Variety (September 1907)

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14 VARIETY VARIETY ARTISTS' ROUTES FOR WEEK SEPT. 30 WHEN NOT OTHERWISE INDICATED. (The routes here riven, bearing no date*, are from SEPT. 88 to OCT. 6, inclusive, de- pendent upon the opening and doting days of engagement* in different parts of the country. When an address follows the name the act is "laying off" for the week and mar be written or telegraphed to accordingly. All addresses are furnished VARIETY by artists and may be relied upcn as accurate. Addresses care managers or agents will not be printed.) "C. R." indicates that the route of the oirous immediately preceding it may be found under 'CIRCUS ROUTES." B. R." in the list indicates the route of the burlesque company named, with which the artist or act is with and may be found under "BURLESQUE ROUTES." \ 4.^^^<V^^^^^^^^^^-* > ^^^^^^^^^^^-v^^^^^'W^^«V^^^^^^^^V^-v-w^^<v^^ Abel, George, A Co., Keith's, Boston, Mass. Abram A Johns, Empire, Hoboken, N. J. Adair, Art, Hagenbeck-Wallace, C. R. Adams A Mack, O. H., Old Orchard, Me., indef. Adams Bros., Imperials, B. R. Addison A Livingston, Orphcum, Canton, 0. Adler, Harry, Psrk, Alameda, Cal., indef. Adler, Flo. 464 Cleveland, Chicago. Adler, Jesnette A Co., Lyric, Lincoln, Neb. Ahesrns, Charles, Golden Crook, B. R. Airl. Mile., K.-P. 23d St.. N. Y. Alba, Columbia, St. Louis. Albene A La Brant, 164 E. Randolph, Chicago. R. 12. Alberto, Forepaugh-Sells, C. R. Aldo A Vannerson, Circo Bell. Mexico, to Oct. 26. Alexander A Scott, Bennett's, London, Can. Alfredo A Cerlta, Sells-Floto, C. R. Allen, Evs, Ideals, B. R. Allen, Josie, Bijou, Dubuque, la. Allen, Delmsin A Allen. 840 Madison. Brooklyn. AUlster, Hsrry, 11 Rue Geoffrey Marie, Hotel Du Sport, Paris, Frsnee. Alpine Troupe, O. II.. Oak pk., Chicago. Alpha Trio. Pastor's, N. Y. Alronas, Three, 28 Logan, Brooklyn, N. Y. Alrona < Zoeller Trio. National. Steubenville, O. Alvarettas, Three, 67 So. Clark, Chicago, care of Chris Brown. Alvln Bros., 842 Greenwich, N. Y. Alvora, Golden Crook, B. R. American NewsboyB' Quartet, Travel, 6, Empire, San Francisco. ,, Americans. Dancers','6. Hathaway'a, Lowell. Mass. Amerlcns Comedy Four, Bennett's, Montreal, Can. Ampere,. Electrical. Miss N. Y.. Jr., B. R. Anderson. Carl. Bowery Bnrlesquers, B. B. Antrim A Peters, Grand, Tacoma, Wash. Apdale's Animals, Poll's. Worcester. Msss. Appleby, E. J., Oct. 7, Family, Mollne, HI. Arcarls Trio, Ringling Bros., C. R. Archer, LaDell A Davey, Jolly Girls, B. R. Ardell A Shlve. Forepaugh-Sella, C. R. Ardo ,A Eddo. 181 E. 16th. N. Y. Arlington Four, Orpheum, St. Paul. Minn. Armstrong A Clark, Orpheum, Omaha, Neb. Armstrong. Geo. F.. 283 No. State, Chicago. Armstrong A Asbton, Savoy, Hamilton. Can. Armlnta A Burke. O. H., Hillsdale, Mich. Arnold. Capt. J. W.. Fair pk., Dallas, Tex., indef. Arnot A Gunn, 216 6th Ave., N. Y. Arlsonas. The. 148 W. 68, N. Y. Artist. Lee. Cole Bros., C. R. Astrellss, The, Lyric, Dayton, 0. Auberts. Ties. Frobel Str. III., Hamburg, Ger. Avery A Pearl, C. 0. H., Chicago. Bsggessens. The, Gl. Herstelange, Svendberg, Denmark. Bales, Musical. Seattle, Wash., to