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Variety (Oct 1930)

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VARIETt 53 ' «j the: <?lai8S Unltis, .on- the circuit. • Entlrie ■ j^roduotlon:. hlh'g^ the . fliiftic; a ;<Jls.al3pea,rine tank affair ' ;^jtM ih^ 'chorus 3^^^ girls aping.. ■ fdncy aives .and; .coming out of ;the • i^iniceach ..tjme; Avith'a different, cos- ; tume; • .Locals ate . 'it.- up, as. , it's. ' .(iibmething .'liew ai.thls hou.s^^ ; elly. should •BP.H;.th.e ■ . idoo-bpehs in: ono;,vIth..the. ch - . iiiVd three boys .as tour in; Parls^ ,Fr^irik' ..■ StevGJis •' .poiritiitg . ..oUtth^e: . places • <if iiitorest ,in, isCng; ' ^Oli'ls. " later go into. a tap: whi g h iiiisn't .the • V ..lisuiil- Crelia;Up$,-sw the 'ihought.'that- be'^mJght: not have. • ' liad much; tp. ' do . with the.- .st,aEing. ..- exoept in .ii^.supetvis^^^^ ' ' : /;BartoVl and .Young n^ixt. \yjth. p'no ' doing :H.c.l)ie Coniic; •■ Tk<ost of the gah •' nie.artihgie'ss and Centers ai'oun!d. t,'ii.e , coii^ic. being'.iTiSwited- bjr th^^^ xnp.i". .Ciags. old tind in..:g€!hcrai. .uisel C'rbsby : BfPthcrs ' next,: ..opening ./ .-wl'lh a pianjo medley, and. going, ,initb, '■.'. a nvilitaryv tap; .Good looking boys ^ ahdtrCPd " dancer^, they . . landed • .; ^ nicely,/ bAit-.thC.i.bah^ '■ ■.jBbpd "ajS'/ilt'Shoiild^.bc. ■■ ■/^^■:^ ■ ^: . ' .Lpttl /.Lodai", ■ Warnei- ConfrSict ■ \player, is;; malcing. personal app.earr ' Anoe's .With thi.s 'Unit,' . She's' a . War-. ' . ■'iiC'i^-.eb.jltract - pjiyerj -.impoi^ted, a,hd' /• jmoan's'. ■.llttlip'- Vi^B'; a .^n^rne 'v.lp ■ Miss: • Lbdar. fbllowed the Crosijys, .• liiHa"Adidri''t.,. do at all well,. • She .sjings- : "Gigolo".- >ip ; German .: and... ■ clowns 'thrbught anothCiv - ."I.'ni . Fpllb\vlng V -..•Ybu;" Avithv Rube TiVblf, Ka^ fig-' -,;;iji'e.;t11is.'-bx)61nn ' .. ; ': chorus , next.' \vith a Vwaltz , -tap;. -.^Aftbr. 'the Xod<ir bit~..the ■ dahCe. Jwa,s- V tpo'. slow .'and let . the pace-down .: 'iarther. ^ E^ : Qh;q,ne:y. -followea,^^ >Vit.h'; r '.'iin/acrobatic "dance, and- pleased. ,; '. iu'.tain ■ .went . up',on... the' -titik .^iyoTx is dres^scd ag iEi:.£ountain, and .: the st9,ere • decbi'sited . with, ci^ystiils • •g;ave. • a.. cJasB... elt.ect...' iGiiils,' • did a. •parhde vin b5ldio.tii.:gPwns- pivibr .to t]Te^• xlivarigv- ;w^^^ .Frank Stevens. '.; singing.'; Entire Staging effective. ..• ;iti.pttie', Mayer,..; w.lip: ■ cprt-peiiyed' the'. ■.. di.Vihg;' en'd • of:, the .vtjnit,'. diyeis/.frpm jUVc. .jjf.i'd...lbl', -tfiiBV flqishV:--; ■^■^K. . ..lltrbe/VS-plf 'and.'^his'.b .work-in. ; . the pit. th'rbuphb.ut,/^^ pply phe: • spf':6ialt3|^.'the''overture..:. As always,; ' \\"olJ:.' 'reads ;'6ff sPnie . wjse; Criicks.. . . Sometime';it?i'from ;lettei% o f^'f!-: ..:gri\.m.s;,' this time he'm'akes jai riaglib annburi.cen'rori't thi:qugh.a-;mikei Qnly- ■■ ■'iqjm rGgisfered.-.^:;' ' .'■' /.":feori :Woif:''aFbtx),. Pasliibn; Ne^ '. lind-'Mctrotpne neWsi*eel flU the bill. . eBusiness brily fjitr jat the .first .showv 'v/;v',;"/Tprpntb;.:Si&pt;'i26,^ ''■ First Of;, ii- series, Pjn^ambUrit' ' ..rixmes^: to pliy ;thi3 ■.3,4.00fsea.tor -is Mitzi 'Green, .-licadlihlng ahdt .worth;■ .■ .ilhebigi.sliGC. Lillian- nbth is neact, . '■.■ .ipv' Buddy Iipg'ev£ •'.; v; .;.'; .-Jack ;A'rtliur's. WcQii^l. unit. .shpVv;; "Revue ■ Modcrne,.' Tip wbw lit ypu ..; tjtke^away the Greeij • Itidi \. Opeii.s ■; itvith ' Lappi; atill ^.eating that «olIrtr',rand,.putting -the bbys th.r'bUgh a few. jazzed , bits frpin Hun^ari^in. jriasters;; .^Gra.aatstein .tfcnd .Cole's,; ph.. .. .>Btagei. click in .with-. a •dbuble.-.pia ^xuhib.^r'Which is. just so-so-.fbi" pep ;. *nd.;<iressing, . .. ., •,;':,■ ;■ .Tiie ■ barid^ kept: at -It dm'ing . the.