Variety (Oct 1930)

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52 VARIETY HOUSE Ilii'lEl^i • Her*" it is alhidst, lju,t in btber, days. . th« niorc.. boy» vtlve .-worjie, .. the fjirl. . '.f^O-t ijo .with lyiisa >.Rae/ ' Hfeivihigh • klekririiwV <luite\jjood,- atti .con-, torliohtil;' tx^nd'. she works w6U with : the, ■ hoys, ■ -wii0 dahco,. be11€fr. . In. the •. adagio w.iiy,: thoiigh,'.: they, liave. a rte.w Irit'k,, ot' thi-dwins. .thti Kirl froni, trib 't'o.. tri(?, 'a q.Ulc:k; toss ; to 'eraith-- •. .'ei*e.4 -^haivids. fox . thej.'lvoUlj.-'arid -'i't'iJ , ieffepiiy.c, as-I th; thd-loivg fohv£},rd,ah^l .'■.backvyaH/ svvin'ff '.^b'tf two ..:1J:u^$ : .6 f; ■hicTn.- ftip o,; fl ri i^sh.' ;r Bi> Iter ■■ .turii tliaii.-sasijifcloU-: for ;.th^'. opener; .. if' the ,j)rit>e'^ia Tisht..-.:.'; ;. \ CiaiKlsmith'.; -Brothers, ..'latelyV rfev, V turiUHl'.-jvith^ their two Fre.n6h- fibo-^. .; dles; \#W;N6; '2 Satuf ila'y riltc ..^the.. -do^s';' .Wantcd^^ .; bohaye -as. ■ th'oushvsti1|..ln .Pdris; .; -It. hurt. the. .: act; ..of .cbur'soj. -. but •,^vDf .-, thb^ th'lng-s .■ that ^cbiild.. ha'Dpbn but' once jlii'.a. 100 years 'o.h; the-stageV •; :'■ ; '■ .,If-; i.s. l.ri-ifor -a' Palace, i^iin as. thie '.mV/'c./' hb" s do' 'very-; welli'. : . Tiiis.^ -westerii', unit., ls;.'a- ■■ .turn..;jjliprt of . theS. .ou.stojmary.;■ four-' .act--Size; -althbuj^lV'.,tW6^^^^ in ll-run- the u^ual hou'F. .Up-at.the- Chester wh<sti' caii5ht.;it used, iBl flat,' -York- and iviti& .takiri:g' 30.'' ■/ '•' • •.■.'''.':■■; .' ■ • PlayecV to .S. R.. Q.. bpe;titng- ijight .'(WedhVisday)bf the'i-last half. ^Vith the . picture,. ."All. Qu.i'ct;". whbldjng. b'v.eic frbrh th^ ifirsf half;; spli.t fbr; a . full'wecki .'Jiis .. in 'the bther ..R.-ICtO- -theati-es..IJ'';s. •War picture ^doing' big ibr.;lt:^l<^0''lii N.:;Y.\-^ 'rV ' jjon^; running, .bi vthe film ml&bl ■ have ^original ly; caus.e.d •the';threeract. . bill . ill- plkce. of the ■. regular f biir.-. iicter.,; -ijiit;' It. rhay:. -carry' on,..ihiat wa^ passes iff i^r'ese'nt foriri, .There seettxs:. :eriough . ehtertainrhent in it tp'.p.vie'rconie ppssiKiiity bt iny-'.' one's .thirikinig; .the . one,- sHorfc-r :ag.e''. i&;. cheaiing'.:'. The. .three- a saTari^s .^jtrike arauhd, unit Ib.udge't '■.a-v^r^tsre.'.-■"'■.. '. ■•'.'';V\^ - - •.. .'York : and : -King ■ make - tlie /unit;: 'a^. tliey.. ban niake pear on; Thb -.-t'erm.. great vis' ,h.^^^ . b.6 ■tpi^seti aroup.d■ prbmiscubiisly,^^ it fl.'ts . herb.:.; :Ybric ahd. 'Kihg..-}'s .a • grefSt-.Va.udie^'act^ ItV'dbeisiT't • spe- . qiaU4f:e in audiences or localities; but in'ili thdtjtrea fthd ali .lbcaliUes. It^^ Uh|ve;i\<?al; - after • prbving. lisoil in-^ .