Oct. 26. Bslno A Shsw, Hippodrome. N. Y., Indef. Banks Breaicale Duo, Hudson Tbestre Bldg., N. Y. Bsnta Bros., Auditorium. Kansas City, Mo. ' Barton, Joe. Bohemians, B. R. Barrett. Grace. Pat White's Gsletv Girls, B. R. Barrett A Belle. Century Girls, B. R. Barry, Katie, Hammersteln's, N. Y. Barry, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy, Orpheum, Oakland, Barry A Wolford, Orpheum. Salt Lake, Utah. Barto, Kddle. Rolllckers. B. B. Bstln, Franklyn, Lady Birds, B. R. Bayrooty Bros., Bnrnum A Bailey. C. R. Be Anos, Two, Bijou, Manitowoc, Wis. Beard, Hilly. 1401 DfSVton. Ssvsnnah, Oa. BedeU Bros.. O. H\. Du Boise, Pa. Beecber A Maye. Austin A Stone's, Boston, Msss. Bedlnls Fsmlly, Ringling Bros., C. R. Belford. Allan H,. Washington. N. J., care of Niton. Bellclalre Bros., Orpheum, San Francisco. Bell A Richards. 131 Central. Leominster, Mass. Bell Boy Trio, care Wolfe. 10 Stuyvesant, N. Y. Bell. Frank. 223 W. 45. N. Y. Belmont A Brennsn, Imperials. B. It. Bennett, Laura, 14 Linden. Jersey City. Bentley. Hsrry, Imperials, B. R. Berre A Hicks, John Robinson. C. R. Berrlan, Steve. Novelty, Allegheny. Pa. Berkes. The, Amuse., Braddook. Pn. Bernard Csssler, Rose Sydell. B. R. Bijou Comedy Trio, Watson's Riiilesqners. B. R. Blmm. Bomm. Brrr, Orpheum, New Orleans. La. Blnney A Chapman, Garden, Memphis, indef. Birch, John, 114 W. 40, N. Y. BIssett A Miller, O. O. House. Indianapolis. Bishop, Frances, Century Girls, B. R. Black A Leslie, Marlon. Marlon, O. Black Hussars. Illpp'drome. London, Eng., Indef. Blair A McNulty, Gem. Mlssouls. Mont., Indef. Block. John J., Harry Bryant's, B. R. Blockson A Burns, Young's Pier, Atlantic City, N. J. Bohannan A Corey. Century Girls. B. R. Bolses. Five. 44 Curtis. Grand Rapids, Mich. Boiler. John A Louis, Bnrnum A Bailey, 0. R. Borella. Arthur, Barnum A Bailey. C. R. Boweu Bros., Olympic, South Bend, Ind. Bowers, Welters A Crooker, Orpheum, Sioux City, la. Bowery Comedy Quartet, 821 Charles, W. Ho iMiken. N. J. Boyce Bros., Hargreaves, C. R. Boyce, Lillian, Jolly Girls, B. R. v Boyce, Jack, Trocaderos, B. B. Brachard, Paul, Hagenbeck-Wallace, C. R. Bradfords, The, 230 W. 41, N. Y. Bradna A Derrick. Barnum-Balley, C. R. Bragg, John !>., Toreadors, B. R. Bradley A Dsvis, Unique, San Jose, Cal. Bradys, The, 721 Copeland. Pittsburg. Brady A Ma honey. Irwin's Big Show, B. R. Brlnn, L. B., Oct. 7, Palace, Wolverhampton, Eng. Brennen A Riggs. Century Girls, B. R. Brant ford. Tom, Park Hotel. Port Chester, N. Y. Brittons, The, Orpheum, Sioux City, la. Brooks A Jeanette, Pastor's, N. Y. Brooks A Clark, Family, Wllliamsport, Pa. Brooks. Herbert, 20 W. 08, N. Y. Brooks, Jesnnle, Psrislsn Widows, B. R. Brooks A Klngmsn, Electric, Waterloo, la. Brown A Bartolettl. City Sports, B. R. Brown Bros. A Kealey. Ringling Bros.. C. R. Brown A Wright, Bennett's, Montreal, Can. Browning, Mr. and Mrs.. 126 W. 88, N. Y. Browning A Le Vsn. 806 Cauldwell, N. Y. Bruce. Al., Toreadors, B. R. Braces. The, Cole Bros., C. R. Bruno A Russell, Keith, Columbus, 0. Buckleys, Musical. 