- .. liews sh'otiB, reduced^,to 'tiirce,- pne ; Caria,dian, ,one British and bhe; tJ.' S... -. ■. Main ^tage :!3et.-;exce]leritly'lighted' ; futuristic'. ItitchenT-^r- -sbme^thingv.- •- .tVith biahd.. boys- ih silken' jazz tp'g\. : :gery and Al MitcTiell,;'m. c.,-.takinft ; It', straight,Smbpth wbrker;. this. ' Mi'tclieU, hbver attcmp.6 <|'yei%his:head.-\. ': .'' ::. 'v- .Erne.r and Elsh.ef; dp ;somc of .the. : test lazy -hboling. ;ybt-. seen , lierc. : Pair • caii;-. butst«'i..n . a Scbtchman .. reaCliirjg' for the .dinner .check.. They; . : ibaf- .thiroiigh . three- encores and col- .• lect'a dbsipn ^b'pws. 'll^^ ,. ^ .speed WaTbler cbnipared with this' . team. .:Band fbilpw.s .in.: a "bunch of Imltftti.oiis of" othei"', b'ands,.-the/ best .' .t»it;.bein^ Waririg's Pennsylva-niahs' . In the tamhorine- ./'daneei: .. Juminous paint; and ■ siirpirlsq (effects..; : .to.this number,-, with:' the .mu.sic 'SeC,- ■'. ■ .'^ndary.; .•;■.'••■■:.; ; k -'. , .. lWi.t74;. £un ,;. then; . herself . -in.- that .;"!; knovv.' a . • aeGret:'. hit; fbr; Idugla.s; . .The kid is :■ there as;.a; shoW girl ;and made them ■■■ . coax:hard/ get. even the. sffindard.- •.«.ct; Withput the': $meil .of- ah 'encore.' .•Fiv<?T^)L-diay, no:wonder.' • ..'■' "•The; Iin;ReviallctleSi'''Jiick's;u siialjy .: frnap|vy;j:ip;ncei^sy..did.n';t. look too pood,; • l^irt,'eiy. --because.-;th'ie Im'perial, kitxgB . ..JlJ too lai-ge. fpr; any dbisen.dames : . Tw.p . .xlbzeti •.wbxUd be few.. eiipuglV. .• ;;Thf3,v.hiiVd two..bits which iust gb; ..fl 9>Vil • •as .dahCe§. ■: T)i e'-; fi rst >vad a' -. .fiplit -cp'st-u'nie id^it -Whic'lV faded.: ';..- ...: ' Fa.(lQ.-vout;. .Was;, iiot.. for. -scenefy;; . lu'min^^ -: ■ Wh'()ovcrvls--d.Qine,vtho;;iigh'.t'irig' siire- V: JtnoM/i} his'job..;.. ';'•.'- -.-■; :•• ;. • . ''Thp. Sj)P_ii:ers?-V .(Par!).' • fea.ture.d.". ..•:.'», JI.l:.i. a dartobh ebm'edy .'te rouhd. itj -■v-oAit.,;.;: ~.:\„i'y: y-: •. ;f*i.z- iropdi,-.. w;rt-h'''ploh'iy''unc6rtainty ; :.WHh[ri the hbui5e: .:".'; '/:-' -'-^ .:-;To.n'i;-J)iley,; w-hb. tbcik .iiic'^ Tivoli •. . .*tP.»> rod^an'd:;Ui(nlght-. it-Was H: , swt'Il bi*pak :tb get- tlijis.- how.-liouaer ... j^ 'tb, .he'adq'.u'a-rte'r.s: on: ■ -tho. -yubjicity.ond;' :-i:i6\\'Vd Knevilw., yfKh- 1 y ;: ;tra-yi?:Ied - • JibUao >-m ahagcii'-, ■; 'tf>k''«;|i:is.plar:<\;,; ;r«.^;::- ;;C::;V ;;--■;. v.-'\':-'V.^!«*'iti'W:hiIoVlib'«,\v's;' a- :'few . dooiV- )-' ?^^;'''-V>' ahnuunni.'X. a-' "sstnvlght ..p-i'ctiiV(^' Jiollpy. vvl£h' Sl-a-Ar. ifox and .United,- ^^rtlsts Tcleasos'-Marting hclxt 'week . -;Bt--25-5.0c; .-..;■ ; . "■[■'■;■ ■ . :^..Aft^iV..i7 '.ye'ar'iij '.^p a flesh' Bpof. -' .2' '•^'•. «vmr .-band' -braii, .pb'. out. -.witli " . .f ".M>se slii^ping into iX^14-hoin' grind'.. -.■.■';.■': V '■■;■■•■. .liiHcltiir, ' ■^: V'.';;'^- '"■ V! ■■CfiiciagQ,''-'$eptr-26;.- '' ':, A jpatterh for". w>at-ot)ier FanChbri- , & ; Ma^Cb* ;u'nlts;. sh.o.uld ' strive'. to' he • is . -;tlio .'current. -'vCouhtrry / Glub %a." ; .Hei-Q-;is. a .cluster; of talent,' laughs, .hQv.ei-ty and glrliness . jCer- tain^tg. please. .anywhei."c 'and ta^ t.'^p.e.cialiy • infiu eiitiav: in; su'ch towni .a,s, . J-olle.t, vand .BptikfordV .; Wherfe •I' anc'hpn.'^ &■ ,Marb0'; ai new' aitiO. .largely .-ynt^Sti^d - eiemen-t. ■- t....; .' Nbt;'-;sTLipe.rib.jv. in ';cpn'cepflpn and blcndihgj-i)tit;;happlly ;free Irbm the -.stnge-;.wa:|ts' and ;'-ioiig -bai- let-.or chsomblb. '.numbers ;sb; inttrkedly . slowed- '. dowii.-. ni^<^^^ -Fahehpn; &;,'Mai:cb. units,'. '^Cbuntry Ciub" .' has virtues ;.Qf'. 'omission; •as :wcl;'cbnim4ssioni'..-• -;.' -;-.;- . -i' ';.-'. .-' ■• .' tl'bur ppiiiie^ ^^>nptinted -oh. a., treadr mill abpy.e "^th'e. bahd shell. proYidfid ;a galloping jnbyelty. fih'ale and. keep; the-Id^a'; tb.;jltis ; polo, mbtif.;; It is in a' sense an.' expensiye show, althbugli- ;a.:ve;ry.gQ;Qd one,-■• . ..,' -■ .v ; "Masters ^ and: .;Gra>;ce,- who have. advanced gi'eatly ais 'a teaim; in.