Variety (Oct 1930)

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VARIETy 19 w'iS WALTER WINCHELL ^ l2 Mins^; Comedyrprama^.^^. -\ ^ Winter Garden, N.^. ; ;: • X-qjiiclc fa3t' Screen pl^^ "tivis; to. xriaU© a freak :attractlph like Waitejp Wlnchiell'stand up >v,itli 'it isehds; credit dIre.ctly;to its author. Here the author 4s Wallace Suiliyan. T So smartly has SuUivaii written Jt Tbbth Winchell arid: the short . Avill- be credited as first class Oil .AVinv ch^H's. inrst screen, appearance, l^or' value, it*s okay -wherever ^Wihchell • krtown. . In ttibs^. tbwiis .where. hl3 "'Mlrr^or." colunin;4i;. daily .syhr ; dlcatcd; of's a pipe. There . sbpuld b©.'a=h6ok-up with the .siabscriblnff W.inchell .daily- . .Wher® ■ AV'ihcheli may .' :npt _. he kiiowjri; it .wiU. ii.eed; Explanation.: las to his identity arid connections; but; Withal, -It's istili a :spQd sihoi't; arid can. !St^rid up. also in thoso.. spots • because/there's a nite jeald-in .it, besides a. school .for fflrla. ' 7 ■'■■it 'starts, in the- school, with. the principal . flrinff nearly an; ;e.ritire; diss caught riea'diriff Winchell's. ciplT .tiiiin rather than: .doing/their studies: Just". iSrie\'iously they : had : listened in on Winchell at,th&..rilike..:;T :. wherev Winched id , snatchy, 'bit of scandal istUff,. hi^ .own .■ talki'""' • ■ ■ •I ■'. ^iiater thei ^icls iie.cldfe to; go; to/ .a" : nlte! cliib^to'.jsee. the hiugg "ith.ey .jgot ;flre.dV for.Vv ^nchell .Is /.there . b ..the .h^ad^YaUer tips'hin:i"a;.nd ■ flot ;dlkc:lose :hiins'elf. - Ife js-ypinched ■'w'lth the :g^irlis.- m -raid /and. squariea them ';at the -holitfis.: station,'. . as thev.pFlheipar.* 're$ti iShe!;s soused 'arid hearing the: .-desk'.lleuteniint .address Winchfell,. . goes- into : a panic ' at pbssible puh> •■^cIty;-•■'-•^■■.^•r^'•■^;■^^.^••^■'■^^/.^■' '^'-i ^'z' .' Wlnchell: tells.! the pld. dame- uht. •■ loss'.she reinstaffes. the'-giris' the'Siext; motning^ ilie' will . give Vh6r .a blqiBt .for the side, stuff slie!s pulUng.^ That. Winds it up/'with Win'chell; slipRlh'g the' looker aiiiphg V thjei • .girls, a Tniish. flrtaliB^ spiel. : • The. IpOker.v ia -Madge Evan^.iwhb ■suits. ad'mira.bly; iii dia-: ■ log'-a^'.welU ■'..'• '■• ■.'■^ .'" i'. .-,:. Shpi't -i'u.ns .,v-er.y shibpthly.: With ■Wlrichjell doiJi.^Voli.e! in tsiik rtiid n.r).r ' pearance; ; lit dpugh . .for this 'onej he got $1,750, Withauit.cbmniis.r ■■•siohV .. ■ • . . But.-SulliVan splits all tft€( credits, .with all of thiern.^ This sort of ma-, terijil Writing . i.-*: the:.;hard~est piC all- .lehbrt story. . teiling,\ and-; Sjiillivan's. .. writing; Job - here,Is Al;.....(S imc. . : ^SHAKESPEARE WAS RIGHT" :'.'Musical' plkyiet'" -.lO-Mins;' .-:■'■ ■■y.:.^ n. ■ . -^.V >Strand, 'New: York -'- V itapho ne: U o. 3989; V :■■ All in .Techrilcblor, .this i^; one time - whfeh. color': IS '! the. picture'ja chief ;. iLsseV . "CPniiedy. > S'ery. Irislgniflcarvt , arid.: used chiefly as a brief' preface, to;three songs "and sbrtie- tap danc- ing. : Songs- arfr: -"If. I; Cia't . Have ■Tou*" "Help Your.sfelf iio Mjr;l»ovcit' and. "Brand New Rhythin.'^ ^Nbrib of the. singing numbers Very; • hpli .paTticiilarly: two as soloed by a- ;.; blonde.; . H«r , voice. i-eprodupes rau- ! -c6.usly.'; Dancing; Is. mtich. .better.- ., ;.;■.. Idtea cehterjj the.actibn in;a cttiirt- ;roplrn,; \vith Shalceisp.ekre b'rbught up tP thb;.times., . Tob •sing-spngy and tpii.ljh"e;-lri treatment. !tO'.;.carry ' jjLny . Jripre ..weight : .than the ": regular ''^■"'''-"' this c •■•;. ■■.■■■■ ■ Wa^V' ■ ■ .;"Liyfe;Knci^LEARN'vr..-' 20 .Mins.: •■(.eoniedy) .'..' -:Areha,-,N^w. York :.Y ■.■■v-:'V:---^';;^'^: loathe-U .