Variety (Oct 1930)

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VARIETY 69 . I^t- week's preih on, Brpad- •way iricludea at' lea^ two ■indicated: iiih'aphes and several moderate: $Uc-.- . <ess(BS,' The: new- prqdue ai- ippst comiiilefeiy Tieyersfed't^ :' bcrltJ^'of • the week^ previous.... ; -i', Despite the : Susta:ihed- humidity ' •which made:. theatresbirig a. task.. ■ lather thaii ■ a . dlyersion,;. capaQity ir-jled both for ■ "Fine and Jiandy;" the; new nluslcal .at, Erlahger's,. ;and ^ *pnce in '^ i^^^^ " .cpinedy* at the: Music Box., Latter ' <*i?e4^tefl more' cpmni.ent. ambne show people ihto.'any ;attra;ctloh- 'in. year's ^- It got .$14;6<I.0.-In the' first, ftve per^ ; fbrmahces aiid with a" $3,;85. top, .the : ;weckry -average expected to .te iZZ^ , boo weekly. , •'F4ne. aiid. .pandy'* got $35,00.0 in secen tlriifes. ^tiid at. $6.60' ■ tcjp will better $40,000.' - '"The Gtee;ks Had a Word for It" ' stiirtfed late In' the week* with Sat- '. iirday'Sr agency.- Vdemk,rid ; prpm^^ .'fjRdiadside^". at tbG -Lpn^^ • .and going .iofC ;thts 'weelt; ; .VF'tan.kie; ' arid .■Jbhnnip'.V' Staftied - .all right .'at. thb'iItebublic • witli;\6riiy fair tradt!- ~.'afterward;; y.' -f:; ''^: :;■''.•.,•.".:.:- ' but and in: ~in- addition to VRpiid-. :'*lde," "'Insult;''- an. Ertglish .showi will. . .'close the .43th Street, whicii gets .. VMirigbld," iike.^yise «an Importy next week ;-:' "Stepdaughter^ a^r - Wat" ; coines to tJib EJiripite;-'"Brown Bud-; ■- dies.V': iJibei-ty' ^'London.. .CaUihg" . tbe Liittie.;.. -''TKfe. Pagari-Lady'' : Blaled.for;the .48th. Street, .will...fetay • put two more weeks. .''T6paze'' ehd.g^^^^ ' a ' repeat; date' this; .:weeK, samo;; '.".Uncle Va;nya"; -"Th0; ■tonfir...Rjp>d" moved., from, thje., Ldnjaere' to "the Bljoitj . where v it-..ctosi?;d •■. Saturday .iBo.metlilrifi:. .called- ."..'rBrpadway .i?ar: \- rade*' '^fbrded in; th.©..;.Village,.' .sani'e,/ Iday, '-.'. :;''V--'?;''/'. y',^-'i'■', .■..';■-■- :":.:'Est|m'a^ei..f6fv.L.a^ ■ ■■■ V '.'Bad; -Girl," THtidsdB v(ist' week) .;;<n-lV6'94r$3),. . . Presented . IridieEen.- dently r (Ilobert. ,.:.;Y;' , N'ewmiah.)/. . ^adaptation of vVlna^ D book. ; .by -author ittrid BHan,Mariow; opens .' Thursday (Z):' .•:.'■; \ : >; v^'Pancing ..Partner/' Belasco (9th .. week);... (^:.-.i',0b0-.- $3.86): ■ Artbther hot spell; ;last ■ week' -did not :apip.ear , .,tb hurt this one as hiuchi' as others;. ' .ciaimied over-$17,500, ' :'"V ■ ' .. ^'Farevveir to. Arms,'^ Natibnal (Zd -. week), (D.-iil?4-$3)v. bpinibhs.of re-. : - 'viewers, [sbmcjvirhat . mixbd ;, business . had .to buck heat; first iVeefc $i0;o:oo; hibderate.pace. ;; ^^FiniB and : Diahdy/^ErlaWger's' week). (M-1.520r$6::€.0).. Looks like • ne-vv; ..hiu'Sical: bit; .'capacity. through first, week; .in Weyen, t^ . gpt- $36,? . 000, .iridieatihg :hb^nial . pjtceV over • .$40,000.; .: ^-.c'-r'V ;'V--.\' ;-; ;.-. ■'Fir'st .. Mrs. : Fri^'ser,',' ;"I*layhouso. :;<39th. w.eek); (G^87-0-$3.85).' ..Planned: ; rtidnth .then tb;road;. ■.business :arburid $8,000. ;. • V ?'Flyihg High,?' Atioilo.-(3I$t Week)' '. :(Mvlil0g-$5;5O'.)v. SHgh'tly.-.. aftc'ctea last: week .^through .Keat,;. biit with- pace 'ardund ; $35,000 is an-idng ' town. • ' ;' .; ;j: - ' / .v. ; '-FrahKip .arid ' Jbhrirty,-: Republic • f2d;>«cSk); (Cb-90l-.$3). P ..nigh^ disclosed --.iittte '.grounds for - pplice. raiding. sHd.w,"Ipri:-su'bWa'y.: cifr puit; : op.ene.d.'