297 Ave. B, N. Y. Buckeye Trio, 646 E. Center, Marlon, 0. Buckeye State Four, 2364 E. 67, Cleveland, O. Burke A Urllne, 110 East 14. N. Y. Burke A McEvoy, 44 Seventh Ave., N. Y. Burkart, G., Cole Bros., O. R. Burkhardt, Chas. J., 156 W. 45, N. Y. Burns, Morris A Co., Utshna, Ogden, U'ah. Burns, Harry, 80 Madison, N. Y. Burt, Glenn, Novelty, Joplin, Mo. Burtlnos. The, Wigwam, San Francisco. Burton A Vssa, Lyric, Fort Worth. Texas. Burton A Burton, 300 W. 55. N. Y. Burnett, Edna, Unique, N. Y., indef. Bush A Elliott, Grsnd, Fargo, N. D. Bossier, Walter II., Orphia. Madison, Wis., indef. Butler, Issbelle. Barnum A Bailey, C. R. Butlers, 4, Radium, Chlckasha, I. T., Indef. Bulla A Raymond, Washington Society Girls, B. R. Buxton. Chas. C. Crystal, Menasha, Wis., indef. Byrd A Vance, Empire, Des Moines, la. Byers A Herman, Trent, Trenton. N. J. Byron A Langdon, 204 East 52, N. Y. Callahan A St. George, Hurtig A Seamon's, Day- ton, 0. Callan A Smith, La Salle, Keokuk, la. Campbell A Brady, Orpheum, El Page, Tex. Cameron A Flanagan, Temple. Detroit, Mich. Camp. Sheppard. - Kentucky Belles, B. R, Can6eld' A Carlton, 2218 80, Bensonhurst, L. I. Caldera, A. K., St. Charles Hotel, Chicago. Caprice, Mile., Orpheuui, Minneapolis, Minn. " Cardownle Sisters, box 106, Liberty, N. Y. U Carlln A Otto, 013 Prospect ave., Buffalo. Campbell. W. 8., Rose Sydell. B. R. Csrmen Troupe, Barnum A Bailey, C. R. Carlllo. Leo, Nyack. N. Y. Carlos. Chas., Ringling Bros., C. R. Carol Sisters, Unique, San Jose. Cal. Carroll A Cooke, Hotel York. N. Y. Carroll A Clark. Altmeyer, McKcesport, Pa. Carroll, Great. Fay Foster, B. R. Carson A Willard, Keith's, Dayton, O. Carson Bros., Behman Show, B. R. Carter A Taylor, 256 W. 43, N. Y. Carr, Jessie. Toreadors, B. R. Carroll, Nettle. Forepaugh-Sells Bros., C. R. Carters, The, 021 Oth St., La Salle. III. Carter, Taylor A Co.. Hathaway 'b. Maiden, Mass. Csrtmell A Hsrrls. 1031 McDonough. Baltimore. Carver A Pollard, Majestic, Birmingham, Ala. Casey A Crnney, Orpheum, New Orleans, Ala. Cased A DeVerne. 312 Valley. Dayton, O. Chadwlek Trio. Pastor's. N. Y. Chameroys, The, 60 Manhattan ave., N. Y. Chandler. Anna, City Sports, B. B. Chspln, Benjamin, Columbia. Cincinnati, 0. . Chester A Jones. Passaic. N. J. Chester, Chas., Hagenbeck-Wallace, C. R. 7-3 Christy, Wayne C, Grand, Madison, Wis. Christy. Great, Knickerbocker, B. R. Chuck City Four, Theatre, Troy, N. Y. Clnquevalll, Paul, 5 Mostyn road, Brixton, Lon- don. Clalrmont, 2051 Ryder ave., N. Y. Clarke A Temple, Wesson's, Joplin, Mo. Clsrke, Harry Corson. Tech, Buffalo. Clark A Duncan, Olympic, Chicago. Clark Bros., Hagenbeck-Wallace, C. R. Clark, John F.. 425 Forest, Arlington, N. J. Clarke. Wilfred. Lambs Club, N. Y. Claus A Radcllff, Trocadero, B. R. Clemens, Kittle, Rose Sydell, B. R. Cleveland. Claude A Marlon, 215 Shutleff. Chel- sea, Msss. Cliffords. The. Barnum-Balley, C. R. Clinton A Jerome, 220 W. 145, N. Y. Clinton, Chris, Half Dime, Jersey City, N. J., indef. Cllvette. 