■■ternatlbjiiaI.-..';l';:V' ..j'i-:';.■/■ '' ■;■' '■ '; .l^bbby Ma> PTbved :a strong riiicl-. , spbtter, in. this case the -deuce'r, de-; .'spits: his. own effort .to hahdlcaii .him'self,.. :May's;bpe^^^^ ;"one"- : ..>j,'ith a: piiir'.tKf. nurnbej's ori si .har-- mohiGa Isn'i shovr^nianly, since, when he does rcve'ai-himself. as a jiigglefc" : Ittalte5^ time; tb." bonvinc© he's not gbiivg back to tiiie. harmonica.;. ..Later exbe^lencb.manages- to sutihount. th,e. hatmbhica" imY)ressioh but it's- liot •shprKbf : silly for the . J.lay ■boy.- to force -tiithself ;intb retbuping. iJet May,. gt«p ■ put;.;on ::a; stage ■■yirlth' a mouth Prgah ohly .^aii.d .-no j'uggliiig later; and ■se6r:;.how .he.-fares. If the harmpnica i)^^ goes as .Aveli • risithoi juggling,: then he's a chump,. ■ for . hb cpuld-: sell;. himsielf-/.as two acts ■■ oil .a .bill instead; bt ' a, :ha;t'- monlba .playing- Jugglet ih onb spot. The- harmphica, prbbabiy; ih his. bb- ' half,.. d.bnb:tes. . versatility. .Enbli^h other .aliility after the- juggling'and ;:cbme"(iy;.' yi^he.h; May ' dance's for; an encbi:o: Avhile tossinc' tiiree blubs, ; . Ariother 'exampie '- of !?bad -sta^e JudgH'ient pn'this bill ;afrived in-the ; bperiing .da'rico fiirifi, ;but even,' wbrse in this base because- Mann, IBrad- ford -.'^Livd : V.a.n- Alst-, close - thei^ ict With th^ ,bad inumber;; May oi>bhed: . with his; and; ;had...'a ;chance; to reV cover. -;Th0.. three-act- got alt .^^Its applause, -iii^ the'; middle and .none at •:^the;^'iintsh. ■'^t-;^: r '; ,The " two men ahd the; girt op6h With: ;what Sounds like one: bt those ;flash , act; bpening lyrics.^: ' It; later . takes' bri heavy sighifTcance. -■ During it :they .sing and. say how funny it is ..that all danbers-.Xike. tb.'be. alng^r ;Svheh. they siibuld stick to' daijcing : .But ;jipt. Mann*' liradfbrd anij Van Afelt;.. .Thoy ;ar6 : <lahcers. VwHb ' will only/ Up to. the last .tiumboi', _W-lien rthey .bc-com^e;. .three ;dancevs . -.wiip close with a sbng that's Trt;oaut ■ to . b;^ ; funny ; aM l«n:t; Very.- bad •-/.vaudo.'incpmpetbivt-siiigiiiif^ Very! stu'piiil- act- prpdu.cing.-.' Tiie sbnkrlr.ets-'hothingi ; They ; caV.CP ;slightly- >vith, aii -esseiiee, - but it's ,the / weakbst; dance ! Iiv the act : ahdvfbrcbd to. fbiloW ail- the ^'bairlicr apd 'host-gtbpi)iiig.; .'Then^^'t^ ^ hopelessly; by- pibklng .tip . tlie lyi'ib • a;gaih ;and. going. upstage for -a ,iws .■:.ihg'..iifiish;,'-.;-•■.-,-;-;: ..-.v ,v ;;■.:-.'■■;-■.■:' ; ' Maim;. Bradford- and: .Vaii .Alat are ■ -three ■ nice Iboklng people -wha bah ; .jaan.cb.''' They are 'capabjb bl 'gi ving a gbod vaiiitJe i^br as^^^hb^Yri aU\ the ;way up.