Variety (Oct 1930)

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f. ■ '■■.^ Hei-k;.s'.]Vixi^^a^m^^ of' ift;^^ -|s:: oti;. the. m6ve,.' Ah pr^^^ ■ for,till ; . jSiontiiiK^^^ ilutual rlTLopseg'tQ'. ' r;';.\TlVi> ;;fij^st-irpt un4ei::;^w£li;]^>.for thie^ V^iipws; ;Saturd.rtir pp9ftine:..:C)ct;.;- . dilie .-^^^^ at.; the; Mutual' ■ ..Ifemm^H'tool^^ '. ..frtid.■MOhdajr.-- :■ : .V':-.;;'; ; ..: VI ■■..:Js. nuriviiefV of.. reiispiia.' ftromptdd .. ^h(B: ip.oving 6c ' the ■ cihovuf?esr. •/-Biz; ;,. Itiastitt. b^en.;ia;ny ^totfvgoo'av althdu^ch' ^ .'■ Jjthe exti-cmfe: h^ crodit . .^or.' returiisi^^iipwri;Up^^^ tPi laat .,,.f!W:«.ek' wheiv.a'mPre fa visitable/ break ;.. liri.'the weather opciu-redi:■;,■.;;..^.;- . :.' . , -The; girls.. TVh.o ;.:rehiai)i9d . . in.; the.: ;■ \vV|^me..tPwn. aa-'the" princiiiais : Mch .:- ,Jjp?-eek;/.hi6.yei ,,pn,^ ••andx' -ntew; ahowis .,; 'icamd' into.'tiie■•li£)usesy;-foa ';. • -f ^iiy;' hard Avoric- to.' get;- ^i,p.' on ^i^ac^^ 'p(i6-<K'M. ■^^.humber?s/';pnly.'.to-•;get■ it- just j|tijout-?i'ehearsed; right . ,'j>lete-; ijhahg'e '-had-^^^f^ . .;-: ,-;;.:The-BLOiys vSjCjudyi/kln ;■ ■ v -:. The;.:r;ptating; :pr girla .iiS ';ex-\ |>/ecte'd- to- put .;iie>y^^ "// ; |>fRcV .ii.-t the', ''^boysv ^who ■ tiVe- :4patrjbiis;;w^ see" hew,- ■. 'jpac'es- -and'; .leisfs; .--vveekly,; ai. i-y^-tfH - ia.3 . %: .sho^v--change; /..^-.;'.^..;.^ .'. ' ~ y •-iNTb^v; ■■■t.he.' .Oldl' .'order ^pf.'.-.thihgs:---is.:^ bacte :;ih e'ft'cct; bh; .th'e. 'Mutiiai'-^whefel.-' . in.- mbvlhiff' fhfeiijC.hp'ruses a^^^ - -iliiiitnal ;ha,5. -notified .viedich girl - thfit- ; 'BhjB- njiiiit. ca'n^y- hei*.. wairdrbbe'.a^^^ ■ '\'|>eloogiiVg^ ;in ^ ■ -'.'■.-iJlVU f trjinks;. biii^.:inthat-:-.wray-.-,^^ .; 'jjrheej continues, j^ia econ.bmicM^p^an •' •, ;.of' 'r.edUohig the- .-.p.verhead . by,., em- "■.vplbyihif .■,'phly'.:;6'ne;.-'t'rav'e.liog:'.:;^ ';|ian^^;;-''v;,;;-'-;■•':■..--i-r ' . .;Ia • ;aret£ipg-.. tive: .iribvv order ti'hdei^' >;|*pay .'it -. w^i-s .■•needssary'- to-.alKp-. g^t ■ : |»eTiy'^'ivls-'tP ^repia'cie'i;hpse--\vhGii^^ . :fased.^'t9. m.pye/ put ■ p£- their .-honle . (town. Aisb heQfea^ary ^b line up icbr-f. . itam fchOVuises for ths* 3how's;:'.iayihg 0. ; .^ lastvvv'eek;ax>d-.this ■;-;. .•; ' ■ .: Ba(ii;..$hQ\v .-isvcartying' IT giri'Si-■: Tjj'6- -change; ■.bUierwise,.. ^Ehe.rSta,'^. ;. -Itionai-y ;^irls .:.the.-^^ ;" (i^ ■ last. vireek ■ mpvc(i. albne'- 1. . to. ;tiie S.taiS.: I3rb.bltlyjgr^,,.' t-he niex .;. -btaTid , pf-;thiS:; fttiirtbipals, V. This; .pro- - . ip;edurp \v^g; :£birQwed\ihV'ail :hb^^ ; 'accbrciinfr . to. -..the' ..regular : 'wheel: ; - ;. |rbute^-. - ■'; •.''■■• ■•■'•'■<-; ..' M^itual .-wh'eel-a decia^^ 'tb^^.Tbtate. ■ - hpas*-.; chptui^e^^^^ everyfive''; weeks; :' baa • ii)p<jh^ 'a: sptiijco; bf ;di.ssatisCactiph .V.eth.G'ng th'e .l)rigade'gal5>.' •"; -.. . ;'.- -. -: ■ ' ..The';; ;cJiDrister^'••'■-■ a^^ . ; •' egaiii.^t trayelihg upph grp^^^ they . .;acceptcd..$;25.'weekly-tbr^th '•; atyi-slan'rl :c:ogageiweivtW, -whic^^^^^ Jindbr iiist -yea salary .for.-wheel; ; phoiiiktei^; .aiid.t^^^ airounfi Withb.ut;' ;exi.r.a- ' cp.inpen??a)L)b'iv'. .^ . tvbrk 'hixriVtjiip 'ui>on, tVvt>in, c^ipex-ia-l-i .. ly tjio«owho had; arrangcd living .;ioni^ a season., basis. !M,utual ls..;.pnly-"deC :- '.ta.tioni;.ex.iyehK.<^'s; ami-: thf*;-. ;Birla .;.say ;■■ th'py ^^A^l^t/gO't .■.b^,^ bu^ ;the; .'525 ■■.Weekly ■ -. ' ea;^al•y;■■■^:^;;'■•■-;;'-.^'-c-v-•;'■;■■■■:.";■ MW TIRES OF 10^ : • iSmpjr.c,. Is' clLoSo.a. ■ ..,-:;TroiedP'-' QcL:'!.' i3Ui;!.e.<=iqye^. ha^' ftVHe'd';;jHi(d liOcals, go.t vtlred; oil;, seethg .honie ' .■i>toducts-:-itt;'the-'ch.Qrusj'- ■./^-■^■bhhhy JBarry. -alrid'- ;Ge6rge' pbiig-; :ld'di''. ;b.o;t-h5;:.'