- tiie last, ubup.ltv'bt -Reasons/ ate the chief cbrriedy- /dispensers. : . They."; have stepped into .the .-'cKtegory^'of .hektr ; to.-i-filbsing. ; it wbuld; be captious'to i'eport -that.>Sb>he ;iof.;;their stuff - Is. fi'bm. the'- cpmhipn c.uin^ency..^ ; At'the^ ,ejipitol ..their. Aybw;edv.'^^ aIt;errtbbn^s :C.bhgregarion of- hojixse- Wiyeis;into-piirbxyms.;■.:::.:..,:;.'.. jjpuise' a;h:d. Mitcliell;. receriily'••wit'lv a, npther Finchon ijic iMarcb unit aiid !e.'iv'ing';':this;; 'bne. in. .si,. week, .-'also piled .up. aii,-auspicibus'; liugh .total, .Woman's ;./physical', prp-wess; .fis natural ;;fbr;Crhatih^es'.''-.pi5ir.tiCu^ ;Neigbbbr;s.'^:s'cj^earhed aS she to^scd- -her .'male.- paiVtn.ei^TVa^ /chaleht -ease,.' '.llb'jyeYer, bbtb' m'eiVi,-: b,erg;; of. •'the.. ac.t-.'i ri.s'is't-..ujibh :taiking t<>.. the lessening;; bf-./the artistic ;ef.- fQCtivenesS pf',:trielr,: pahtbmime'..-..;' • ; liCnbr^ . Cbri,'v/prima- - dbpnai-'/arid Frank; J51 mor e;:' "ju yen He. an d m"... 'Ci; tp'ss off 'a -.coTjpic -bf nuhi:)3e'rsl'...ehiet' ■.fiTnpTi^.tljentis. ;the'^'V Mpi:e;.Pf .•..'Ybu''; :rtbv the • aid/ pf zippeirs;;. the" underfifatr' -'m;ejits,; • •We.ll' :a.s..'the --e.ut'er ; vest-' men.ts.: jot .fpirn^er;; .gePer^Upris '.-are ;rri:Ade-': visible. ' ■ There .'is. som.isithing .^uniyjEfrsaHy.J:i<aiculptt,^''about the;ex- ppsed. /Inner, inechahics of; .a.' hpop skirt,;..; bustle, ' .or -.: howrglass' liiiia; Those 'neighbbi'hbbd Avbmoji. emitted a; series '-of • hysterical;: '..wlibbps;, aJs'. each set ;'bf ancient .lirig^eirie.^ was Tfe^ yeaie:d^';^.: .;'■';'.'.;J..;'S:..--'.--.; • '.;.-':■' ;■;■'•■.;-■';''■',-• . ;Twb: .bf.. the .jsiirls from • the' ..line ■stepped " ' :ih.tb;., ■ :"pneV. ■; with ~ Ray Sainuel,; mal'e;hepfer. fpr,-.a'neat-tap rbutiiie..;', -Giris .• wPrb •. thPse; transv pia.rerit -black laCe'outfits that rei^der aji effect of nudity. A'Wuch Wai-mer reception.,. from; rthes .riiale. .evening, audience." .than. Vfrbm :. ih© ladies matine.:^--;:. •:'..'-' ;"'":.•■■';■■;'■••.•'.'. :.-; : ■:'' :; ^;;Armin. Jfland i the regular hbii se. maestro, conducted .the "band ; with' s'rrippth .diignityi There aire ;!i;2 .ni;eh iri ; the crew.; 'Cajjitol.; despite;; its 1u:emen'dous.;;';capa4ity: 'is ' sing^ blessed :by .achieving, an illusion :and fi ;feejihg' bf in'tiniaby; witji its stage. 'Vety. few 'bi.?- film;,parlors have; this ihestimahl'e advantage .which .sir\ip.ii- fies. .-the;.vprp'hiehi.. bf; - a ■. showing; jjettlnjEf.-over.;, ;;/;'-.'' ■■;■ :-''-;■; • '-'::. -'-■ ; ■.-A.;,-r.epbrt.: was;.'-'p'n ': the.'. Chicago. ;ru;mbr .market; .last week th'at- the. Gapitbl;:;;bbnsiderihg^^ g^^ ailv: sound. -.11113'.seems urt pf Warhers 'recent trend in/the dM rertibn' bf -':'iljesh 'as'. 'weli' &s the. traditibhal : policy of ' - the-' Ca'pitoT. Nvhich h£LS built up. a • bl^ fbllpwing, vtith / stage.' i^hpWi. .' pumibr f ollpwed- the- visit'-here bf.i 'Sljyrbs Skburas; ,: In..additipTi.tP the ."Cpijhtry .Club". ideai. the house had. a: Fur; Fashiorj sh.oWi the iirst. it has .held.'.; fe; ICatz, auspiced a ;fur, at the. Ch-icago severb;! years agb, '"CPm-:;; liion Clay'' (Fox) fculture..; ..';-~ : ;V . libuse; pack^d.;at the injitlii'ee. on a^ tei'rible. .misty-; and 'ch.illy after- ■ ncbrt;'■'"'.-.-- ' LCmd;-. - •jViid P^vnine': Price, In a slack 'wire •iiirn- and'.'ia' the' .pftly act; bh. this ;Week's. bill hot. tb use A grand pi\xhb.'' ^'unlbet is setamid huge telephoheV, ebmbirjes • a .little ^s.ihglhg frbni, the. '■ male member, bf: thb'teani, ah'd got' :over;:;.'•■■.; ^ .;'' ■.• r : ;.'; '■^ ;vFreddie Sinlfh. -.and • June R'pgel's' in;^ ebcentilcs daheing next. ^.Thesi'- t'WQ. nevfet' utter •.:,ja.