-to -thb^ clb bbi'Ttiiait isra; rttimhei; e'v-oii a; singer . w-ho ;cot:U4 sing',cbuldn't'-selL . :': Maiih'S sniikehiy , and , siiake.aiTii " daivcb- . grabs- ■the;..;api)][aMS0V ■ .That i, arrives inl-tiiis' Vmiddle ..of. 'the-' turn. Nothing:'..olsb toiich-b-V: it, be'fbi'o^^ oi', ^a.f.t.(?r.' This,- 'Allan . >Iartn. was' Xor- .mieriy Atlyij. Manri, fbrnalb-■ iniper-; ,. spHatbr.. - He .fbrmeliy di4';the. same . dajicfe ;dispulsed as argirl. 'i$bw ,he'.s -.jiiadb ;it.-..-;a; strbng .. item.' in; stralgivt :;d.ross.'' - ■'- •...;-■. -'-• .■:'■■.'-■;■'■":■•-• ' !li-^iv^.O - iady-^a^hlon cbunsello ban. bjufainist,i*b ifcgs in vaud,e ap j)aiv.niiy 'isn't ;ln eitectvy Ot the ; thrieo women in t.Viis iiriit -two w^^ -barerlegigedMit the Chesteif.-: Rose ": King's cott'oh /StbcVcings stood- out ■'■ .Kight-act .bijl,;. ''six .-■'turns. -:family .trudti- :.C(jniedy--,in the-. lciit-.;.ia'rid' .the . whole .-slio.w; tUrned-^byer. and .dibd -Ijocausb:'<^--.custbrhbrs■'■ vvb'uidn't liiugh;.' .This -rbvio\vcr "ycbnidn't .flg- u'rc .-.ou^'Avhy,''' but' thiere. i't.-:w^as:.a.'hd np^'q;uoStior^■ab'put-iti-" ; -.:^ ..:;.., . •'■ .T.Ijb-. 6t-li; a.vbnuc' IS;-.strictly ..(jf .>^'elghbprhobd' grade 'in -its -.sense o'f .hum(/r.,-: .but.- -thoy w'buldn't- have . i hik.: bin'/..; Later' oh-,- t h'by .- laligiicd iii;gd:erateiy:; at.,"Hb;if -.Shot. at '-.Ban- i-ise" (Ftudib); -30 :• it couldn't .have'^ -been .-'iiaralysiS:' ;;b£-V'-tliG :I'isiti'ili.ties;' '.Tyst. fb'r. a •-gu-ess',-: tiie; t'ry;,o - \vA's. .;that- th;,e yiudb.' .VaB : too hiiid -and .didn't: get. going. ..early bn<5U£?h;,t6-brealc- t.hb iqe.'' .;■;. _. Bob .Anderspri uhd .Dix poriJ'r.''gag3.''al.bng-'ln.-a genial,-. .Qliibt . way dh'd -the.'rppny. dbes ieliat 't-obks-. ;ilke~ ■ riernarkiblb :'. f.e&.ta'- ot. .cpuntins:.-'. -Gbod ;-cbnii;edy.: trlbic,; top, of hprs©; se.emihp. .to. study.' black- board figiires.. Cheerfialv opener and ;did well^fpr ;the,'s;pp.i; .. ;;- ■ : Cole-.Brbs;, dancing, boys and giag- ..sters, laid -fin bstdch - egg. : Gfigs iire biid- enbugh, • but -bveh at iiiat thby, didn't:^ei;-.what';they deserved.: Bbys.'^ ifast: steppirisf; got a .patter-;pf .;ap^.; piause but: ~f6ir. the, talk not. a* dia:-v 'phVagm - qulveredV .Byeh 'the;' Moss and ;Frey .impersonai'tioh.,,gbt Xtl^em nbthiner.. Lprifr baliad- with accbm- .panying^rebitatlon byvboy-^yith;-^^ ■vaudeyilie: te.nbr, didii't; iriov^'. 