Variety (December 1907)

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VARIETY 55 VAUDEVILLE THEATRE MANAGERS ATTENTION Do Not Allow Anyone to Make You Believe That There ia a Scarcity of Good, High-Class Acts in the Vaudeville Field I Have en Abundance of the Beat Material ©■ My Book*, aa usual, and Can BooK Any Number of Theatres on 24 Hours' Notice ALL Houses Receive Equal Treatment in My Office. WILLIAM MORRIS Chicago Office. 167 D«»rborn St. 1440 Broadway, We>w York VICTORIA J BARBOUR"He Books the Acts For Vaudeville, Fain and Farka. Managers, tend for list*. Artiats, eend open time. Address E. L. Barbour, 119 La Salle St., Chioago. RPnrillllirnA travelling- to Europe should take advantage of the exceptionally low Khllrl K rKN r »tes now prevailing and in effect until March Slst, 1908. Call or I bill WillTtfcilW WTite for fan particulara. PAUL TAUIIG, 104 Cast 14th Str««t. Tel. £099 Stuyve. NEW YORK CITY Edward Moxart, Eastern Representative, Lancaster, Pa. ALPHA VAUDEVILLE CIRCUIT—-— Booking first class vaudeville acts only. This circuit ia prepared to guarantee good acts from twelve to thirty weeks' continuous engagement. LEVEY A LEVEY, Proprietors Main Office, Victory Theatre, Sutter near Fillmore, Ban Francisco, Gal. SidJIuson's N. Clark and Klnxie Bts., CHICAGO. 45 Seconds from Clark St. Bridge. 8ID J. EUSON, Leasee and Manager. Flaying in burlesque attractions of the Colum- bia Amusement Company. Matinee every day. Amateur night Friday. FOLLY State Street near Congress CHICAGO EMPIRE CIRCUIT CO., LESSEE. John A. Fenoessy, Manager. The most popular burlesque theatre in Chicago, playing the attractions of the Empire Circuit. Nothing but the best. Two shows every day. Amateurs Friday. TORONTO, CAN. SHEA'S (J. Bbea, mgr. Monday rehearsal 10).—"Maggie Cllne, well received; Emmet l>e voy : 111 < 1 Company in "Dreamland," fair; "Little Hip," cute; Elizabeth Murray, excellent; The Halloways, clever; Lavine Clmaron Trio, good acrobats; Clifford and Burke, very amusing. (JAYETY (Thomas R. Henry, mgr.).—Patrons of high class burlesque and refined vaudeville turned OUt in force 9 to greet Rice A- Barton's "Big Gaiety Company," which was the opening at- traction nt this iip-to-dnte theatre. Business was large all week. Chas. Burton. Bert Baker and the Great Maxettl Troupe were features. STAR (K. \V. Stair. mgr.). Joe (Jans, big draw ing card with "The Brigadiers." and the latter were up to the standard and patronage was good. HARTLEY. TROY, N. Y. PROCTOR'S (W. H. Graham, mgr. Monday rehearsal 10).—Mr. and Mrs. Robyns, one-net play. "Counsel, for the Defense." proved enter- taining; The Darrns Brothers, good acrobatic act. pleased; The Village Clioir, singing, won favor; Clayton Kennedy and Mattle Mooney, humorois sketch. "The Happy Medium." caught on; 011- inour and Lntour, talking and Hinging, fair; Leo St. Elme. musician, won fnvor. LYCEUM (It. H. Keller, mgr.).—The "High Jinks" Bttrieeqtteri appeared In the eomedetta "Boseland" for the first lialf and were well patronized. J. J. M. WASHINGTON, D. C. GAYETY (W. S. Clark, mgr.).—Charles Rob- inson and his "N'lght Owls" give good perform- ance. A good chorus who sing well, and are nicely roatumed. NEW LYCEUM (Eugene Reman, mgr.).—"Rolllckers" sandwiched between the two act speeialties Intro d uced. The chorus Is c<unp«»sed of fourteen pretty girls who sing well and make a good appearance. This Is the best singing show that has been seen here this season. BILLY BOWMAN. WATERLOO, IA. ELBCTRIC (Johnson & Nichols, mgrs.).