.ft;bm ' '';,b;urloaq'u^,>,: .Ivave; t6aihe(i-.fb hew'-act,; ;,.;. ' 'I5arr'y, hearted "Spe.ed' o,ha -Bpar-^. kle"..on ]Viut,i.ial; ittiik season; J b"lit wittidriiyi''-. tp: '.return ;;to yaude ; wlth\ , Sam Rayrior; repiabirig Ih, tlie wheel . -ShOWi;': '\. r^-. ;V ,;:-:•■■ V;;:^. ■ •'''^ '' (■[.y-- ^a^el Bpberts bpened; this .week: Wiih.the-stock, at the -G I<eW:;.C^ic'een .jjepla^ ftarryV; 'with the':,sarQ;e.--;trPui>',-. •.■'■■■•■: i.,..';''■ ■ . ;Jt)iy'-. tloyd an?i..;Betr^^ iaftd ,Bprti • closed; l?ist ;w'e'ek • WlJLh. ''Step • O.h It'-V (Mutual)/;with j^a ■\Vll3bh- and' Margib ^^'Ybtman >goihi(j|-m 'sui>-. planter's;-. '';';: ■' -/.■;'■■-"■-:■:■•;:■•;■'■' • kaytbhv'sfstei's bibsfii. with '.-'isravel- .ties i0.30? 'iMutvalf;thia,.we;ek'- .to. X0turh ;'to'': ■v^.iidev .■■'.-.■■•;,••.-•' ■■: -;Crebp.' ypint^- j^trer .^ibbrn in^-■ u p-, im-- ■ against buHesauo ;f.or. juail- or'trade,' whicli' bui'tesqtie' formerly iliad; in':-the\1jag^-■'./; l-.ltei . gpba - .preCer'^.t^^ 'Cotir-. ;.tact. yviltl-i ;:tUe .ita.Tci di£)^e.'haU^^^ esses-to .'th'e^^ '|you-. can-ibokvb.ut: ybii :-lrrvusth't^tp.uph'^iht;Ul- of th^e. rutiway' ;wrlggleiis;> ■■,'■. '■•'.'.-;'' - '}■•■:: ■■' .^With ;pienty.;^ot-4^ c'ateHng'.:'tp. the', saiibir- .tirade;' thi5re; lia^^.been a ivo.tibeablo drbi> 'i>(i in "a't- tehdanc.e .pf gob^ bUrlesqu;e. .arptihd. Ne'iy Vbrk and/Brdpjely.n, ;■-';'i^o.^:, .^V.heth^r'.. the..;fle6,t'.-i;3 not, .thbr^'a • pienty.i.aaiiibra;^^*^^^ ;thef taxidanbe :jp;ints' -atii^ at;':th^. ■buFlesque/.'^lvbyi'sl>;:■,■ ';-'.-':v;-: ... .S tijLPl Brboklyn't.;pia^ titi'rlesqub. heaf;. the ■.-Navy';;: Yair'd,. ■ -.■atwrays-'^ dr.awh.;a heavy; g!i>b pat'cotfagej hut.; it .has beeh'gettihg'llt^^ a 'bprftorai's- g'u.ard ojC; th.Q seameri. ^this^ aeasb.h,"'''.^.-'-'-V ' /;■,•■.■.' v -;•':.':-vi''- I ■;'ja.ckie' .''-\y'ilsp«\ ' jblhbd ' is't'bck ■ ;at- WihteiJ. ..Oardfrnj I^ew .'Ybi'k, ■ • .liiiJn'dpla Gilbei;t a.hd: Bee:be;.Tpbin .added .ib :S,tbck -at; :Bij.ou; Philadet^- ; ;phia.-;;;.;;-,';;. .:> ^'';.-.. ■/■• --'.•:.:," .•■''■;: / ,;'.'^Cr . Juh'e Jiaz^ltOh/.d'pat'-T Lee 'T^u.c.fctrr'^ a Sid;.^rs. with paj3inbv;vE.ostb«;^^ .'v':-^--- ' ':'' \: ' '■■ ^&ti& :Ti>&yo^.. and- ;?ei^gy -'oReyhblds :a.s.;hoiise.. rUhway. so'ubS. -at -ApblloV Hartem;■■;■..'• :'rK'-...-r^-->-:- : ^-V V •; S^tbcVsVPrincipalis-.'.--'' ;■: '•/ ;••' ',• V- '-;A' Scrantbh/;Pa;;;.;Oct::;T.y .; W lirib-up :pt priricipals' In.'tilis' week;,wi'Ui ;.{he. stock , :;:I^ewcpiners .include Jp© ■HiliV.jBilly; Reed', Le:yv^. HarrlsV: Jessie Mpppnaid ^andrEibilyXrlenri, Okfor-d, V.Bpobklyiii ,.: Stpck..' b.uiiegque.'. g,bbs ' i' • .t.he" .'Oxford, Brobklyxi,. Oct. 1*0,:;replacing;Ldfl.liih.... Sanrie-vnianagemen'tV/. .;-Nkt -MoHan'w '. Two ahPWis,.";• "Bare'■ • Facts'*'•.:;and. "Whobpee.Gii'ia," ;fb^^ tual "'"'b.uries'que;'. .'>vl^ee.t last .'.'.weelc.. ;. !l?he /.dtbtj-buts. • hafroWs the.;, list ■ pf ■shows" to.■-•'3^7,-:;"'playing. :\3£>.-Hpijses,~ It; will-;ribw. necessitevfb ia. two weeks', layoff ', fbrv'the.. wh^el show's.:.'.. ''': - .' ;-Ed'^- • baJey, ■ r,pr Qd¥ic6r;''bf; .■■; "Bate ■ Fact's','%'. sti^^^^^ vyay. 'S'paiidais,!',; ■Qh^'^t^^^ • ' in ;;. ^'Abflio.r- ,;s5'w'ito']lv,..«ii-^.i\I.M'|tUQ,l-. ro.!j't- ■ ■■ Ing .iVi" (J'roa.ter ^-Ke>y will iipw .. Eb'c ;vheyu''-ving. ;i:'j^ 6hp\Vif. before the Aniet'i(.'an; a.s ..fbv- '■ meriy.;';'.; y ■.'.'':' .\:.v ■ "".;■;.;•';'■ "■:■■;.■-' . .Ne\v.: ■ ari:qL.hgetubnt : .w^^ .the ; _i^hows.\. bpmij^g fi'biYi". J.atn;ire;i,' . ti.'.l;; c.b .the -Irvirtg.-'" '•.: ■ :?i;ti.d. l'>lay> ing f^ta.r a.n.d .Gayety.'-Brnoklyn, .4;n'd- .; Hud^'MV-.' ; ■ -ii.bii£-iVC-h;y;- '/before' :.;-the. ^ Ameflj'ani-■ /'//y- - ''-^z 3?prmeI'Ty^ • Uu^ new ■'.slip .:;played: : ■ the-: Qri')hi;ttm,.';l^!^?<er!^6n,'--^ ; Vhioti (::ity.vartd I'blibwing •'iht6:.-Kew ;..5roriv.