Variety (October 1907)

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VARIETY 37 REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS In Preparation, Big New Scenic Act In One,for This Our Farewell Appearance In Vaudeville / MATTHEWS AND i THIS IS NO DOPE TALK. 'A SMASH UP IN CHINATOWN. it 1VYNN Eft CA}D LTROCslClDS 1 * / I MAXIM No. 28 A person who* does it mean, petty little thing, hi tbe belief that he will not he found oat, or that someone else will, be blamed, la a eneak— avoid him. There are times when you can trust a thief but never a sneak. Immediate time open. Aak Wilton. Per. Add., 114 W. 40th St., N. T. C. AHTI8TIC Or ALL COMEDY GYMNASTIC ACTS. i i >•• Greatest Living Symnatts. Icne ef Gymnastic Comely r Address, 4824 Walnut St., Philadelphia. Pa, ALL FOE EXTN—FUN FOR ALL. AND JUGGLING MERRIMENT Weak Oct. 7, Poli'a, New Haven, Conn. ! VION A LOWS, Agents. IV VAUDEVILLE. Direction of MB. E. T. ALBEE. DcVcldc & Zelcto t ArfisMc £ equilibrists En Route, Cox A Reich County Ealra, Aug. It to Oct. 18. TWO PROPERLY MATED REAL HUMAN HEBREWS JOB AMD Bodked solid for 40 Weeks. Western Vaudeville Managers' Association. Permanent address, care VARIETY, Chicago Office, Chicago Opera House Block. THE $60,000.00 GASOLINE ARTHUR NELSON AND COMPANY Introduoing , The following Famous Racing Can: TBI SSB.000 RAOEH, MAXWELL WORLD'S RECORD OHAL- fifi (IS Cyllndsre, 180 Horsepower). Loweat speed, 45 milea an hour. Mailmnm, ISO milea. Known the world orer aa the fastest and moat powerful oar erer built. _ S — THE VANDERBILT CDP RACER (8 Cylinders, ISO Horsepower), Popularly known as the SO seoond oar. — 8 — "The fastest little oar in the world." THE BABY MAXWELL. Winners of the 8,000 mila non-stop record of the world. The Olidden Trophy (S) and many other notable erenta too numerous to mention. 880,000 WORTH 07 AUTOMOBILES, A IN Absolutely the Biggeat Thing 1 otot prepared for the Vaudeville stage LAUGHTER AND TCARS 88 88 RACING NOVELTY AND SENSATION ROMANCE" A GASOLINE CYCLE IN FIVE REVOLUTIONS PEOPLE (who oaa aot sad sing-) 8 BIO SCENES | (everything carried) 8 REAL AUTOMOBILES 8 (the greatest in the world) - 8 ELECTRICAL EFFECTS 8 (some of them new) 8 BIO MUSICAL NUMBER8 8 and THE GREATEST RACE EFFECT EVER SEEN ON ANY STAGE Mr.s Mrs. Frank E.Terrill IV THE MILITARY MUSICAL COMEDY, "A DAY IN CAMP" Speolal Soeneij and Effeota. — " >ts, Bhnbert Building-, 80th St and Broadway, N. Y. Bunnell THAT MUSICAL ACT MaD ELL and CORBLEY ALF T. WILTON, Director. There with the Goods constantly proving. Not a dun moment, alwaya armoring. With laughter and fun continually brewing. That's tbe kind of an Act we're doing. St. J am os Rldg., New York. METROPOLIS, SUNDAY, OCT. 6TH. HIGH CLASS Instrumentalists and Vocalists ALI —PEISER En Route T. W. Miner's "HIGH JINKS.' ECCENTRIC COMEDY ACROBAT8. y r. EDWARp CRAY begs to^olfor the talented 0Com|ila| % ^EAC%^1iH^tAiyT/y|E | .ER," M a nSlriofi^dW^Kiilb|sh|^heVle>fFyoJRg ' author, Mr. EDWIN CRAY. Address E. CRAY, Agent, ED. CRAY House, CRAYVILLE, E. C. young com TjBLL*" " FRED MACE A NEW ACT • • n Management of KLAW A ERLANGER. CHRIS O. BROWN, 67 SO. CLARK ST., or Charles Hart, S403 West Ontario St, Chicago. 111. When answering advertisement* kindly mention Vardcty. 1,000 lbs. exoess baggage carried and used on the stage In this act TWO MENi ONE WOMAN