Variety (March 1908)

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VARIETY 17 f ■^-»- • ■ » • ■ ♦ - VARIETY ARTISTS' ROUTES FOR WEEK MARCH 16 WHEN NOT OTHERWISE INDICATED. (The routes hero given, bearing no d«tei, are from MABCH 16 to MARCH 82, incluaiye, de« p«ndent upon the opening and closing daja of engagements in different parts of the oountry. All addresses below are furnished VABIETT bj artists. Addresses care managers or a(«nta will not be printed.) ,^ ,^, ■"..:-...:- "B. R." In the list indicates the rout* of the Vurleaqne oompany named, with whioh the artist or aot is with and may be found under "BURLEBQUE ROUTES." ROUTES FOR THE FOLLOWINO WEEK 1CU8T REACH THIS OFFICE VOT LATER TKAJr WEDNESDAY MORNING TO ENSURE PUBLICATION. ♦ •<*•*» ■♦-» ♦ ■■ • » *» ♦ Abel, Geo., A Co., Bennett's, Montreal. A. B. C. D. Girls. Orpheuiu, Harrlsburg. Adams A Wbite, Ilurridburg, Pa. Abdallab Bros., Three, 417 E. 14. N. T. Abbott-Andrew Co., Princess, Youugstown, O. Adair, Art, Family, Davenport. Acton & Klorllls & Co., Uijou, Dulutb. Adams, Flo, French Maids, B. R. Adamlnl Taylor, Dmplre, Pittsfield. Mass. Adams Bros., Imperials, B. H. Adams A Drew, Twentieth Century, B. R. Adams, Mabel, 30, Shea's, Toronto. Addison & Livingston. Palmetto Beacb, Tampa. Adelyn, Box 249, Champaign, 111. Adler, Harry, Park, Alameda, Cal., indef. Ahearn, Charles, A Vesta. Golden Crook, B. B. Abern A Baxter, Bachelor Club, B. R. Ahcrns, The, 200 Colorado, Chicago. Alabama Cornedv Four. Proctor's, Albany. Albani, 1416 Broadway. New York. Albene & La Brant. 1G4 E. Rundolf, Chicago. Alburtus & Millar, Hlppo<lrome, Putney, Eng. Aldo A Vannerson. 831 Uoebliug. Brooklyn. All A Pelser, Moon Light Maids, B. R. Allen, A. D.. & Co., Orpheum, Atlanta. Allen, Eva, Ideals, B. U. Allen. Josle, 351 St. Nicholas, N. Y. Allen, Leon A Bertie, 118 Central, Oakosb. Wis. Allen A Kenna. Majestic, Charleston, W. Va. Allen, Searl A Violet, Union Square. N. Y. Allison, Mr. and Mrs., Green Room Club, N. Y. Alllster, Harry, 11 Rne Geoffrey Marie, Paris. AUmao, Chaa., Yankee Doodle Girls, B. R. Alpha Trio, Family, Butte. Alpine Troupe, North, Chicago. Alrona Zoeller Trio. Mahonoy City, Pa. Alvarettas. Three, Trocadero, B. B. Alvora, Golden Crook, B. R. American Banjo Four, 1431 Broadway, N. Y. .\merlcan Dancers. Six. Bennett's, Toronto. Ampere, Electrical, Mlsa N. Y., Jr., B. R. Anderson & Golnes. Poll's, New Haven. i Anderson, Carl, Bowery Burlesquera. B. R. Apdale's Animals. Hathaway's, Lowell. Apollo, Orch., Benton Hotel, Benton Harbor, Mich. Arberg A Wagner. 1412 Treniont, N. Pittsburg. Ardella, The, U14 Sandoh. Canton, O. Archer. Rol)€rt. Jolly Girls, B. U. Ardo A Eddo Troupe, o. II.. So. Norwalk, Conn. ArlBonas, The, 14S \V. G8. N. Y. Arlington Four. .Armory. IMii>;hamton. Armstrong A Verne, Orplieum, Los Angele*. Arnold, Lucia, Boston Belles, B. R. Arnot A Guiin. 