- Throwback to tiio .two-reel slap-.. fitiQli's "'ot ■ sfl^Y>t; •' ttiehiC and . "action, .with -dialog . tb- 'biMng it ..up; .to djxt0. it fits a{>. comedy filler- for trjnd billis now,' as it did; bofpre: ;. ;,- ■Abo.ut-' fbur'-different: ijasic ideas strung. to£f.ether:-i.h /this bhe. ...'First .Is,; the-.;wife's, mischievous - Itld - by a; .first .rnairi-lagb. . The secbnd husbahd" gets., in his.' first .'.and ■ secbhd jams •through,- the bby. I'irkt is at.: the: breakfitst.; table; -. .dhd.. fc'ecbnd; when th©. kid gets the measles..: fliusband No. i- was visiting tli.e .ex-wife^^^^ Klfi 'W^^ the . iiouse was . quaran- tined;.:: 'That ■ left; deuciVig hublin^v . barred, outside. -The other .JaiTi' was. ^Ith. the guy next ^bbr, jealous^ arid. ,>vhos6.Wlfie. wo^.ia,: flirt. :.. >■ ':■ It almost:winds.;up/ with' the sec-: .ond husband;; oi' - double f in a box of liiriei hut iiiilshes 'ifiiiihler, ..l?roifri-the . street lie yiells "I"know i'pu're :iri:, my ;a:pirtriicht with. my.. Wife;.. Cfet.iolit Jancl ^ 16 - other g.uys Bhihriy doivri various'fire .escapees. ■; V Tlio old .''throw' down the key" -Bine;, . ;^Wp-r >ri JViE; in O L O: TtyW N ; : .^creeo .Songs-.^-■■..;'.--^;'.. :-.-.-'-''X : ^■•''^ '^9^;^^M^yf^ir\</HeSN York:; . •':';;V:-^Pa»'am:6Unt'";;-:^^^^^^ ■ ,Ma^; -,tFi(»ii5Mi6r ;scre.en song pro - ■'.9ucodvwlth the\'object'of. community '.vl^B^i'ig: ,in- acconipanini:ent to the . lyrics-ph.the. sci-op TJiat very old. but .still lamili£^i- ditty:.;.'^thci'e'n Ije- -,.a;:Hpt; Time-, in . the Old Town-. To- ..night.V ;i3. .t:h6 ■^Qrig"..subject bt tnisi. ■/rel?^sp;V.Y\-.A-..;::.;-'--v:'' ' .' -i^^tics of cartoon chafactor; mlr£«- ieadiiifl;-:uj):to the .'sbn.g •b6ing;gjil:3herl!' ; :th!J ^, -; WLth. a-'Avliite^;- bill'. bounciJig ov'pr :tho~ lyriqs..';;'.-;•" ■ .. . ,. :Oke prbductlpn-,a.iid njc-6'ii'' \Vo-\-en. '.'AT THE ROUND TABUE"! With J AMES J. GORBETt, DE WOLF HdPPER, t)AMON RUN - YONr and;MARK HELLINGER 8-Mi fis.;'/Cbhiedy:-■ ■■. Winter Garden; -Nv Y-V;-:- - ■ '.'■■ ^'V-itapKiane-' ■'• .. A short to;«f celebs fea- tured in it;: No story, just a-skeleton bf .a frame; Good "novelty ..a,hy.\v here with., publicity ■ppksible :bebause of i>ersOnages;;:V>'^." r.V;;;-.''-':-:^.'. ', ;jim :;.Cbrbett doei-/most; vof tlie: work. ?Skltvbpena" in. his eym^^^ hp Is i puttlhg. .girl's through : exer- fe;IseSi ;.;DeWolf ;ftOpper .drops, -iri; ffeHs-'Jiiri a,: :n,ewS»paper : ma,n: ivants, to isee:hlm at-.the ;cluh; . ■ Next scenp; is -:a..;rbtind table in .what ; Ibol'cs; ; like ' the grill Of:- the' Friars. The.:~fpur men "are. seated- f Or lunch, wi'ien the .ribwspap.ef manV -nribille'd^ ^*nters tO: see.-Cof bett. ^ He's ;oh6 of' th6.:hurn-ehv-'up BarheUk Of Pittshurghi.. ^-Never heard Of. 'Cprr bettf but vHoppeiv; and • Runypn. are. his pais, While. .Hellinger':: couldh't live .if he.- didn't slip. Hiellingef air of his/stuil.. ■• '■ .'XV;.- ':-• . Introduced to . eiach .at .tiie Stable,' then : ne\^«'p.ape'r.. .man /waves .."that' aside aa a.. framc;;. h^ kiiows • titem ' all-;:' /Cprbett and. :thes'e ffellows ;are- ribt.'the.'bne.s;'., :./;■■ '-. " .■ •; •Then -. ;thfe expiahatibn.. !and.' ;.tlie Ikufeh, with- HelUrigei" liboked for the ;checli:^- ; ;;-;;; V;-;^ : . ...i^^prte, ^M^TH'sina'^D>tUE-;:':■'yV;:v^r:;T^':"■^-■v"- '^Accidents Will HapRen?:, : ■ll--..M.iri,S»';: ,-.<:Co'medy,).:; •■'■'■:■ ;Woew.'s. .C.iro(e,.':Neyy';.yorl<;\-'-;- 'v.:.'--; .Paramount . ^'. -^ .'■'.'