— Fentou and Fcnton, dancing and singing; Eddie Collins, comedian, Chas. Lane, Dutch comedian; McCloud and Melville, comedy sketch. Electric exchangee shows Thursday with the Bijou at Marshalltown. A. W. WHEELING, W. VA. WONDERLAND (II. W. Rogers. mgr.).— Rivers and Reeves, "Cowboy" sketch and vo- calists; W. A. Woodlcy. blackface musical, went well; Manley and Sterling, comedy sketch: Cabana, high wire, proved n winner. BIJOU (Geo. Shaffer, mgr.).—Miss Yeager, pianist; The Gordans. comedy sketch; Oh Ling Foo and Company. Chinese magic; Lillian Dow, "Moon (Jirl"; Rover and French, comedy sketch; Gus Kldora, Juggling. C. M. II. WORCESTER, MASS. I'OLl'S. The bill opened with Joe and Nellie Howard, musical act, went well; Elsie Faye and Blssett ami Miller, songs and dances, took well; .las. Callahan and Jenny St. George, "The Old Neighborhood." easily the hit; Carson and Wll l;rd, "On Wall Street," good, and took •Veil; Kiln Snyder and Company in "Commencement Day." full of ginger and well liked; W. 11. Murphy, Blanche Nichols and ■ Company, "From Zaza to Uncle Tom," were greeted with loud applause and had the people in laughter through OUt the act; La Maze Brothers, acrobatic com- civ. verv goo. I and took well. FRANKLIN SQUARE (W. S. Waldo, mgr.).-La Belle Fans tina opetted, tumbling, well liked; Rennler and Sterling, song and dance turn, fair; Dick Tem- ple, "The English Entertainer." of the English type, but went well; Chadwlck Trio. "For Sale — Wlggln's Farms." very good—feature of this act the dancing of Ida Chadwlck. which was re- PASTOR'S 14th St., 3d Av. Continuous, SO ft 80 eta. NEXT WEEK. MONDAY. DEC. 10, 1907. KATHERINE MILEY POTTER AND HARRIS MR. AND MR8. HARRY THORNE AND COMPANY ' Peerless Two Macks THREE NIGHTENGALES GILBERT AND KATEN Evans Trio J. Jerome Mora and Jenny Conchas Company Wlnans and Caaaler Yltagraph Prince and Virginia FISKE AND MCDONOUGH HAMMERSTEINS AMERICA'8 MOST FAM0U8 VARIETY THEATRE. Open the Year Around ORPHEUM CIRCUIT •P HIOH CLASS VAUDBVILLE THEATRES M. MEYERFELD. JR., Prea. MARTIN BECK, General Manager. FRANK VINCENT, N. Y. Representative. All Applications for Time Must be Addressed to O. E. BRAY, Booking Manager, Majestic Theatre Lldg.. Chicago, 111. VAUDEVILLE HEADL1NERS ~ GOOD STANDARD ACTS If you have an open week you want to fill at short notice, write to W. L. DOCKSTADER, Garrlck Theatre. Wilmington. Del. Can close Saturday night and make any city eaat of Chicago to open Monday nlgbt. HENDERSON'S Theatrical Exchange, 98 LA SALLE ST., CHICAGO. Representing first claas managers of Eastern and Western vaudeville theatres, vaudeville head- liners, novelties, big acta. Bend your open time. Address W. F. HENDERSON, Prop, and Manager. CHAS. H. DOUTRICK. Aast. Mgr. F. Q. DOYLE, Representative. Clifford C. Fischer American and European Vaudeville Agency. Artists desiring foreign time, call or write. 