215 Cth Ave., N. Y. Atwater, lOva. Frencli Maids, B. R. Atkinson, (;eo., Theatorium, Masslllon, O. Atlantic Come<iy Four, 1-.'9 Stockholm, Brooklyn. Auberts. Les, 14 Frobel Str. III., Hamburg. Ger. Auers, The, 410 So. 4th. Mt. Vernon. N. Y. Austin, Claude, 86 No. Clark, Chicago. Austins, Great. Uockvllle, Conn. Austins. Tossiiijf. gueens. Iloll)ocl{. Eng. Avery A Pearl, tJ53 Wash. Boul.. Chicago. Baggessons, The. Coluinlila, CInclunatl. Baker, Nat C. 32 Division, N. Y. Baker, Chas. B., Orpheum, Salt Lake. Baker Troupe, Man-li ;{0, CoHmmiiu, Chicago. Balno A Shaw, Hippodrome, N. Y.. Indef. Banks, Breuzeale Duo. Orpheum, Sioux City. Banks, Chaa., Boston Bellea, B. R. Banta Bros., Four, Moonlight Maids, B. R. Barker & Barker, Norton & Hudson, Irondequoit. Hartlett, Mr. iiinl Mrs. (Juy. Colonial, Galveston. Barton, Joe, Bohemians, B. R. Barrett, Grace. Pat White's Gaiety Girls, B. R. Barrett A Belle, Century Girls, B. R. Barrett, Charles. Moon Light Maids, B. R. Barnes & Crawford. .391 E. 45, Chicago. Barry. KaUe, 641 W. 158, N. Y. Barry A Hughes, K. & P. St.. N. Y. Barry, Mr. & Mrs. Jlinmle, Chase's. Washington. Barry & Wolford. Poll's. Springfield. Barto. Eddie, RoIIlckers, B. R. Barto A McCue, 810 No. Second, Reading. Bartlett, AI, Hunt's Hotel, Chicago. Bates A Neville. 46 Gregory, New Haven. Beard. Billy. 1401 Drayton, Savannah. Beattie, Bob, S04 B. 143, N. Y. Beattles. Juggling, Avenue, E. St. Louis, 111. Beauvals, Arthur A Co., Victor House, Chicago. Bedioi, Donat, A Dogs. 220 W. .38, N. Y. Beecher A Maye. 23 Atlantic. Brldgeton, N. J. Bell A Richards, 211 B. 14. N. Y. Belmont. Harriette, Jolly Girls. B. R. BcUclalre Bros., Shea's. Buffalo. Bell Boy Trio, 10 Stuyvesant, N. Y. Bell, Prank, 1553 Broadway. N. Y. Bell, Norman, Trans-Atlantic. B. R. Belmont A Brenoan. Imperials, B. R. Bennett, Laura, BIJou, Battle Creek. Bensons. Musical. Genl. Del.. Chicago. Bentley, Harry, Imperials, B. R. Benton. Maggie. 136 Taylor, Springfield. O. Berkee, The, 400 W. 80, N. Y. Bernard. Cassle, Rose Sydell, B. R. Bergln, E. Howard, Adelbert Hotel, Kansas City. Bernler A Stella, Orpheum, Denver. Berry A Berry, Majestic, Houston. Beyer A Bro., 1553 Broadway, N. Y. Beverley, Frank A Louise, Dominion, Winnipeg. Bicycle BUI, San Diego, Cal., indef. Big Four. High School Girls, B. R. BIJou Comedy Trio, Watson's Burlesqnera. B. R. Bingham, 335 Beaum. SomervIUe, Mass. Blnney A Chapman, Gem, Columbia. Tenn.. Indef. Birch. John. 133 W. 45th. N. Y Bishop. Prances. Century Girls. B. B. Blxley. Edgar, Boston Belles, B. R. Block. John J.. Harry Bryant's, B. R. . -^_^^.- Blue Cadets, 51 Hanover, Boston. Blush, T. E.. 3241 Haywood, Denver. Boorum, Mattle, 154 Clifton PL. Brooklyn. Bobker. Henry. 