Variety (February 1908)

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VARIETY 33 \A^I IF YOU HAVE IMMEDIATE OPEN TIME 1440 Broadway NEW YORK 167 Dearborn St. GNICAGO, ILL. BARBOUR—He Books the Acts I For Vaudeville, Faira and Parks. Mauagon, tend for listi. Artiita, tend open time. Addreii £, L. Bar'jour, 119 La Salle St., Chicago. DnOlflMr^ POR iki I STEAMSMIP I^IMBS GOING TO JBUROPB. D\/l/l\liVV« r\^f% #«kk THBA.TRICAI/ TRADB A SPBCIAI^TY. References—The Arconis, FlyltiK Bnnyards. Barton and Ashley, I'anl Cinquevalli, Duncan and God- frey, I.lane d'Bve, Goltx Trio, Iluthaway and Siegel, Great Lafayette, Irene Lee, The Rowlands, Henry <ind Alice Taylor. PAVI^ TAUSIG, 104 Cast 14tH Str*at, Telephone: 201)» Stuy%esant. Gc'rman Kavlngs Bank Buildinj?. NEW YORK. THE LEABINQ ENQLISK THEATRICAL AND VAUCEYILLE NEWSPAPER. Established 1880. THE STAGE Foreign Subscription, 8/ lOd. per Quarter. iCay be obtained at Samuel French's, 22-24 West 22nd Street, New York. ARTISTS VISITINO ENGLAND are cordially invited to register at "The Stage" ofEloes imme- diately upon their arrival. The Editor of "The Stage" will always be pleased to welcome them. Advance notices of sailings and opening dates should be posted to the Editor. When an artist has registered at "The Stage" ofllce, which may be regarded as his permanent London address, all eor« respondence will be immediately forwarded. London Offices: 16 York St., Covent Garden, London, W. 0. SidJiuson's N. Clark and Kinsle Sts., CHICAGO. 45 Seconds from Clark St. Bridge. SID J. EUSON, Lessee and Manager. Playing in burlesque attractions of the Colum- bia Amusement Company. Matinee every day. Amateur night Friday. and installation of officers ou 11. Bob Weaver is the new Chief Snark. SYDNEY WIRE. TORONTO, ONT. SHEA'S (J. Shea, mgr. Monday rehearsal 10). —"I'olly Pickles' Tets," amusing conceit; Rosso, musical horse, clever; The Murray Sisters sing sweetly and dress well; Smith and Campbell, K<H)d patter; Ines Macauley In capital skit; Bobby Worth, fair; Grassy Brothers, novel acrobatics. OAYETY (Thomas R. Henry, mgr.).—Good houses greeted Roble's Bnrlesquers and this standard show Is keeping up Its fine reputation. STAR (K. W. Stair, mgr.).—"Merry Maidens." headed by Sam Rice, comedian, who is a big favorite and drew all week. HARTLEY. FOLLY State Street near Congress CHICAGO EMPIRE CIRCUIT CO., LESSEE. John A. Fennessy, Manager. The most popular burlesque theatre in Chicago, playing the attractions of the Empire Cirouit. Nothing but the best. Two shows every day. Amateurs Friday. COLUMBIA THEATRE SCR ANTON, PA. PLAYING EASTERN WHEEL SHOWS. JOSEPH WOLFE, Pres. CHAS. E. WENZEL, Secy. GEO. NELSON TEETS, Manager. COLUMBIA AMUSEMENT CO.. OF SCRANTON, PA., OWNERS, PASTOR'S 14tb St.. 8d Av. Contlnaooa. 20 ft 80 Ota. NEXT WEEK. MONDAY, FEB. 17, 1008. QXnNLAN AND MACK. ■-'. CHAS. ORO AND SIGNA OTT. MAXWELL AND DUDLEY. . Sam Morris and Co. D'Elmar Brothers. " INN£a AND RYAN. Dynes and Dynes. I^uis Guertln. Wynnewood Sisters. Tare and Tare. Wygaud and Wygand. Vltajiraph. COOK AND SYLVIA. HAMMERSTCINS VICTORIA uss;"^ Open the Year Around ORPHEUM CIRCUIT eP HIOH CLASS VAUDBVILLB THEATRES tf. MEYERFELD, JR., Pres. MARTIN BECK, General Manager. FRANK VINCENT. N. Y. Representative. All Applications for Time Must be Addressed to 0. B. BRAY, Booking Manager, Majestic Theatre uidg., Chicago, III. VAUDmiLE HEADLINERS A><>(iOOD STANDARD ACTS If yoa have an open week yoa want to fill at short notice, write to W. L. DOCIvSTADER, Carrttk Tli«Atr«. WllmlaiUa. 