1440 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. Tel. 8487 Bryant. Cable "Control, N. Y." London Branch: 17 Green St., Leicester 8q. Cable: "Olymplonlc, London." Percy G. imams CIRCUIT 9 COLONIAL ORPHEUM ALHAMBRA ORPHEUM NOVELTY New York Brooklyn Harlem Boston Williamsburg GOTHAM East New York Address all PERSONAL letters to PERCY 0. WILLIAMS, ST. JAMES BUILDING, 2eTH ST. AND BROAD* WAY. NEW YORK CITY New E mpire Madison Street Near Halafed CHICAGO WILLIAM SINGER. MANAGER. Handsomest burlesque house in America, play- ing Empire Circuit attractions exclusively. Shows changed every Sunday. Matinees daily. NEW STAR MILWAUKEE, WIS. FRANK R. TROTTMAN. Manager. Handsomest and aafeat burlesque theatre Si America. Playing Empire Circuit Shows. Matinee Every Day. Visit the new Rathskeller Downstairs. The beat In the Weat. EMPIRE THEATRES HOBOKCN AND PATEBSON, N. J. HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE Address all personal lettera to A. M. BRUGGEMANN. Owner and Manager, EMPIRE THEATRE, HO BO KEN. N. 7. BEST PLACES TO STOP AT. When playing TORONTO, CAN., stop at the ALEXANDRA ROYAL 188.190 SIMCOE ST. Catering exclusively to the profession. Special rates. Two-minute walk from all theatres. PLAY POLI'S, SCRANTON AND STOP AT HOTEL SCHADT EUROPEAN PLAN. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT RATH. ALL IMPROVEMENTS. CAFE CONNECTED. reived with solid applause; (Catherine Mlley, sini^s, very good; Hardeen. "The Handcuff King," dlil very difficult feats in the handcuff line and won applause when be escaped from ■ trunk \V. M. SHERMAN. YONKERS. N. Y. ORPHEUM "Louis .1 Fosse, res. mgr.).— Monroe, Mark and I.awrenee, "How to Get Rid nt Your Molher-ln-Law," scored heavily; Olympla Quartette, "Thr Weal Point Cadeta," rail of the ordinary run of "quartettes"; "Kesisto." the man who cannot be electrocuted, a mystery; Max Tmirblllon troupe of cyclers made an excellent rhming number; Reld Sisters have a neat aero* Italic dancing act and received several encores; Melville and Higglns In a comedy act were un- usually well received; Keeley Itrothers, comedy bag punchers, experienced no difficult* in hold lag down their Opening position.——NOTES.— Louis .1. Fosse, well known in the show world as actor and manager, succeeded B, H. Cahlll as resident manager of the Orpheum. Mr. Cahlll resigned. He intends to reside hero. The Reld Sisters took the place of Hay Cox. who was hooked to appear lure this week. Having pic- ture shows are opening up with almost alarming rapidity in this city. It seems that the great 9^» ARTISTS, NOTICE Hotel Faurot SCRANTON, PA. 3 Minutes from Theatres American Plan Rataa Moderate? E. RAISLEY. 244 Adams St. J^ational Rotel CHICAGO Cor. Van Buren St. and Wabash At*. Half block from Auditorium Theatre. In viclnlay of all theatres. Weekly rates made. D. A. DOOLEY, Prop. COMFORTABLE, QUIET R O O /W S 34 City Councillor Street, MONTREAL, CAN. MRS. YOUNG. One block from BENNETT'S THEATRE. success Harry Hamilton achieved with his Palace led others to believe that this was a good field. B. N. KARPUNKLE. Y0UNOST0WN. 0. THE GRAND (Jooepfl Bchagrln, mgr.) .^—Vaude- ville numbers With "Itroadway After Hark" were" Harry ami Sadie Fields, Mildred Stoller, Kittle I.oxley and the Casino Pour- PARK (A. C. Irons, mgr.). Vaudeville acts with the Carl Cook st«Hk Company; The <;reat Arnolds, the Kershaw*, Edyth La Nora and Fred Iteto. TEMPLE il'r,ink Hourbeek, mgr.) .--Olive Onus, refined musical act; the Fraslera, gymnasts, and Mile. Verona, vocalist. TKATRO NAPOLE- TARO i Niuls Clink, mgr.). Nat Lee, vocalist; \ incen/o Massarl. cmnlque; Genaro Nardurel, Italian singer, and Ituth F.duii. dancing sou- brette. C. A. LEKDY. When answering advertisements kindly mention VARIETY,