. Thursday. (25). with , - moderate ridtices, ' . ■ :"Garrick Gaieties,'^ Guild (18tlv : Weck.)../<R-91-4.w$3). . .Move's, to'Beck ;after. another: weekV goe.s; on^ tjjur ■ reorganized Oct.. 27; Went ovet $14■ - . •OOO-.last. wieelc. ■. ''■ • .' ■ ; ^Greeks Had a Name for It," Uar- .rlg (2d; week): (e~i,05,0-$3)!. Critics . ejipressed; di-yided bpinJpn;; appeari?; to have a -moderate chance; . opehed : Thu rsday- .(.2 5). ..'.'.' :■' . !"Green :Pastiires," Mansfield (32d w:eek> .. (Cr).-l,050-$4.40). Weathier . eligbtiy- 'iffect'ed trade early. last week'^ but. closed strongly wi tb;. gfdss $23i600;\ should go through new sea- ; Bdni r. ':' .v '■ - 'UHbi .. \RHytKm,'V :Waldorf ...(tth week) •(R-lvi00v$3.). .■ iMoved- here frohi Tillies Square, Monday; though few. pepiile . aware, of it;; arouhd $8,7. 000,-mainiy; through cut rates., .; ; - iMnsult," 40th St; (3d week); (Dr ,708-$3);.^.. Final . week;.>will prpbably ; touij. for a. time. bi?bause of;players. i-Euarantbc^; .■ (Eh'ehsh); noti- riti.uch. ..;byer. :,'$3,000- estimated; ".Marigold^' ■ ^vnext'weeic.. '■ •'' - ■ - .:\ ."badies AW,'' Mpfpscd .( Week) v(C,k893-$3). Appeptrs'- to -command fairly profitable., patrdhage; ciaim€id :-,pver■■$,'12,-00d..;.. ript big 'but plenty, -.for • ietroight/sbbw.' '.-..-■■ ■' : .■ .''Last ;Mi.le,".' Ambassador (.l4fh • ■w^eekV ,(f)-l,0op-$3), ; Rba-d- plah.s off . Indefinitely;' iripyed ,:frbm' ''.Harr.i.s- with .bu;.sihess just-' as. satisfactdry.;; : $ii,ori.o.;-.tb';$jL.2,:ooo:';: ■ • ' • • . ' .':L'u a-ri'a-» " , IT^i'tiimerstelh's, .(3d -.i.wo.ok) ; (M,-l,36-3.-$5;'50).: .':Tpp''-.price ■. c.ut.:a . dollar;; •.'Vv-lli^^^^^ •■ down:, 'notice^; first: full.' week - Jifrht. a't-$l'6:Ci(iO..-.iQ $.'l.6,0i)Q. .. ■ ::;••'. ".Ly.s.istcat^.". 44th St. (';l'8t-h .\VQok.J l-C-i;323:r$fK5(!);vJTf>l(lln!^:lix! -^trongl^ •.. arfd- manaffp'mp-jit •.'ho'pct-ji-l' .bf. ■gointf^' thron.Efli ... .vho-.w.; ..'Pca.5d.r) ! .■ • .bM.sin.psH.' sH^rl'itly - Vihdor.-rooent-'pace; .but. riot - ■far.-from ?'2u;6i()0.' ■ ■■'■ -■: ■•'';: '..■■• ' , N i;ria• R:6'sa,'!' ' J^rajb&tlc- (-Zd: week). (Mr 1.717-$5.50). • • T''i.r.=!t. 'v,-(;.OW.s groR.^^. ..f ftti.hKi(;pd .?32;obi){- vory 'goPdi \ nrrtnojt:- b.iit,; cftpHcity . of ■ house . cOn- •: iri(l.r..rably hiphor,;" .. •' ' ■.■' - '' ■ .> ;v. -.''Nihe to .Six;" • Rit?;. (Ist. wo'ok). ■' (945 -$3) Eresfirited ^ by - ZiCc; -Shii bprt; written ■ by Aimee .and Philip Stuartj. .English ;impbrtatidn' with all^-wdnrari; caist:; opened. Saturday (27);' mixed'notlbe's, . .^^Ninth Gueit/' Eltinge (6th week). (D-j92-$3). ...Sllghtiy ahjead pf pace,; with takings ..tpppirig $8,000; mysr tery piece has; not drawn real-moiiby 'tp.-date.-,^;': ■•" .■. ■ ■;;..'. ■■^":';'V' ': ''. "Once in a Uifetirfie,"^^ Music Bo3f .(2d., week) .ce-l,b00r$.3:.85)'. , ...K^w cpriiedy IndiQated; capacity since pi)ehirii^; :in five performarices bettered :.,$l4,500i,. and v apprdj^imate pafee ' bf $23,0.!Cy6. eipeeted. .'\ ' . ■ "^One, ; Two:, ^Three," Miiler-: .(1st ■week) ; (Ol5.-.946-$4.40;)v' ..: PreSerited by .CSilbe^t Miliei?; a piai^ by Molriar; preceded: by short, ''The .'Violet/';-by sariie .author; oijericd Monday. ,' : :"Mr. Gllhobley^^' Broadhurst (1st week> ; (.D-.l,ll8'-$3>85),.'.; Presented/ by ji&d- Harris;'; .adapted from hovel of .'Liarii b'Fiah'er.ty .by.Fratnk .Elser;- :Ver.y well regardedr out .of • town;. ppeiibd:'.TMeisdisty.^:,■;■■... •■ /■■'.::.