■'''''-'' Sbrt of hbkUm; cpmedy ie"xhib3 afe^^ supposed, to . waiht iny shbrlis : nowiiV. days, ..rather than ctrami-,- is' "abun- dant; in./"Accidents . "VVlll Happen';'." It's /a gpod: brief of the cbmedy;-type for any.' .straight ; picture house,.:. y - ;■ A- pbiht that help's' iBtreri^then .the diemand Cbt- laughs - in- .sho'rt ' sub:- j'ects, .and. Obtained: to; a 'high dfegree in-;this. .short, ;is -. the. ..natural ■: pace that : usuiUy ' .accbmpahifeS ' KOkUna.. -With hokp, there are: more: chances tor .adirector . to atfep bri the . -gas than, .with ' apy other •; subject mat- ter. As often, .enough hokum in- One short wlll^ carry'/the. directipn' uh- :cpnsciousiy...albhg.- ■; :'■..;.-;.- ".' : : 'Spmetimbi 'a-ibad cohiedy i'shbrt is sa.:ved. • here and; ,therfe . aibrig., the fbOtafee; by strbng.^ shots / Of. hpke, arid, ojiice in i wliljlp - tlies.e separ- rated..- laughs;; will :$ay'^ the ' §librt f rorii ah utter: flop,: or :riiak6.: it play-: abip . arid . falriy; eritertairtinef. / .Bvjt.. Syith the. dramatic .-therb ■ are.' rio. pcrlpdical: cpmpdy mpme.nts tp wind, it;lip, '"and ;wheri -/a- dr.artiatic short is/.bad It^s- terribl6. . Str'prig dramatic bits alo;riig/.the; :w.ay will hot siave /a bad ;d;ramatlc'.sih.Ort tO thb extfeiit s.ti'pnis;/ 'cpmeidy ; moments::: every so often-will .rc'v^^ive ;a.<3bm ;; That' pace., . lent, naturally ' to - a shbrt,hy ho.kurii. jab^,- if the;hbke ia bke, is tilp . <!dg6 ' always pbssesafe'd by . cbriiedy. hero on tire screen'arid thero; on ; the /stage. "Whrie nothing is: / niorb, natural; as/ ■ entertairinien t than plenty of cOmcdy/in: fhie ^librt; :spii'fce of jt;taiklrig',sh.ort. / , -; : ' ■'■'.' ■ ; "Acci.dfents ;■ Wili; -Happeii" la., one of "Sriiith and Dalp's se/ries' fo;r Pfira.^ :m0.unt. / it riot.- the situaition ,/itisfilf, the dialog -seems Writteri;/.special-iy, for -tiils team'; / .it. fits their, fast re- .sporigive delivery style;;;: ;; : jpe Smith /floes 'ia/ faking; yicti'm of -, an au tb acbldent ahd .. Gharlie/ Palo;/thb;;.•anibularice ,ehasirig at-r- tornbyl They. .cook, up; a story for 'a law 'suit but/t.he/ rriltt is. tipped later -to the .IrisurariCb - inspector; .,>.Con- siderabte 'comedy, material, in" both lines ; and 'situatipri.s; in;- ;,the. ; ex- amin.afibn.'.- seaueriec.they . jjoiitrlr^ but<»4 their' owrn : piebb; of biz. ;from -the..:bld T)r.-- I-Crbrikhcit scbrie; : .Billy Halligtini another -.ox-ya«ide.- .villiaT»i.,.plays. the inspec. //- '. "/•/'. :.; .;V--:./.: '■' .;./Bfi/e.-'V 'EVERYTHrNG I^APPEN&^^^T^^^ ME' .., wit)i;JAME,s;:CAR;S!ON,/-; ■;'-';;V.-v /Comedy:Skeicrh-.•/;:./•■/-.■/ ■ / :^ ;..'' ; '.■.; 8.. Mins;-■•:..■ ■'■■„: .,.'■ ;/ ■:' .r P-^'- ' ■:. ■ ':r "' ■'■ ■: UbeW's New York* New York:; ^ . Vitajjhbne No. i046 /; Soriiething wpri-t .vvrphg/in; the pror- :du< this; .•ahort.:: .;Ba.reIy.Ta line iri- it; -. All/-d;urine'.:.thb ■ rUririirig- Cslt-. ■ spriv';as 'a- hebe, riioari.s "Every thing; Hiippena/- to vMe." . giving ; thp im:- .ivcssiori that/thcit is- the punch line, •vvhlch- will end. .thb .stiprtwith./ a. Jau^hi Iiistead ariothop. line is uS^d for - the ' cnd/ug /Wh ich::;is ^, niefining.-.; "Ipss,-:aUhou^h. tli'e/action riatuiraUy.'d toward tli;e of thb'. punch ■lirib;.- ;;;'.;-"■■:•;■.;■-■:-/'; ■.-■■.;"■ .V--'\- : ;liobe's son: .and./daiVP;liter, borrow, 'iupney.> ;frprii'' him,' , hin/ /stbclcs/; go .fi.i?bc'y-and there Js/nbVb.i.?:. ^'yst.'i] fjazor wallili -in/'the .-'p'Olce'/and tbtls. the .'ir.Qbe "that. ,if :ho.. look'.s ,.-iri . -the .ci'Sistal • he .will... fi.:oe -hi.?' futurc; --.. IIP ' asks.: to;; ."^oc ' a-- rib w.hi<i^.r "ot ; - ypaf .iihoafli-. ire - SPPS.. It in/ the ';■ crystal ■'iiui rpftd? hi.«5: stocks^gprib; itp;.' lii.'i iMijHinbSiii/ ls-. prbfsp.Pi'.irig/ and: .his. .(l;;iuf;-.htbr- ■*(\'ili:. Kh^^r-tly;; lib; wed. In' .t'frc'.Mttb'r :ite#l.i-f-safj-i?;' '-.daughtbr: -■.of tl'ie-'Iato:.-Mr.:'Arnbw|'tZv'.'. -' ■"■ -i -.