'em', biit a. fast tjip iinish .sayed thfe^^^^^^ ; Geprgb tJ'iblo and Cp, of' fi-ve..'peor pie make one-ot, tileir peribdical .ap- pearances/ tegular Vocation being: hurlesqMe,; '/i -They , did >a tra-ybsty taken;dily; but. of ■ the wheel;rbutine.'and it;hai? rievet beeh madp, ;duller., even' ..ih.- bi4ri«^,que. Straight man with' a tb.i-ftadD of . a ;yOic6 as the coibnelr puts. tfie. groH te.sque iJair XNiblo ahd a. bo-wbrkier); thrpu'gh ; the; a^yk^vard V sqvvad ■ driii/ Scaihcely..a ; iaugh and . th ey . ■ didn't desei've;■ it. -; Big woman' figures. in eidehtaily as feedeTi'. ^ Routlrib;.'stu'rf; rK>brly - prb'jijcted;; Thby, got; ayvay;tp; a ;gbbd flriighj. priric.Ipaliy - by .a brisk' bit bf ; tapi>^|hg,; .the',.bi ■\v'omah.;dPr ing..;^;omei .-ijeimarkably ~ :agile'; .ateps lpr;;pne - of. her prbportibMs. - ^ 'G^-ilar Rini .;and; SJstjsr; offered -thei-r .polite musiGat .ntrmbe.r. in' the ;'nbxt; spot; faring .fairly .wbi I thanks "tb the • one -: ;man band idea;* ^briskly' handledi : • Dainty Mfirib. and Gpi 'qualljf.ys^as- anbvelty. cbifnbdy itu^n; bvit^ it; n^^ got .anytliing. here.' -v Business -cf gymnasium: :sti<f£ . by; tiie. .SOO^ppund; \voman Custbift'Rt' 'and. -h/er;• strln'gV beaiiV.rfrlerid,; didn't jell..-prbbt^bly becaiise>.it -/isn't. .built" .for", irtughs; ■ Stuff/has. nb. build, ho pacing;. Miss Meeker's: ' straight act—she' vrears jfuil •white tights-:and /a. red jickbt and looks, .a. m iUion; dollars - aUhbUgh. she; is .a g.faridrhothetV-^npiilies the nnish' and. ;arou3ed; interest. . Gom'-; edy. "tOrii.. that\ is. bbisit^red;. ;by- a straight a;.crbbatic-, finish; -tells• the story'here.; ■ '•;.■. ■"'.:;-■:•;:. :'. ■'■';;;: - ' Marlpil VSun.siiine '.Vvas iii' a: tpiigh:. fepot, iNb: .; 6 bh- a . flbpi - bill,- arid a class, turn." in : a-; Ivoui^e .that ^-wantis knockabout..' ''Does. neat -.. opehirig story-song and goes ihto imper^bri- atibhs'-: ShiEs; us;es:,Ruth- Etting,; 'ttelen' Kane; and -a. new; one, l,h ' CiieValibr. .None of the principals :prbbabiy- is familiar . tb the Hlppi fbiir-bit cliv 'entele, but it -wras .the .Chevalier; bit that prbyied the;'life^:Saveri; . Earl. Fader iind Co, (N"ew' Aibts) riext to: clbsihg; and did - fal'rly ,wl hoT<e .and. blpnde;girl's stepping. , be- sides an .;audienGe stobgb 'and -Mat-' sunibto J.-ips blpsed the -shbwi ; .' ■■■■ ■ , : Rush,. noticbably,; w'ith .th© ' baas - solo let- db'wn/.badly.;->...' Between darice .toutirios- Rita Sel- Avya. appears for ;a spCG-ial a ndl^air .«jbng. number- with-Wolf;'; ';VVlll King arid ;Will.ard:Hairdoa;sailbr-aGt with 'rii tic h 0 Ul.. iri a tprial,,. an d . tl'ie ^ T h rb.e ■lierinbtt .Bro^, try Sfs.n^s. and; dunoes. i^ast' '"mbntioried'V sbo'ire ' dbcisiv.bly. Act : Is slrifitiar tb .the 'Three-Tlltz. IJrothof s. and;'-woritS ' iri;' the - srt-me niann.e;r, ■g.etting.ii.pyer .