Variety (March 1908)

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I *. •. V tf ■ - • «> J ■ 1 i". •■■■' \. Without Any Possible Doubt tbe i ■..-A ,^' Hit \si^ Geo I England Reno and ■ (Earnestly request investigation of tlie above assertion) BIOGRAPH FILMS KIDNAPPING WITH THE AID OF A STREET PIANO ^^Her First Adventure'' Paaa aloac our dtT** tkorooflifar* any day and a oMit mmmn^^^^mm^mt^rm^mmmmmmmm^M 'J^m/"'gllPJ"^ DF^FMT RI^ODADU UITO tatwwtiiif 9totiir« tiMto oar si«lit. Thar* at tha curb stands f^^ ^ ' '"^^Si tW^JV/ lli 1 ■^Ki\^fcl^ ■ i»l\#Vil%#lf^ri Fll I 9 tha swarthy riiafed •tolcal Italian, as nnMaotional as a marble ^ iV ^^^^1 jg _^j Y jnJBPf it jl '*THE BOY DE#TECTIVE** 497 ft. ■tatao, crindinc out in monotonous tempo ths latest ooon sonc, ^»/A^^^^K_ >; ^kJMka ^MUMH^La. HOfl «TU"I? VITT T rk\X7 "DITI^TT ** CAO f4> ballad or faroa comedy bit, broadly contrasted with the sanny ^B^^^^HUPIM^^Sk ^^^^^^^BI^^I *f B^i^l^^ VV IT&X^Xl^ ,Df£ IZ, Uttla faoos of the yooncsters on the sidewalk industriously ^^^^^^^^^^Sa^S^B^I^^^^'l^^^^^^l '"^^^ PRINCESS IN THE VASE" 938 ft. pIvMottinr to tha discordant strains. Such a soene is the ^^^^^K^^^mBJ3KlfttM^^^^S^^K^^ "THE SNOW MAN" 717 ft. opeaiar of this Biograph film. One child, more susceptible ^B^^^^^^^^^^B^aMYm^KHI^^^BBB^BBrfj^B "BOBBY'S KODAK*' 518 ft. than the others, la lured off by this musioal mendicant. Her i^ml^^^^^^^^KKEM^^nSt ^^^^^^^EiS^lflH **m AQCMUT AT1?C» OAA ^ abaoBoa boia* dlsooTorad, a dor is put on the trail and after ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^KKKS^m ^^^^^^^^BflA LIL^ OUU It. a series of exoltinc inoidents runs down the miscreant. The ^^^^^^^^^^HBS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^SH "LrONESOME JUNCTION" 574 ft. ■tovy Is stirrlac in episode and beautiful in photorraphy. ^^^^^^^^^HHj^^^^^^^^^^^^HjjHP ^'PALSEILY ACCUSED" 990 ft. .^_ . IH^^^HHI^^^^^^^^^K 'PROFESSIONAL JEALOUSY" ..609 ft Ltistb. 509 Feet ^^^^^^B^^^^^^^^H "mr. gay and mrs." 762 ft ■.VH^iiif WW V ^^^^^^HBS^^^H^^^H "I^R* SKINUM" 592 ft ^^^^^^^^S^S^^^^^^^M "THE ELOPEMENT^ 693 ft ■■^^^^^^^■^^^^^^■^^^H "WIPE WANTED" 848 ft VRrTE FOR OURCDESCRtPTIVE CIRCULARS i ^^^^^H^^^^B^^H ~^ BET ON OUR MAIL LIST AND KEEP ^POSTED ^^^^^S^StTTTI^^"^^^ ^^ picture, are made with our celebrated riq. OKI UN uun nmi. 1.191 mru Mccr vruoicu the uttle waitoeree. graph carierai- our films run on any machine. AMERICAN MUm «nd RIQGRAPH COMPANY UOEJOMMt wnXZAMB. BROWV A EABIJB. AMEEIOAV MXTTOSOOPB A BIOOEAPK 00. "I Ea 14lll STREET| NEW YORK CITY WE WILL PROTECT OUR CUSTOMERS AND THOSE OP OUR LICENSEES AGAINST PATENT LITIGATION IN THE USE OP OUR LICENSED PILMS >, « Kleine Optical Co., Chicago, Special Selling Agents Pacific Coast Branch, 116 N. Broadway, Los Antfeles. Cat When anfvoering advertitement$ kindly mention VABOrrr.