^':';./;-■■-- .:iv;■;^'■, [ r ■-';•'■;■ '.•i^£^tPh.'';Gbt^;.-'7/^ . ; W(th . tiio •.A'',tY.^H^ic^vtt •i'tf'gtori iio^ii^. .;fn tou'ii; j;(ii;vtiyeir clpin.g.s; aiid. whp()i)ep • s^Jista,-- tl^e ..ilrtward;. p.lHy-; \ihev.^''l'^"');i'l-UuV^f ^ ari"n;wtTtMi' t:b ■ ■ Btiiffk-i , ..-:!(>: -.^h^d.^il^■h tv;: si.hd^^^ ilh^ . .5w:h.ot'r:' slib.wV "'JiVtit:' Cci-itury ..Girls,''/ ■.. y ] StGiCK/4T^:<li?;tNII;. Y.- '" . ";:. " -;Mlh;ueapplfe-;C>e^ ~: .BL(M;k. i>ui'le$.(i;ue.^.at ;-the/ (liuiyety; • Bupjil.'t.ivtin.p;..iCru'ti^Vl\'-yirh'<?(>t';3l1 >:ny^-,--;. >..; , \CN)Mi'patly--;ln'r'liiilo.s:-:^^^^ Cl'i'.t- . 'tpii.s.V Far'e.s,.• ijffi*: '.tfpon^lpi'v Mor'Hii [■ ^'ei;j':>;vM<i(!k bthev^!:.'''--'\ . ;Ai*t-hur;' irb1wbii;\.-of;; thf.V^^ili'javvId ''•rrlb.-V:".untl(?r.saottil; to 'be dbing.- the. balloorl'^' ipi*-the' .vl.iUb . 'Clare".J.=?r.ig'gK .jbartuo ns. ■ iJriggs'-. si uft s;tin • pdp iilar,'. ■ BtiU ; tii?:';'fHeruld;:THb''' d •-iMih;tiri;i4e 'it,' '! '■. '-V/! •'■^:-'-''i -;''.-' "■;V - .Arllhgtoa'9 Reviieir^. Lytic, Dayioft; Ur 70Miiux:S.s,^Ciiibiimui;i. '' ■' '-'' .-• !.' - ■ -'. . '. .U(ti:ti-'l'-aott,—.».-.'. iCnipros;'. ■Ciiio'rnna:f l ; : 11, Miitiial. Indlrtnii'iKiH'-- v.. - .Uft; ;Hcvue-4;;;H, & 'S.. Apo'Uo.-.Ni^w-YopK;- -11, Ji^ox'a Jain'iilca. -.Nt-.w. Y.ol•k,-■,^■■ Bif oadway. •Scfyiii.iil.H—4,.- M-iauoH/'- 'itiilmn- apol'ts;'.11,-(.fnmi'.i{i >! ■-• .' -" -I)inn>l.'"l.- .IJaninK.s-^l.- Aiueri~r.xii,. New - . York'; .ll;.'Ti->w.<.'iii.'i'o, l>h'iln<li>:iiilii,i, >. .. ; ■ .: :l<TIii,p. .l'\i;itli"'fa..-ri, -Li, -- .u;';- tl-,\-:Mo'i'ern; .I'rin'ulfnco...--. .: -' , -.. ■ , - - -yi-ijipcr .foUii's.-^i, ' A>'idviivj-, .i'lt'tsUurEhr' .u. Ia . •. -.- ■. ..Fly.iHij. .l-)uii-lifiKtii—4; T;\.i-i'.:, Ui-iili;.jpQrt ; .m.-H, S. AiioJ-lo. -No.iv ..YJji'.U.'. -.l'-Oi)lln'' - AiHJUt».i---4,'vCo'iumbia;: Cidv.i'laad; II, -LA(.-pi)Dili..Bitffalo.' '.: - -' - ■ '-. Kri voii.tltss~J.. If.vl'ng ^rioci;-, •;Ni.ii/' Ybrk':;:. 11.. .Slrlc.- IJniokly.ri. '• -'■ -■ '.. - '. Tft^jt.•lii>t^'t.-.7J.'"ii,x;.^.' Jhii>i-.ui.''jti-.':N'r'vv.. -Yocior ,'ll.-.:']r\jHg'l'lu.<;-e,^N(.'w Yo'ik. ■.■-■;.-'.. '.■.•■■;■ .":. ■ <.HrlH' l-'roin. ih(?-.Foiliii's^, star,- BpooU'iyii;. .t.l',- -lIl^'JS!.)ri,;-Uhuih-.i/i jy.,- - '' .. . .':, . ' GiiUs. 1.11 ■ IJl.iie-rt, .11 uj.sotr; -C'l'iou .Cjt> ;'. ■1.1. llfifWiirJ,. Jio.vloti. ; ;.. ■ • ' ..;-'. lli.frao .Kvei-yWwly^, -/.cayyi-y, "Brooklyn;. -ll, -,Kilimfo; Nowark."..-■ . .'. Jn',{z'--BiVbl,<3s-^t. t. 0.';,-:Xl, ■.■O-lyvty,: Hil-. ■-■.vvijula'e-.'.-. ■•■•'/• . '' .--'.'■•;■.■ v., IC'tiiJdlinff; Jvu'—Lyofeiini-, :C'iiPluii'ibu<j;- ji'f:. uyji'lci-iiiayfi.H;: '.. ■ :\j(iUU\', ■T\im—l; ^iy\(n-(i-is. Gliloaga; 11/. -JtirlUo.'J-.nili^riKff, ■ - ; ■,■... '■..' •...■.••■■; ■' .-• I.efi's Tiiiu^-litPrr-i', 'Cri-arid,^ -.ICari;for<}-; -i.i,.-i..y,r4oi-m-WKeporf.. . . .--'•.';■;• . ..Le;t'^ tl£)--(, .Acadcm>',r IJiifi'alo;- •11. HmiI- ■.soiv, -y(rh(>iiwS-ta(lyi-.'-;','' .'-- ■.• <- .. •■;.-.■.. '-\- ■;■ N-1.i(^' Life- :1«V.-Vafif^',.t, -O/r ll',' ■-tlfa^l■il;■ ••Trm■.l■f^^l•(l.... ':. : - , ■Novij.uiM':^. (ji. in30>r'4.. ^ewH^'t?; -nuinmow; , 11.. -fiiiy'iiij;, ■\j\'i^:jUiiy!;ton'. ■ - '.' .-.'-Orii'liUil H.lfls^.l'.- VniUiiutiij •ral.c.i'iioiv.; 11,: ,Vni'(»rtb,an,...N.o.iv:-Trtrlc.. ■■ ■-•.:.;' ; i'co.i(-':i-«»o—tiayoij:.,. lV.>)ii^r; -ii, .sJ^ute, Siii;irtcin.'Ui;:'-.r:' ;'^. ./;vv.— .■■-:- '.■ '■.. • ; -iMvii^tu'rii. Si^cU'?rr—■<..■ •i;))Vi')r".'4i.-- Kansas- CUy;:ri;;n,-.-c):;- -;'.:-;■■•:. -;':.■ ';. l.'o.wdop' I'uff Ili-'v^i'i-.v-:*, vi-i-'yeiy.. MotUrehl;.. ii;,-(.iayi.Vy; .i.«t:<,i-,.)-i.. .. •'. ' • if.x.ifiirti. Qir..M>i;..-^.4-.. -j.:iivi:ii'iv?;.' -Tr^ioJoj.'.-'l-i/ <.N'>liiru1>i-i; i'lin.i^l-iiV.f: ■-. :. ' .■ ■ .••'.- :..■■•■■■■ :lli'0)i:'I\J<n'-''k-'-V-a-' 1-.' Ilii'l-ot' ■-.