-; -'■ • That .sitii.ation; readily^ fi.'ttiecl ,--lritb: the • use bf .tlvb-'pirrioh: /I ihp. fd.r./;&. |n.u?)i; since/.it had- bebri i'Ufsed four., tiiritifj.'before; .'iiiit ;-iri's,tpa.d.; the - 1-iehe inon.iVp/nnb.tViPr-Hiie.-. ■ ■::'.-: - ■'/'-/.- . :-■ ..Short was -auyjprijd |)y^^$am^TCo■p.p. ■('■\',<iv.kiy-''^):, anj:-iI.^iiTy.:l'rayrn;vn.-;.' ; Mimature Reviews : ":YQung ;- Wppdjey^^ ;- Internatiprial).; ,Nbt big eribugh. 'iri/ 6tpry/ or /mj^klng .fbr; iiysit: .. i;iiriis. ■; Cliaricea other.wiae speic ' ailatiyfe.-/:;;...;/: ■ .-/■;■.-.■>■.; ■:.; ;;; "Her Wedding Nipht"- (Para- ; mbuht—Clara/ Iio^^')v Gdy.coom.- bdy in thb /Ayery Hoijwoo.d: .;veiri, / With ■exbeiient. seasbnl^^ ...^f..; spice.'/;-;.Ouglit--/46--^ ;-make;'.- --wb^riiqn- talk;-':. / - V ■ .:; :;■■ ?■ \: . "The -Office / Wife" (Wai-r ribrij).'. ;; Surb -fire. ' ■ E Vj^rj-thlng:.: ---/evbrybbdy. ;wantff.': ■. - • - .^^;L--6-V-e.;'-;i.;h.;.'t/i^«. - /R;b:u'irh"; ■ ; .(Metiirp):; ...JMiidb' sllert '■. ■ ; as. /"Spring iPpirer/' ... Taiker.;cari /; -; 5tah(j| -up/iw, programed: in/ thb-; :. .TtbigfhbPthpbda.; without, .batry.^ ;/ In'g ienbugh weight for dp 'lux- : erSi : Golf, theriip;, '-This and - "Ifbliow 'ihirn.^^ Bhbuid itot fol- :/low brie jinother loo .closely,. * / /„ :*^JaM iPlnderbH^; ^:<priestbf- :> fibld),; . .;Sriiali-tim /. Witii: litUe. to/re'coriiriaend;itv '. V;,-.-VTiie. Badk:Man^^tFN)-/\;/Wail- ^;--tbr;'Hii£itbri. .--.the-'wor^^^^ ;• ing;- arid' '■■ bpnsiderablp /ioit ''. the-: ,'story :treatment.poj)r. .Good for ;a'•.;"^.-abmei..,-.of-/',th^^^ :hOuses,. h'tit/ lje for; second. ; ru n ari4 nblg.bibprhood/chlEirige^^^^^ ./If. ..impiiiitiri? ■ ::'Hustori'iriust.:db it:'--.-;:---;:t>v;/:;/--\ ^'A Nic|ht ^t::the Shopiirig. Gallery" "With;; iilasbii';;l^al[|bit':. v;;/ ./-/^M/ >'/.'/ Musjcai;-(Cbiorfone);;-.'■.--'.'■.; 14 ;Miris.:; :■.:;■;;- • :■;//-:-,•:';.:; ■^ ^[.X'.S Areria,;. lNevy:.;y0i'k:; :^?'- •:;/.>-'.■'/, ■[■'.. .s:V■,//Metrp':/.; :;.;;;'. /;-'-.... ;/; ";i3adly. I>utcherbd ;tniUsical; short tri' Color.'. It ;wouid bfr /a; .bbttpr break for Vthe. Hetr0-:i-;iia;nib: to,-hayi?; kept :this Qr^c:/bIi/■th^;.:iBKiell!,-^-■ ■■■ ■■;.;;..■:'. Whatever the: Qriglriai .;lntbnti^ It tbbk. a; / wide dbtbtir; in the. cutting room- • Specraltiea ;arb,/6ilbed : right In the ' middle arid , bits hooked to- gether in patph-;work £,^ashlpri There; arb a few • niiriuteis ■ of'/ prettiri.ess. In the; cblpr, .-bttt they .don't stai'nii; up;t.'thiB'..defect8.,-; -. -.:■ .•;-■;■■■;';-. ■■■'"■. /Bby arid- girr at,ai shooting gdlleiry. When the. boy :sh0bts at-a .figure, i;t, bbmes to XLi& for/ a. song or dance,' mostly.:dance;;: • .'^Alberllria • Rasch hallbiL of :24; In the/blUirig, is lost In the u^ukl mdnner 6£ glrly. Unies:/be- fdre- : th»;'. limited •:: Cambra/; B,bppe, although ';tha;;;pirla are:/ In, for the two best shbts^ - ; These ; are ' oVer-? lieads.;.--'-v ■ '■■/:■■':■■ ■•/ -:'- „/-"/-'' ; :,' ,r^br an'ajitl-climai, bpy, and girl .ha4 .finished 6hOPting/;a,nd thb ''■ prppribtor closed /up/ for tlie nlght» is 'thor .original i4ea :b.f bring:^ ing dolls tb:. life. . It's hpt so. inter- esting thiS; time'/becaiuseth^: dolls had: preyiously: done/:theIr .stiift. ■ / Attractive sfet rtebds tiihb.;tipL febri-i .vlnpe a3.;a tehootihg gallery.. . ;; /; .. Exhlbs-: Incllnfed. to/.lie' tieU-cbnr scipus ^needn't .'take ..thft: '. title to hpart; .•.:.:./ ,:■'-,/ ;,/'• :/- . Bige. ;. -■:;.CQRlTiisH; -MA'DE)...^-^ /.;■; "• ■ ;../(^!\(l''blalpg'):•'Z -v-.;/^-..; •■ hr.i-irsh/- In;tprn'at-l(ina')-. ^roiluc-tlotr. ts-iui ■ r'Q-- .leirtiO.v ..'i'i-ohi -l-JiiBirslv .ita(j« - hit, til^o-: ivlttyijd -on ■ ili.c ;-llnmiJwi}'.,-fliag;e • alioiit iVve 'j-ptirs. iifto.'