0«1. Can close Saturday night and make any city east of Chicago to open Monday night. HEINDBRSON'S Xh*atrlcAl Bxchans^a 92 LA SALLE ST., CHICAGO. Bepresenting first class managers of Eastern and Western vaudeville theatres, vaudeville head- liners, novelties, big acts. Send your open time. . Address W. F. HENDERSON, Prop, and Manager. CHAS. H. DOUTRICK, Asst. Mgr. F. Q. DOYLE, Representative. OZART Vaudeville Cirouit. ^^ 10—Theatres—10- FEATURE ACTS ALWAYS WANTED. All oommuncations to Edward Mozart, Main Offloe, Family Theatre, Lancaster, Pa. Percy G. CIRCUIT COLONIAL ORPNEUi ALHAMBRA ORPHEUM NOVELTY Ntw Yfrk Br0«klvi HarJea Botlen Williantbur^ eOTNAM Eatf New Ytrk Addren all PERSONAL letters tt PERCY 0. WILUAMS, ST. JAMES BUILOINO, MTH ST. AND BROAD- WAY, mw YORK CITY NlW P WPIBE Madison SIreot NMr Halsted CHICAGO WILLIAM SINGER, MANAGER. Handsomest burlesque honse in Amerioa, plaj* Ing Empire Circuit attractions ezclusivelj. Shows changed every Sunday. Matinees dailj. NEW STAR MILWAUKEE, WIS. FRANK R. TttOTTMAN, Manager. Handsomest and safest burlesque theatre la America. Playing Empire Circuit Shows. Mstloe* Every Dsy. Visit the new Rathskeller Downstairs. The best in the West. I Want Performors To know that I build Sketches, Moaoloffnea, Parodies, eto., of quality. CHARLES E. WELCH Vaudeville Contractor. Per Address: COOK'S OPERA HOUSE, ROCHESTER, V. T. BEST PLACES TO STOP AT. Florenz House (Mrs. F. Florena. Prop.) The Home of the Prof esaioB, 170 West 47th Street Near Broadway New York Flrst-olass Rooms and Board. Reaaenable Terms. Convenient to all Priaoipal ThaatrM. 'Phone, 8011 Bryant. RIVKR SIDC GEO. 8. MARTIN, Proprietor. 101 W. Houston St., SAN ANTONIO, TEX. We cater to the Theatrical Profession, when in the city. GaU TROY, N. Y. PROCTOR'S (G. A. Graves, niRf. Monday re- hearsal 10).—Valeric Bergere and Company, "A Bowery Camllle." won approval; "The Water- melon TruRt," a good colored art, scored; Charles and Fannie Van. The Waterbury Brothers, .ncro- bats; Haflford and Mantell. slnKlnjr comedians; Allen and Mullen. In black art novelty, and The Musical Cralgs round out n very pootl bill. • LYCEITM (R. II. Keller, mpr.).—"Miss N«>w York, Jr." is the attraction for the flr^t three days. The company draw large audiences. For the last three days we have the "Cherry Blos- soms." J. J. M. WASHINGTON, D. C. OAYETY (W. S. Clark, mgr.).—Rose Rydell's "Tiondon Belles." Business grMxl. The material nsed Is bits taken from old-time burlesque shows, nnlnterestlng and makes the burlesque very (Iraggy. The chorus Is composed of fifteen neat damsels who«»e work Is full of vim and they sing well and are gorgeously costumed. LYCEUM (Phigene Kernan, mgr.).—John Grieves, the poitular man.nper. who Is known here for his pxHl work as inaiuiKcr of the Old Globe and the Famous Bijou Stock Company, is playing this week with his "CHlifornla Girls," a good bur- hsipie company. The performance begins with "The Sultan's Wives." It contains a variety of jiojiiilar musical nnml)ers. also more classical airs. The leading comedians are Sam J. Adams and William Maiissey. who carry the principal comedy roles and do fairly well. There seems to be someth ing lac king about