-. ; - Mixdolairie Dn Vixl, Jrriri.ia doiVblihe for 'ya : 'yiali.n.' solo; and ~ Ily. Meyer/ dbubllng. .;bbtvv.Gbn ' -a cbiriQdy: ah-' n'buii.'c'e'ni'crit. and-;thb; piaw^ ;ejr3- iri- th..b...preseritat|bi;i...;'.;.; .-■;■-■ ..; ;-. ;FP,r it; 5"4-riiiriutb iin-it: this -one ilas too little; ritiaterial foi- half that dis,-; tanbet It would bb .riibre- eff^ctiye; .as . a, S-O-minute -ptesentatibri,. Nvith Tc-rputlning. cutting down thfl dtfric- ihg, arid-.the 'colbred.'quaTtet's ■work taking up too much tittxe at the be-^ glnnlrigi The. Bennetts are bri. Ibhg .with. wha;t:-thej^ havevtp sell, ' .Ori'- top' of-the^ BeTinetts. ' the q bred quartet is! marched- bvt- again; with that; probably-: the toughest spot any singing /CQri^binatibn would ever aitemp't.;.-;;;■;. '.^.;'"-. ' ''/^ : As: an aidd0d attraction ;Lob\V'3. -State ims Mysteriousia. this, "week, niind reader.. - She failbd to Rut . in an iappeairdnpe at;tlie fii,:st shbw' and , against that- the; hbuse; was-. :;nbt re'ady -Wli;h a,tent sbt ;as plannedv ; Business '.close ;/tb; capacity -a;t the- :first mat;- :;-; "■■ ■ ' .'Besides featiire, Fox and- .Hearst Mbvietorie-;News;--;■ t-'/i.pv- ; : Jtist a rbut'irie shbw -ifor'.flrM .half,'; ■with - screen: feature> ;"Her Man''. (PathbV, rionb/tbo heavy tb bring in the -coin; at. the;; bflf||c.e,; Stage- .show! is - Just. ai - -show; - .with. hothipg btitstariding;.;■■;;;; ■; ;.;;.■,■ -:'.- ■ ".-';■ ,. Sahi Liriifleld Wnd Co'; open -Svi,th faist -acrobatids.v enlisting folir' men and -two midgbts; -Latter put i.t'over for iaughs. in - a burlesque boxing liout.;- :"-,.;;'v' .. '•'. UvV^--' '.^.--v-. ■ Carleria; .DramoTid: did; nicely;Jiyitii. songs .arid', seieptibris: -bri the harp, with an impresh of her-dad, -Jimmie ■l)iainbri<iv:l^b!i: .gbod ■ gistavybiy;,; : V • : li?at ^Ibnri pop, a$; a. prbf), got fi'riat crabk at'combdy and; went; thi-ougk- his; usual acrbbatiG. arid in- strumental stuff. ^ for .. plenty^ o la'tighs;' -.. \The' .?'Pbp.p,a:',~; a^^feroh^'fes- ririade. theni giggle plenty';; .' Jack ;PearI, truiniiing' irbm. ^hu- b.ert .;intisicals • arid topliriedjLijiidn't slay thbih it the; .second; show; Sat- urday. : Pfeaii^l$ a, corking -cbriiip, but ra;tes ;betfer material' tliian thb intbrprbter gajg iib.w. cbtoprlsing hi.s act.-■ The nibb up. here laughed at his' dialect and aistbrtibn of the King's iSriglish, ;))ut; others. fn'ay not. P.ea rl is far too clbver. to be Saddibd vv^ith- tixe mediocre maferiiail; In'-this lorie; which, doesn't even look possible.for. iriii^ro.vement./ . I£•'tiiey.