.:; L>ltorlifiV -liy :y'h(ym(V.s .illMitloj-.' .Kfc;i- tui-ej; KVsi-rik ;l>tiv.toii, ..-MaOolelrro ffliiruil-, ^-S'uni.. W*^.sey-.-n-nii: C'erflild'. ftawll'-nsoii..; "A'l Colian.' - N.o.-.v,; York'i'- .on .grind 'to- poi)' Pcale;. \j-eel:. .Sept.; 2.0;-. Kunnlrig; thUc; 8'J . mln-^t.ea.'. Tbo: sJb.-\v arid n;ot - enbiigii .-riieat' iri■ this'^ ;lin2llsh ■mivdb '':Ypurig" "VN'Modr^; ley" to. pleas,©'" the. nms-S ., Ariibt'lban;/ licsidcs . built, -nrpu'hd; a loCaio . not fafiiiliar b.vbr hovbi an iSnglish school fbiv bby{,i.,\vith;,a he;i,d.' nifistbr:and hlfS/ wlfb.; ;/About brily 'seinng poitit, is. that over./here ^--yo/riiethiiig/this^^^fa "ha-s'npt.-setn;''. -i; -:c/:: .; ;': '-'•;./ :As/<\ stage/play/tl'vis /crbatbd ;qu'ifb sbriie cpniment arburicl wiieii.. pro-; dueed'iri .Ne\v 'Torlc in '19:i0, after .a ..L9nclbh:.-.hit, : Eut'iiot./a .'s'ta'sb.. .hei;bi - .- -;-.:.: '■ ■:■'■■: '.:■ '■.. :■:. .-Whcit: .struck; ■ the/;' Rhgllsh :'ho.a:d ;mast:ef. ,as,: incbng.r'ilbus-.-.Will -'; strike Anvpricans;;^. that hig -iVife could fall :;iri love'; with an ..ISryearV: old kid. iftiiderit;' Tiie \yii:e's plaint pf :h'a»ty marriage, -unsUited condlT;^ tions, ;etfc;,;, will never ,sci.via.i'6- h^r/iri A'merlc.a;... The' \vhole/;thitig Hetens: ; as'n, bit .too chiriiipyi : .. ■; ■' ' .'Besides., the ln|ilefinlt^:. age of' the ■vi^lCe; .:;,Madbleirie Carroll in this, pib;'- ture,- .ATOUld -bc' ;.rip ript '. -^'Ith ;■ any AmbrlGari, - 13 rycarr0.1d,'-.:bri. agb,, br /Ipolis/.;;./.'. - '.:■■.■}■..-v.' '-•-■;--.. . :■•/ ■ '/ It's--.that kind ;'.of -a--/slow ..stpfyi. working -put the' anRle.s. surroundirig. this; brief ■ lovb'. iiffalr;-that the: husr .bah.d is. a-iVare o.f. /; He;.threatens to bxpel the. ^oy,: ribt 'fpi:.. Ipyirig., his Wife^ ; but:' dra'wing.- a;-/.kriifb. On':a student boriipanlon;'. who steained hirh/lip/ oyer ;Mrs. ; Head M.aster/;: ;: ■;:;' Orie' 'febbn.p is' pf t^ father , hear- ing the ' story. and -admitting li'e. .had never, gotten; 'clP's.e. ;';eneug;h' \t:b' his sbn. :; : Perhaps just ;a3 %Vei|, ^ds ;.the; stprj^, gives tiie/bby. leanings \tb\vard pbbtry.' Fra,nk XiaXytpri looks like: a poet land ^seemingly tries - to - act like One;-,- He: isn't: / highly ; .'Successful feifhbr. way.; /Tlie;- only, staridbtit -xit. i hb :actors/-is Sjirii / -lii-vesey: a^ tfie head m^steri , iMis/s carfbil-is, .mis;- castv:':;- \; v'/.-/ ;^■■-/,: -:. ;; "',-\,/.:':.- . /Sound reiJrpduGtibn .at; Cohan exceilfent / it a;li timbs, aithbugh /nb bouquets brt/th^u^hotography,, offe^^ ;d im /arid ./as of tori recalling .tlie, ba.m -; ,era ;work .:ol the old ,,iBllents. / A: rib ticb'^/on; this pibtiirO- In . .V'!i''a;riety" from ; Lpndbri iast Juiy . nibntlbried the ..dialbg/at times ,a;s;ri'iuirf led; ■ Per- fectly / audible / airid- dear • .;at: the ,C'bhan'../-.-' /,- - .■■:-:■/.-.,;:;-■;•:';..-:,' Wbll riiiade. picture-otherwise, with intelligent'.directibn. . ..Sime.. ■ >?WHO'S TH E BipSS" -'Cprnedjf---iketch-.:: ;'l6,;jVi Inii • ■;- 0::'■■■ :,.;^; ■ :/---; ' ^.,/ -■.Lbew^s'.-Ncvv.-'Vb.rk'. --•■-•:■,:;' .- ■ \ ''0- . Vitiaphon© /Np^ 4240 V ^rliit Is too bld./fbr "this .short to, /hold much; interbstt- ; it's; a. wohder- the story.V'Wa'ai./sCreen-'prodwced ^^ .Warners, as . It; Is .familiar .to v the majbrit^fe of . ■film.'goers, .v - Any; ku- dienbo, will/ kno-w bow- it' la; gblrig -to..end,;-;; ;:- ■ ■'? ■;:'' /.'■//../-:. ■ •/■■■: /■■ Abp\jt -the;husbarid :whb squawks vbeGau5!©/.h6;;iCan?t.flnip^ buttons' are. riot sewed ;on ,h .Says hiis^-wrlfe his :i^ri ^asy Jbb. arid-' hp wpuldn't mind leading: her /life,/ She tells /hlrt he cAn: take over her duties, for ;thO :day wiiile she. gpes ,p]Lit.