-^irlionwl^i^Vy.,-; 1.1,-1!ayfiy.' .M!H.ii-i-'>ul. ■ ■ .■ " •, • -■ .. .!-!ilK-; ;.si.i.('k-iri.; Kj-v-u-.^-^';!^",. i-h ,' ';\'lt.-'M-' linvu;:- 8-'0,..Un)h'.'illil-, 'Uculi 11 i; -'hi j-^iyK ■li;ilt.fniorr>..-,.. ■ •.'--..'■'.■. -. : •■ . KlKMyil Si^nrUjo:-..-'i,;;iaiii)tf-'-''.N'tiA' ii-Ii !'. M.- OTiilUMiiii;: L'tUowi).- ■' -•.:-.■.'. • .- >i-t.)ri>4 (Ui1s.-i-J.-'-cri'oivHilijrii.- -J>tiil-iiii>l|iiii;i.'' • |.(t1-1.:- X.j'rKj. i .- AJlti.iO'iwn; ..•ti'r[>h''utii.' ■ii>-.-i\fin(y.-.. . ■:. ■. ■... -'■•.■. •.. --. ; - • .H|-p . I.'.rv.\l.v '0ir.l's-'-l.. .Ri-f Ito.;-Chi^-.i.i');. 11, ■ ■t.-;,iy(.!y/.t.}ftTnii.-. -.- , .'j): l,. ..-'J'; -ll-' Lyj;e'u(ri,:'-'Co-' .lutii.h.U.s-,---' •- >' '. -' ■ '■,-.- ^- - 'l^>i,<ipiie-')> ;-ni^- $lVo.u- —ll- .Gaye'y,'' Wasihmg'- .ItVhMl. .ApinK'Hiy, .l.'itt.slMirijh;' ■ -.r • - SiipA'P; J'?nl)h>f;T^4; 'Mij!ir'rii;. :l'v6vl(lerioei 11/ CriVyt-ty,.'.Brooklyn; ' ■ ••, ' ': .'J'.-ilce -a: 'i.'li:nio.'-4 CSay-'ty, Dotrolc; - li;. •KtiJiii:r»»."I'oIi-.(ld.■ ■ ':• . •. • ■■ . -V ;.'J'.otn|)t<?rs—J,.-.t}.ari'lck, St, Lci'uii; U,:iSjnT.'. t)h\-iS.,*lvrt.!isai3,rit-y.,-.'.'.- . ... -■ ' ■ •• ■ .-. - - .Century.'- Oirtfj-l. -' HowarJ, BiM.t(in::.'-Il, .T,...0,. ,' .■-.',' ■ .'-,'■. - U'l)oopV«".C>)i'lH-f-+', -StAii*. "Sp.riiiq:fu>|il. ' ' ' -'- WltiP.:.. .WoiiiHti ':* Son)?—cJayeiy; Af il- w.iiulc'ee'j.^H; .I3iii.prca»/-'. Uli>c<iiso. '' ..'. •-■' -'. v Medibcre biirlesGiii^;' ih. feyety re- 'apect..; witii- .^lertty of .; p.hie.atihg pn the . ttaveling.; pprtipii 6£ ; tlib troupe that' cbhsis.tS; of ..11; ,princlpais,: -three of. whom stpe:,ecr^^^^ bntice grbupi-.dtiEtws 'd.QWn tiiat $li7'6<);. total-.v^e.ekly aa,lar-jr -that the ;Mutudl burleiaque •vyhebl 'seta .as it's, liiii'iti • it ddbsn't sho.w -in :the entbrtai'r\inent :d©iivbred;-;^-: ■ / t':..-.-':'' i- .",Get:.:iffot" .Just-doeah't eVerl at-^. "tain ...that state, -bbing -a cpld reiiajSh •bf 'a half 'db:ien. old gags .mixed Svith' .'e.quai' portiohs b.f old fahiilia^v i)ui'-^, lesq'ue - .bits. .-^HbusB'. gr;bup.' of' -.30. girls carry the^ burdeur. most; b.£- the 0 way,'.''Ayith' .>IaiS:y hbusse :;eht:i'y,::-.tbpp.Irig' -ali.i the ;.3'tr.ipperSi. . •; Show; is ' headeii ' .by' . A1-. Hillier-; •puttyinbsbd dlitch cpnriic, ahd .Fred"- dy. viWalkep.'' doing bopb ::.stuf£;'. both.: depehding 'pn.f cut- ahd'-.d^^ :S.tuff for laughs.. Joe. Forte .makei; ■a suave s.traiglit mahi.-''V..'.; '.''. ■; • •. . ' ; Such..";-.phrase'a' ;.as:.;";'' gratitude'' -. and;' ''shbvy.-you^ person- .ality ■'. iiV n-iore ;dr. c.Pinmo'u. usng^? ordiiit\.rily-, for some reaspii .br blhe.r is -.cphsiUef ed': doubie^^. eh tendre; . in. b.tu:lbsquef '■ and '.'' alwa'ys' !- gets'.' .:a.. moroTilc 'iaugh' ftorn the- mpb-' '3?.hat-s a ; rbu'gh;\i'dea;- .bf ■' the; convii.'S- : work, tl:e^-e.4t b.f their, luatedal hfi\. --.(Contuvued frohi' page..;!) '.-'■.:■'.: 'i.>(>'fh«s thrbugli;.; -And' all'. I ''did wfis, ',!ib.;iee a- wihddw atvd -say- :Xl'd >!fui^o:'nke:tIiatS. ■ - . -. "Bli t.: X'liV 1 taV-tVitVg,' • • I'.'ni- 'goi tig. ask; fOt- a -R:pll;i' 'spbh.;'-'-V. :{ ■■' ''^Z. y,' ■', ■ . ,.:1VI'a,rgot;-Melsbn; '.;,:';■■'•: -'l i.''- v^;,.■;,-'" : ' ."I dldh'.'t-khpw tiyey.iwa.s/s.Uch guy-!^ as'-th is. to w ha "go tV ■ Tal k a.boiit s-\y ell: tiitfes. .;'.Say':\^'b .never .'do ;cpnie' hbhie ^tiii nibrhing,'- v}. .;•"/'•';:■ -... '"i'll .havu ; iQ. '"'l.A,av'e ■. t.o\v.u.-.'tbL' --gct •caught'up oh slecJp/'^;: .;^^ ;.'..■ ;C.athiBi*in©- ;Patyu3^;..\'■ ;•. '.'^Tiiege hpy.Vh.ei'e-. ih .%styeli with, mj^-idea bf'-a. e^od.guy. .:-AVii(in' weVe wbvking, s,o i^rb thpy. .ixnd. wh'eh.;we .^int. tb : play, .'W:liy ..there's, the -.boy; 'fr iiehd;. .ul wa^^Si- -li&iiiXy. ;.; w Jtli>a,::'rpli'-' \/:EtHe'l ;'pwrhton;r'.- '.■'■.5'..