. W. B. WATSON, Mgr. OFFICE, KNICKERBOCKER THEATRE BLDG., NEW YORK CITY. HAVE YOUR CARD IN VARIETY PROPERLY MATED TWO REAL HUMAN HEBREWS HARK JOB AND Booked solid for 40 Weeks. Western Vaudeville Managers' Association. Permanent address, care VARIETY, Chicago Office, Chicago Opera House Block. William Morrow and Verda Schellberg 15 MINUTES IN "ONE." In Character Sing-in* Comedy Playlet "HAPPY'S MILLION.' HIGH CLASS Instrumentalists and Vocalists 1,000 lbs. excess baggage carried and used on the stage In this act TWO MEN! ONE WOMAN CHRIS O. BROWN, 67 SO. CLARK ST., or Charles Hart, 3403 West Ontario St., Chicago, 111. When answering advertisements kindlu mention Variety.