Variety (September 1907)

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VARIETY 19 Tht Ohas. I. Harris Coirier Devoted to tht interests of Songs and Singers. IUnh all oommnnloetions to CHAfl. X. HARRIB, tl W. list St., V. T. (Meyar Cohen, Mar.) Vol 8. New York, Sept. 28, 1907. No. 4. Mmmmgmrs Do yon want good singers? Write or wire. Singers Do you want good work? Cell or write at once. YESTERDAY The ballad hit of the country. MY VIRGINIA The new march song hit Both songs by CHAS. K. HARRIS. wss no noticeable Improvement in the business at this house, tbe patronage being light despite an attractive bill at moderate prices. Fagan and Byron; The Italian Trio; Hlckey and Nel- son; Collins and Brown; Joe Flynn; Oolts Trio; Six Samols; Jay W. Winton and moving pictures made up the program. CASINO (Ellas A. Koenlg, mgrs.).—A first part and burlesque which was In use last season, revised and brightened up by Jack Reid, Is serv- ing as the vehicle for Louis Ruble's "Knicker- bocker Burlesquers," making their first show- ing here this season. Ruble has evidently been liberal with Reid in the allowance of cos- tumes and other accessories and the show la in close keeping with those for which Roble has been noted In the past. The first part "The Arrival of Prince Hadji," originally written by Tracy Sweet, has been reconstructed, although tbe framework of last seasou's book still remains. Klla Gilbert handles well tbe leading role of "Mrs. Asterbllt," played last season by Clyde narrow, while the latter is dividing with Flo Elliott the honors of the "Birds," a "sister act." Ben Neff is doing the blackface double of "Prince Hadji" and Sam Thompson and Jack Jennings and Robert Jewell take care of the "straight" parts. Ward Cauldfleld does good work In the role of "Arizona Jake." Reid la giving the others ample opportunity to make good before his entrance, but be catches up quickly when he appears as "Nervy Nat." There are seven numbers in the first part, and Louis Doll has again contributed his share toward the suc- cess of the piece by furnishing catchy music. The Misses Darrow end Elliott have a new song about "Teddy Bears," wblch went well, and Fannie Wood leads a "North Pole" number, prettily dressed, with moderate success. The "Abyssinian Maid" song gives one or two am- bitious "eoochie" dancers a chance to star in the line and another to feature physical de- velopment ^almost to the limit of decency. Ben Neff leads this number and It pleases. The "Students" song with tbe pretty costumes rep- resenting tbe . arlous colleges Is retained and Ihe Misses Darrow and Elliott make attractive Jgures in their "Diver" posing in tbe finale. Reid does his best work In the burlesque, "Mur- phy's Mishaps," which he used last season with the "Kentucky Belles." Here again Held has revised so that good results are obtained and lils handling >f the leading comedy role is worthy of praise, being void of the loud-mouthed, slap* stick style of action so prevalent among Irish charactera In. burlesque. Reid contributes two of the best bits -n the show, first with Cauld- fleld in a patter of quick-fire repartee, and later with Flo Elliott. In wblch some delicate material la handled In a manner not to offend. Cauldfleld, as in the first part, is an able assistant, while Bob Jewell handles a dope-flend character with commendable skill. There is little left for the others to do. Flo Elliott wears two attractive costumes, and Ella Gilbert presents a rather striking figure In tights, leading tbe opening number. The dressing of tbe principals through- out the show Is good, and that of the chorus shows off to advantage. The girls are a fairly good looking lot, but with one or two excep- tions will not create even a mild sensation as models of Venus. The olio has been sacrificed in favor of the other parts of the show. Fannie Wood opens with a couple of songs with a little dance. The