the comedy, and they could do better If more life were In their work. Kipht«»en handsome and shapely girls sing well and are nicely costumed. The singing by Fred Taylor Is above the average heard In burlesque and hiuhly ajtpreclated. The female principals are Tlllle Cohen. May Orlette. Jji Belle Marie, Flossie Touner. Grace Towner and Gladys St. John, who sang "Tlie Mlsere" from "Trovatore" with the assistance of the entire company. It proved a big hit and seven encores followed. Rr'fia Doniildson danced during the burlesque cleverly. The olio is as follows: Gladys St. .lohn and Tlllle Crdien. singers and dancers, well likeil; I.a Belle Marie and M. J. O'Ronrke. sing- ing and wire, good; May Orlette and Fred "Taylor. nperatlc singers, immense; Tlie Three Marvelous llenmans. sensational bicyclists, hit. The perferm- ance close<l witli a pleasing burletta. "The Girl From Chelsea." BILLY BOWMAN. WHEELING, W. VA. WONDERLAND (If. W. Rogers, mgr.).—Billy Link and Compuny, funny little sketch, good ap- plause; Nevans and Kane, good "Dtitch" turn; Dunbar's (ioats, very amusing and well handled; KalacratuH, Juggling and hoop rolling, clever; Clam-eel. travesty ou "Camllle." by Wm. Court- wrlght and Company, full of laughs. 0. M. II. 1|S=>> ARTISTS, NOTICE Hotel Faurot SCRANTON, PA. 3 NInufet from Tboafros Anerlcan Plaa Bataa NadaraH E. RAISLEY, 244 Adams St. l^ational Rotd CHICAGO Cor. Van Buren St. and Wabash Ave. Hal/ block from Auditorium Theatre. In vicinity of all theatres. Weekly rates mad*. D. A. DOOLEY, Prop. big reception; Banks and Newton, dancers, well liked, and Burns and Franklin opeue<I hill B. N. KAKFU.NKLK. W0RCE8TEK, MASS. POLl'S (J. C. Crlddle).—The Five Majors, songs and imitations, well liked; Tom Moore, coon shouting, had to respond to several encores; Paul Klelst, musical clown, very good; Kulght Brothers and Sawtidle. singers and dancers, were well liked; Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Drew. 'Billy's Tombstones," the hit of the bill; Frank Bush, story teller, made a hit; Will Rogers. "Cowboys' Pastime," good. W. M. SHANNON. YONKERS. N. Y. OUPIIKUM (Fionis J. Fosse, res. mgr.).—Good bill to excellent business. Ilie hit of Snrky'a MiHtarv Octet as big as the act Itself; Charles M, McDonald In "The Sailor and the Horse." sc(tre<l; Francis S«Mlgwlck and Lillian Iloerlln (New Acts); Majestic Trio In songs and dauces, Y0UNG8T0WN. 0. Tlie new Princess opened Monday niglit «lth K<|uillo, elever hand balancer: Diitlstan^Tmd Leir- lle. pleasing comedy sketch; K. J. Appleby, good banjo Soloist; I/evv«' and Walters. novel ".sister" acl ; Zaida Palmer, tine l.ailadist; The American NewstM>y Trio, lively singing and danc- ing act. and pictures. The theatre \n coutndled. by .*<<»ns gc Young, who have Prlncexn theatres In Colnmb-is, Cleveland and Ziinesvllle. nwn Sun lKK)ks three |»erfi)rmaticeM. The Temide clo>»ed }<atnrd.iy niglit 1. (J«orge oinhausen. the niariHg( r. has nmvcd the Ktngo next door to the I'Mlson. where lu» will jihiy «>rie act weekly in <-<>ii?iection with n motion picture show.-— IKATUO \AIMM-KTAN(» (ILnry (Jliick. mgr.).— Hiiby 'riielm.i. clever child; J.unes Kdwards, nov- elty wire; Fl<»s-le Livian. slntrer; Dolllo Jon«>s. ordinary buck dan»er. and Bertlia LeM .t ', fair s«»prano; HI. songs an«I pictures. C. A. LKEDY. When atuweritiQ advertiiementi kindli/ mention Variety.