03 Porsyth, N. Y. Booth A Gordon, Majestic, Denver. Bobannan A Corey. Century Girls, B. R. Bolses, Five. 44 Curtis. Grand Rapids, r-. Bolus, Harr>-, Lyric, Beaumont, Tex. ' * Bottamley Troupe. Circo Bell, Mexico. Bouldon A Quinn, Scenic Temple, Providence. Bowers, Walters A Crooker, Hathaway's. Lewell. Bowery Comedy Quartet. 821 Charles, W. Hoboken. BoranI A Nevaro. 1013 Lincoln. Milwaukee. Bovven Bros.. Unlcjue, San Jose. Cal. Bowman Bros., 320 W. 43, N. Y. Boyce. Lillian, Jolly Girls, B. R. Boyce, Jack, 1.^53 Broadway, N. Y'. Boyd A Veola, 110 E. 14, New York. Bradfords, The, 230 W. 41. N. Y. Bragg, John D., Toreadors. B. R. Bradna & Derrick, Keith's, Boston. Bradys. The, 209 W. 43, N. Y. Biady A Mahoney. Irwin's Big Show, B. R. Brinn. L. B.. 23 Haymarket. London. Eng. Brennan & Downing. Majestic, Houston. Brennen A Biggs. Century Girls, B. R. Brentford, Tom, Park Hotel, Port Chester. N. Y. Broad, Billy, 1553 Broadway, N. Y. Broadway Quartette. Four Huntings Co. Brobst Trio, Pottsvllle. Pa. Brooks A Jeannotte. Grand, Victoria, B. C. '" Brooks A Ve<lder. 210 E. 17, N. Y. Brown, Jessie, Ilanlon's Superba Co. Brown A Nevarro. 4 W. 1.15. N. Y. Bnwka, Harvey, High Jinks, B. R. Brooks A Clark, 24G4 Patton, Philadelphia. Brooks, Jeanne, Parisian Widows, B. R. Brown A WUmot, 71 Glen, Maiden, Mass. Brown A Wright, .344 W. 45, N. Y. Browning, Mr". & Mrs.. Hotel Everett. N. Y. Browning A Le Van, 805 Cauldwell, N. Y. Bruce, Ai., Toreadors, B. R. Bruces, The, 1525 State, Chicago. Bryant, May, Boston Belles, B. R. Bryant & Savllle, Bl.1<ui, Marinette, Wis. Burton A Brooks, Fair Haven, N. J. Buckleys. Musical, 297 Ave. B. N. Y. Buckeye Trio. Majestic. BulTiilo. Young & Vera. Mile., Star. Seattle. Bunnell & Clenrov. Orplieum. Watertown, N. Y. Burdette, Madeline, 212 W. 44, N. Y. Buckeye State Four, 2:i04 E. 57. Cleveland. Burgess. Harvey J.. 637 Trenton, Pittsburg. Burke A Urline. 119 E. 14, N. Y. Burns, Morris A Co.. 54 Hermen, Jersey City. Burton A Burton. .309 W. 5.'>. N. Y. Burnell, Lillian, 511 W. North, Chicago. Burton, Matt, 1185 Valencia, San Francisco. Burton A Shea, 111 7th Ave., N. Y. Barton A Vass. 25 Haskin. Providence. Burrows Travers Co., 116 E. 25th. N. Y. Bush & Klllott, Novelty. Topeka. Bussler. Walter H.. Orpbla. Madison, Wis., Indef. Bulla A Raymond. Wash. Society Girls, B. R. Burtlnos. The, 1370 Richards. Milwaukee. Iluscli, .Folinny. Jr.. Alton yer. McKeesport, Pa. Butley A Lamar. 2310 S. Bouvler. Philadelphia. Buxton. Chas. C. Crystal, Menasha, Wis.. Indef. Byers A Herman. Orpheum, Reading. Byrne, Golson. Players. Grand, Marlon, Ind. Bvron A Langdon. 204 E. .'