Variety (March 1908)

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36 VARIETY -V- * .■■■IM RBPRBeCMTATIVB ARTI»T« RCPRe«CrNTATIVB ARTISTE RICE & PREVOST IN "Bumpty Bumps 9f roil* PETERS WEEK MARCH 9. POLTS, BBIDOEPOBT. MB. AVD XEB. TRUESDELL - Tin* ftU UUd. MV» TAUDSmXC OOMEDl aLVB, 1«7 W. 4itk ft. V. T. Olty. **A OOSSSE XV OOEK." GEORGE ATKINSON TDO ALL nLLSD. ONETTA The D«rTlih Whirlwind Danoer In her ORIGINAL and only act of its kind in YaudeTllle. Always a hif success. Mana gement TOM BRAMTFORD, oare VA* BIETY, Chioaco Ofllce. Planted a seed In the garden of vaudeTille. Will it growt Or will weeds smother it outi FBAVX MAJOR A 00. "ft! 5 THIS WEEK, ALHAMBBA, V. Y. OITT. Address, PRAKK MAJOR, COMEDY CLUB. V. Y. CITY. Le BRUN Grand Opera Trio ■troBgest linglaf Act la TanderUle. Magnifloently Costumed. Management ALBEBT BXTTHEBLAin). BAY BILLY LINK *"?/» SHI^ "RESCUING A FORT FRO\f THE INDIANS." Alrona-Zoeller TRIO SOMEWHAT DIFFEBENT COMEDY ACROBATS. AddresH por VARIETY'S Kouto. CHEAP FOR CASH VAUDEVILLE THEATRE Also 13,000 worth of the very latest PENNY- IN-SLOT MACHINES. Address FRED A. BHANK, YounfrBtown, Ohio. WILDER Marshall P. 866 W. 97th St. New York. Phone 8188 RiTerside. SHEPPARD CAMP *«TKe Man from Georgia" The Really Funny Monologist, JAMES J. MORTON itm en the Theatrical Platform. The BROWNIES IN VAUDEVILLE. Duncan i Hoffman Comedian and Souhrette (With Gold Dress). Open for Burlesque for Next Season. Address care VARIETY, Ohioago Office. 6REAT SCOTT THE JXXOOLINO MARVEL. On the High Balancing Ladder. K.-P. Circuit until May. The Two Young Fellows. FBANK Z. THOMAB J. MdfisH m mm In a twenty minute cyclone of comedy in *'one.*' It iM't the name that makes tk« It's the act that makes the name. aBAOB JOHV O. TKB Knro or ibeland, JAMES B. DONOVAN AHD RENA ARNOLD QXTBEV 07 YAXnOSYZLUL DOIHO WZLL, THAVK YOV. ALP T. WILTOV, AfMt. EDWIN STEVENS In "A Might Out." **JnUua Oaeaar Vp To Sate." "An Zrening with Dlokens" "AnAmerloanBaflUn'* Assisted hy MISI TDTA mawwatt^ Time aU filled till June 7. 1908. NELLO JTJOOLEB, Assisted by MMEo NCLLO PLAYINO BETURN TIME SXTLLIVANCONSIDINE CIRCmT. LaVeola Booked hy UNITED BOOKING OFFICES. mrnm Ritterand Foster ACROSS THE POND. Address oare SOMER A WARNER, 1 Tottenham Court Road, London, Eng. ALF T. WILTON. American Agent. TOM BRANTFORD AN ORIGINAL LAUGHING HIT IN "ONE" EVERYWHERE. Not a Monologist, but a Story Teller and Entertainer. Permanent address care VARIETY, Chicago Office. JANE GILBERT With MAY TULLY IN "Stop. Look and Listen" UNITED BOOKING OFFICES' CIRCUIT. KELLY AND KENT ORPHEUM ROAD SHOW. In mirthful acrobatics with "WORLD BEATERS." When ans'wcring advcrtiscmenta kindly mention Variety. «'THE MONTANA WIDOW." Formerly of HICKEY AND NELSON. Mm ^ (iilM With "Moonlight Maids." ;'.':' A Good Singer of Good Songs. JOSIE AINSLEY Direction of JAMES J. MORTON. Bob Van Osten THE MAN WITH THE DUCK NOSE. THE CAGNOUX MAJESTIC CIRCUIT, March 9, Majestic, Little Rock, Ark. Rice "'Cohen Piesentlag "A Baehelor Wlfa." MABOH 9, OBPHEUM, DENYZB. Pete Curlev PBnrOIPAL OOMEDIAV, The Behman Show. Management, Jack Singer. Season 1907-08. €€ I IT? f9 Rran-Richfiold Co. 13f YAUDSVILLE. DIBZOTIOM MAO KAOOXBTYB FATHXB. •THE PLAYEBB. MR. and MRS. John T. Powers YAXJDBVILLB "TXT-BITB." This week, "Hathaway's," New Bedford. Next week, "Proctor's," Newark. Agent. ALT. T. WILTOV. MABIOV YIOTOBZA Direotion AL SUTHERLAND. Netta Vesta SINGING COMEDIAN Keith Circuit Address ears YABIETY AND Comedy Bar Casting Aot. With BAM A. SCBIBNEB'B "BIO SHOW.'* STUART BARNES Direction GEO. HOMANB. MISS ST. QEORQE HUSSEY AND CO. Assisted by C. F. LORRAINE. A Startling Comedy Success in VaudeTille. Address WESLEY & PINCUS, Agents. THE BUSY GIBLS, Character Singing and Dancing. MACK and DUCAL In Sullivan-Considine Leag^ue, putting over "Grit's Thanksgiving," by F. J. Beaman. We would publish our batitng aver- age but some might think we meant our salary. White Rats of America. UMPIRE. WILTON. Arthur BrowniDf FEATURE DANCING ACT. "^ ■ Guaranteed Hit. Open for Burlesque or VaudeTille. Address care VARIETY, Chicsgo Office.