German sketch by Jennings and Jewell hardly averages above the ordinary. Christy carries off the honors with his comedy juggling, making a strong Impression. Flo El- liott and Ben Neff go through a lot of rapid fire stuff of light merit. Miss Elliott shows an- other sort of costume here, hut spoils the ef- fect by wearing high boots with pink laces. Manager Roble was elated with the business done by his show until lie reached here, ami it should get its share. On Thursday a street parade was tried with the chorus girls In fancy costumes riding about the city In a big sight- seeing auto. GAYETY (C. L. Walters, mgr.).—The Behman Show. BIJOU (I. H. Baker, mgr.).—"Merry Maidens." TROCADERO (Fred Wlllson. mgr.).—"The Brigadiers." NOTE.—The In- terest centered on the great struggle for the American League baseball championship has had Its effect on the matinees at all houses this week. ALBANY, N. Y. PROCTOR'S? (Howard Graham, mgr.).—Kitty Troney, horse and dog act, greatly pleased; George Felix, Lydla Barry and Company, "The Boy Next Door," were excellent; Walter Perkins and Company, "The Man From Macy's," good; Watson and Little in their musical act "A Ma- trimonial Bargain," good; Hlbbert and Warren, blackface musicians, very good; Alice Hanson and GuBsie Nelson, dancers, pleased; Max Duffek, musical contortionist, good. EMPIRE (J. H. Rhodes, mgr.).—Fred Irwln'r spectacular show "The New Majesties." playing to crowded houses; the "New York Stars" last half of week.— GAIETY (J. B. Nichols, mgr.).—"The Colonial Belles," pleasing large audiences; "American Burlesquers," last half of week. H II I ELLER Like Child's "NEXT WEEK" COPYRIGHTED. Per. Address, 197 RODNEY ST., BROOKLYN, N. Y. If my act ain't O. K.. ask Orth and Fern (Frank and Hen). ^^ | ^*J ^^ International Vaudeville Agency 6, Rue Laifitte, Paris, France Exclusive booking: Apollo Musio Hall, Paris. Cables "KINGENCY PARIS." Paris Representative of KLAW * ERLANCE* a mm REID SiSTERS Featured in Nellie Beaumont'a Act which Acrobatic Dancers. closed Sept. 22. Two Seasons Featured with Ned Nye's Big Address 68 Broad Street, Elizabeth, N. J. Vaudeville Act. "Boston Tout," .Sept. 10, 1SM»7.— TRKSfONT THEATRE.—"Of all the numbers that pleased, and not one but came in that category, two were so good that they will linger in the minds of those Who saw them for many a day to come. One wss the acrobatic dance by the Reid Sisters, a pnrt of the show offered by Nellie Hcauinont. What that pair of pretty young women do not know about acrobatic dancing has not been discovered yet and won't be for some time. They did stunts that would tax the grace and nglllty of the best artists in the world, and did them with an ease that fairly swept the audience off its feet." J iati AKRON, OHIO. GAYETY (Achlllo Philllon, mgr.).—Opened Its season Thursday, 26, with a three nights' en- gagement of "Williams' Ideals."—GRAND Ol'ERA HOUSE (T. K. AJbaugb, mgr.).—"Gay New York," Sept. 26. 27, 28. NOTE8.—The Casino at Lakeside Park closed a very successful season Sept. 14. J. K. R. ALLENTOWN, PA. ORPHEUM (Sam Myer, mgr. Monday re- hearsal 10).—Lind, female impersonator, head- line feature, scored; Tobln Sisters, musical, pleasing; Mr. and Mra. Howard TruesdeU and Company. "Two Men and a Bottle," very good; Harry Jolson, blackface comedian, fair; Kae and Benedette, comedy contortionists, good; Loney Haskell, monologist, well received;, Cos tea and Grundy, colored, good. ■ R. 8. S. ALPENA, MICH. MALTZ (Steele ft Denlson, mgrs.).—20, "Ma's New Husband," musical, pleased. Jeanette Marl- boro as the widow was a hit; John Woodford as tbe professor did well. Woodford and Marl- boro are both vaudeville favorites in this town and were given a cordial reception. Harry Gar- rity has a sweet voice and did well in the part of the "boy." G. J. OUILLETTE. ANDERSON, IND. MOUND PARK (R. C. Carlisle, mgr.).