■ ..'V^ ;''.v^-:- ■ ;,: "■Roadside,'' Lbneracre ! (2d week) ;.(Ori-l,0a9-$3i'85)i .. bpehPdv^Friday :(30 );. notiqes: riaarkediy urifavprablb; 'cl6sihg.:.nbtice :pbsted Moriday;" . /'Second J-ittle S.fidw;" Rpyale (5th .vyeek):;.(R:vlill8-$C40V; . .-Slipped- ofi' . last,.' ;we.ek,.. •• heat.^ •-. being,.';. blamed'; ..takings •.arp'tind. -.$l'7;b00 ■,^n:ay' react 'to better-'.weather t)i is ■mceik:^ ■■::'y-■:■'■■),.■■ ■■ "■■ , : "Steppihg iSisters," Fdrrest- (24tiV ■vve.ok) . .(F^1,015;,$3): .. Andther 'twb weeks, after; this; .'capacity at -three vand: four for bne,. and ma^^ another-iipuse; over-$5;000: biaimGd: ■ "Strictly.■■' DIshbriorable," : Avbii :(5^tK week) Xe:-830.-$3:85). .Humid- ity.. , seemed : to affpct: lowei?. flbidr .trade •rt'io^'^ -thari...u^uai,, b streiigtft still . ther:e;= claimed more than:$14,000. ■.■.■ ': :■.■:'•■;. - "Symphony 'in two .Flats,'^ ShU bert- (3d: we6ky (Ci3Ti;39Br$3)^^ •stiay.:.six,, weeks -Nvith-.lErigllsh • ,cast .guaranteed . that- rninimum;... beios .cut.rather liberally ;■. may be '^JOVOOO. , "That^s Gratitude;'? - jrbhh Gfblden .(4th:. 'Tifeek); :.<Gr90b>$4.40:); : jumped scale, twice; . origiriaily, -having ;'$3 top ;„':, new .' cpriiedy. -,: hIt - ' virtual" ;capacitS!l:at $15,000V- .^'.,'-:'.- .^i-X ;' ' .-■.:'' .; .'.'Thi .'Lbrig. ...Road," Bijoui; : .Was ^ri^bv'Gd here frpm.:Bbrigacre; last half of . last.' week -; tp protect ■ rijariagb - . .nTic'nt's;eri.d. of iplctU re lights ; c Saturday;'■'.three' W-eeks.: • "The Up and. Up/V Biltmore (4th .week).: ;(C.-a;000^$3)i-. Announced -tb cldsp '.Saturday,; but suddenly: de-. .bided; :.•: tb. ^ continue; .ca;s't -^ori/ cd-- ';; a'ro'uri'd-.^3,500:: - ' j . : ■ VTppaie;" "Barrymdre ■( , -wee^^,).^ (2d.enga]^ement)::(G.'a.09br$3);, Final week; -repeat .date said to have-bcen. pro-fi tabl.e. -fillbr'. .with • :av'crag'e $9;000" to $iQ;0bb; goes on tour. . • • • ^ .^^To^ch, _^Song,''-. :P'iyriiQuth (!6th week) (Cb-.l,b42r$a;85>.' .Wbrd-of'^' mputh ; should k buslnesg. :a.t.' a. prpfi'table-'Ibvtel..through.; fall; a-verr. aging;.around ;$J3-b;bo.'. ;■.' ".Up Pop.s;i;He bevil," MaS^iue (Gth wetik)..;... :(C-7bp.r^!f0; -■: .iPartic good .On lp\yer: flbbjr and may de- velop: -.^: capiicity . draw;.. .between $i"3.obo a;nd .$i.'4,bo6:- ■■ ' ■.■• -' ;' - '^With .Privileges," Vanderbilt (3d vyeek); '(C:^771-.$3); Attrabtibrt rb- ' ported gufvranteeirig; may/stay .until "■Vanderbilt- Reytie*''. - is ready, .late.~ this, .month;; abp-iit $2,5.00, .with... little •chance..-^.-v ■ Vanities," NeW Ariisterda.m; (I4th weeky (.D-1.70.2>$6.60),. ''.S^tart^d last week,.at capacity' (Jewish .holidays holp'^d theatres'), ;' h eat ifeit later, but: gross, qupted arburid $44,000, which ..tops list;.-'..: \ ."":-;.■:.'.''.;''': Qthe'r Att'ractions :- "MrSr. Moonlight," Hopkins;, pre- sented .by-Gharles. Hopkins' In .liis- Uttle - theatre I -r. -wtltten: by" -.Berin . L'eyy;- opened Monday.". - ;'. ' VUncle Vanya," Bbdth; revival :&oe.<5. to road after th Is (2d); weeki ■ ■ : .- '^Broadway Parade,V Cherry iLarie (Vjl1apje> ;; cldsed Saturday:::. ; :''MillJonrsiVi ;CraiK; \ :lh.;: T^^ Opens Thiirsday''(2);'.. Heat Hit&^ :' ' ;'■ ■ ..OBosbh,: .Sept.' 30;''-- ; .Heat reabtbd agairist.'lbfiit bbusosV '.'Swept •Adelirie,''.'.. at the 'Culoriiiii; hold -up best, hdweyer,. drpppirig'oiily a g-rand frdfti .bpe.riing week':^ figure. .Latest.-gross,- $19,000.-.' ' - .