>2, N. Y. Byrons' Musical Five, 5138 Indiana. Chicago. . Caesar A Co., Prantz, St. Charles Hotel. Chicago. Callalian & St. (leorge, Cohmlal. N. Y. Cauieron A Flanapan, Poll's, Waterhury. Camp, Sheppard, Kentucky Belles, B. R. Campbell A Colly, 16.33 Bourbon, New Orleans. Caldera. A. K., St. Charles Hotel. Chicago. Callan A Smith. BIJou, Dubuque, la. Calvin, Janu's, 445 W. 04. Chicago. Caprice, Mile., Poll's, BrldgejKjrt. Camp»)ell, W. 8., Rose S.vdell, B. R. CarrlUo, Leo, Nyack, N. Y. Carr, Jessie. Toreadors. B. R. Carbrey Bros., Temple, F't. Wayne. "Carletta," Mar. 8-22d, Oakland. Carol Sisters. Lyric. S. McAllster, Okla. Carmen Slaters. 65 W. 116. N. Y. Carroll A CtK»ke. Orpheum, Kan Francisco. Carlos, Chas., Pastors, N. Y. Carroll. Great. Pay Poster, B. R. Carson A Wlllard, 2210 No. Lambert. Phlla. Carson Bros.. 427 Pacific. Brooklyn. Carson A Devereaux, Larell. Miss. Carter, Taylor A Co.. Keith's, Portland. ; ' ^. Caron A Farnum, Orpheum. Minneapolis. ' r' Carters, The, 921 9th. La Salle, 111. ; Carter A Taylor, 266 W. 43, N. Y. Carter A Waters. 158 Greenfield, Buffalo. Cartmell A Harris, 1031 McDonough. Baltimore. Carver A Murray. 229 W. 38th, N. Y. Casettas, The, 4013 Sb. Artesian, Chicago. . Casey Circus. K. A P. 125th Si., N. Y. Casey A Craney, Hathaway's, Brockton. ■ Caswell. Maude. Gibbons Tour. Caitanos. The. 104 W. 61. N. Y. Chadwick Trio. 220 W. 88. N. Y. Chameroys. The, 60 Manhattan Ave., N. Y. Chandler, Anna, City Sports. B. R. Chantrell A Shuyler. 219 Prospect. Brookljn. Cbapln, Benjamin, Lotus Club, N. Y. : Chester A Jones, Hathaway's, Lowell. Chlnqullla A Newell, 23, Gotham, Brooklyn. Christy. Great, Knickerbockers, B. R. Christy, Wayne G.. 776 8th ave.. N. Y. Church City Pour, Strollers, B. R. '. Clalrmont. 2061 Ryder ave.. N. Y. Clark, Edward. 1558 Broadway. N. Y. Clark, Geo. O.. 2464 Patton. Phila. Clark, John P.. 425 Forest. Arlington. N. J. Clark. Mul. Bowery. B. R. Clark A Duncan, 1215 Madison. Indianapolis. Clarke, Harry Corson. 130 W. 44. N. Y. Clark A Turner, Star, Cbarlerol, Pa. Clarke, Wilfred, Poll's, Bridgeport. Claudius A Scarlet. 140 W. 83. N. Y. Claus. Martha, 134 Concall. St. Paul. Chevalier, Mme. and Prof., Colonial, Galveston. Cleveland, Claude A Marlon, Pastor's, N. Y. Clermento, Prank A Etta, 120 W. 27tb. New York. Clinton, Chris, Majestic, Latrobe, Pa., indef. Clipper Sisters, 466 Blewett. Seattle. Cllto A Sylvester. 214 No. 8. Philadelphia. Cllvette, 274 Indiana, Chicago. Cox, Lonzo, 230 W. 51 Court, Chicago. Coate, Charlotte A Sunflower. 1553 B'waj. N. T. Cogan A Bancroft. 1553 Broadway. N. Y. Cohen, Louis W., 180 Jewet, W. New Brlghttf « Cole A Clemens. Davis Hotel, Philadelphia. Cole A Coleman, BIJou, Bay City, Mich. Colleens, Singing, 104 W. 88. N. Y. Collins, Eddie. Oshkosh, Wis., Indef. Collins, Nina, Lady Birds. B. R. Collins, James J., Jolly Glils, B. R. Collins A Brown, 148 Kosciusko, Brooklyn. Colonial Septette, Hathaway's, New Bedford. Coltons, The Champagne Girls, B. R. Comrades. Four, Camden. N. J. Conklln, Billy W., 441 W. 10. Erie, Pa. Contino A Lawrence, 240 So. May, Chicago. Cohen, Will H.. Rolllckcrs, B. R. Connelly, Mr. A Mrs. Erwln, BIJou, Battle Creek. Comerford, Vaughn, Broadway Gaiety Girls. B. K. Conn, Downey A Wlllard. Majestic, Little Rock. Cook, Billy, Toreadors. B. R. Cook, Prank, Austin A Stone's. Boston. Indef. Cooke A Rothert, Majestic. Ft. Worth. (;oombs A Stone. 