Variety (March 1908)

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VARIETY A Variety Paper for Variety People. Pabliih«d •rerj Saturday bj THE VARIETY PUBLISHING CO. Knlckcrt>ocker Theatre Bulldlnr, 140S Broadwaj, New York City. TWephooe/^^ 138th St. [4023 J SnnS J. SILVE&MAV, Editor and Proprlator. Entered aa aecond-clast matter December 22, 1905, at the Poat Office at Netb York, N. 7., under the act of Oongreae of March 8, 1879. OHIOAOO OFFICE, Ohicato Opara Houaa Block (Phono, Main 4880). FRAITK WIE8BEB0, BoprosontatiT*. BAV FBANCISCO OFFICE, ; 1116 Van V9n Ato. (Boom 118). W. ALFBEB WILSON, BoprotontatiT*. • BOSTON OFFICE, Colonial Buildinf. ERNEST L. WAITT, Hepretentatiye. DENYEB OFFICE, Crystal Theatre Buildinr, EABBT X. BEAUMONT, BepretenUtive. * ADYEBTIBEMENTS. 20 ceots an agate line, $2.80 an inch. One page, $120; one-half page, $65; one-quarter page, 132.60. CbargM for portraits fnmlabed on application. Special rate by the month for professional card under heading "RepresentatiTe Artists." AdrertisiDg copy should be received t>y Thurs- day at noon to insure publication in current issue. ^ TRADESj yi'^ yjcoywai» 89 SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Annual |4 Foreign 6 Six and three months In proportion. Single copies ten cents. VAUIBTY will be mailed to a permanent ad dresM or as per route aa desired. VARIETY may be had abroad at INTERNATIONAL NEWS CO.S OFFICES Breams Building, Chancery Laue, LONDON, E. C, ENGLAND. Advertisements forwarded by mail ranst be ac- compr.nled by remittance, made payatile to Variety Publishing Co;, Copyright, 1907, by Variety Publishing Co. Vol. X. MARCH 14. No. 1. John J. Murdock is in New York. Julian Ross sailed for Tendon last Saturday. Stuart Barnes opens at the Empire, Lon- don, April 15th. The Dunedins, bicycle net, sail in April to play foreign engagements. Edmonds and Monie have separated. AI Monie is now working alone. Abe Holzman, the song writer, will re- turn from a long trip to-morrow (Sunday). Frances Fairfield has replaced Vivian Montgomery with B. A. Rolfe's "In Old Se- ville." Jos. Davis, late of the "Silver Bell Quartet," and .Tack Engle will shortly be seen together. Fannie Usher, of the Ushers, wrote "Fagin's Decision" in which the Ushers are now playing. Louise Allen Collier has a comedy act, employing three people, which will be pro- duced in April. V^asco, "the mad musician," has been engaged for the entire Summer for Ham- merstein's Roof. /• ; Geo. Johnson, of Johnson and Richard, has recovered from his recent illness and will soon return to work. Mr. and Mrs. Tim McMahon announced the arrival of a "Tim, Jr." last Monday at their apartments in New York. Eddie Clark is having his "Piker" sketch extended into a three-act comedy, in which he will star next season. Shedman's Dogs "jumped" from.St. Joe, Mo., to their home at Dumont, N. J., after the close of last week's engagement , ■ Moonie Le Maire, formerly of Le Maire and Le Maire, and Jack King, iate of Al. Weston's Company, are now partners. Elfie Fay did not appear at the Colonial this week. Matthews and Ashley filled in the vacant place, playing also at Hammer- stein's. Joe Welch has suflScient United time in his sketch "At Ellis Island" to keep him busy for the remainder of the season. Truly Shattuck made a successful debut at the Berlin Wintergarten on March 1st. Miss Shattuck is there for the month. At the direction of Manager Nick Nor- ton the Sunday night concerts at the Olympic, Brooklyn, have been discontinued during Lent. , The Drexelers, man and woman, a foreign riding act, open at the Hippo- drome March 30, imported by Marinelli for that purpose. K.T^h^ryn Miley, the singer, is playing at Keith's, Portland, this wook as hor first engagement on the Keith circuit, with other time to follow. Max Goldsmith, formerly with the Eve- ning Mail and Evening Telegram, has en- gaged as publicity manager of tlio Gus Edwards' enterprises. Ti-ovollo, the ventriloquist, presont<'d, for the first time, his new act "Not the Regu- lar Keeper at the Zoo," at the Garrick, Wilmington, this week. "Happy" Fanny Fields arrived in Ameri- ca last Saturday, landing at Boston. She is here visiting relatives, and returns to London in a few weeks. Svengali cancelled this week's engage- ment in Watertown, N. Y., owing to the death of his mother. Minerva, a female handcuff expert, substituted. Either Harry Tate of the several Tate companies, or the Tate who manaees Clarice Mayne, the forei;in imitator, ar- rived upon the "Lusitania." V. IT. Pauliiielti has rocoverod from his rocrnt operation, causod l>y loosening a muscle in his back from continiial acrobatic trif-ks for a number of vears. Someone started a report this week that William Morris would have the book- ing for the Hippodrome next season. It was denied at the Morris offic«. Vera Michaelena, the singer, has been placed by the Marinelli office for the Berlin Wintergarten during next October, with other