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COMIN TONY and THE MOST SENSATIONAL CYCLE ACT BEFORE THE Potitivcly the only ones doing a HIGH BACK SOMERSAULT HI MID-AIR, and FORWARD SOMERSAULT FROM SURFACE SPRING BOARD". Tony it the one who first introduced the "Loop-the-Loop" and "Loop-the-Gap" in a theatre in 1903-04. Addreee care Variety, Chicago Office, Chicago Opera House Block. ■ "The Man With the Funny Slide" Late off Joe Weber's Co. • mu«w we e**w ffwwvi 9 ^wa .• www Vf-WWVl w WW" — ' , ■• . ' Extends wishes to all his friends and competitors for a happy and prosperous new year. I am finally convinced that I hare many imitators. No, not of the crepe hair and Yiddish wit. I refer to such as slippery heels. You have all evidently tried "the slide.* 9 I also hear that they are trying to borrow my duel scene. When you have half attempted this 111 have another new one for you. •; I AM the ORIGINATOR of the FUNNY SLIDE and DUEL SCENE. Am visiting my folks and very happy. : Under the personal direction of MR! L. H. FRANK. Address care "Variety or White Rats. ■ ■ 1 H CALL—Managers, Agents and Artists You are cordially invited to witness a performance of the ONE ACT PLAYLET, in a Scenes—by EDGAR SELDEN. TWO KINGS AND A QUEEN PLAYED BY ■ JAMES T. KELLY AND LILLIAN M. MASSEY Assisted by SHERIDAN HOLMES. Pastor's 14th St. Theatre—Week of Dec. 30th. KELLY AND MASSEY. A Happy Mew Year JACK SINGER »» ii The Behman Show We are still doing big business and creating some talk along the line. MORGAN and McGARRY Introducing- R«flned Singing, Expert Soft and Wooden Shoe end Acrobatio Dancing. EzolusiTe Agent, ALF T. WILTON. When antwering adveriyiemtmU kindly mention Variety. EUGENE CLINE 'Stores Located as Follows!: EUGENE CLINE. 59 Dearborn St.. Chicago. III. EUGENE CLINE. Third and Nicollet Aves., Minne- apolis. Minn. EUGENE CLINE. 268 S. State St.. Salt Lake City. Utah 6th and Olive Sts.. St. Louis, Mo. 1021-23 Grand Avenue. Kansas City. Mo. EUGENE CLINE. 717 Superior Ave.. N. E., Cleve- land. Ohio EUGENE CLINE. EUGENE CLINE. % EUGENE CLINE. 224 S. Broad St.. Atlanta. Ga. I——SSSSl <