-/. .."iphen . fbllpws the dxpeLCted;, •Fi'^iriTclyri ;ParighOi'h la. the huk- /barid and-Estfeilp Howard thb wife. *rH0N<iiAj'Lu;wi.LE$^ / '.■■■-;.;-'^^';: - Krazy/ Kat :.Oartbon :;'./: -fr^iMinsi;://...-'/-'-/;;/ ';.;'-,■ :.■■:;'.;-;■'';;- /..; ;LpipW's/:.Nevv-;Ybrk-;;'' .;/■■■';':'';;;" .Cpluyriboi''-;' /;■ -//... .Flair : cattbOh.- • .Subject gbpd-- but prbduber, dldri't get,- the ■ most but :bf it.';-'';;■.'.,.. ■'■:■::■'■■■•■'■ '■':\.^-,'.' '1'^ ■.:': Sbenp is in Hpribl.ula. ■ Trees, In- Hnci3i- animals,;.;.et. ^'aK, / darice ; ;t.a Ilawaliari music. 'Sbme pke/nbyelty IdPas. but not a,3;amusing .as/ Others. IftTusibal; "''iiroril ' to •■ Its -•bbst.-;/:"^ .'■;■:■ ',:'■■-;-.: ;■: . r'.-."-- :■'■::■. H-A;R'RY FOX;-;; • ;.-' -; •10: JMin's-,: (Cptnedy);-'-• ;^rand',;i^pw-Yppk^:' ';-';;■:■ , ; • Vitaph^ No. 1035 /; .i;fght :and;'fajniiia^^^ Witii.' little ■ / of " -. th,e - - .slapstick,. .■.. 15nou g.h; .kiughk ;tp; be fa,lr- program riiateri ; .• ilarry '^T^oa; Ja the. Inventor Of an unbrbakable/ m;irrbr;' ,It b.reaka/:at thft.ljiff test.bbfore mariujfactu.rerii,: • ■ Then thb -laridlord mbyes'Harry's furniture but .on : (the street . This seqiienc;© ha's the-. laiughs;: Gl^rida 'I'jirroli /and -. Wailt'er It^gari ..asslstr ■--:^//'.'\; - :;-v 'j^^dJy, / in; 'wh Ich /Eug!?lb.S . as o thb: ffecblek '. .iniriftetl friend of the herbi Who trlo.i; ; to. i;ij>;.. l.uin :bfe '.In liaritbniiu'io .tiiat hc/is/ta. e^iplain 'liiH ub's.pnbe h.v sa.v-. lieh-lli":' i;nr3on; .--AiuB-riu^c ;r:ptich:..v;-v;y: ilohnoon;.-;.;;;;;-; XcJlson •.'..;:.;-,. HER \p;DpiN<; Nicmi ■ ■pj»rani6unt-:nro-duc.H6n and ■re'.le-a3e;.-.....'3.tftr*. ring- Clarn;U.ow'i D,iredted: by Prank 'l^uttJc fitor.v by ;;lu't(» :tA.yet'y -Hop^'pod... . 'Scretn , -adaptitloa by iE-Ioti,ry:M;>-er3. - -:Photojjrephc;t,v Horrjr.Flschhdck;; .Ruhhl,nB:-tlrtie,..T.8 min-'-;- utosV'--. A't . Paramount, . ■ New . Tori:.--- we-efe sopt,;-ao.•-. ;\-:'.;--:; ■ . - •---;.:.;;,■;,■■•,■,-. Norma.;.;'.i-.-.i;;....■.'-■Clara- -.JJqw,. Lorryvv.. . .... .. ..i. w.;.. i ^'i .-fttilDh . Forjje^ Berbe.-. ;;i. ..ii-.-;; ,iCh'arlcs . Ruggfes Pel}-; .GiQt^Q..;;-., V* -;.;; • i.;uiu. .:-.-»;,;-•••• Eva;..;.... Smithcto;.. Mtsi Marsbnll/. ;Skec'ts CRira'eher ;. Qenqva Mitchell ;,.. Uo!?'lia: Moreno -iNdtalle • Itlnpfiion ,; ...'.-V\nisoTi IJenee ;..',lillllkn Emott ':: smart showmariship, .ebmbinatiQn^ of - jaunty: . comedy : of;. the, splipy' Avery . 'Hop-vvbod type*/ . .gbnerous' :flavoring::Qf spicb: in.-title ■a:jid actibri- arid '/a/ .wealth- of/gay'\romanbe Iri hbke/farcrlcat. setting; af©/bound' to turn / the: i)p.N:' pfllcp :trick..:; In /par-: ticuiar It., oixght /.to ' .attract the i.fbinme?.: ,ind 'make 'em talk; iafter-; ;-ward^'-'.'^''^o: '/•.^■S'/ -';/■'-• ■ ■'■"'':■■:■.■ WhPle- prbductipri-;is idettly han- dled; :for smartness //lirtd / tastb.../ It does ; Clara Bow .rip ha.rm.:;by,: piit-/ ting her in '.a highly sfeispnbd cbmr edy surrounding, fihe. .needs; a,; lot p'f sbmethi'ng after -the;' kind: of pub-.-. liclty; sbe.i.s ever j.amriiing'iritb;, ; ftirii£ihlris' :tbuch/.o;f shb ■w.a* /fb-; Charlbs '.■;IlUgglbs.:.'--intp a. fat cbriiedy character/ part, .;whicl'x would : almost-. riiake . • the'^...pict.ure. -stand /up of itself;. / Picture / has- a source Of assots and cntcrtiainmP.rit ■ angles and. :bnly.:one liability, the tendency . t.:o;"l«ing pri 13 mIriutes'too: ;lprii?,. ..'alt\-ay.s,/ a,;' darigerpvis' .-experi- ri^ent;in a/ comedy./ subjecti . A - vig^. brouijly;.hokcd> ;up -,final' sequence .xyith' rat.lier; h'rutat- playing ;dpwn;to' thb-: pea$an.try; riiay ;.haye been-; the ■r.p,%sb'ri--'f-or.;thls.-- ■ -'■■ / '-•-'.•.■.:,-■ / .'Rphifvntic. angle is; Interesting, Ihr dicrtting; in all .prpliabijity the adap-; .. tor:'tpblv /;;so;me; • liberties, -.with:/.,t^ .IJopw.b'od original;- \yhnb the dirpC-;|j tor. .