Variety (March 1908)

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VARIETY 39 MOTION PICTORE FILMS - FOR SALE - We control ezdusively for the United Statei motion picture films made by the following companies: FRENCH FACTORIES: GAUHONT Paris URBAN-ECLIPSE Paris LUX Paris RALEIGH & ROBERTS Paris THEOPHILE PATHE Paris AQUILA Paris ENGLISH FACTORIES: GAUMONT London URBAN-ECLIPSE London WARWICK .London ITALIAN FACTORIES: CARLO ROSSI Turin AMBROSIO Turin The product of these makers will be sold without discrimination until further notice to rental exchanges and exhibitors. riLMS ARK SOI.D OUTRIGHT WITHOUT • RKSTRICTIONS AS TO THEIR USE In view of existing trade conditions we do not ask standing orders for every subject which we import, but quote a uniform price to all rental exchanges upon all films which we sell irrespective of quantity. OUR EXCLUSIVE FOREIGN FILMS IN HAND NOT YET PLACED UPON THE ■•;-v.r,.. MAREXT. .■■..•;.'■■•• -.i -•^:•^•■•-^•- GAUMONT. l.-.^';.., •, "Two Tramps" 4^7 ^ "The New Bill Poster" 264 ft '♦The Lightning Cabby" 3«7 ft. "Magic Duster*^ 350 ft. "The Novelist of Today" 510 ft "The Magic of Music" 49© ft. "A Student's Revenge" 387 ^t "Peculiar Pumpkins" 477 «• "Prodigsl Son's Return" 084 ft '•The Inspector's Trick" 5^7 ft- "Downfall of Burglar Trust" ^ 487 ft "It Freeses" 394 ft- "Son-in-Law's Nightmare" 5*7 ft "Inexperienced Cabb3r" 397 ft "Forest to Fireside" 934 ft "Trip to Norway 677 ft URBAN-ECLIPSE. "The Fly Paper" 134 ft "Catch Your Own Fish" 350 ft "Juvenile Scientist" 350 ft "The Littie Sweep" 377 ft- "The Runaway Cab". 300 ft. "The ViUage Fire Brigade" 367 ft "Pancakes" aoo ft "His Daughter's Voice" \ 357 ft- "Student's Joke on Porter" 3*7 ft "Drama in the Alps" 474 ft "Guides Sweetheart" 45© ft "Boy's Larks" aoo ft. LUX. "The Wife's Head" 300 ft "Miracle of the SUtue" 307 ft. "Money Bag" 650 ft. "Seamstress Romance" 5x4 ft. "Accommodating Policeman" 440 ft. "Wandering of a Mattress" x8o ft. 7M69 ft 3»886 ft S0SSL "Cook Wine"..:.. 394 ft "Electric Sword" 310 ft "Good Hearted Sailor" 634 ft "Eccentricity of a Wheel" 207 ft a,39i ft. "Custom Officer^ Pull. AMBROSIO. 374 ft THEO. PATHE. "The Photographer's Trick" 384 ft. "Drama in the Forest". 600 ft. "Drama in the Circus" 600 ft x»445 ft 874 ft. AQUILA. "Attack on the MaU Carrier"...... 500 ft. 1,584 ft A, Total feet in subjects IN KOSMIK SERVICE 500 ft. '7»549 ft Is the FilRi Rental Departmeiit of the Kleins OptlMl Co. This service is at present esUbUshed in eight cities of the United SUttt and at one point in Canada. It is prepared to accept rental orders at reasonable prices, based upo^ the quality of service required. _^ . Our nine Rental Film delivery Stations ^re located at the tou^mif^g points: CHICAGO, ILL. HOME OFFICE DENVSS» COLO. In charge of Mr. Chas. Sno^^grass. SEATTLE, WASH. I« ^rge of Mr. Geo. Endert MONTREAL, CAN. In charge of Mr. J. Alb. Pagenais. ST. LOUIS, MO. 523-4 Commercial Bldg., 6th & Olive Sts. BIRMINGHAM, ALA. 52 State Street. NEW YORK, N. Y. 662 Sixth Avenue. In charge of Mr. Edward Davis. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Terminal Bldg. In charge of Mr. Fred Lines. DBS MOINES, IOWA. In charge of Mr. A. Qist An additional Rental Bureau is bdng estabUshed at Birmingham, Ala., address to be announced next week. Our new subjects in films are placed upon the market simultaneously at these points. These rental Delivery Stations receive equal treatment in the^matter of aew film supplied, according to volume of business. The main office at Chicago offers no inducements which the other offices cannot equaL This department is conducted along independent, sane and reasonable Vtnm, without any restrictions except such as we consider necessary for the proper con- duct of the business, unhampered by dictation from any outside source. We are prepared to make film rental contracts covering a long period, priooi being based upon the character of the service required. * We