-'-. ■ : ''Princess -Charhiirig',', ended " two. Wfi.eks. -at the Shubert.;' -' Ilp'use -'\\vin- be dark until.'Gct; 6, when'Earl GaiV- roll's-"Sketch Book" operi's. ■ ; '- ;; ;: "SubWay.. •Express'-'.'.ha^^ .had.^-orie week. at. the;HPlli5i- Gross. Was $12,'-' .000: iShbuld gb higher.. . . >.>. . :At the Plymouth ^'Miss GjUlih^r's .Travels" has this .week; ^ecbrid and last,: bef bre 'giving. ■Way., to the Pro - fessipriai Players, bperiing pf i.that group Oct; -fi features Philip Merri- "JDeath -I^akes a HoHdai'." • . Estirnateis.for Last Week : .;: Cblbpial^VSweet .-■Adeiirie.;' . Now; in .third-.ifthd last week. Grossed '$i:9,ooo;■;-'■ . •■- ■■...■;- '["r'ri■ ,- .-Shubert7^.''Princess'^ ^ Chai^n^irig:'.' House .dark till.'Oct. 6. - . . :; -' : ■.. •;: • •piymouth4--VMiss GulliveV^js:Trav- -.el.s,".:. One riipre week...-,"'- ''••.''.: , : HblJis^''SubWay, Expirees.!?' .N.bW in second •Week, $12,000, / . . )[' • . •.;:-MaJestis:|;-"Bird "in. Hand^ -VFifth ' .-:Lyiric—''Blackbirids'bf 1930^^ 'ih',fourth:.w'eek.::'. ■ h'l;, ■ -.. ' ■...,..-;-';.-: Chica^-,; Sept.-;30Vv- Legit-^njanager are 'not so . hiappy over. the; prppbsed. Chi'cagb;;hdodlum clean-up: -Big;. rackeitecrs iri - the past.i ajnd today; -can- aiways: bc.,^der. pprided "upbri" f01: ,tbii price, front row -seats/; bTi -';Opei>ing..'nights- the biis; ;.big^shpt.s; btiy. up '-Whole iows .bti ;the Jo;> .fippr." Aiid .prospect bf'the ,big spenders beinjj, chased, tb: cover ish-'t , pleasant to .the ri:ianaiger.s.-:. -.;;.-. ' .' .; Every-ohe;'is riiore.-:br.l^ at the b-iisiness ;beirig ''done? locally:.- -.'•Three..- Littl.e 'Giris'.' . ppcneja, ?^425 -ahead of.:-'Niria -Rosa''., a. yea,r ago, :,wheri- stbck;'. markets .didn't' enter polUe theati*e talk;,."Z^ which rebperied'th.e- A'pbllb vSiirid.ay' (28), ' bad v'a';.;seiiiput,; . while; 'MiDis.-' h'pnbred. Lady," .which cariie in for three weeks a,t the' Harris-Jastevon r iri'g: (2i))i is.: hot 'allowing parties 'Or cut;.rates,:-as;is -the Shubert .custom here for hiost pieces. : .'., . , : ' ■• . pet; .^5 : "Lost : . Sheep";.' changess' hbiises/..going td;~ thb Adclphi,; Vvith "Strike U.p the :Ban'd'.'^'cpmiri# 'into the/ ..SelWyri;:: "Sex" .startbd:- a. 're-'. billing '.cainpaigTi' last week, wliich.. makeis:"it. appear that. Mae .W^sl -has: lakeh ;a '.lease ph.> kitcheriette apa£thierit.'-\JeWUsh ^l^.e\V^:''^ helped ;,to ; e.W.ell the matinee .•;biJ5r ;whic.h :With ;a' dash of .chilly wbather ^ helped, to keep the. .bbx -oflice -mbri btisy. ; Kexti Monday,., bet; '6,. :^ big dividing moment:iri the.-live£j^b^^^ Chi critLcs,: as both, the ; Guild- and League-ppens' ;that e-yenirig. -.. 'Estimates.for Last Week: ; "Artists and Models" (Grarid; 4th .veek);, ;Ai'ound $33,bbb; ;big and the oi'dcr since ishow. bpcricd. ; '.;' ^ - "Three .Li]ttle- Girls" (Great-Nbrth- ern, 1st we'ek)/: $24,Q0Oj excellent. •Two-mats .h-eiped.: -'- :•:;' ':: . : "Sex'r ^Garrlck, 'Sth week),. Still: ruririing along . between . $j5,0bb :and $16,000,;;nbw. rebillirii^'town. - ''.'Lo'st iSheepV (SelAyyri,;'4th,;week>. Two off ' days, 'but: 'still- strdhg at :$i3.00bi Moves to Adelphi. Oct. -5.. :■ . "Housb of Fear". (Playhoijse, .3th Veek)*,, $6,500, figured-fixture for-the ■faii;:. ':y-j .■.''>;- .. :■ - "San ■FranC:i.'5bo.;.^-Sfep.t,-,'30;;''-: PauUne :Fre^erlek : in, her "third wieek. of J'The' .Gfimspn .Hbu'rl^ at^ the. Currari', had a clear ijcld in the legit here :ia^t-. Week. and;-.prbfifpd.^ tngiy: .