--.fojTbwing , tlfo/ fsamp 9.u'e> .■i'iasi •tfcrripd jfiuLj.; tHrii'-.U^^ of'work in'. , thebtiild '/iip/ .of;^ the rbgucish co- qup.ttb/alhgie.. /; ,.,'•; ./.'' ' ■';' - • PettiTvg.s arid; jitmosphere . bpautl- . fully ../managed to set Off thte gay tone , of ' the;' who,!?:. a'itair., ■ Finally.' thb/casit /Rurrovindiri'^' the "Parftm)7u.nt redhead .lias;-:V)p('n/ n^^ madb roles.;'s>'-ltiv'-niobty,. ^Miss B,ow plays; the rdny/h'e'i'airie Avith a' vi,!?or that.: -for/: s^^ bf. iicr f-ho't^tcorii i n t^is.. 0 E .: vo ice.. aii d;-. dip I lo'nv n-i'ak.lrij?/ th« .hp?t':inip.r her ■ r'p'po'iit- pr-b-duPt;'\^'. / • '; ■ . ■' ■:. ;■ " ;./. Tl-ib- fiiitil r'ou«lih-o.ii<--.(?. firii«<ii i's, nn<? .of tho.sp ,1i.tiV;: ,pai-t'y; l^PflrOotn/;inix-. .up*"... ^Vith;;; Oppnin/^r .; and : .RlnittiTis: do'pr?.../ it t\\n <» h'a-s'b hPcfn .lli':^ed -Vi^' r,an\a'-Ctcrthb,i.iRht frpm'-any^ snhpo,! :b/f 'far(^pfl. - ,i\il: it; iT:'ag..-if»',.fi'pb:Od; nrid: ^^abroba'tj-c :.cpriiPd.v;;'i)rbb£tl>iy /(is ix\K:. teridM. .,M.a,tp,ria;i ipnrveyablb .tb/thp- Ibsser ;t;astbf*.pE cih'eriianlav of c.birr;*!p'/ -hitt--rr,n .u'nild/y ifihish to- sririib pxpc/I----: .!-i>'nt'''fnn.-:itlVat''iihs :t!fbnp.-l)pfif'if:p;/....;;/ ' ■ Best; is ,a'n/insp^rc'd ::l;it/ of roo;l-pf y .nift:'ot;.plbvatlng- ;row-ayii5in ■ to'.'high' L^mpdy;;:;:;; ,••;:•/'■' .;.-;</-■■■ .:■;-.;/ ; Piot (ToP.'^n't ,ni:'i,ttpr /-p'xeept-; that liarry;; ,, .ci>niposPr bf / sip rit iiii put'a 1 ' isongs, poi-^juaxic^s his friend, ■l^dh, ■^o ■: uni)Pr.-spniiLt(> him" to/ .pscapo-;.hP'i'oi. ■ . vvbri;.h;i.p'piiiqr/ fla-j-if-'/ '/.Boli goes- Off on.- •' ;a -..rpniiunip spro'p'vunder . his , pal's ljihmo,,-:inadv^H•tt^ri■tly ■. .m:a r rS'i n g .Kpi-ina;:13oft)re. ft'/'turRl ■Jtall;liv^n'ag-' . isti-ate KhdP.r tjio. inistailfeh: inVpfes'- •' ,<<ibri.. 'they-, .are .: engaging-: -spparai,'e' - roOh^-.fbr.-.t.he.;zVightv:/ :■-'.■-..■■ '-x'y ■'.:-■.■, ; :;'It ;apjj;eAriS ;th,t\t in the >?r)bt (soine^' where >near thb iUvip'ra proxy nia'i"- r.iages:■at'e,^^eA■al).■ahd•..who^'v tiie Uii-^ .. : ,u\ ten tied ; b Hdb': o;ri d: licr.-. a- ioar ibu's:' - bridbs-rb:p;n'i '1^^03,001 Ihemsblvps into " the. :ppmi)osbr':s/.-v'iHa.; tiie couipiica- ' tlo,n5i.;are. delicate,' not.,to sa^' iied^' • rpoiny..,;■.'■''.; :./'■-.,;." ■,/■■•■-/,.:'■ :■.■ ;. ■' „;/;. .FwiJign.atmb.sphere is 'iiicely hah- '- dlod^ and the; bettings , are the last' worii in/.super .elegance.,. . . Jhisn'; / ;. . :v.J:'^irHE^$feA^^^ ■iUlnliUvl- from -..lark' T.^^^aon's Tovo\■ 6^^^ \\ \l\U\n\ -.•yl)V)D ti ^..-'oundm.en, , Frank Mair- ■ ;mW^i^V'''''^"'''f 4^^^i^B:imfw.r ^.Men :«an(}. ;.......-. llacltolt .»;.-ii;...;,o'H .-Hfirrls ' ■ .• ; j... ► . .-Kflt- - . |-;; ....; J.olin ■ Roeerj; ■ •'v;-''l'''>>'''''d. ICIhney ',• •.•-'•-■i f rWar'ry Te-rib'ro()t<' ,>.;.•••.■:.• •,...... . Sain. AllOtt, ;;^ ';Jff<;k-London's ^tbr.y .of the swasii- ;buckling sea captain'vWblC" Larson,' who: feared neither man- ribr the ele- .ments, . as brought .'.t^ / the: talking /screen with, MiltOn .Sili^ as . '"Wolf'- IS . a...rtiost fitting- bliniax to:;th;at'-ac- tpr s Oarcetv. It-, is Sills" second' and. Ia.$t talking. i<ictui^e /rblb; and brie bC ' .hifT. best he-naan bharactbrlzatiohs; ■ . .Following the ;bbok-story clpsely Sills dp.niinates; bybry .scene, ,sma,sih-v. ,lng. his. -yvay through'-aU. Oppbsltion,'^ .bba.stlng: pf ;:his strerigth',. oru^hirig'. the; ^yeak and glorying- In his own. /iut^erpretatiori.; of the; '^survival: of the fitte.-it"- the'pry.. As. in' thp: hovel, .^ play.