147 W. 45. N. Y. , Cooper & Robinson, Cook's, Rochesterl Cooper, Harry L.. Pay Poster, B. R. Cooper, I>K), Coliseum. Seattle. Coram, Orpheum, Minneapolis. Cotton, Lola, Ilammerstein's, N. Y. Cottons, The Champagne Girls, B. R. Coubay, William P., 404 W. 34th, N. Y. Couthoul, Jessie, C.'>.32 Harvard ave.. Chicago. Coiurtlelgh. Wm., Orpheum. Boston. "Covington, Marse," Orpheum, Minneapolis. Coyne A: Tlnlin. 7036 Washington, Chicago. Craig, Rlchy, Orpheum, Seattle. Crawford A Manning. 258 W. 43. N. Y. Crickets, Proctor's, Newark. Criterion Male Quartette, 156 5th ave.. N. Y. Cronin. Morris, 21 Alfred Place, London, England. Crystal. Herman, Parisian Widows, B. R. CuUen, J. H.. Orpheum. Kansas City. Cnmmlngs A Merley, Unique, Ix>s Angeles. Indef. Cunningham, Al.. 200 W. 44. N. Y. Cunningham A Smith. 1^3 E. 04, N. Y. Curtin A Blossom, 91 Newpll, Greenpoint, Bklyn. Curtis, I'almer A Co., 2096 Nostrand, Brooklyn. Cusbman A Le Claire. Lady Birds. B. R. Cuttys, Musical, 23, Empire, London, Eng., indef. ('(innin;;hani. Holt A Daisy. Dreamland, Ashland, O. Cyril, Ilerlx-rt, Proctor's, Troy. Dacre, Louise. Parisian Belles, B. R. Dagneau A Bruce, Orientals, B. R. Daley, James, Parisian Widows, B. R. D'Alvlnl, Kooky Point. R. I., Indef. Dagwell, Aurle, Orpheum, Yonkers. Dalllvette A Co.. O. H., Lebanon, Pa. Dale. Wm.. Crystal. Elkhart. Ind.. indef. Daly A Devere, 115 B. 115, N. Y. Dale. Dotty Dainty, 252 W. 86, N. Y. Dale, Sydney, Guy Bros.' Minstrels. Dale. Will. Bucklen Hotel. Elkhart. ' Dalley Bros.. 1370 No. Main. Fall River. Mas*. Darling, Pay, Lady Birds. B. R. Dsrmody. Harry Bryant'a. B. R. Darrow, Mr. and Mrs., Hathaway's, Brockton. Davenport, lOdna, Yankee Doodle Olrls. B. R. Davey Dancing, Circle Diamond Ranch. Thatchar. Davis A La Roy, Pittsburg, Pa., indef. Davis, Edwards, Mar. 30, K. A P., Jersey City. Davis. Plo.vd. Temple. Boulder, Co.. indef. Davis. Hal, A Co., Grayling. Mlcb. Davis, H., Air-Dome. Murphysboro, III., Indef. Davis. Roland, Pay Poster, B. R. Davis A Davis, Mlsa N. Y., Jr.. B. B. Dawn Zella A Co.. 857 B. Market, Akron. O. Dawson A Whitfield. 846 E. 68. N. Y. Dcaves. Harry. A Co., Bergen Beach. Brooklyn. Dcery A Prands. 828 W. 80. N. Y. Delmo, 88 Roee. Buffalo, N. Y. Delavoye A Prlti. 2667 Madison. Chicago. Dell A Miller, Hippodrome. Buffalo, indef. Deltons, Three. Jolly Grass Widows. B. B. ' '«*; De Camo. Chaa. A Dog. 8 Union Square. N. T. ^^ ' De Chautal Twins. 