- caitt ;5iye hirti anything, 'better, .he had better., go back to' the ieriqion: trick..;;' ;,; - VThe Bik 'Surprise," sexte t of old - timers salvaged from- Eddi.b-l3owlin'g- rtuslcal of twd sb.stsbnis -ago, VSide- . walka of New York," cloised the show arid got. ;bver; in; a. -riniariner which all ; bld^timbr /aggrbgatiohs' usually db.;' This ;bhe .enlists • Jose- phine Sabfel, Annie Harti tizzi^ 'Wit-; son, Tommie';.-Harris,, -Pahny ;. Sim- ;mbn^ (not the., ;bb.oker) and .X)ave Gen^b..; ViSiriimoria; ni'. c,'^; -for the mob, . with • bach: spotting. ;sbng"-.arid dance spebialties;' .duplicates of ; the Stuff they- did years ago.-' Also, a Ipictjure ;trailer .prefacing .spotting Jarirvbs and^Bbriniei Thbrntoni latjtcr dbceased arid former, nbt'irt the act. :: ■'." •;ii.bS;4hgeleSi' Oct;;; 23;. . -biragged;-put■ unit,.' ."Way;''.Back 'When" ;.Ideai. withbiit a real i p-iinch in; its 54, hiiiiutes; -Rube.'Wolf Writh nothing uriusiial, and-- "Love in the. Hough",, (Metrb), ;feature; glV6, ;this db.whtpwri .libusc a show; with ^o;me box bflicb appeal -but nbt much-iriV. side. Angles that' might Itave been vi-orked into;; Way Back When" Were aiyparbntly -fbrgbttcn -;af ter the, itittb -Waia-selected. :-.'V' ;-,..'.; ■/;;•■;■;■ ..LeRby Pririz- stagbd the .shbW and did-Well-;asr a .stager bvit leaned iil- 'nibst eritirbly tp. dancing, with the Albertlna Itasph Girls- ivrid anbther Irpnpe, Carla- .Tbrney Dahcers, ' .iill-. irtg the;, spot riiost of the time. Jjancers are bn .;sb many.; tiriles; it's,,-;; but • ■vVitli .the; routines laid .out' carbfuny; arid .clbverly, its- riot as bad as it' othet'Wise ..might; .1iave..been.;'-.';- ' .•••'■-■;-.■;;.";;■■: ~:j '$p;6ciai' curt-ain in ."One''. with; ,thb: wbrds, ;"way: bark Avhb'n" inscribed -on,-- it, -;h;b)ps;-glvc the FitM r-Idca .soinb. connection ..with, -the title, biit if-;'.a . da'sh ;. ot ■ oid^time ithoairicftls :wag;oxpbc:tod prihz didn't pick the lalerit.wlth that^^ .' Wblf'opens in: I'ohe" With a;mean- ,^ngle;S3.annbuhi^oh^erit .rind stops into the : .pit;- 'for h- .mbdiey ,-of • bld-.tinie tunes.. Thbre's.; the- tip-off . fbr . a. ■prpsoritatiori:' of Pldytime- ;flavbr; -rbut nbthirig hap.pbrig along fhat Jine,' • :. -I'MihiatUre. . singe <;^fi.t i'is.'-'uscd; for- J.lie Four' Ejiriporprs- of Itarnibriy, This ; .fs ; remiriiscbnt. - of.-. S.chictbli's 'Manikin's, .who. -have been in: yfi-vidP fpr years- Avith a-;similaEv''set,-. From hereon the; unit ;tiirns nfio^derriisflc, with daiicihg'-plriyirig - a- l)rbmirient :iyart. v-^---V.-.- -V■:; .^ :-;;'; ;;::-';;.