-:Avbrd, ::'vv:hile on. the.stage; resb.rting.e'niu-'ely.'to;;phiv-.. tbrnihiei- ; Got away',;tb a ;slow start;, 'but .finished 'iitrbng. iiv mpdern step's' and ' clbth'irtg. ;;F.rPm -thb-.-V tl'iis ;ni»mber wia,& -received it ■vvbuid' ap--, ; pear -..that. ' a .little ^: .gagging..; Vis'. the. woi-k-'^j^'eht-'ph .wbuld add m'iic^j^^ .'•■. Don • • Zetaya; .;ipijinis.t■;;ahd; • enteiv.: -talher;- takes.-th'e . -staijd' that .jitzis. eoni.e.s.:: fiiom' classics;" ;:He,' prov.ed; it. to . the ■ hbirs:e,- ;made . them-: liiie..ClaS' Sical.:m.usic. is;;hb pfoyed- it With.' plenty, . of. ieft-hs^nd' 'fia-ewprliS, •;.' in" inyb.bdy .'else's. , chai'ge '. this turji.. would , easily.- slip,, .huit :^elaya.;ge.ts- .it pyer. '.'A riPvelty. ,iind ;gobd:: fbbd.; .for'-vaU'de.':'.- ''--"• '.';;' ■•.--.■'-••'■"•;---■•■-' .■Bpb' P'Brien :had,a.little trouble: with ';his; 'brches''trai,... A . switch .of seven' men had 'been nia:de; f rphi .the.' Paia.c«=!-. ;tQ meet some: unibn :With .the. .result that th^; Keller; Sis - tcrs ijad .to supply, their, bwii; music; for ;bne of .their, encore niimtiers,;;'. ,.; Jdeal, tepcbat/an^ theat'i'e wicJitlK^r hjvd /ai 'iir\e;WaiUng. tile sebbhd ishow; " Featurbipicture > "Sinriex''!j5r Holiday'' ^Cvvai-).'.^ I -V,■:;■■"■ /-';.;■^ - ■;'. ■ ■ V-; ' (CoiUi.nviwii -frbn>;.i:iii';U\vlp) ■spli.f.'xn>'-Il^irrjif. .aiui'Jhck i'.-irfInKton, it •isN&xpe(;-l<''d,. Witiv;-the'.. al-ri.vai;- lioVe; .of .\h6 .latVoi" Xrbm:;Ne.w Ybrk!;';. Qpurfain.htt-V: b.eeh' hitndUhg- the " -Jihoy^vs • tiu' .iibi't-h . and re.cehtly; -inb'v'ea■■■here,^'>. ;;■'..;: -V. ..': --.-: ; v;"; Clifcaip, ,Sept;-; 27;- ^ . ■-■- ■;Will.- .'-'Singei', m.aiiia;g'er;. - 'bfthe:- StatGTi;,ake,-.- has^^'-beeh.' hfiving7 'a; tbujgh. ,tim'e.. the~'" past ;; feW'; wee,k.i=; keeping - the smut but pf,; '.'acts;.. Any turn;;,a little ..Weak;, seems, to - lec], '.W^hiIevpJ^i-;j';ingv.the State they;,can-; bperf,-*;-iflc.; on ' all' taboo •;.tei)is.; ' 'The .'Vun.happy- :i:c.suIf. ivS^. M-f... Rinser: ;is - gett-i'hfr . ^'Cr^tep's .cramp froni.'scTibli'l.inAf dbw.p .the-"D\jt!'. gagjs... yi-rid- Svat.e' 'f.rbm; hnt-fob-ting.^it. betWee'h-' the; frpht'.dhd -ba.ok -of the; hovis'e; wairnirig .'the - offending.oh.a<',. ';" - B'u .ster '\\*' a-n'd.' C'a,-'wh p' 'shhTCtKo' n'-i.n.«iueo:'.nhd .•e'l.r'ftric gloljc^ hbnorf!. .wiI'll; the.-;KeJie'i^'.:' ;.-'ahd: -■LynCh.;. arcv-u.'ii.hfj:'-olVjp'cficmnhie matoriar to; flr'e.t; bver.i..; SeVfrnl - time.s ;".Bn.*>te,r.'' f<rnrlj;pa';pi->; :r,£iW;-'eV'Sn: f5atu-i-fTay';.;af.-T' t^r.r(' ;■,.-ga'h .g, i' .n 1 'u'n >'s;;; .(>n ."iy /; and jolly,-;' g.a'^o xi '.X'nsp', \'hfr 'p.raut; .fjitlwl.. •t!?:'--f>-ujl-'-'; a ••:-inijffhA.:;J»i)<;--..l]i^-tt...::-itifstc{i'd'. ■apton'is;hrnrnt-:nnd';r'rn<.'Citb^ ' ..'. '.' ..•:.We,i't:;- pripttod; ;.on . tho' :.hHl.'. ■t^'pj n'?;' fli e..-■ ,«!/;i'me: V.roxi't i h'e, ;■ p.f, y^h .r.«'.. ktari'dingi .^vitli iKo -mc^nx i(>.ri(^(f-add(''<r sm.n t.,: • Work ed;'- h ai-'d,. ■ ' t.'iki t i g.' m an y. m}K :'. ■-•./^'V..■••'^'■;' ■'.■;;.-'/-'^;'.-. '''. - TTcn.Tfvrr 'Wotit>'-:'thf^..;Kf'llf--.r'.':Pi:'^^^^ t'or p' a nd. J.y n '■h i Trt il;v, k'r - if? .h.a-f .'k- Irt' •'tb'p.-' .'ar-'t;'. '.n Lrn--i.ri.-;-art'f.-.r'.flVf-ing ■■ flut' ?o;^ne mi^-i'yii-H .'ifidiri'p 'rtnnth.ei: 'lyvnclv. U)<iho [r^-ct.. /Iter .,«r.i1a .danGihg ''vra'tir tli.r*,>d.'.h().t.u;o;::a:n Mi^ -respond- . od . to '^.tw-b' o/iii^Prf'-.s.•'■ -;ti rc.-bnvniony. rtf':.'thp';.tPio'^v'thf'..{;t:.^'f^^^^^^^ 'in s?''' s-i,n:f. 1 fin ;'>f f-'-ii p,;' r( im 11 fr.l '••d: h n p.-.. :Wi:l<'!; ■•..SV.'b'l-r'-f1.;)il:C!.' ■''' ' '■ '" -""■C : V.^--'.. Cfi'icagb, 'jSppt;.-27 . ; . Nbtiting is so .depressing :to actbi'S 'apeustomedV tb ; .doing.-'; well .,as: i'.an.". aTudiehce' ti-iat refuses-tb thai<v.'