-: Fai'bW'ell- ■s;eyeri d;ay.q - sufliW ci'ently heavy in. 'patrbnage ;-;to - in- du'c'e --"riianage'merit ■'■■to :..^!lilV' in" :-eJcti"a;; Friday m.attne!o; espef biaiiy big; • BbSvbd -oU.t 'Clb'.'ie .tb iru,;-; boo,' .■;'.■':.. ■;'^ :'--';--.^-. ;■':'/.; ' ,''-Bi.rth' Of. :a;Natibn''.-' at.the' Geary, next .dbpr, ..-origifnall'y,.- in ' for -taiiY wee.ks bri- St-i'al^ih.t rp'rftftT, -g.ot'; d i;jbo.t('ragod.-.(.^rill (i'jlV.o ii H's - irft>r t^^ -w*!?k^;.- -..Heviv.'ri :p'f'. t-ljis .fi:f t(-'^n:»'^^(';^.l:i■• 'Q Id. filin .rtnbljo'-''..'.' \vi.tIv .$1 >ii.kd, n n'll r-f ■'. fc(?.tss "didn't'.;-atti7'vf't;. do'si'it .- ■fl:;i.'ihy. stiag'o 'in:.f)l(iK-u(\ arid .l-io!'iv'y'^p>i.b.l!ii.'i;i.y. (ic'.'a'ry ' '.B.riwr.S' ••-.:i'ri'l."S-''''Xiittl^'. ;•' 'Orcylu.i-l •j\n-pip,"-; - fC'atui;.ing;..;, T!l<^^ ,':!tug('-'-.Fbd-\v;r-;?)o-x.t:.wr'^k.; -'-■'-'':■'.'-'- iRrla'nger'-.s.,' 'C?plHXril>la'-" -;'alKo.- .WilJ: o.ha«!.e -aW-ay' thb.. darkriOKji .with ';-..'A. .Clip :, bJ-.."iSi>p.ft'r/-* .'st.nmTifj:;'i)()ir itiiy. IVtack-rtye;' - arr.d'' 'th(-). Cljc/i-rah f(.>11.()\Vi^ I 'nxn i rigl''rcdi'('U with " Vo.u 1 ,i (s.-^ln -. ner8<" .■•';''..7:-: ;: Broadw?^^ . '., (Con' -frbm. p^^re. 56)> are. - Waiting.;:.'; Thrb-Wfback.'. tb : the Daddy Brpwning court .bouts;.'.' .. '-.i ; Pete JDlxon biff th,e .NBC . publicity staff arid, with Mrs. ipixonj writing for'and 'Whisperi'ng, into; tlie^^^-m in :;cbmriiei'icial playlets. . .Much bct.-t- tei\;,fbr the ■ new";bouglastbh shack, in :ai.riib'rtgage:-lifting Way,^-^ ?!r\*^' Billy Manh,- and ' .Jimririy, ,iCea^^ 'the ;-'Vabh:t-G'i.ub:.'Boys ri-itci- -cl.u.b.; singing. -.; tp ■ go - W-i th -r'a'''doAyn.,- • - town brokerage hbuae:' :Gh'ic;- Kiul'pr 'rcmafh.? ..a.t the .,'Buropeari .Club; ivlt'h ■S.ariimy . F.airt; 'at the:."plan0 .:ifor. him-,.. -lcrii.pbrf\-ri:iy..;-..;:--.' [ .■:;;'■■._;.... : . .Jcarine: .'Vina -LaMar,;, Frcri'bh '■■si'if.. and,'kri a^ "the -f f;rnrii.c• 1)6%^ ln'{* . ch am p;-' retb m cd' -f.t;P 117 9 ;coast,. ' wh;(?rb''' she;:, ehb'wed'^- a teW - ..Motto- duUps hb.W Hd,-.use .ti>iri:F'.d.ukPs..-. in--;' \iri' Ihtroduciri -for -the 'vi:bm'<?ri'-iri' New 'Vbr-lcy-,;. - : •'.' . - ..Qirb,sti.ori .b£.,€thl^ :-tiV:i?et.s; resuHe.d:Whon thcH':^ •f^lma-kpy:.iiii^lit .W-as. calU'd p;r£ aiid tlif .lftuTh"aj?Q.\p.rlc6'-/<j)e\- ti.'clcot-s • r.otuiTicd, . i'/y ..DVo. -Giirdc'n \miinn!x'{'m<j.)\t. Many' •(iftfliyibd .'tliV sfillVfP . pf--;..tlio tli;1i('.t ;di'iiVt. 'ncoci .the' dou'ji^h^anil :h.el(V iyut: .Jbc ;lioltbri-;.. a!^ o'.aa' at.-,tiift- I'ox^ ofiirp; .'J-rt'- C.anrtrtrr--biv a"; ' belated - '.hbrieyfriobn;.' t,i-i.p-.. - Jyfi^-. •ilolt'ori: 'Wa^ - Vera; 'C^oXiVvvr; i^t'-;;: , ■ ■.-;.':. . .Arthur ■ Lb.cW and .' anollioi';.t);-Ji). t() i-Iiirope. -",' :-''/.■.'v ..' ■'• ''. "■,;■--'■;■;", :." : . ' •MinricaTJotis; -Sept.'30.;. . -Business at ;th6 Shubei't is' li'inici:^ iriff :.apd the-: iBainbridge - .'dr^vmatio stQck,. •^•ith ' "Nif-e Womeni',' .enjbyed; best week, bf the, seaspn to; diite, greasing nearly $o;b0p. :::'.■'': . Stock burlesque, at the.Gaiyety. did avQurid..'$4,bob; a sfriircii'profit^ '' :.--'■'-.:- - Jkletrbp.plltai'i ebritiivues darfc "Stricttjv'pishbnorablc;*V:arid .ri nouncenieiit. of uridcrlincd offerings,. ■ :''--'..- ..::' '.-LQS--.Angeles.-',?^^ •-' ■bperiin'^g "'.-pf Frankliri^--^Warher>' ; ^'Teiriptivtip Mayan'.'.:.Ei'l'es' .ihje.'.burg' - its firs.t. vevue... in '-a y^aiy. . Ad'\^;sale-.■ .at■■ '.$.5-,.50.