■ ' '.Fbur ,-Empc'rbrs. 0,1:6- not erii.perbrs of harmony. < - .Their; harmony work Is ^prbtty bad ^and; tjieir.;nct, '-riiuch top Ibng;: tends . to slow ..up the imlt * - Mildly ' divertinis, ,biii at Lob w'3 Brooklyn stand this. Week, ;witli Sid- ney . Franklin..( Act's)), /featured; riioriopcl?Iizing. ;mOst -:of ;thb : niarqUbe aiid lobby, display space.^Although hbavily advertised, Franklin/a local boy wh b made gbpd, as a. tbreaiapr in .Spain, failed; to draw ;'iem :in ait the, ;iirst -show; Satritdayi pXayirig; to. less -than .three^Auar;te^s dowristars, .: . .; i.Wliilb. riiatiy of Frankiiri's fi'iends turned out ;ior;h'i3 iriitial .stage ap-' pearahce/vit was; evident bill fight'i; irtg - charnplons, ...eyeh . an Arii'ericari ilke; FrarikUnV whb- ?itttaihed profl- clenby in a foreigri spbrt, don't mean much to ; theatregoers. i - ^'rittnWlin,. , aut>t>brted ' by a- ri^ale :;assistant, - is ■.No.;-S. ■y':- \ - yf..., :"^-w-V.' ':;'-f--^" ■; ■;■-; ';Frari)t. <ibh^^ ; . doing-;. eccenti^c comedy in his pwh;;turn with Suriny D.TLIe ..and. an,; unblllbd hobfeir,; Is . bn and oft' cbuti'hubtisly. diirlrig the mbr dipcre -clanqe- flash, ■''Garryirig- Ori;'' that Gloabs, '.-;Cbriville deiJends;niain-. ■ iy 'pn. a" t'rick head .^tand, whiQh'--he ■itb'pbats -for nbwcoriiers. - i-ifle.-; :'dpc5 ■abbut-3.0 rininutes arid".earriss; the biilk be appiauisb bn this'bili; -HisvChap- . lin'; imitation. .i.Si.;the^ best -bit/ . Thb -head stand,, with' .busiriess,Vis being dpne -by others;- ■.-.■.' - ' - ■■: .Second, lElizabeih Brice.: with. Ar thur. Green- at. . the; piano ;-,a;rid'_.-:a youthful; singer; does - pop.; .gongs in. . agreeable fasihlon.''; -Miss-. Bribe is smartly, gowned." arid' .■vvlrids :'u'j) .'her- turn .'with some bhatfer. :ppbriing; -li,Gld .Liillairt.' St: Lebri with an b^iuiestriehrie tuf n^; liiced by the kids, several ibf therii' eriforing. a riding <:ontbat;- that ^prpylded 'plenty bf laiighs; when the -boys were tossed ■ around .by meaiis of- the safety: belt! On. the scrsHBrt '"Three French Girls" (Metfb),; cbmedy; shojlt. .and ■.sound 'rtews. % ;....-::;-.: ,■.;'--; '.- PLAZAi PARIS ■;:'•■■ :;■■;■;■, ■: -.'^CNeW)-;-:;:' /■ '-'l ^ V' '■■ ■■•'■.•^■.^-^'i■Paris,■-pctv■i6» ■ : A riew /i,2<)Q-seater bri :thb Eoulb-- vard . P.bisbnriiere, . Paris, : iritbndbd for vaude;' vWHl be shunned by^.acts if; lack• of. business doesn't eradicate it sborii ■Everythirig;bad iibout'thb honse, fronvv. the. -pubric;; .point of view,- ; begrhnihg: • with.; the. pooriy^. .lighted leiritrahce; 'arid;; the lii>ping plague' of e-vei*y.-des.cri&tipri; includ:-; irig v prbg.rani.; veridbr,; .viihb;; shouts .."program'-;'; 'in thb' .'riiiddle' of "the aUdftoriuin .whilst ah; act 'is ^ sirig-* Ihg, also the . seating;;accbn"^nio.d'a-; tibn. The- cbncessibn- idea.