>. The gAthering ~£iiat filled the poWsi; Sa.ti-..'^ urday ; afterno,ba -. seemed; tb, ha\'e .their, mitts '':<fi':pst'T.-hittci.i,. ih;;'i''riday:'s.. un.?casonat)ly 'bold .weather.."';: W.\ : Only..bne-turn- reajly escaped 'the •;-t>ligh't.:'--.\.That-,: waS' ..the'.;; 'iuiuw'iss.- .."VVrigh.t ; Flying., Band,..-: Ip '^a ' great lijeasiire. .they.-were iiidebtcd- tb ...ih.c - ;vaiiaht' effbrts of: Iliirry Fox, who,', ■precedfid theni... •r^px-; didn't do ..well,: -but he ,did.- ma;li,e a liltlc:;-headway .'against , the. .great vsilenco^.cihd left ;thein. at least: half-primed ..fpr-irtlje ;cl6iiGV.:y;'.] r--y. . .'.;';;• --;.•. .■';:•;;/ -;;. ..-^^;••;: ;,. .Fbx wbiild prphahly .'hAybitb; thUik;- back. a long-w'h'ile. to r.pcaii an.;audi- eiice.Xo ..v}hrcspohs.tvc.- It Mas ..just bne 'bf tjibse . freaks, ;fbr. "■ the, :bil 1, its^elfv while ■ no wpW; w'asiV t bad; and. wiaa Composed, entir'ely of 'Standard tiivns. "'•'•'":; ■ ,; ■ ■;, y;';^-. , ..'[Fbur Ortbn's bpened .on .the t'i^Ht: Wir^ and' Well., under, theij*; aye.riage, Glenn and .Jenkins,.-^deucing, took .theii';.first 'JbpW in . alnipst' ..i.comple.te sn;ence''and there' Was; nbthinig. cbni- ,bustible' .ill theii" ;finaloi., At, presei\;t '^^they- haven't the: - sUre.-fire' clim<ix, oi^ diinaaxes, , used, to.,have; but.;even.-So .the bpy?; rated-:Te.cbg->'; nitiph '-fpr. itheii^ trbuplng,';.cpmiedj'' atrtd ihheren.t- ehtertainmeht..' ;; -.. ; .-Tebk MuirdoCk a's.; the frbthieist tUr.n W-as deluged With - silenCp, jthe^applaitise; and' the kiu'gh end.; .Ail members, '.of- the act •'cbura'gebiu.siy carried; pri - in thb'face- of-the sn'ybs.,; In.fact'it refli.ected tb .tbe .shpwniartf .ship;of;#l the tu.rn;s .tHat.they didn'.f: let dpwri br lay. down;- '; v ;'''. ;..; Sf'vbral .neW-bits. apil cprtsiderably. neiw .chatter 'brighten.. Harry Fox-s divertissement;..' . Hb' .prbbamy ' . wiU. have nb .trbtjble on the .liight shpw.s; .AUyai'S a:ihifty, pettofmer, > smbpth,-. in)irratia.ting..-ahd unperturbed^ with the same gpi.hg-for Curt^s^..^^ 'a.;dandy apt : A sfecpnd mah. 'jtlis-.... ;^charges: the duties b.f -straig'ht very. eaiiabiy.:. ::."■,'•;;.. ; .'; • . A;. ;:'v6ry . .meag|re v. att.e;nda^^^^ 'What' might he. rcg;atded as, a gp;bd" ishpW . 'day was; ppssibiy. due tb the ..absence ..of. ."Matri-: mohial-'Bed"; (WB) ., This was ^billed. '.rs .a;'-",- .saTi.cyv-naughty ffii?ci\'^ • • i'hc 'adjectlveS''; failed : to "inipripss*' ■•'?'■■■'■ ',;■.:;.'■■/ .;..;..."•.-;;.-:;'-■■ ;-\i>a«a:-::- ■ ,;;.Columbia-s cb!i'itf.ict'.\vith ..Riirh.T'rd CrpniWell- minbi:,.. to ;pl'i<y' :in .:'•Tp.l<- ..';abie .:.l>i;vyid; .stlli; aW'a-it.s-;'cb\irt; aC;-; 'tioii.:-'; .Meantime;.'the. pic;ture.- nidy be finished.. IIe;aring:,oolnes' n,p Oct; ',.17,;.the ...bout ract,. ailp.Wt h(.v-.Uoy/. -a 'w-eek With'.'bptlon'-;ra'ises''.'fCi'' :fiye'.yea'iis.-,';■ ;;'.-' -;;■;- .', y:-^ - ^—■■i; ■■ ;'. Uhiyersai' hia'j' .gb ,.tb-. 30--featvi'i'es.- this -year, althougl'i .the. prpgraiu -a'h - no.unces, but 20.Additibn;ti.StGriet>~ for. Mai'j^'.NbUvh.-'Jbhh ;Bt'leSi'.ljeAViv. Ayers " anclj;'evp. Tbbin /aj-O :' ■Witliiuh -ilpwai'd 'ivas..;-l);e'en;'b.cirr. ■.^!p\^>.d;•'-fj;■onl.• i'\)x. to-'s'di'rect'.- ".The'-; -So'iithernei'sV' ' '.-'Tibbctts. . heJi,'t ■ for..'-. Me.t;to.- ;ivii,ig. ;A'.iddr./''ori6iHally,..ii*-' siKno^-.:to; :nuVir-,; ;is out oil '.iircpuin ^bf:.-; ■iUhess.:-;-' -;'■: -. " -; •.' .'■-. \r.' :b.eine;.'-s'pu', ' ;;.Alsb - MurJ-ay 'Andbrspiv: ■paie ..i'for. ;J,0'hri.' ', - Fredric: ^larch. wiH .again be. .bp- ;pp;sitO"CUhurdette. Gbl1)ert;ih her -iiext.: ;tbr -Paraihou.nt. '; It.-,\ niiule -in; •the- oast;. where>Maroli \is workiiig ^The:^Rbyai..'-Fam.iiy:^'- \ ;:-; ;.;';;' jn Mo ran-' ah cI. Marie ;t)re'ssij'ei; wv;... V „..'.'.'Reducing;::.'fo.r--Me.t'i!