^^^■:-V■■^■^■ ''/■•.V ;,"Vi:.-' ai'n'f- ■goirtg-.'-'-but:- wltii :■aoy ..■bf.' ■tU'e's■e; racket, guys. il;'. T.'khb.w- it.-, '-'.I had'ohe, .experjence a.;.few ;'night.;back with aprnb-. bp^oV -Sonie; of •■the;' bpys oh the sidewalic; when .Wb \yas; gpi^iig^ to : Ghiriatp\vhi.;':S.tarting ' feeding . tis- :hp.t;;lead.■ ■":'-"..'-■ -; ■. ''Baby; - wh.ehgot .-put tjiat -bar. I; spent; my; .w'bek'sj ;■ aaiary 6'e.t.tlhg.- babk;; hothe;; ; It^ithb ■ longest' tiixl. tid6.!it^e;yerl.tpplc,y-l*hl :dp.iii^v;' ■. ..■■;-:^' ''';■■ Peggy;^Bvroiis. .'. :/;;;-;';'.-\:" - .''Aiv'thbtty.;is:mjr'boy friehd's* name,- and ;he' tel>s;'mbv/this' ,rab)^^ -is. a lot..of ,lvppe-y.- .'Xl;e';s';sti'9-king. clpseV to/thS beer game; : going to shbbt anybhe; 'br.r.ariybody, / sp- long .as he. can getrb,eer to deliver.': -''He;, tlbn' t■ ■w6.rii.. h'l'm^blf ,^' .biit. he's'. "iri'a hic.e:-b;leia,ri busiiness ■vVhi'-'h doh^t' Require,- guns,', vahd , i'd-^be- proud tb- let my. ixiothef:^ ;ih^^ .;^'.. ■;•-'Bfanch^ Le;8fan.9i;''i^;''/. /;;.;' f-/.V,f \ "i ha'veh'^t.' .bebh the ."road ^ .be--r' fore, ..but- the -boy .-\vh.p-.-ballsi. for- hlb each ,n i^ht.'e''..ahQw fler- .tilihiy. a-;'geritlemah.;.• We..-go^'ar.o.itn{l:' to; the be^t .'cafbs;, and ^juat -have- a gppd'time','.and he alw.ays; leaves: laie. at-;the ddbrs.tep; V.'.' :\ 'i]--''. -! /'r.;.think it'^j. ' grand W ' sueh hiGe/:men,. ^yith do - much' •hnbriey/ tb .be.,so'kiiKi.'^v-.'-;.:; ;.-;-.:;'v .;;'':■;.■■ j''^ - ;■'.. .;' • ■^ ■.■:■; ,7;.iyiMiMrf3^^''''iiP-brtant-.^ '': .Sh'i'rley;;;.pars.hant:. ..'V.:;^..;.'•-.'-'-;; -i^'-:-: . -'A. . git-i': has: 'to'^" cai^bfui-^about who. .. she;.: gpeS'.. .arbuhd;.:.v(rith',. ih sttange towns,.. but. tihe bby and-" nie' are. .'aittlhg' vori. ' top-:of. ..the- world,- .'e.a;us.6. ;^very c'afp:br .ihight ."cliitt-we. .enter the Vyaiters riish up and'say, ;How.-dy-Hatry; how'a the: biz?' L . ,"Y.o.u- iaee. he, ,must be: a. big:-shbt^ to know ail headwaifeir^. and' ey;Srypne;. so^ :I- fleel .'pretty safe with .iiim.'^:/ , :'^;.^ ■;'■:■■■•:; :v' -i'..-:'-..:;" -.': ■:.:; t/.; ^■.yibl^^'^Burns: '■ -r-":'';^".:. V' ■■" ■■ '..y\ : .:i.'T.ain't a i'fKiid to ride around in my: bby ff ierid:s..:car, :bebau^e' it'is all lilted:\y.ithVsteel; -,J:i;e:'s the. car■ lined so he bould :.take' his friend$ ,but riding - ahytliing Kap.penihg to ..them.'. -At first I was' a :lii:tle afraid, wh'l^n.:. lie showed' "nie': 'one .ot..thos.e^-.riiachihe*-guhs. in the. back seat,, hut. - When lie explaihed it was in vCiise .-Jt'nyo'ne -attacked-; us,' I -felt better;-:' A-nd present'st ■'■ ■■ "--;>>B£|,by,; he's ;lib;eral;''- •:'.;>■ -';:;;;'-::; -V.. . •■•'•;CX}rf^Rle•;Gary.v-r■^-.-■;^^ : .VI. gontlehiafi -friend after :l was'-fhb-re ;;in •■Ghi;^twp'■^^^ 'li6: ihg .faint -co'pie.s.' of -- rnare . ;ta:leiit'^d cbraediariA;. who -tia've p.a^ised.-./'btt.i-tb; bp]£te.r-.things.:- .- ■^?,:'.;';- '.'"' ';: . v' ' ;■;.. iiilly, -.So.^loyy,. jtiye,;; .'vyorkfljv'-e.asily ..dbiiig lviH>,st- in itli'e fl'r.Ht.abt..; livid lb '■ as : in, ..•c.' -^in -a- jxight; ;-'clu;b/ -.giviha the:'principa;ls "atid chbrines.a cliahce tb '^.tep, biit- for.speciajties,:nbn'e w'ltli': ;.a.ny ; pai''Licular:'.'h'ietu(:.•;'; iEvbn t,h'e, 'yix,U!:i;e''"aets',. : -Janies ..:-ivlc.G©e,/.-.dPiittf. .'an ■.-ipe.;'skating.;'-dan'ce.. vhde^ a ;re- .•vplvih'g baby; 'spot; /ahd' ;the -.Moran. S iste.r.-i,; hop hhg. an'd -. .«!iriging,; £air-.;ti.j - 'shpw.:' ahy'th;fn'g'-. wbr.t.l>' wijile;- - r\0n (he 'fpthnie. end 'there-is". l-'ios-sle;- ■.de--;^'erei ':-\':eferah : igi'imieff di'ii.nt>> leaser V. a.nd taking;'- bight :.;-6'ncot'e.s-. .wktip 3he:: .uh-burd . layers-.pC;bra.<sio.res;^^^^ Mls.ivDb Ye:rb's-ldca of getting 'hot, i.