continental time after. Fougere, the French comedienne, will play Freiedman's summer park at Buda- pest during June, opening on May 30. The booking was arranged by Marinelli. It is seven years since Stella Lee sang and danced in vaudeville. Miss Lee has prepared an act for her reappearance, and M. S. Bentham will arrange the dates. ■■■" ^■■■ ■,/;■ \-:-- Wormwood's Monkeys will play at the Hippodrome for the balance of the sea- son commencing April 27th, booked by Marinelli. Until then, the act plays over the United time. Thirty weeks for next season are being given out at the Orpheum offices, includ- ing also the houses on the '^Western time," booked by the Western Vaudeville Asso- ciation in Chicago. Jimmy Rego and Blanche DeCotret were recently married in P'ttsburg. Mr. Rego wiM continue as a single act, while his wife remains a member of DeCotret and How- ard ("sister" act> as before. Mrs. Cliarles Robinson, wife of the bur- lesque manager and comedian, became the mother of a boy Tuesday. She is in New York. Mr. Robinson is playing Detroit this week with his "Night Owls.'* Cartmell and Harris leave "Fifty Miles From Boston," when that show takes to the wilds after playing Brooklyn. The team may }>e henrd from again in ''onnec- tion with some Cohan production. Lily I^ena, the English character singer, has applied to the United States courts for her first naturalization papers proliminnry to becoming an American citizen. Billy Iiinian is being featured by his young scm, who now says "Papa." Billy and hi.s wife, Anna Doherty, are boasting of the "quick study" their boy has proven himself. Bortisclj. a foreign "strong man," offer- ing an exhibition like that of Sandow, opens at I*roctor's, Albany, next week. The act is under the management of Ly- kens & Levy. Marcella's Birds cancelled at Poll's, Bridgeport, last week rather than consent to a proposed change in the program posi- tion, the niana^'tment wanting the a< t to close the show. On January lo, last, in Oiicago, a di- vorce was granted by mutual consent, breaking the bonds which formerly held in wedlock VA Red way and Katheryn Pearl, leading woman at present with "The Strollers." Whit Cunliffe, the English singing come- dian, sails for England on the "Lucania" to-day, after a ten-week tour on this side. The Marinelli office offered him twenty-six additional weeks, but foreign engagements prevented his acceptance, r The B. A. Rolfe "girl act" at the Trent, Trenton, this week for its first appear- ance, is called "Six Girls and a Teddy Bear." It is from "The Teddy Bear" show, lately closed. The young men were formerly in Jos. Hart's "Fire Oackers." Hackenschmidt, the wrestler, arrived on the "Lusitania." He has matches ar- ranged for in this country. The Marinelli office will book any variety engagement. It does not expect Hackenschmidt will ap- pear upon the stage here for exhibitions before next fall. Ina Claire, who imitates Harry Lauder, among others, having been the Scotch- man's assistant while he played at the New York, will open in her single act at the Orpheum, Yonkers, March 23, under the chaperonage of Abraham Hammer- stein, son and brother of the family. Subscribers to the George Fuller Golden Journal have received this week the por- tion of their unearned subscriptions, as shortly ago announced by Mr. Golden would be refunded. At that time Mr. Golden stated that his health would not l)ermit of the attention necessary to the monthly. Albert Whelan, the Australian enter- tainer, has accepted seven more weeks on the United time, and will be billed as "special feature." Mr. Whelan will then leave for England, returning here next ()ctol)er for a tour of twenty weeks given by the same agency, after which he will star in a musical comedy now being written. As "Willie" Hammerstein was leaving M. S. l^entham's oflTice in the St. James building one day last we<'k, an artist nit- ting in the outer room said to him: "Mr. '.Morris,' have you any clubs?" "You will have to see Hugo about that," replied Mr. Ilaniiner.stein, as he walked away with a smile playing over his wind-tanned Matures. The bookings coming to light during the week for immediate and future engage- ments, together with the reissuance of contracts by the United to acts which were under Klaw & Erlanger contracts, since expired, tell more plainly than anything else could that normal booking conditions in the large agencies are once more at hand, or very shortly will be, although there are but ten or twwlvs weeks left to the season. Tippel and Kliment, an act from tha West, will app*^ar in New York for the first time at Pastor's next week, booked there by Alf. T. Wilton. Another Western card has been placed in the same house by the same agent for the week of Mar.h '2?.. The latter is The Apollo (Quartet. Mr. Wilton says the hooking (onditions in New York seem to have Ikm'ii followed by the Westerners who are ML'ain s^'udint; in apitlirnf ions for Eastern tin«e.