—Fine band concerts have proven a big drawing card. The park will remain open for three weeks yet. Eaglea' Day will be held on the 24th; on the 25th Emancipation Day will be celebrated by the colored folk. BIJOU THEATRE (Tom Bates, mgr.).—The Hill Family, comedy acrobats, bead the bill. Others are Le Page Sisters, singers and dancers; Rlnaldo, violinist, and Arthur Sterling, comedian. CRYSTAL (W. W. McEwen. mgr.). —The Mitchells, acrobats, star turn with Taylor and Crawford, singers and dancers; Fenton and Fenton, novelty singers, and Harry Mayer, musical act, make up a good bill. NICKEL- ODEON.—Moving picture show. R. C. CARLISLE. ATLANTA, GA. ORI'HEUM (Ben Kabn, mgr.)—Yamamatto Brothers, Japanese athletes, enthuslcally received; Cert rude Black, songs, fair; McNlsh and Pen- fold, comedy skit, scored heavily; Eckert and Berg, "Twenty Minutes of Grand Opera," tbe big hit; Atlas Comedy Quartet, very good; Besenah and Miller, scored; Four Everetts, acro- bats, excellent. PASTIME (T. P. Holland, mgr.).—Daley, roller skater, good; Lillian Carl, songs, fair; Altken and Son, contortionists, none better ever here; Hlgley and Snow, sketch, well received. STAR (J. B. Thompson, mgr.).— Stock burlesque and vaudeville. BRIX. BALTIMORE, MD. MARYLAND (F. C. Schanberger, mgr. Monday rehearsal 10).—Fredericks Brothers and Burns, very good; Brothers Permane, comedy acrobats, well liked; Dr. John C. Bowkers, Illustrated "Travelogues." new to Baltimore; Beth Franklyn and Henry Keane, in a very good farce called "Her Trial Marriage'; The Gainslow Girl beld the top notch position, winning warm applause; 1 taliy Harcourt haR a pleasing singing number and pleased; Batty's Bears did not come up *o the standard of the rest of the bill. GAYETY (W. L. Ballauf. mgr.)—The Casino Girls, fair show and good business. NEW MONCMENTAL (Sam M. Dawson, mgr.).—Tom Miner's Bo- hemians are packing them In at every perform- ance; the show Is a bit spicy in some parts. JOHNNY MEYERS. BAY CITY. MICH. BIJOflT (J. I). I'll more, mgr.).-Jones and Raymond, musical artists, received applause; HulK?rt and Rogers, dancers, g<s>d; Hubert Derosa, the original cartoonist, good; Wm. S. cill and Company, comedy sketch, make a de- cided hit. LYRIC (J. C. Warner, mgr.).— Moving pictures. VAl'DETTE (tleo. A. Gard- ner, mgr.).—Moving pictures. II. C. HERTZ. BINGHAMTON, N. Y. ARMORY (H. M\ Hart, mgr. Mondny re- hearsal 10).—Good bill. pleased audience*. "Christmas on Blackwell's Island," received n number of encores; Fred and Dare. "Are You Angry." proved a hit; Knight Brothers and Sawteiie, character Imper so nators and eccentric dancing, made good; Belle Karle, songs; Cook Brothers, comedy Juggling, good; Wilbur Mock and Mintborne Worthley, comedy sketch, well liked; Bums and Burns, "Scenes in s Museum," pleased. JOGGKUST. BIRMINGHAM, ALA. THE GA\KTY (Harry Yost, mgr. Mondny re- hearsal 10).—Clark's "Runaway Girls," costumes ♦treat, chorus good, the olio was as follows: Stewart and Turner, singing and dancing, fair; Oracle nnd Kej nobis, "Beauty and the Beast." bit; Marlon and Thompson, cornetIsts, good; the Fumous Livingston, pleasing; the Bowery Com- edy Quartet. t«H,k the house. JHF MAJES- TIC (Harry Stevenson, mgr. Monday rehearsal 10 A. M.).—Yuma, took the house; The Ozavs, pood. MISS Lucille Harper. 111. soups, goof; f >ewls MeCord anil Company, "Her Last Rehearsal," hit; Harney and Hsynes, good; Lopes and Lopez, good. NAT W. WILLIAMS. BUFFALO, N. Y. The rsndevllle field Is well filled and patrons are talcing to It kindly. While advanced vaude- ville is not packing the Tech, the business is pleasing and strong box office attractions are given, Shea's shows no effect of the opposition Cobb's Corner SATURDAY, SEPT. 28, 1907. No. 83. A Weekly Word with WILL the Wordwrlght. BALLAD. ORIGINAL!!! NEW IDBAlt! NOVELTYtll 'NEATH THE OLD TREE, SWEET m *. Busy with Joe Weber'■ new musical show. Booh by Edgar Smith. Lyric, by Will D. Cobb. Musio by Gus Edwards. (Side Remark)—Summering at Cobb's Cor- ner 18th floor, Bote! Band. "Close that window d'you want ma f frossst" WILL D. COBB Wordwright, Care Weber's Theatre, NEW YORK. and capacity houses-are the card. The burlesque bouses are holding their own and business Is up to the standard at both places. TEOK (J. R. olshel, mgr.).