-.and: silent picturefi tar- son; the te^•rbl^ bf - the' seas; expires ' in the .final -reel,. leaving tiie . way open fp£» a.'happy. ..ending for the:' light'-.rbmance rUnning through the .fiJm^;-;:-:v. ;// , :'-.•■■'.-;- ;■ •:■, .■:':, ■ y. Picture,' crariimed/ full of .ttct'lori,- make.s -^:q, fair programer, ' and 'ex- ■ plOife.dr:sho.uld hold up...-; ■ ^■■■:- High, spbts in action are'/''Woif's'' ' ;h4',tle' with, hlis l>rother.;an-d hls frfee^ v ; fbr-all;jflght..wlth-fhp.riiutlribus crew along with the-:e;gdai)e/ of the' tw'o / young people in'a small boat.:' ~' ■ - Alfred:. Santell's . direction merits atten'tiori,- as does S^VN. Kbhrmari's ' dialog ;and .iRalplv . BIbck'a adapta-' • ^tibri. ES'^eri 'the .most ardent of ad- niirer.<j ;pC'the xvork of Jack 'tiPhdbh .\yill, find/:little- tP' criticize :in this' production,.;-' '; ."-'^ .' - ■.,..'-/';.,:;; ' / Minor, roles/'are all iiieatly.' ba;is.t ; and/slf;ilif:ull3t' handled, /,Jphn .;Rpg.- ' ers, as a ..cockney book,/ -supplylner .comedy relief iri -.the barly seaUeriees,; ' sta.rids;outi.'■- ^'S'l'-arher- ■ Kros,- pr^'du'c'tlon . artd 'rflleu.=i«; Dorpt.hy>-Maokal.Jl.und IiowI«.-StOnfi featured-, Dlr*(Jted by . liloy/l '.Xtaeon. - 'Adantod . by Gh.?irlefl iKonyrtn -from boolc.: by lOiUth 'Bald- win.- At WlnVr Garden, New: york, •' Hfypt, ' Indcf, on; gri,nd, Itunhl'ns tlnio, 08 thin-/ ..utosi;-;;..,■ ^-: ■■■,:'■'■ . ;■-^../-i-j-•■;; ':, / Anne j.Murdo.f^k';,:.,,-; . , TjA-wronce ..-Fcliow^,.. .Ml?; • .M<'(;o«'art.; •; Kato HiilKft.v.;;...',.;, .'(Jatlio'rlne ■ Arurdoclc;;, I^fiida:' Fe.llriws,,, . Mr,. Jame.s.on;-. .MisB.,-,-Andrews; Ted O'Hii'ra;,., . ,;;,Dorolh-y ..MaolcaUl -; (,.; .V..-,, .'I/c.vvlg , .StO-1^6 - . Hobdrt. -J-<OH^:orth . .... Blahoho Fridcrlel ... ;;. .-/Joan' I-tlorid'eU -. ... i:.Ni!itaye ; Mno'rboad -. I'ifoiii'ic.M -ycneilict ■v.-r,"..-:';,- .]>ui">- -koiutv . Will tor Mdrrlli' : .;IntQ.rosting; to. tlib;Upi>er Tbri and ; the •T.-oW-er Five. That s;pell.s ' bbi p"fHce,:any\vh'(?re. /■Jic.'fidcs; the ■tltie./ -; 'Tiierp,:.'? mob,' p.sydhology licre the . ,produder*j might-analyze.: It Icicles- til© pants ioff -tbd. Hays; -fiuadrupie:: code arid ybt remains so:/'clpan, rio : censor (iah cori-sbr it, That's q'uitb; a . feat, / dodglriii;; eyerythjrig; v-riiucii:.' bptter than that Was even .done in ■^Cbtrimon./cia:y;'.. '..;■■. ■"• '.'; /:■ "'/-; '. Take ."Cpin'mon Glaiy~" arid ^'Omcp ;Wife;':' put them^ togcthpr;.; find 'Out /the/exact;; appeal in bich; and ?fha Hbljywood;, producers: riiay ait last have-'the rse'ciret of: tho' ;}>px;pfiice..; .It.l.<j: hbrb. ih both, s.ompwhcre.;. . .It .may./be sorii'efhi'ng bc-vides the . hurriaii bibnibri.t,: known as >a.:tbiich of 'iiuri^an./ rijitiire./ ; It;'.s/riiibr.e; - .Syirrt- - -pathij'j' niore:;. 'stWiPbli.splou'fily. :.-sym,-;. .; flppjrig- .the: poor uiivl get- tliig soirtething; /and. (it' .the 'samb: ■■.tirii,e.';-syggp,f5tlhg.'/'mfiri tii'lnps 'that may as jn.'':'<.;omri-t.ori/ ■ (ilay;''''/br-:nevt'r .h.T;i)i)'t'n a>i in ''Olllce- /\V-i-rp-.'' //:/..://:.-.^ . /■■/ //':/.";-. ;•-;.:,: ftf-aybc .'.<jtj';,'^'p.jjt'if)'ri..xtftpr all i.srthb/ ;hef<t.a/l:v\-ays fpi- Jihb'/^'fM'f-f-rii : it-.ftp-:''s-' to ■ivin:;trio 'uirdi'vivrit- ^rl.^iip'^(l(■'r■; fpatihg rtiib; )'efoi^niC:rs,/;a donhUvti'ick worth. .jMil'ting-.thb. 'r^'sbaiV.ViPrK on.':/ . ■;. TliAi>Kh--.'.t\iPre; is...a /.dtrtt'-t^pncb'.,in', -thp' /nioi-al / . of. 'ijptlt,'- pict'iiirps.;- -'In; "iebri-ui'fori Ola-y"-' the. 'girl; iti^pamb. Gomm'on but-vvori out In thp bnd/ npt Mq ,hb't;| V>Vliilb.r-in.'-' girl. rptiTdins: g-ppd vind . ondis good,.; ^n^iiph',l<Ptf-pr;-' ■' ■ ■ ;; ^; -/;■ './. '. ■■ / - - '■/v i'iiis/ ifilc:,:l^ .;bC:.';tlip; • u«\ial7yi-lfoly. (C«iiii-i-(i<?'i;.:pri.; page .5.^>/'/'^'^':;,