^p;' tl^^^ we'ek-; ■- '.C.hatries l-ieisutH^;'dirGCti)ig.-.-.:;;, ; Bert •.'..:'n'"ho.elcri-ItPbert: ^oblse.y',s next fbr Radio, ''J-iubk,: :Xiihe' - and Sipker,". V,.began.-; ;-.this .' week;. - AVith; .alnibst all - mu.i^i'c ;elimina(edi - ''...;.' .,., ' ;.yine Street th'eatre'. 'iegit/ inay ."go siipeiV' Stock;: W'iUi ^ nuinber of . pic-^" tin'b.:pe.o'ple.. i.nt.ei?est,ed in the- d.ea.i;; Openiiii^'hiil- ijindeiv how .policy be;:V.G;on&o7/.at>$i;.'5o,;i6p:' -r. '; ,:.libhr:^. Duffy'ls .di.e'kcivihg With.'jhe TlayhP'usb^; ■ lieb-lty'. '^C.prp. - ib '..''regftii.i cpntrpl - bf=the-i'IoIiy.Wbpd\.l'lay hbi^^^^ If the'deal |:ob.'i't-hroii.c?h.;. his b'peh-:^ 'in^ bill ..\vall'.;bc .''Mr;vAhtoh^ 'l^ep' ,;.;; Dviffiv fprinerl'y;> li'iul the. •h.bu's6/ bn:'iease;-'': • . .;-'-" .;- -. HIPPODROME; N Y. ,:...6ne ■ act' shbrt this ;'W'eeky • seven ■ .a:c.ts ;instead: of the; cnstpmary eight,:. du(^',fb -the running time" of the, fe.n;- :tur6,,. :."Pawn Patrbl'.' (F.rX.), ; .The house :; coilld have 'easily ; ^3rbpped ; ;an pth er- act,. .as.. th e l!eat;iir.e.' takes i^car .14.0 "hiliriutes .While;.the -se^^^^ ,act.s. >run; ;.tb; .-lid . minute^Sj,;-. makirig': nibr.e rthap vthree -arid.. a. ha^^ .Top; .long; :■.-':: .; -.'^i: 'M<?n^ay. night^ th.e';H'ip.;hel.d a;fbll; bi'e'hestrii' and - a. 'near ful|.'; second balcprty; WKicii. s,pcaks' .a' lot 'for- the •;d.raWlng. 'pbW'.er .pf" the. leaturp- viii.'a ' 'hoiisb as-'large ;-'a:'S '.thi.f. -.. •■.'-,;:.-..'.■. '.■'}. :\i"axi d e tioi off'.; tb ';a.-' fast:: s.tart: a nd . 'reached-.jits, peak ' Witli . Caib-. ;.'Callb-'' yi'fiy-s:' pi"Ch'.e.stra|.'-'-b'ut. t.h'e.'- twp' 'a:.ets' 'that; foilbwfid ; Cprdlod;/.-.'' - - '. , J:j''Wl??;.Winth)nop 'and AVIilto, .hoof.-';. Ipg trio,;;-started;.;.pff-:'.. They: -have .booji' artound .'/for .some.- .time, 'i birt AVhi.t'e, 'ap'patentl.y.' the: 'gir^i. .:i's".an.- fid.dit.ibn'..; $ho'Wb-..sbm'c.'clas'.sy^;hp.6.fV.' in p.y mi Xin g. sipw. t.ewi'.p.oed.'.T!?.g .iW', Av-jth;; .«peed;;-ind. .spl.a-^^^^ ppfiii™:- ■ '■-...;,' ;.'•: - '■'. '-^ Jlui'rlbn '•i3^o'3i;..fpllow(;vl;:- ap do -; ite.v ioWer - fof V' si ' trade • jv.appr; ro;- ni.gge<'-tri'i). to Santa. IJarhara' ; to ci;tch. the preyieW ;of "Kismet-" aiid" wrbLP 'his review ;'frorix' inemory of ipl'ay , arid -press sh'e.ets. ■ :Every:thin'g; was ,jake. except his rnehtib)!.. that ±h.e c.Plpr' se'fiViehces weren't so . hot ;IIe':.lia'd: to ■dp ';some esplairting; as the ., entire . picture ;,in : black .':h:nd white;''/ Gplpr ; .s'bfiueh:ce,<;' briginally annpunerd.,-by .the-;' studio..: wbre called^;offv ' ':;. '■ ,'• ..'..-"'' ■'.;'. ■'. ;; AY 111 .take, .tlie V ra;4v on a;. cwniilWi lit;; P;I;iceil-' ;t>.y 'a ; .iiuiivbor,''bf-.-'I plciure .-. .pepiil'e ;,;.iTaVtv':b'vV.ti' Inii.lvti'd .'-i'^ ' his'.-phbnoy vaoo-vtips^^ .;'. -;.;-■:'-:.. :;'• .'.;-; ■.- ''Rbniriiioe. ...Uiirbov.''..'.;' fi'rs.t;.v*la,ted'; ipv 'prbduvirph by'IfiUhe,.;th-e mbnths . ago, is. .bii .tiw.:';ttr.e.-'ai'=aini.'.- '*fhi& is. - thb. 1'-:\vrite ',b yo Maic ■ Jvliiroih.v original' antih■- . 'v '; Evtrl ..,;Cro.ykcr, .": plaj-Wright,' .find .Frank -Gay;;.--.rec'ently;siipeVvisins- •f oreign slibrl's Fox',- are olX. (h-ac .Studio;s .;pa;yi:oll.: -v'.-' :•:•-. •;.- ;:.- 'K.e.w-.: titles . arb ■ b<?ing. .:.Solicited' Cr*j.m . Fbi.^.emploirees for' .•'.'Sheppef: Ncwfounder.":. arid .'.'StbJeri Thunders''' .; t-ebn. Gbrdpn, hack.frbrh, Australia.' 'Where lie: dtfebted a picture,: .niay go -., to ,.:Metro. as .dialog^'" director. ::oh ' Trader .Jrlbrn." - Gordon' -is; iiiithor'. f "^vWhite Cargb;".' -^;' ::'v .- of -I41>orty' P-rGduetibhs ■ ha.'i bought {tilipriifinaj .story .frbni Gladys' L>h»-. nian; wrili;en-/to -fit' its • aniibuiic^d - title, ■:''Wiibopeb :Girl,-'V ;:: r..; ..'