—Tbe Romany Operatic Company, a singing act with pretty scenic effects, big bit; George Fuller Golden, great; May Ward and "Eight Dresden Dolla," fine "girl act"; Charles R. Sweet, "musical hobo," pleasing; Valaasl, juggler and equilibrist, sensation; John Birch, winner; Caron and Farnum, comedy acrobats, clever; Ralph Johnson, marvel on the cycle. SHEA'S (M. Shea, mgr. Monday rehearsal 10).— "The Song Birds," beadllner, a musical hit; Clayton Kennedy and Mattie Rooney, fair; The Avoloti, musical, fine; Adolph Zlnk, little bat good; Urbaln and Son. acrobats, sensational; Callahan and St. George, "Old Neighborhood," excellent; Cooper and Robinson, good; Bend, Benton and Company, laughing sketch. GAR- DEN (Charles B. White, mgr.).—"Parisian Widows," good business. 1 LAFAYETTR (Charles M. Baggs, mgr.).—^'Yankee Doodle Girls," business fine.—LINA PARK.—Season closed 21. BIJOU DREAM. HAPPYLAND. HIPPODROME and other pictures shows doing fine with ill. songs snd pictures. NOTES.— Marshall Farnum will soon have a atoek company In drama at tbe Temple Theatre, now giving pictures and vaudeville.—Chananfang, a Hindoo snake charmer, holds forth at the Eden Musee.^- Jno. R. Campson. a Buffalo boy, la with "Ths Song Birds" at Shea's this week. DICKSON. CINCINNATI, OHIO. By HABBY HESS. VARIETY'S Central Office. 107 Bell Block. COLUMBIA (II. M. Ziegler, mgr. S\inday re- hearsal 10).—The present offering falls to meet the requirements of local audleuces. Marie Yuill and Robert Boyd do a singing, dancing and talk- ing act whirl, Is saved only by tbe frequent change of costumes. Masslas O'Connor does a combination shadowgraph and sleight of hand act that is good,' (-specially the watch trick, which Is new. Charles Sharp Is doing the same turn as he did on former visit. Jane Courtbope and Company (New Aets). Frcncelll und Lewis offer a singing act called "The Bally Iloo"; singing ex- ceptionally good. Lalla Selhllil. the bathing beauty, does a combination turn which Is a big hit. James II. Cullen sang a number of paro- dies and was liked. Cliff lierxac's Horses, tbe best comedy borse act of Its kind ever seen In Cincinnati; a tremendous bit. STANDARD (Sunday rehearsal 10 A. M.).—"A Bachelor's Reception" Is the title of the first part which Is a clever sketch. Harry Hastings, Tom Coyne, Frank Manning. Philip Apel, Dsn Evans and Charles M. Harris all have comedy parts and handle them skillfully. The burlesque is divided into three scenes nnd runs .'{8 minutes, during which time the audience applauded 42 times. In the beginning the comedy was faat. A piece of business of the chorus making changn of costume In full view of the audience waa liked. A possible "copy" was a burlesque strong act. but the recruiting scene waa a continuous laugh. The women Of the company are led by Viola Sheldon and a chorus ef eighteen, who. while not overly good looking, havo excellent voices. Tin' vaudeville part of the bill la wesk. Margaret Ryan, who opens the specialty part, does some dancing at the close, but while she is a very pretty girl, is hardly clever enough to do s single turn. Gotham Comedy Four sing well "Use my name any time you want to and fell tin-m I mid Alqdisou's Bud- yet is the best ever! Fine and daisy and xrorth a hundred times the price." — JACK NOmvoilTH. MADISONTS BUDGET N°111 (just out) contains 100 pages of my ixwcst and bent monologues, parodies, sketches nnd afterpieces. l'lllCE fl. You must be satisfied or money back. JAMES M4DISON 1404 Third Ave., New York (Dcpt. 20). When answering advertisements kindly mention Variety.