-';. -Was'': good; ,::vyith-. -the.- iiativos .sh.p-^virig;; intprest Ihi the '.'publicity. :and lobby display. ; of . nudesV ■ First fpUr: perfdvhiaricbs: did $10,000; helped' by-the premier :;tax bf $5: .fbl^;.dbwrista^rs;.;>. Adyaiicc 'for: ;th'.e -fpllpWihS •'week .. is short. This.i^vWavrier-s; (rib relatibn); third :,legit '; :yeri.ture . si'n'ce .':erite'riiig '.' the local- fi(31 d a year -agb'.-: ';. ; ; ' ■■ , .; "It's a t^ise ehild^'.'at:the;Bel{!icp .closed, it^': six v.wbeKs' ..riin ' tb $9,000, PiQce ;did abbut the ;-b.est bii^ine.s^ the hbusp. -has. exj5:erienccd V;&ince ■'..;j.ourney.'s-.:.--ii;nd;;>'- -: ,Pa-ulJne-,. Fred^ ricks .- opened: in ..".Gririirfebn'. Hour-.'' Monday.. .Thifi ■ is the ; piece'b ; first . tiine'.here,, i .althoueh : lt '.^%is. - iiic^ -tutizcd'' by ■ Warnei's■ [as- "Scarlet .Pages." • ; .::-:^-'.''.:- '\-.:V : ':.; '. - .■-: " . . At the - Er: -Capitan . ilenry -JJ.uffy opened. "Parlor, Bedrdbm;a,rid-,Batli':; .to-a gopd:.week^ S^^^ was''Char- Ibtte the east:;-.' First ;.W'eek:fehaike<:l..uP. $'j'^;QOO;. Greehwbod: J.*! '.alw.ays 'a. bbt h.ere..' ;Last''sea.'sGri she ran 14 -weeks at the ^samo house with.'"She.- Cduldh't Say'-J^o."'.. '^ ..' ,-VThln -Icp" at .^^hc ., Holly wood struggled along to $.4,700, ..Wltb-'v.' -Fraricls -; X;. ;,B.U)5hriiah.-; -larid Ailberi Pririglb ; featured. ■ /Lpeal. pufelie: sebm-;-vtb 'bb-.orf ■;pfbture.-h In .ibgit, .eKpcelaily ,\ so f(ir-ba'cft;. House has been having .'a..lpu'gh tiiri.)S ever .since b.u Ibl.eW up . arid....t;he.':r.esLl: estate:.,opei*ator.s' who .bWn werit. Into: prbr: dubtibri;.'- "A;;Cup of Sbftar" blbsed; at thb -'V; .- Street; Saturday.; after' foyi- Weeks, of better than aybrage busi- .iiess, gettlrig $4.,50.b '• on ....'the.; final'.. .We6k;.. 'A- riumbbri'.of■ picture .p.eoplo. arc reported Interesfed iri the house; as .a Ayork-shop for . plays , with'.pic- ture pbssibilities,■ biit ..nbthing defi-;: bite has .beeri:.;depi.dcd- ori; tvhat .Will, -fpiib-wv.' ■ '.-■■-'.:'' - / . ■ ■■ '. -.: • "Death .rHakb^.. ft:.-.HotidiXy" combs ; in to; the Biltmbr'e Oct; .3. .- -'•iE'st^Tri■ates..,for•';'■Last .Week.-'-. ; "It's a Wise Child'' (Belasco, 6thy, final. Week);; ...Tobk all the.; comedy mbnby ip "tbwn .and "finished 'Syjlfi $9,bb0, 'Ericrag'enicrit;' 'w?iy'. • abbve' average^ "Crimsbri Hour" opened Monday. ■'.';-'; ;,. ■ - ■ -''■: ;■,:. .-:■■':.; . "Temptatioba" CMayan, 1st week); $;iO,'bOQ. on; first.;tlvree. days.;' ;;;$16^000- :Weokly;-nut.''-■■-;' .;': -'•'' '"'■:■ "Pahlop, /Bedt-Dbm anti ;Bath'r 'HOI Capltari, ist ..week). .. Here for: ihe rrillliorith time, but Charl.ptte GreonV Wobd In. the.; cast;', $7,bbb . for ;.fii'st. week , li? .above,, averj^ge. ' :.:^ ;; . "Thin;;lce''•(tTdlly.Wood .piayhpu.sby. .2Vi: We<''k;); ; Picture ri..a;mes.-.;rxpbrte(i ■to draw f^iied: tb .do better . than .■$4:,;.."'.-B'elow-. a'veraRer -.' . ■ ■ - -.'■ : "A Gup.;-of '.Sugar" ifVine -Stri^ot, .'4th,;. .fina-1 - W;eok)',.--''Folded^- to; $'4,5bi);~ .Nbthlrg-Kbt tp-fbllp\vi;.;'; ; ' ^-pStlslriirigh,-'.Sept;-. 30. . D.ospito 'hpht,v;lbgit'-se;ason got .off :tb a ni«e.-.<5tatt..herc. i.a.^t.weck.-. •>..' •I>J'l.'<pri,.hrid .^i^eal high-hat-bponlng 'w.jfh- f:iliirl'« ;'"A.pplc-- Gart';" . Sbaw.- ploce.-;ca:ine''thrQijgli. with -a"neat..$ 19,.r 2S0.:--Trio.stfvT;:"«iB--"-^tfb.s'of:i.pt1fli"rf ,ticl<"<'''^'.- aUhough-' 'wirido\y ;,.«iaie: ;^v.m.s •: .iij ii'iy: actiyp; ,'.'-':-.■;•....