-^ 'to:^^ho.iit-;'.'Aw -play .it". tb-:hb b-he i.ri. ;'partvci^lar and^ QbGa,Sib.dal'iy siafjpin'g. l^ersblE. bn.'thb:itbmac.h land .hlp^s/. ■' .-'-:p.ther3 ' doih'g: -un.ilre.s5.'.are.., AlLihc: -noftors' and ,a';Chi'i'bi)y ybiin^ster--eiv-:' •'U.sLod'-'ii'i*bni,:.thb phortus .line; • X)i'f>Sp.t;Lf- t he -la I Ler. d.i'(]Ti't- k hp\y-. the - fl f st' thhi i^;.: : alj.puf kin.g.. acrbsiS'-a' -stage', .-jliL^; ■Wr'asi-; ref).aliod' a hai n'.'dpz'6;nvt:i.n'i;es' lOv.v til "peole'd. tb- .a5=T. - miirK . ♦''pi■- :'dV'r.m.^H;a.■5.■t'h.e^ law ail().\v,s.;;. JCy'pji at thir).'i-. the-'r.l.iump.'i at-.tho .AifinUo '.in H xrlf'litt;: iiiiin.y ot .t.he.m (towfl-^.frbnt ■\yi.(,h. ^pp.ora ■;i^;' :.<:''I..-vt.|i'br('ii . for nior'e,; - -Thos(j'-. opera ' qrltiss I.l'V'i.'l'.'r-'^ ,ir'('»;:.': ;pi-t)i')al'»iy\ .-:t.'e'f.6rtHi."i.-. '-po^.^[»i!l-^^ :T'Vni-;:".-;v\;.r;.^ ;•;'■ :.;,.; . '-..■-■■■.■ ,;/ ■:;■■:. y r . :'Y(^in.ijki)y '■■-■;:} ; ■; :' : .'Ktl ;iiy.-i't\. ;iiAs': ru-ri'pr '■ tlvA. :'.)i^.'il ;!; 2: \..'i< - ■Xin- \i (li.vv.rt-iivij. arid' claA-sy sh/^^ -^tlie- ■(•.ifrriSht; -edition -'of. ;'*Girr^ \ Fr.on.- "thi> :''F6IHe9;';-';It' -.:is ;gbbd-''.i).Urfi.iiW'.ss.. f':'bi.Ti • all.'; s.ldn't-s;.; a- - fast '.ao.nvj" aiV-l u..-ncG .'ehtoV.tai.nniont,- :-;...;:- .. ' j ...' . Ryiui. is one ;p£ .the; few .pcod.artM'"s r' burlesique .Who seems-tb take .It abrl.oujsiyi H^, fbllbws alpng .With.' : the ^ihow. tO/,icebt-:i.t ppppe^a^^i) iii-' ..Htead M the Usual tehderibv to "lag if bjtitrusteti to ..butSide hands. L^yan 'e(>pi>e'(i"a: 'fivizo- w-ith'-Aa«t - year's:- edi::-'.-: t.ioh. PC'''-^iirls--ijY,ot'ri:-thc Follies^ ;\eyejt'. ' tupped' that - this; sba'sbh. T£ .-;$li.paia-.-be - tlie.-be.^t :mone:y -getter' th i.s.. alvic{Ph..fat^ fchb' 'Mul'ua;l-.-whe6 ■ -.-i'he/ishow h.a.s a gobd lihe of prin-' elpals' .\v i th ..'VV'al ter iirow n .dblng. bc- . 0entri(i:"'*Ueb;<.'".. 'wlrarihg stellar biil- ifig;-,-.-With •^^..JJadyiS...- Clark, ■iyersa;tilb blond ; soub; ■with alt the; requisites, ;- and: top hiuch. cL'ibN'i; fOF?' buriesqtj'e; •.Kn'O.wing her-ohXPh's ijhe VlaySVdown to, them.;. . •'they go' for'>her stuff in .u;:big-;way.- - -r^'/'ty'" .:■ / ■ ;v -;-, . :; .J.bhnhy. Grbsby,.dbiVig;wop; is sboi' . on'd- ;conilb,.... and - ..WorkV.. well.:; with ;]irowa : in., the ;bits::and VblackduCsv .-also- having.-; a- goo'd aingiug- vdlceV' : sonvwthi'hg ' unusual .: for. ■ a;.. whebl cldwh. ./ Crb.'ib.y." spots :a.'.couple--'pf . sbng.s; fp.--a,dyah'tfx.f!,'b--^'ahd .everything hf<lp..s, ■ - FHink;: Malitim. iij-^-ah ■ oltay ;-slra:i;?ht.''while: •Frahk 'Huhter is ac'- -beptaljl'e;. ih; / {ge'.nera^^^^ and ;plants*, a -.cbupt(.';:;6.£-;vo.cals...- ': ;---':The: - nihiain(J<M:;;.:-of.- -the 'fertiTii^; .d(vision... : pi-ojects Betty::' CouJtbh, dyMatnic!' .so'iib^ ;■ Jida.-- irihaw, - clever ,pritn'?i;-vund. -Riith 'V'f'Picr.- V)Iond in-: : genue. with lilenly.oC appbAl.: All go .heavy,;.'fur::teaser.s sV;m'i - strip.'j-^ and- .t.Prfjp J;vvl.iiUivg;wiUt i^I,i.%s.Cia^^^^^ ing-.; t he.;..e(I'go :• oh the': hi ob- and M iss ■ Bo'i'ier' a^tTU" .;th;vt.- •■'' ■;'-:'--:'. ■l•:^.'; -. - ■- .• -■ XhtV Cj,l^u.<^lj.5-;isVWll.r-ah4 ,riim'pAht b.iit ,abbve. ay(!r:iiti.e;'' thanks : fo'.-'the . ch.'VCi-- rnanlftuliUiim: of - lirown .: aiui .^•'r^V-?''',''-':; .T.ire- -bbya.;'rpu^;llvit: up -iri '-.apo.^s ...but 'rteyor 'g.b' - ovf;»r tlie .-e.dke,- . yet 'iUe)t-;;i-U t.iib •mecc.'j.KaHbs which ..(.■t)u-T'Vt.: -in- 'iliurh'vs'jiit.',-; - The-. Mioses (■:.l a i-.k.. i nil.. at to fiv-ri &. -.'w i t tv flip . -i.v>ft.u(' ,-,>;i;i ...t-hfi'' hl.-u-koii.'t.s. ';ni(l :- 'ai-e , (V>ttcl0;i4:.' i'Vvlit'-t.-^; 'xvhicV s(jt the .bil.«- :abijv,^'th.v j:is4i,vl 'liai>ha-zal-d i)laV.= iii-^ .f-f<'ri)n''N'iI.i ffn : -Mx I(iji - • :pro.<?prvihg-;' .aip ' di^'st-fp<l qivinfii-v;.-;::;, '■...■ ':;'^;;.