274 Indiana. Chicago. Coate, Charlotte, A Sunflower, 1553 B'way, N. Y., W. R. Coccia A Amato, 217 W. 25, N. Y. Cohan, Josephine, South Africa. Cole, George, Barnum A Bailey, C. R. Cole A demons, 8th and Race, Philadelphia, care of Davis. Cole A Coleman, 120 W. Pleasant. Springfield, 0. Collins. Eddie. Oshkosh, Wis., indef. Collins A Collins, 021 Dskota, Phlla. Collins. Nlns, Lady Birds. B. R. Collins, Jsmes J.. Jolly Girls, B. R. Collins A Brown, 148 Kosciusko, Brooklyn, N. Y. Cottons, The. Champagne Girls, B. R. Compromised, Orpheum, Boston, Msss. Comrades, Four, Poll's, Scranton, Pa. Connolly A Klein, Empire Show, B. R. Contlne A Lawrence, Lyric, Bartlesville, I. T. Conway. Jack. 231 W. 141. N. Y. Conkey, Clever, Lyric, Parsons, Kan. Colleens, Singing. 102 W. 38. N. Y. Cohen. Will II , Rolllckers. B. R. Comer ford, Vaughn. Broadway Gsiety Girls. B.R. Con ley. Anna A Erne, Bennett's, Quebec, Can. Conn, Downey A Willlard, Oct. 6, Orpheum, Minneapolis, Minn. Conway, Nick, Grand, Seattle, Wash. Cooke A Miss Rothert, 'meatre. Kansas City, Mo. Cooke, Joe, A Bra, Bennett's, Hamilton, Out., Can. Cook, Billy, Toreadors, B. R. Cook, Frank. Austin A Stone's. Boston. Indef. Cooke A Clinton. Orpheum, Leavenworth, Kan. Cooper A Robinson. Shea's, Toronto, Can. Cooper, Harry L.. Fay Foster. B. R. Cooper, Leo, A Co., Bijou, Lansing, Mich. Coombs, Frank, A Muriel Stone, 147 W. 45, N. Y., V. C. C. Corelli. Jack. Forepaugh-Sells, C. R. Corel lis, 3, 25 Oswego, Boston. Cossar. Mr. and Mrs. John, Oct. 7, Family, Gloversvllle. N. Y. Courtright, Win., A Co., Bijou, Blsmark, N. D. Ooutboui, Jessie, A Co., 6532 Harvard ave., Chi- cago. Courtlelgh. William, A Co., Haymarket, Chicago. Cottons, The. Champagne Girls, B. R. Cowlea Family, Altoona, Wis. Craig. RIcby. 335 3d ave.. N. Y. Crawford A Manning. 258 W. 43, N. Y. Creo. Bijou. Battle Creek, Mich. Crickets, Orpheum, Los Angeles, Cal. Cronln. Morris, 21 Alfred pi., London, Eng. . Crystal, Herman, Parisian Widows, B. R. Cummings, Thornton A Co., Washington, Spokane. Wash. Cunningham. Al.. 200 W. 44. N. Y. Cunningham, Georgia, Lad* Birds, B. R. Cunningham A Smith, Lawrence, Flwood City, Pa. Curtis, Palmer A Co., Poll's. Scranton. Pa. Cuttys, Muslcsl, 8034 E. Baltimore, Baltimore. Md. Dale, Dottle, A Co.. Crystal. Goshen. Ind. Daley. James, Parisian Widows, B. R. D'Alvlnl, Rocky Point, R. I., indef. Dsly A Devere, 115 E. 115, N. Y. Da Hey Bros., 1370 N. Main, Fall River, Mass. Darling. Phil, Sells-Floto, C. R. Darrows, The, 40 Front, Owego. N. Y. Darmody. Harry Bryant's, B. R. Davis, Floyd, Temple, Boulder. Col., Indef. Davis, H., Air-Dome, Murpbysboro, 111., Indef. Davis. Roland. Fav Foster. B. R. Davis A Davis. Miss N. Y . Jr.. B. R. Deery A Francis, Empire, Bakersfield, Cal. Dell A Miller, Hippodrome, Buffalo. Indef. Dell A Fonds, 504 Ashland Block, Chicago. Del mar A Dexter, Great Anaelme Co., Tvrre Haute, Ind., Indef. Delmont, Fred, Hagenbeck-Wallace, 0. R. Delno Troupe, Hagenbeck-Wal.ace, C. R. Del tons, Three, Jolly Grass Widows, B. R. Del more, Misses. K.-P. 125th St., N. Y. DeLaceys, Dancing, National. Erie, Pa. De Lisle, Mae, Colonial Belles, B. R. Delaphone. 