-■-..- ,: ''^'•.■.:- ■■■- ■"->--' -::-';At.; $2 ;:tcir>. "r)raf*ialn:,V', rfii^rtlV orrfi'fth-'visU- hoiro;' at '.t.hi'.-A'i vi-i'r :fil<;i.y, at'-$-7 ;«5-a;-;a Ith ouKh: 1 ih .rd.I y ..-'i :'s5 u ittiljle .■^itrabtif^n...;to''-.bpf:|fi.;;ilV'...-^-(';'i-y;^ ; ' '..:'-■;, ■ ■■;'.Hivfir'j>~ \\] fi.'yc'l'.'^■ -UMyii 1 i ;'iirir.fl- ■Rfo.'idy" : clip", a t' J 'if.' f \v'i (■i:i ■^.'•.t h-'i .^v-; 'av e T.ib v 0 ■ with ybtt ri ir. •■• i n, i%U\ \ \\ s, • 'of.. or i.g -, i n !i 1; ■ j n-\ vv;iy. y:;i.ff t.,:'..jri: li ifi- :lf i d' ..rX)l>!. ■■ ''.\:^'Se.attl6'.SiE^;/- .'■; ''-' :- ■. i"-!. 11 ^)'i i-";-n'; t} I ^a t ;-,..!H I'A t tl-'■ r ]-:;:-■li(V;lH -cvistir)^. hf-re,;•' ';.: .v^ ;;.'. , - ■. .• ..:i?hHii;d(?lph.ia. Sept.;■ 3{>:; ' /"■Hip \)h-*rv \yitiv^the:;s:tonbs;' hift. bri'.' all cyiirii'i.oi's' soy iii, secpiid -a'pd 'a^^.t - w-eelv::ja.t'th6..-X»ai*rie^ •■ ■.■ ; ■ ■, T->yp' of- the''^:. Qth^-}'r' three:.'iiou'ses ' -ppen .. repbrt.ed - -;bri-cburugiilg -• fi:igi-is, pending' ;enly a v<diange' -WeathoiV That; ;change.: came along- .Saturda.Vj: and.-',w''ith cbbl ^. rilglits^'; .the.; World S.erie^ and iaybrctble Ayprd - of rnibut.h ; .-; going; arpurid,. .these-, two.', bught ,' , sh'P.w 'sbrt-i:ething.;-..'. ■.-.'.'.' v',':. . '. .They are ,''JuiVe Moon,";WUioh got : just •under; $i'b,.b'bo ;ori its. 'iirst we'ekv.: at ;the- Lyric arid -\vas highly .praised ,by;.th6 .re.vic'CVer's .except- lor; :cast weaknesses,, .and ,'!The' -istreet .SihgV \ er/'. W'hich uscd.:twb-.foi>o.nCs.;pleriti- - fiilly. Mb nda y 'apd. ,TUesd.ay, bad .a n .- bbncst'-t^-gopdi-iess. sell-out .Wedne-*?'-^ day .matinee,-::nQS-e.-diyed' • !i''hui;sd^y..'.' and- theri;.,.cajrie.:.bacl^i. siowly at ''the ' erid \of ■the v.AVeek;. 'Q'ueehie--;.Smith ■;m\i'$i;cal--.'prbiia:bly -hit ji'5,b00 bn tUb- - .-^•the Fb.r^ost;. perhaps a iittle better/^-^. ;■:-. :■; ,.'X'-i' :';, '-yy.'-]' ■ V v-■-'-';'■;•- '....''tt.raGtiori.iriltbwnf/'^ ■Sti'irigSj"- was::,a'totai fibp" in- itSvfirst • .week at.the Adcjphi;. itardly fpabhed : $4iO0b;--ari'd . will ■ probably.'clb.s(?;.r,b'aa . -tour, hbrp.. May: ret;u:n-to-Ne'w--l;b^ ..^Seyeh;' Houses;, bpert:' •.-■:^^ -' :.-''i!h'i:s'. y\Vc.ek.-.-.'/thei^o . is ' a-. 'miH'h:'-.:. • .-incr5iit^<i;.'--^ 'iiditvif^; ■'. ■';..\vith-:'". • sc-vo'n.'c.. -■liouies;.'.o.peh.. {is. cbiripai'o.d-. to faur.sp.'. fai-:' -irbur.ri'cw ari<iOinvppr-t^ out'sthree;. Of';tHcin ;shb\\:irig; coid' here) ■ -.dre .:iisted-.- Mo'st 'ihlRprtiint •' ;drrtn;ia is.;-: "Klizabetli; iih6. Queen,.'/ ■■ ■the..Theatre :GuUd';s:.ifirstvto have,', .prcriiiei'e ,ih..p.h-illy;; it .is' at th'b.Gar-..': iiek\fdr-tWd .weeks, with the ;'Lvint;'3 in: leading r.plcs; Fir'st night pi-onV^ ifje.:^; airiib,^ t ,' ;tb be' ^9^^ r bti t,. ■: with ri-iany celebs cbriairig' ifrbni Ne.yv ' "/York:.; / '■ ■'■^l'- -■, -,:'■■;■ ■ -.:;;'^--■'■•'". . '■ Outstanding miisicAl is-."T ;C.r.o,>vdi'-- -Mai, Goi;don-Eria \'ue.:but-at, the .Eriangei",- whieh .thtis ;i'eturn3 ,to legit poiicy after year in filni-s. ,: Advance indieates.v clo.5e,-".;t.b.; sell-out; .With''"NVbrld,. Sc'ries, figyred, as''" giving'-. this piece : a - big'.'.play;.;; Webb-Hol.manrAl Jen , .ntu-^Tgal.. ..alsp :'in ■'fpi''^ foririiBht':orily.';;;.■■.'■:';,' ; W' ,';; The.^ShUbei't, dark for a Webk, rcr : .bpens; With "Girl Ci-azy,". Aai'ons; & Fi^eedley's: latest,: With. ."W^illle libW ard, - 'Ginger Rogers ."and 'William... /lient;^ AIso. for "t Wb 'Weeks: b n ly;-'.. - ,>Ge,o'rge',,Gbhan's,: second, offerinj^^ ' the'-ri-e\v' ■ season, :"A.:'\veii-icnown--v .