- '-i :; V; .';;,; <.^<Jinpily\I)(ti^^a;r6^'aiiappbd't)irpiii?ii witJt .the .-.-^Mh'.i.-u).g; ;iiuhvlw>'i's.' equn'llr ..rSiiii'T'Dy:; and' .I'.rin.b.incid ■r.t>ii.'ult''a raat and'.-nU'Ly ;show. .:All'ih'b. bid Stand- bys..: <.'5irrnpri,se .. the skits ;.t>ut .'•■ivo.v' .tro.atinorit g.i>L's ihtrpv oye'r foriaiiKha and the .^y:e^^,ytJf of the. feihhie prln- cnpals, brawsaiore di?6pdbw.ris- ah the ,:ijr.liidinB, of ;th.;.chbristeri! -does tlie - :.-': ;:»Vohtftiue(l ou-iiagc; ,47):''- ::-' :Seivds mo •floWer,-i^. bvopy day -to- t.ltrt', hbtbl.and has offered, to.- let mo haVrt \ :.a charg^.'aci.N>a'nt at' Miir.<irfall Fielfifj -' ''Pf,,couV..<i.e: I'lri: npt- that, kind; ■bf-::a,.•' j^-i.rI, ; .Juyt i^hows. how kind- •,boys .are, ahd;. I tell.'')ypu ; it V .niak^.s' a .rloriespriv.e gicl .very..happy;"; ■ ;."6ai'pi;-?-iBbye:i^a-!'"-' .''■: '■■■-i'-' :;.'' C;;'-:.'■;;'•'■! : 'i; ''Fm goirlg- tb^ 'byii; yuH . thbi^i ;: ■ Me arid riVy -gliy; ii-a.s split bcciau.fe, t- :i5aw: his-picture; in ' the:: hap^r- andL''. he ,wa.^.; listed as-a ferarigster; "Wlieh- I; put .it ;up.-;tp.-him; hb- got- aore. -'and : so'-..d^d:--I:: ;;:,..': ': •'-■:..::^•,' ....•!I-;did.ri':t. give; him;-b'ae^ qirvy' bf thi '■ presents he.'give /rtie, aii'd h'n -a .way ' I:'m s6rry-;.i :.gave him.^th:Q^^: afr, -'k^--: .rtearly all'the girls are feQlh^ acotihd - \y11H - gang . gu ys;;;. ; ^ • ^ ■; / --.:;:;;; '^■.' Arjini::-Hen;d.ripkabo;:;;;-.^ -.-.;:; .'r'.•:.l'-- . ..-"'I--wpn't teil.-yuh;' 'hbtiviri-g.' ^^r^jhat... ,l.-.dp^ -after virprklrig;houta',' who''I go,' Witli; arid ■ \yhiit:' :i . drthk' a,in't .any-.; '-. :bne'3;;'3,.'.- £thd that gbe'S'-. "fop ' ■ :ypu-'ahd: JalTO; Shjo^eH"--,...-'i^-- :■. ■', ..;Ss^ily;^--TfitrrV:■:;■•• •'■'-''^v:^,-,- ';rY''---:'-■ ; :;-.'.?.Woll; yes. -rhivgblngf at'oiind with .' a bby .friend.- ,'.,I' dph't knp'w it he's>*' a: racket - rhian, or nbt, bu't- I'll - say .:' this' .fbr-;'him:- '-.;■'::': y .■::-;-'V;;.■-■■■;•"-■■ ;.: ".Ho's .^ gppd guV and iivaybe:;.wb'li • get hitched; Whait do .yOU' think of '' :t,hat?;.; '■:.:■' ;■;-■.■■.:■;■:■.■;;;...:■■•.:';-':-v;:'-'.-^' ;.■'•' ,;;-:;Helein''.Aib.kei^hbw-: '■;^;.' ',;.;:'•. -. '*Fell<My;-ifr. tnii^ sirtH hA.vtj;kV : year.:.'ruri ihv.this ;louse burg -.ftii s'et;- ' for. lifp.;. .1.. got: a 'J.bhh '.who- oohics.-- -.^ ih' the 'ihbrnilrvg. W^ stibkiftg ., :bu.t...o;f. his': earsi; and. ihost'b£ it /is 'ceritury ,«Qtbs,!-;''..'• ■ ;''■•■■"■■;•;:";' ;'-• '' .'.if; 1. e vef \isee:. tiiVo the'r .>moil 'aro.Urid -: hirii;Vthey:'sure .will be 'murder.i.iti.; this"'>;-.--:;;';: ''■ ../I'V-:'"';. -'. ■ ':, :.lreije.;'Gray:;'^ '-r:-'^' • ■.-.'.:,-.::':, '.'S'-. ■■: ■■■ -:''.'.''All; ;my itCe.';j:<v;'e^ been;-;'lpoktng'-£:pr...''i a;' bceak . like - this '.iiirid. at ;last 'I-. got. it.; 'VM. so happy-1 cfiiiVt wait foi^.the • burtaih at - night tp; ,gbt.-.b'ut',.and sed . V what rny .hoTiey; brbught\me,J..^ ~ ''.Ijpbkrey!' -Thbni's'ireai '.stp.nef';;'.and,- ; tl), k'eeps-:time'.' .■\yi>Hh;twiV.: grand,: .arid .l^ve oUly 'known jQlinnie tht'ee'.,weeks,";• ■■ :/■.'.';'' ■- -:r..'-v.' - '•-■:;■'.:: ;bor6tiVj^.;1Diayidsb.r»: ..,•'; ^ -::. '% -'don't' .'see: •'why. '-.;I''-shbu-ld';--spill-- "' any; p£:.ipy ;ioye life . for a .pMnk;:!!!?'!), .'.: 'yp,U; ;-;gbta ■h'prie'y.-hbr.e-' 'vv.lfib',s.'--g.o't''.- ri:ibre 'Jack .th^n yptir'-lousy- rag ;w.iii ' ever ivave, if. ttvruns .for -iO.O. years;!*. ■::-:--;: ..■■':^-;;.;.'''Peg:gy':pMarie'v--; ;■.-,';.'-^^ ^';'/I',-thirik-.:I'vo done-rriy. last trpup^ ; .; ■Ing: .r.ll let.ypU kh6.w:,>yhe'n the date . ' i^- apt, which: .will be; .x^ooii^^" .'if this guy- i :cxpect to' lead .up the, riiiddIp; • a'lsle.- ia .a. racketeer; I "-Wish- I ,.wa^ twltvs."-;--: ''; "-"-:.;. ;.;:-'.''■-'-^'^-■.