Variety (March 1908)

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38 VARIETY RePRESBNTATIVe ARTI9T9 REPR&«CMTATIVB ARTIOT^ RICE & PREVOST IN "Bumpty Bumps 99 PHIL NCTTIC PETERS Week March 1ft—POLI'B. WATERBTTBT, CONK. MR. AND MSB. TRUESDELL Time all tiled. AiddreM, eare YAUUZVILLE COMEDl OLITB, 147 W. 46th St. N. T. City. "A CORKEB nr OOBK." GEORGE ATKINSON TIME ALL riLLKD. ONETTA The Denriih Whirlwind Dancer In her ORIOINAL and only act of iti kind in Yaudeville. Always a hir succeH. Mana gement TOM BRANTFORD. care VA- RIETY, Chicaco Office. Planted a leed In the garden of yaudeville. Will it ffrowt Or will weeds smother it outi BILLY LINK *•"> «=» "RESCUING A FORT FROM THE INDIANS.* in Alrona-Zoeller TRIO SOMEWHAT DIFFERENT COMEDY ACROBATS. AddresH por VARIETY'S Route. "THE AUSTRALIAN NUGGETS." Booked Solid. Direction AL MAYER. WILDER "^ S60 W. 07th Bt, New York. Phone 8188 RlTerside, SHEPPARD CAMP "TKe Man from Georgia** The Really Funny Monologist. J^MES J. MORTON M. ■tOl 00 the Theatrical Platform. The BROWNIES FRANK MAJOR * CO. "Hies Address, FRANK MAJOR. COMEDY CLUB. N. Y. CITY. Le BRUN Grand Opera Trio Btroacest Binclnf Act in VandeTille. Marniflcently Cost umed . Management ALBERT SUTHERLAND. tfRACB Ritterand Foster ACROSS THE POND. Address oare SOMER ft WARNER, 1 Tottenh am C ourt Road, London, Eng. ALF T. WILTON, American Agent. TOM BRANTFORD AN ORIOINAL LAUGHING HIT IN "ONE" EVERYWHERE. Not a Monologist, hut a Story Teller and Entortainer. Permanent address care VARIETY, Chicago Office. Jim—THE BRADYS—Kitty March 16, PottsTUle, Pa. TIM HEALY PRINCIPAL COMEDIAN "BRIGADIERS" MORRIS NANLEY and DOLLY STFRLina presenting "KID HICKEY," A Story in Slang. Bob Van Osten THE MAN WITH THE DUCK NOSE. THE CAGNOUX MAJESTIC CIRCUIT, MARCH 16. MAJESTI C. FT. WORTH, TEX. FRANCIS i ROGERS UNITED BOOKING OFFICES' CIRCUITS. JANE GILBERT With MAY TULLY IN "Stop, Look and Listen" UNITED BOOKING OFFICES' CIRCUIT. KELLY m KENT ORPHEUM ROAD SHOW. In mirthful acrobatics with "WORLD BEATERS." GEO. F. HOWARD Mimio and Character Impersonator in "One." It isn't the name that makes tho aot— It's the act that makes the nam*. JOHN C. SALLY THE KING or IBZLAND. JAMES B. DONOVAN AND RENA ARNOLD QUEEN OF VAUDEVILLB. DOING WELL. THANK YOU. ALF T. WILTON. Agoat. NELLO JUGGLER, Assisted by ^f^^E^a PlE^I^LO PLAYING RETURN TIME SULLIVAN'CONSIDINE CIRCUIT. SeHiW With "Moonlight Maids." IN VAUDEVILLE. Have Your Card in Variety When an»wcring advcrfiaementa kindly mention Variety. CYCLISTS * ■ k, ■ *» Managers and Producers Apply to IDA FULLER For use of her Patented Fire Effects. Address care Cook's Exchange, 1200 Broadway, Now York City. IMRO FOX THE ORIGINAL CONJUROR V . AND DECEPTIONIST. , '. •' ■'" Address care VARIETY. A Good Singer of Good Songs. JOSIE AINSLEY Direction of JAMES J. MORTON. Rice«'Cohen Presenting "A Bachelor Wife." MARCH 16. ORPHEUM, DENVER. Pete Curlev : PamOIPAL OOMSDIAH. The Behmaa Show. Management, Jack BingCTt ' Season 1907-08. €€ I IT? f9 Ryan-Richfield Co IN VAUDEVILLB. DIRECTION MAG HAOOERTY'B FATHER. «i THE PLAYERS.' MR. and MRS. John T. Powers VAUDEVILLE "TIT-BITB." Agent, ALF. T. WILTON. MARION VIOTORIA Direction AL SUTHERLAND. Netta Vesta BINGINO COMEDIAN Keith Circuit Address care VARIETY Comedy Bar Casting Aot. ' With SAM A. SCRIBNER'S "BIO SHOW." STUART BARNES Direction GEO. HOMANS. MISS ST. QEORQE HUSSEY AND CO. Assisted by C. F. LORRAINE. A Startling Comedy Success in Vaudeville. Address WESLEY A PINCUS, Agents. THE BUSY GIRLS, Character Singing and Dancing. MACK and DUCAL In Sullivan-ConaidJne Leag'ue, putting over "Grit's Thanksgiving," by F. J. Beaman. We would publish our batitng aver- age but some might think we meant our salary. White Rats of America. UMPIRE. WILTON. OKITO FAMILY Chinese Maj^icians The only white artists in the world portraying the Chinese character with Marvellous Acciiracy. THE MOST SUMPTUOUSLY STAGED ACT IN VAUDEVILLE. Orpheum, New Orleans., week March 16. Address VARIETY, Chicago Office.