■Vybnlan,". relights; the. .Brpad,, :,dclrk\ for •.: two: .sSiiieeks...'Mary.-. Phinpf?:'ig.'- 'featu^i^ed.; '.-".■. -■ ■;.','.'V'.':':■-'-'■" '•;■■ .. Next-' Monday;.: the:. professional-v Players .-(subscrlptibn) .$tart ; .their": .second ;seasbn. .at''the l Adeiphl , with..; "The Mari;in;.I?,"",|with,L(;fl-.: lie Banks; . In for .fbur;\*bek*''.- A)'iio'\ walnut--' -ii'Auall'y- anJ'eaTlier "startery .- -rieopens-: with-'.hp :;Bluii :'Gho,s ■Le.ngth: .of . r.un--;-uric'e,rt,ain.y ,'■ -' • On- ■.th,e ;13ih there ar'e fpu'r list,p.:d,' with: maybe riiprc tb. come.";. Birliy;. Rdse's. "Gbrned. Beef and,'.' : comes to-the.-Shitbcrt.;vGeorge Led- ere'r's "fViJtima. G'ir.r'. to the.Erlan-:. ger; 'JJiiiingham's -new trybut; "As.; Good, - as; iSf.eW-;"- With .bttb. Kriigfjr, tb the Garrlck,; and ./Mria. Fis'ke in 'b,: .repertoix-e" of:. tl.iteo -plays, to' the .Broad.. : ' ■ ■'' IS bn the 27th new Tyler .^bbw* "Brl-': .sach's Wa^": -with Ed.ward: G. ,J<pb.r' ; .insbn, , is vKiated;: a7Td-.;"The . JS'eWj, Yorkersr" ^'Variderbilt' Re-v'Ue'': arid. "Uncle, ,Vanyd':.a^"e definito.-bookings' foi^ .'la^'t two. Weeks in. bct.obe'i^. with ', ne 'o/nclai mcri^iori ybt'as: ;tb houise, :- ;■■.;:...■:,-;E-^t.ima'te8:'fbr .."Aprbh Strings'"' (A'deiphl/' seobnd ; week). V X'ltifui business .first Week,, cbnsldei'ing notices' .'and run;,.show . had: in Ne w'.York; .Nbf $4,-0bO,: ''Man : iri Pbsscssiori;'' start.l:ng secbrid ..sea-, son:: or- -I'TOfc'ssib.nai,:Piayevs.. - C.>'ubr,, - sbri-ptlbn)'Mohday; :'- «■ "A;:We:ll- k"noWri -Wbmari'^ r.Broad; -; fii-st-\y,bpk).:' ;;Gb.l'ran:.:c;oi3iedy. roligUtS;.' after t\VO' Weei{H' da^knes^^. In .fbr fbrinfght..-;, ;■.':'•;.'-:. '■■': ?^':t-y- ;• '-'Threels' a Crbvyd!' iCEriangip.r,: ru;st. 'Wec.k).,--. '^p -back :in;-l<!git .•b'f-t'er; year-of .'filnrt.s.; : Max' Gordon .:r.<'v:ue-; . opening-: :cbltr here ;.for.'--fortn•igJIt^a '.'; :i5ta.y;'-.'n.5;e .big.'-'-. '■. ■ ;; --.='. - - j' '■.-.-',- . . ^"The St'rWt Singer" (Forrest,-sec- ' end Week). ; ~\VJth plohty of tW-otfor'T ■: onc.s Mrmdiiy and? .Tu.ffida'y. and . big,.; window; ,s;>le - W.ertnr-scJay ".matinee,. . ;thiK-.-..''Qii'-('.ni-o- fJmiih '. mt4si<:aj .' got . 'til/(Iu£■ $ 1 bp;ll'r'iit .-.^Veek... 'SIipp'td • ■: 'ri.'i fj ly- ■c\ f ninpM- :in:.. riild.dle: :pf.' th.e ;. r<' ■' I "Elizabeth; the .QUec■ri^' : (Garrlck, ; ■fi.r-fe-t..',-A«-ibek-^" -'jribUi: 'J?:h-c'4tr6-:'..(Ml<l''-'"' .shenv-eyer'lb bpf-ii^'.tn'tirl.s c.lty. .rF-iP'?- " iri(lic'at'lon.s,' ''.. Twb :-.; we'clts'-' Mt.'.(y. »: '!'Jtip'pie.s'l. de-C'olppod into. a "sniar<h in. ■■ .sef'bnd-'. arid:' lawt weokV- .: B'f.';tw'c-en'• : $3|i;-60O/a;nd -$3CiO00; .:; ',, ; y, . y. •;;. . '/VJune.;:.-Mopn''-;' YLyiib, „. '.serVortd.-"; wt-eiv.;. :'• l;)i.';;rij 1 )6'lnting 'at' sta ir.t; .bn t .b''t';;jtv : to - -'build':':slb^\;..arii)i- .-\yHh-,-' :"\v<;.'ithf.r..-br<';ilt!^j' .ri-iayV.m'a.kf'. ,t::bi)'il.'., 'sbbwlrig - in .:fbur- ::\veelf's'.'.s(;lio'di;jltd. '-. AbwiV $'9,G,00.:;-'.-'- V.-';., :;■.;■' - -.-.: ;■■:;■'.;.;:'. \ , ; irI ;g t'azy" .(^ijl'ivibei-t; h i^st 'w'';ok) 1;. • ;N(!w; Aarnris and .l','n.M!.dley rijn.^iKal;''; (■(i;m'-<ly .'rf'iiglit.s~h.pu;so;'^v'rtoV:-it: Vs\^s'; ' I, (Uiyk a \v(f>:.'k. \ .(.!.(jb'd-,iii^lif.^'Uili-iiH, for'; j liUfiitic'.s.s with Wbiid:'.St'i'K,'^ t;ry\vd,>j'-. . -*• ■ ■