■'-'■'-■' /;;.:.: • ■... .fl'psalie. Mprgan;;.;;;.-. '-: ..: .'''.; ;■■ -I'My '.inpther- tra'y.eia'/witlv 'tne^'-:;' .';.., ";:•'!;: ■■>';/.,^;;';Pe!^j^^^^ .',v- ;'':.;:..■ ;^ '.^'•,-' :;.:VNb;:girl ca:n .be;bl^^ to; advance Ke'rsplf, ' i'V^h^n -I :'h66U><i - up with this. Ciiicagb; boy' I tried;:to ' •pick. a--winne.r, -. ■•- ■';:.■ .'- ■ Vy -''- ■,': '■ "-.V .,- V- ."He aiii't ,as;.iiberai; a-s^i. thbughli' -'. ;b'u:t..' he aptys.; il'iihga ;'w.ill. open; . u^^ when ^he,: cl^'Oivervia towtii ;. I.'libpg-sbi^.'.'.':■.■■;■.:.:v■■.;>;^^-.■: y-- ... ;: .;".; ':•;;■■-^•;^^--.A^^ipe;'■E^rivi;■; ■: ::'-v: /;'-'. :: - ."'^heri :a ,mah 'saya ■ Up, .h£i;s:?i)ee.n:',... :\yaitiing;. all:' his .'life for -ybu-.- arid. ' ;.<^ta.ttxs 'to -:shb\y(>t*; ybu;.-w-Uh .-gifts' tlui.t. , cost ;reai'- do u gh, yoii' go tta; adm it-.: : ;he.'a':;a rcgiihvri-.''-;;.-'.-;;: '•;,.'.: ;■.;•':-; . "J'-ll - scratch ;.''but ahyb:pdy'ii- -by<-'3^^ ' who ;even loblcjj; iit ,riiy.;'J.bhh.. '' tl.C-a :, riiine. ahd>;i'rai' hanging bn; ;tp'.hitVi:'' - ;'"Eileandir; WhUe'r"...-.,■;:;;" ; -"If ;..-it's y. ■; Ti-pws . to 'yoi.t.;- -noApy :■: hewspa-pbr guys-,- I'm 'pay.liijj .ofC'.'thtf'.. mbrtgii'ge pn/iriy;.;mbthPr',;S home.,-,-: . '-Jf- figure-any .git^il.that dbbs fh-U. • pu'slit ' -to;;■ get:" sijnib...''rittuMv,: - ■froin -yp.u..guys;'':, : ■ •.:.•■.:.'": .. ;-' ■ ■vNbpi(T>a: -W^aston ■;''';^;.'. ;; '-"i';ir:tp^ii yp,u- .'tiiis .:boy 'atid liritb ■ ■ awiul .riose.; ;and; thb- b'riTy reas.bri.;- -:r-m: etipkrni*- .with Tiim Js'.. bbcau.soi: : ■ l>e;.s :gpt pfehty-. dh" . $Uga:c'..and -ha - •spbncl^?: .. .;:■ ••.'';:;:• ;::• ;-■'.. .;: ■ ■..;•..-': ;'. - -.:'''-'I.''do-n'.t-kno.-.v 'lir. .bar'e if' fie.'.'i>i m- ;th©-; tuoltt'Is;".';'.;..;; ■•.■;;-,• -.-:-.'^-;. ■ ;•' .;■ . ;' -. /.■ .''v. Gebr^elti; Lips'toriie''':;;-.: ; ••: ■;' -'■ VI'" hear ;t.h.e' ijfiVls ^''aalki'rig'- : lot;: -." about ■ ra-'(;kb-t.s.\'aMd :'.ali .-'that ■ hooey,; .- bij;t .rjnr .npt-'^re.^le.d';.. .I'ih; :gdiritf.: : .,with: :a colibge-.-bby," and - we've-;geL.^ '■■' tingJt^i^tty^frieudly;.';'.:--.'■: -;-:;' : ' .; "How dp ■ i knpw:-'h.e'3- ,a ^lyllo^ss: -.hoy?. .'.Oaiisp'i.lfb.'^dt sb-^muGh 'mbtte'y ^p-^-spt^iid.:pn ;uie;:;.;-:'- .:;.;:■:.v;;-'. ::■':..--v^;:: ' ; ' :';:;U-nc(Brt?ii'n Wbvrs.-; ' ■■ -:V-^Syiks:-'F'u'niai.hb'^^A ;»?ii;r::ii^i'»:^■; :'kri().w.-; ho.w...'to'-:-; fi.'i'n'dle the.^'e.. rdir«li - .ChiCivgo- Iivds,; \\'hen..l -li.rst.:i.ri;'''t>iuiii.e ;', .r, -, 5via;n.ttM'l- • .t;o ■ - h j:vt> J-iiVy:'- Way.;;:' lUit..: /ndw .l'.-;know- il.'i'".b.Pttbr::-':to - Ibt;-::litoi-'.;' .ha^'p.;hin. way. ■;; 11-^gets vi\k ' move ■'■ "I'll. be .:glart -; witeh .we- riiovb - (Oit."-, ;<)£'" thi-s: ti).\yti.'i)'s--:.this- bo'y-i.s ..alN^'-'iyH; - l)(\i-i.t.c;\. c;.illi-.d.. a,way,. eV'en■;-.U • ''■i'"'"l"' '.■ ,.p.';oi)M':k.;itV liie morni'ng'; -.wljp'fu"'A:.'•:''(>' : .dit:;it;ca-!iarot;;.-^ tbtiijH:'iife^".'^ ' -'■>..? ./Evelyn:: WhippWit:'7-;-''""v'^'-:^^^ •• ■ :.'^'\y;h.:Vta'.iuh' :\pPPt;';i^^^iit:! Id:';:i(.)■-■ .Nfrvor^ a-:bpV--'.iT''.'tV'r?:. \>i:h')hvM. ■ • ryo.<gdt;\.onp.- 'a.l'id' i'.tn.'- "-);.bb.iit Cd ^i* ^'i> - hjm ;-tli<^- ':4=-u.'-^-..-!»i'i,i.jse'. . he' .lf-i'(>k'r^' rut«:. you;'-'"' '■.-.; ■.;:• ■•;.,::■■':; -■•'■'. l--r'. -;-:,':-'-----1.;. • ';■':' \ 'v'- '■■;*^?S''''^*J'^'-;-:^^;' ^ '■^-'■^ '':- ''■' • '-•Dbh'.'t. bp..'riawurb-i(:-s.- ^t:'dbri''t'-.U>V'J>': ■'. llvi's';' chap; tliitt i.jiuoli; ''Of iouVsp; t ; ai^repti- his presf'nt.i,V :bul...'bot wprth';. you j.arid- -mo' I thitik-. he'-s : tlie': '-A ►ly - ,tlyit;:.-\v^tit thrdugh " uvy -p'(il:v' -..-'.(lM.>: . bt.htr iilght while' ■-wii''.-''*.-a'^' (i!'i!'.;H'c-t'-- irig/. . . .'■: ':■■/■: ■..' vf- . ':^'Y'on. r'.'*.i.rt' triLst.■iny :-!tu'an,-■;'tiiUf;tv •■;. -less-^in Cuibagb.;'; '-: ■y--' .