offer special inducements and service at low prices in oountiy towni in whidi theatres give a few runs only, during the evening, and do not require the latest subjects, the main requisite being films in good condition, and attractiTt tob- jecta. Our fupply of new subjects is large, and renting customers who call for ipeeUl service have the benefit of our enormous supply of imported films, French, Italian, English, Spanish and German, unequalled in photograi^c excellence and actios^ as well as those of other independent manufacturers and importers whose fflms wt add to our list Exclusive service will be supplied to the larger vaudeville houses under special contract. In order to save time consumed by correspondence and to enable ua to quote right prices those seeking rental service are invited to answer the following ques- tions in first letter: 1. How many rv^lt an projeoted at on* numinsf 8. How oftoo aro raeli to b« duuirod wookly T S. Is tlio thMtre op«n (a) morning, (b) aftanoon, (0) OTaniiiff, (d) daily or ooaaiosallj, sad (e) Bandayl 4. How many ahowa are ffiven dally t I. Za tha theatr* in activa oompatition with othera f t. What is tho nature of tUa oompatition, if any, and wkat •!•■■ of tlaii araat w« dallviv to five yoa tho beat ahow in town! 7. What partioular manvfaotnran of fllau do your oompotitora faror, if aajl 5. By whom haa tarrioe been fumiahed to you proriovalyl S. Are you aoqnalnted with the European ftlma which wo oontrol in tho Vnitad Stataal If lo, specify the particular makea you prefer in rental: (a) Oanmont, (b) 17rban*Eclipaa, (e) Lsx, (d) Theophile Path*, (a) Wvrwitik, (f) Rossi, (r) Ambroaio, (h) AquiliK (i) Ealeigh i$ Aobttts, or of other mahea whioh wa kaadlo; (j) Amerioan Biograph, (k) Italian CMaaa, (1) Sapvorth, (a) Williamaon ft Co., (n) Miaoollaneoust lOi What make of machine do you usef II. Hare Just olaima been made arainat yon proTioualy for damasa to flimat How maaj tlmaat It. la yoox motion pioturoa aatisfaetovy to yourself in quality as it appaara upon tha avrtaial Do yon think that an improrement oan be made if your lenses, rheostat, ato., are chaaftdf The flrat coniidaration lookinf toward the Ions lif* of tha piotura bnainaaa ia quality o4 picturea. This concema not only rood iUm, but also lifht, lenses and earaful oporatiaa. Many 1^ beautiful subject haa been spoiled by oarelesaneaa on tha part of tha oparator. XaTa yo« a aarafsl and competent operator f SPECIAL PRICES FOR SUPPLIES. Film rental customers receive special consideration in the nutter of prices for supplies, and assistance whenever required, looking toward the production of the best pictures on the curtain. CONDENSING LENSES (special price to film rental customers only), excel- lent quality, any quantity, one or one hundred eaph $ .55 CORED OR SOLID CARBONS, fi x xa inch, each ^ INTERCHANGEABLE TUBE OBJECTIVE LENSES, No. x, No. 2 and No. 3 for POWER'S CAMERAGRAPH OR EDISON KINETOSCOPE, HIGH GRADE FZtEVCK MAKE, WITH OUR GUARANTEE AND RETURNABLE IF NOT SATISFACTORY $3.50. (Catalogue price $7.00 and $9.00.) JACKET FOR SAlfE la.50. (Catalogue price $5.50.) STEREOPTICON OBJECTIVES IN LARGE MOUNTS (^ sixe) 10.00 (Catalogue price $15.00.) STEREOPTICON OBJECTIVES IN SMALL MOUNTS (^ size) 3,00 (Catalogue price $6.00.) FIJ,M CEMENT, BEST QUALITY, PER BOTTLE 10 POWER'S CAMERAGRAPH, WITH KLEINE LENSES, FOCUS AS RE- QUIRED, FIREPROOF EQUIPMENT X83.00 These prices are not based upon cost to us and are offered to our film rental cus- tomers only. SEATTLE, Mehlhom Building. Licensee under the Biograph Patents. All purchasers and users of our films will be protected by the American Mutoscope & Biograph Company. I 66S 6tH Aw«tatt« CHIC AGO t 53 Stmt* Str««t MONTRCAI«« I^a Fatrl* Btaliaintf ST. LOUIS, MO., INDIANAPOLIS, DENVER, DES MOINES, BIRMINGHAM 533-4 Commercial Bldg., Traction Building. Boston Building. .Commercial Building. ... When anmotring advertitemenU kindly tnention Variett.