263 Ogden, Jersey City. v Demacos, Ttie, 244 No. 10th, Philadelphia. De Graff Sisters, Trans-Atlantic. B. B. Demonlo A Belle. Pantages. Seattle, Indef. Derendii A Green, Apollo, Paris, France. De Haven, Rose, Sextet, K. A P., 125th St.. N. T. De Lislo, Mae, Colonial Bellea, B. R. Delmore A Darrell, 1515 0th. Oakland. Delaphooe. 64 Wllloughby. Brooklyn. De Coe. Harry, Grand, Marlon, Ind. De Mont, Robert. Trio, Washington. Spokane. De Veau. Hubert, 864 Prospect, Brooklyn. Devlin, A Ellwood, Orpheum, Minneapolis. DeMora A Graceta, 238 Crystal, Findlay, O. De Muths. The, 26 Central, Albany. Dewitt, Burns A Torrance, Grand, IndlanapoUl* Devine Doc. Ashland Hotel. Phlla. De Voy A Miller. 200 B. 14. N. Y. ^ DIerlckse Bros., 1235 Golden Gate. Sao FranclM*. De Vere. Madeline. 54 W. 126. N. Y. De Young, Tom, l.-SO E. 113, N. Y. Doming, Joe, 1203 W. North, Baltlmoi*. Dervln. Jas. T.. 616 So. Flower. Jam Angeles. ^ Diamond A May. Fischer's. Los Angeles, indef. Diamond. Jas.. Kentucky Bellea. B. R. Dlzon, Bowera A Dlzon. 6626 Carpenter, Chlent** Dlzon. Nona, 6626 Carpenter, Chicago. Dona. 411 Keystone Bank BIdg.. Plttsborg. Donald A Carson, Orpheum, Allentown, Pa. . Doner. Joe A Nellie. Moon Light Maids. Donnelly A Rotall, National, San Francisco. I>onnette. Ira. 133 W. 45, N. Y. Doherty. Jim, Moon Light Maids. Dotsoo, Howard, 435 BIngamen. Reading. Doaglas. Chas. W.. Broadway Gaiety Olrls, B. E. Dove A J^. 422 W. 48. N. Y. Dowlln, John. Toreadors. B. R. Doyle, Dorothy, 300 Columbus, N. Y. Doyle, Phil.. Lady Birds, B. R. Doyle. Maj. Jas. D., 1558 Broadway. N. T. Downey. Leslie T.. Dreamland. Radoe, Wis. Drawee. Frisco A Hambo, Moulin Rouge, Brazil. Dreano, Josh., Revere House, Cblcsgo. Dudley. O. B.. Crystsl. Ind.. Indef. Duffy. Thos. H.. High School Girls. B. E. Duncdin Troupe, Orpheum Sioux City. Dunne, Thos. P.. 128 B. 16, N. Y. Dunham. Heslln A Barardl, Jolly Girls. B. B. ' Duncan, A. O., Shea's, Toronto. Dunn. James, 464 W. 61, N. Y. Duprez, Fred. Lyceum. New I^ondon, Conn. Dupreez A Morrison. Empire, Salt Lake. Dupree, fJinirge A LIbby, 228 W. 25. N. Y. Duprce, Jeanette, 164 Fulton, Brooklyn. ■-■■■■■ E Eckel A Du Pree, 129 Stockholm, Brooklyn. Kckhoff A Gorden, 240 W. 26. N. Y. Hdmonds A Haley, 808 E. 60, Chicago. Edmonds A Monle. 808 E. 60, Chicago. Edwards, M. A C. E., Hippodrome. Buffalo, lodst. Edwards, Robert M., A Family, 114 W. 100, N. T. Edwards. Jennie, Bowery Burlesquers, B. B. Edwards, Ralph, Parisian Widows. B. B. Edwards A Vaugban, 2030 Lawrence, Phlla. Ehrendall Bros., 1344 Lefflngwell, St. Louis. Elastic Trio, Majestic. PIttsbdrg. Indef. Eltlnge. Julian. 1014 E. 163. N. Y. Eldridge, Armory. Blnghamton. Elliott A West, 2002 Ellsworth, Phlla. Eller, Glole, Fay Foster, B. R. Elliott, Belair A Elliott, Harry Bryant's, B. B. Ellsworth 4, Tlg«r Lilies. B. R. USE THIS FORM IF YOU HAVE NO ROUTE CARDS CARDS WILL BE MAILED UPON REQUliST