54 Willoughhy, Brooklyn. DeMora A Graceta, Lyric, Lincoln, Neb. De Mateos, O. H., Warksworth, Out., Can. De Vera A Van, Oct. 7, Auditorium, Pittsburg. DeWltt, Burns A Torrance, Poll's. New Haven, Mass. De Voy A Miller, 200 E. 14, N. Y. DeVeau, Hubert, Bijou, Flint, Mich. Dtmarlo. Harry, Ringling Bros.. C. R. Detnlng, Joe, Temple, Detroit, Mich. De Mi mile A Dlnsmore, Oct. 7, Cooper, Mt. Ver- uon, O. Diamond A May, Fischer's, Los Angeles, Indef. Diamond, Jss., Innocent Maids, B. R. Dlerlck Bros., Circo Bell. Mexico City, to Jan. 4. Dillon, William, K.-P.. Providence. R. I. Dlllne, Max. Ringling Bros., C. R. Dixon A Fields, Orpheum, Omaha, Neb. Dixon Bros., Novelty, Brooklyn. Doherty, Lillian, Ronachers, Vienna, Austria, 30. Dollar Troupe, Forepaugh-Sells Bros.. C. R. Donald A Carson, K.-P. Union Sq., N. Y. Donovan A Arnold, Bell, Oakland, Cal. Doherty. Jim. High Jinks. B. R. Douglas, Chas. W., Broadway Gaiety Girls, B. R. Dove A Lee. 422 W. 48th, N. Y. Dowllug, John. Toreadors, B. R. Downey. Leslie T., Electric, Racine, Wis., to Dec. 2. Drawee, Frisco A Hambo, Scala, Antwerpin, to Nov. 1. DuBols, The Grest, 2067 N. Msin, Bridgeport, Conn. Dudley, O. E.. Crystal. El wood. Ind., indef. Duffy, Thos. H., Academy Hotel, N. Y. Dunn, Maude, 346 Broadway, So. Boston, Mass. Dunham, Heslln A Barsrdl. Jolly Girls. B. R. Duncan. A. O., V. C. C. 147 W. 45, City. Dunedln Troupe, Brockton Grsnd Fair, Brockton, Mass. Dupree, Bob, Canvas. Provo, Utah, indef. Dupree, George A Libby, Palace Hotel, Chicago. Dupree. Lena, Conners', Coney Island, N. Y., Indef. Dupree, Jeanette, Keeney's. Brooklyn. Dupres, Fred, Stsr, Seattle. Wash., Indef. Earle A Bartlette, Keith's, Boston. Mass. Esrle, Burt. 5th Ave.. N. Y., indef. Fdmonds A Haley, 308 E. 60. Chicago. Edwards, M. A C. E., Hippodrome, Buffalo. Indef. Kdwards. Jennie, Bowery Burlesquers, B. R. Edwards, Ralph, Parisian Widows. B. R. Edwards A Vaughln. Vaudeville, Youngstown. 0. Ehrendall Bros., Orpheum, Chicago. Eldredge, Press, 11 Oxford Terrace, Hyde Park. W., London, Eng. Elser, Carrie, Tiger Llllles. B. R. Filer, Goldle, Fay Foster, B. R. Elen, Gus, Tremont, Boston. Ellnore Sisters, Colonial, N. Y. Elliott. Belair A Elliott. Harry Bryant's. B. R. Ellls-Nowlln Trio. Empire, noboken, N. J. Ellsworth A Burt, Crystal, Milwaukee, Wis. Ellsworth, 4. Tiger Lilies. B. R. Emery, Maude. 2110 E. Federsl, Baltimore. Emerald Trio. 443 Central ave.. Brooklyn. Emerson A Baldwin, Hathaway's, New Bedford, Mass. Emmett, Oracle. K.-P. 23rd St., N. Y. Empire Comedy 4. Berlin. Germany. Wintergarden. Emperors of Music, Four, 431 W. 24, N. Y. Erb. Stanley. Mollne, 111. Ernests, Three. Grand. Victoria, B. C. Ereot 11 A King, Circus, Clnlselli Warsehan. Russia. Espe. Dntton A Espe. Bijou, Green Bsy, Wis. Esterbrooks, The, Miss N. Y., Jr.. B. R. Fstelle A Wills, Jolly Grass Widows, B. B. Eemeralda Sisters, Asrds, Moscow, Russia, to Oct. 15. Engene A Mar, 1746 W. 103, Chicago. Evans A Lloyd, Lyric. Cleveland. O. Evans. Billy. Colonial Belles. B. R. Everett, Joe. Hargreaves, C. R. Everett. Ruth. Ideals. B. R. Everett, Sophie, A Co., People's, Cedar Rapids. la. Falrehllds. Mr. and Mrs. Frank, Bijou, Bloom- lngton. III. USE THIS FORM IF YOU HAVE NO ROUTE CARDS CARDS WILL BE MAILED UPON REQUEST