■U- 'has purehas'ed the: diaibg;;i-igiit's , to.. Cosmp llaniilion's. ~ .''Sbiuid'alr* .-l.laxiiSa ..ta. .;Piante^ did ;silent several'-yearij agp.';.:-- ■; ': ;:lj:<!leh iTWelvi^ti-eesrnCt 'foi^ 'wili: be;,-".Crbiss.:Your i'irt'gers,"' oi-ig..-' .In'albj^V? Jp^eph:: Santiey;. who - will - ,a^o;-•;d^reCt:; -■:.: - v;. ■ ■;• '-...r -r- ■;'. ,.-1fer;: CoQtract; at.; Fbx h'avihg■ -.eic-.: piVfd,., Marie' -Saxon - leave's:- foiS. is'ew"; .v,brk'-this .'-week;'.' .■■ =- •, -•.:...I-.-'-.-./-^y-- -; lAmoricaii-Ari^lb. Pict-yres startetV prbductiPn ph- Vlleai-ts.' of. Steel," its ^ '|ii:st . .Spat)i6h.'featur.ei :Ahl$ ',woek a^^^^^^^ •Dairmburr studio. Joe Levering^ di- .,r^\ct$;--.:,.'-':;..;;; - ■ ;^'-' •-;.."'^:.;.-' -"' i^rary. Eaton s.'jil^ ; -Lphdcjii [n'eJct .rn'ori th.-"t p.-jp 1 h'■ th'e' nie w - l*.au 1.; Mv vv6cy, show, .' WhiGhv .goes ; into-' .rehe.arsiaJ ■.there-: upon .-iiei-' 'arrival. .: :' ' •''. .' .'Ifb ; ha'.s, been; ■app<)5nied ;f-by; A-.' P. •'Yoiin'pci*', Tiff An;j'"s .we'ijario piiicf, '; wiib ; ;resig.h.ed;'- fp'; joiW. the ■writing.;..'staff .of-.Metrb/, Acrbrdihg.. to Phil; .Goldstone;. .wr.iter.s Will be called; in. as, rieed^ed.-' .:' .\ . GVp - arti-st '^yho^; been im'jier- spnating' ;bne- -of the Fators^ ..joCkies;;. tinie. variety, ,.;. iFol.oy warfcle.«!, both bomcdy and strai;?ht^.-Miss I>a Tore; attempt's. 'high toh.'.il. vocaling ;and bthei^vise.fp.iis; for-Foley;.;'-. •; .:; Alexander^CTallum.,'baritone, ifnade it Shoi-t;&nd.W"erit bver.-all thp bet-, tcr;- j.ufjt three spnf!rs ;; aiid. had' tb; use plenty, lung power-tb make his vvoice Carry .here'.' Finished with, the .spii-ifed-;"Sbiigi bf the ; Vaj*.abbnds;" eallbway's cblbred .snappy mu^. sical. :.i&,grega.ti bn. d-cservbd al i' th ey got, .and they got .plehty, ■ Claude and Marion were in a' tPiigh 'spbt; in n.ext tb' c Ib'si hgi.^ - -First; by. h.avih g tp fbl 1 bW ;pn' t.h e h eel s 'of; an a'pplauS^i gett:ej? -like. (3allpwa:y;s butfit, and because.; ythe^r' 'didn;t..;''de.s'e:rve -■ thiat spot..? That ..natch; Was- a .'nat\irAl -f bi* the .Hiinlbn jlirothers., Femme -tak'e.s. Whrttevcfi; hpnbr.s'. there arc' vvith "thc^ male'.-lending:^.we'ak:;'poft.' -.;..; -..; ..y ..Bee ..-arid ■.;i{.fjiy'; :T'}pp'nian's-'':rf>.'vu'e . c.ibsed;;. So.n.g.;ari'd dahce'M nicely costumed.,..aithpugh;' the; manrier- of. tprf.sbritat.iori CPU Id- bp. .bettered.; Bee , arid;..Ray,; mixedV /'buple,- miak:^ va be.t,ter.d<inciiig-;xi,iib than W-hen sing-;- ing-,;. A.'sriiall-girLtake.s.sbmb-hbnor.s- With.- ipiih.-■a>::;*obatifi.'.danre.';; ;-':' -'' • '^ Pathe';Sburt.d'-KeW9^V '. .' -;■:' '. . .' ' . Tiffany. :has - borrowed Flofericci- Rybrsori ■ frbiri. ParairiPtirit. to . wPrk. bn;; the "script ;bf "Drums, of Jeop-. ardS^'V - F. Hiigit Herbert rhasr;.- been ' borrowed fbr the -same studio from; First Natiprial; tp dp tl^e-adaptatipri:', bf tho:- 'Ursul.Ia Pdrrbt riovet' -"I-eft •'' .Oyer'.Iiadiesi '"; ■ v: .;':. ...;^-;,v'.;^v" : 0.; ■\Avi.tft Lorna- Mbori's ;''bark .jStar'V gcttlh^r: ■ ;a v comedy:; treatment- "by.: .Mptro; .title 'has. bCeh' .chariged tb :■ :.'Mih .arid Bill;'.'. Marib U'reSsler and: ' .W.ailace Ee.ery are;starre.d;.. ;-' . .Cblnmbia., has chariged "Lawless ': valley!';tp <.'Men "Withbut 3jaw!'.-.arid Fb.x's :"The..I)aricet-s''. is switched -to V'l^ie; I^lay- Called I>ifc,'?. \ .:.. : ; , - . Ed.Perry, ;publix divisional ;chief' ' left .here, fbfr-.Sait t-a-ke City,, his last'; .stbp bn: a tour of hi.s .hbuSG.4 before; roturning . east;. ; . . lie s.ucCeeded. Ralph '.Crabill. in charge' of a dozen L;u 1^4i,>c'. h.busea::in;, the Cbast. Zbnbj ;- .; . . '.Tom .Per.sbris, : fornier .'lridje : pro-.V du.cbr,: has . bteri appbirited chief -pf . the' , i.hdusti^jal. diyisi'bn "at; . Tec'-Art . Studios; ■.:';;;.'■'.;.■;•;..;;•';':-;\ .';:■■'■?;:-'..'-" .;.;if brie peirby .'parted With'hbr ;tori-: .siLs - atiid, took tlio W"o<-kehd ' to re-" cup.erate. , ,<5hc'-li ieave hb^e .for New' rbrk:,". Oct.' ' 4,: returning iri Decern^- bei\.-;:-.-v ■;; ^ ..' :: ";: ".: ■':';:- ;.■': ;-;; :. ProduGllbri .pn I'athe's ..'Slii' Takes . a llbliday"; Was ..held up' for fwb.. days last :.wo."()k> Gorist.i;hce Beririett being- :hbriic- 'with:'a'..'cold'» ■" -';. ':;:; ■.-. ■'/.. N;omin:.itlng' 'a,ctoks.v'pf.; the ' AVa'dv; b.riiy have'.chb.seri'- L.a:w"rience :. .Grant in place; of the. late ;Milton Sihs tb :- fee);)r.e.serit the actors'- branch' on the gtiyerniri'g: board Xbr .the riext-.tHrce. years. '■:■--..; "■.'''[■.■^. --- Rpbert .Mbritgbmery' will' play .op- pb.irte -..Greta GarbO^ 'in- Metro's 'Mh ■- ■ sr,'iratlbri." : Clarence-Brown .-WHI dl-:" rcpt..:. -:-';--v.;>. .-"...' '•"':-. .". ■■ .thc'it*'i ■• bird daricc.: b'efy-'rtj,' ^'.'d'oirig. whisM;lrig,.n)jmb^;)M;.;;- v.;. -. ■; ■. - s' 'Xp^Mya. \'tbp . ibng--.fpr ;;;th(-\'girts 'Ux. WOi-k-' llTtb.'/the. .bird . rtiimrrer:' ji'nd' .it. >^lfiWs; - up ;the.;. a-^t -: iliird VMhiffLl'irii^ witli •■])(fth :-iyH. .' birtly;, . ■wit,ii':;;; i[>n!'; /a"^'bettrtii"•'lifp.b.tti.riK-.ifh'a'nv thb':}'-^Vl>**''tHP«^;:yf«'i>i«^;<?^'»''h':''6f^ i^leybr,' riio'Ktbi T)a.)ito'.^:;f ^fii'j'iH;,:.: Jt;:- fcbN^^^ .djK'K:...''Act; 1s"'p mli-neVViy -thc^itWo" brotht-rfiV.'and: l^ii.lVt i'lp; .'to . a .^tFpng.- 'firii.vhv...-^-/^ 'bf..-1 h'f .:U(.>.5 -s.; is' .cbsturiifid &ii a :.vfi;e'l''i or;. fi;jii.<l *f-haihisi brpthor..;'. Wor.;;/.;!?:' .1 ij>if>'(;] pf-rffjetly.-.; .Fi.riish. '-has -one '..of • thr-'(iier':S';h.ea(l c.lJt';off;fi'n(.l-'-'di-Vji)rii;rii:.'--' ;to'.thei stage; '-Coriiic'';'hob;e... fLS^irt' r-:ja.soh Joy^-'.lbc'al Hays rep,' lea-ve.^: ' lere ri>xt:'W:e:<;'k' for :Kew. Y'pMc bri iVi.f.. Sf'!Vsonal '"visit; tb';ibok.'''p'v(jr 'the crop..'. of'^e-w'.legits/-;:; .;.; ■''; ■■.■":'.;.''■ ■■■'■":;'.:':;; \:JViU Scbtt,,.•.b^r.<;fnr^sft■-,T^gent' of:';.fhb..' Jooal/.'Is'tage. .h,T:rid.'^'..union,'-' ..ha.'i- ro-'; jiighfd.i- ;tp.; take 'effect,'m.cdla't'eiy. ■ Hcott; has'.b(^'h'; .r.ecp(jriized'-.;ii'Sthe. •.<'r'rrfr'a'l • -riivdJa'tor,.; .betw-e'cri-: .;Iof','il: .la'I>op.:-bb' ;im the ■ thbatrb'.'iria ri- - ;a-gA('s.' ":'■-.: '.; V: ;:.'. .,Fp.l.f'y";...arid yJ^a.- '■Tp;r:e'..;cpnnfirrnrrti'.';(-?(diiri..s::';<^^ P!•'«'.>'itig • 'iirid o'rit''- H](;hviy;;:'bi;i.t '.fJriiPh'ed' 'hif^Oy- •':A''t':-^^s;|:^"^'.(>'l>^J'^^g.'^^^ iU ViWoiy:^ - -. ■':^:.^- 'bf'ttor s'lVi.ted for. rielgi/bbrhrifid'; the;^ j ~,.;y;r;-ii'(tr; ■ '-'r.-'in.' -tb./'.jc- ;^ t'.blof.'-. ,'i'tre..«i."- .M;at9riial,':"-" .mb>;lT;v, ■';-f-i7i.<=;f:/n^^^^^^ '.''.,/.,',.; ^ . 'v - ' bpcTiing .number'Wa.s 'B ;Wuth';riddl€^^;.'to:. ofr tii Bbiiji.T,sVnaii'| •.'■■''•J'laffl'-^ ..'.'''-:!■ .:; -.Btfrc-rfvTi^b -; .on , itho".:.' '.'(tpry-.' 'J-'fit - ;';f:i.rC'.a;tf'V ;T-if)Vr''V.. lr.T«' rii'"tij;hpl.f'.'l I'i.itllb : lf.)\.;h()!d';i/i-rf- j.N.'Wv'i;iii<. "t.he^Aiiri.-;"d-^-' .' ... ■ - - I - ,»i):\Uirin.vit''{),i' ri, ai:-)i.I1(>. ■^■M>';rnWldli«;-.:^: V r- ■:''' '.^r^;:Mh;s =fi;^'i'?iinjr •.i^/g.Vin--'pvPT tp ^Vo^: < /^l.^^/■d -;x.^;--^l:f,'^t)Tn.' v^^,>)4.lur!■.,. .;A lidJt-;i..i'r;tu,.,,.'..jiiiVui- -(XiA-kn to- hfVvv- "ii^M :.. '•:h<'p.,-,ii/i r.-.i-v: .'fw-vi'lRr-h()V.s;-'.>'|,oi,,^(i?' -rrisdv^fpr Ki<p" arirt win •■-foT- ■- r. •.^'•H^!.|^^...^d<.f.•«V.; t.)if>; ■rh'*'^': )<.\v ;^t).^p'•■-W'l|^'--^''Mavri^igbvr^^ frfM. dy;. .wlUY;/;r(;'i<'rt:(,n;- ;rt.r;U«Uf.--:^^ l'i-a.ii|i;-(Ml/' ..':■: .''- '•■ ■-'':..'.':-;.;'Vj'-' .-' .;. All'.f;(iiiiid < h ■■^I'tini.-I« .)>r;in;;j: }j'\'"y .'-.a.t,; Sy-i\i^<'ffi:Ai'.:. ihi'('.'•;-'rj''at:h<'tri)u>=hf;rK;'" t\<*ni\.>ii\\\' -if.' -nri; a'.'vaf'(VtJ.()n-t ■ .Hfi'iHl'. M.ili.- Vi'.'17j$iiii'i».'0.:;Cl.t't..''-"lr ■ - f'-^l-'^:'