-h'as bberi' prayed;,tb- the 'limit, including; .tha.t of the- bookings, :..for- the :bxblu"si-ve. privilegb ,b.f. wliibh, the local Brit* Isli-American ;Pagbriciy; is ■■. -Said; tb' haVe /paid the. management.;':$4,0(>0.' One..- result is .iriterhiissibn,;; lastlrig 25..mihutes, instead; .of' io.-.-v- .;',: ' :- -^ thiriga-.^re still ^atae,. f^pri^ ^lrb■TbUck€its..without water, to dressing rooms without -lights; ,arid the stage s6 badly eqi;iipped the star' -.turns • ;b£'. tlieopening: ; program cbuidn't even use.;-theirrbwh eiectri--; Gal- e'q-uipmerit'.- ■.■;■- .;.-' House opened;;tb :$2 tbp; Soon re-- avi;cihg;,tb .$1.20.; This is sibbn lliieiy to .fall. ta 40cr.if. the -hou3e;"dbesri-'t bhangei; policy; - TyfO ;matine,b3; and- pnb evenihg-;perfbrma;nGe daily. ■;Ar- rangeriiients had . heeri ;.so haiphazaird some:.. abts.. bboiced .- for 'bhly 'tWo; shows -a diiy wbre-: not ' played at apme i'.perf brmance,. agalrist Wliich the ina na^embht '• did. riot Jiesitatd to - p lit ori the - stage ••at regular per4-' fprman;ces and play .as extra, tb the :i);rbgranv,~ auditlori ; .acts.; Nor did thb. acts ,khow at'v What^ .tiniie .they'' were ;going. pn> told sornething like "come, tbmprrbw. at; rioori; and you; Will be, told .a.t -What tiri'ie to-;coriie .back," .resulting ih the order' of the; prpgrani /being'- frequently .changed. jlioeatiori ; of; thie. ^theatre;' on thb. boule.vard .Would be okay, for a hbws; rebl .pibtu'rb-:. house, . otherwise Vit might be . used ■ for ; sihlplef' jstdged plays; . Cari't .;be. seripusly;!' consid;r wed.;for.;'vaudbii.■-■-•;;.■■'■..■'■■.■-,•'' -'- ;.'■> ■ ■;:•.-.; ; ProgramV ;'tb ' ;bb; chang'e.d evbry tWo;;\we;eks,. included . for' bpening two ; acts;- costing;.-the :mh,hagehi^ nearly ■ $1,000. .a . .week bach/ traris.i pbrtatipn.. inbliided.' '"T-hb.. bVct'head far exceeds •.ih^-.^gross,- resultirig- iri; lawsuita :;for-,ribn-payn^ent of : acts frpriavthe; start. First part of- the' .prograri-i -with some ■ ktribtly : Ibbai: acts ;irtclude.d' one bf, these two act's %kind:, . of : Mexican prbduetloh; named ; "Saritiag'o-'^ribt ; so ;good,' bxcbpt;. foi^.. the one; male ; dancer;. Errol 'Addisoni' -■. Second .halt.;in- cludbd' Jerry; and -Her Ba;by :'G i-ands,' fAhierican). ;-T.his. act was' ;denied the. facility..; with which tb -rise -its .. equlpmeht/ ; ;The pobr Stage bbndltibnsmade the 'perf^; formers so 'rifi;iserablfe, that fulfilling, their contract should be mentiphbd .iis flrie.'profiessional .obriduct..; ; jack;, and Sylvia KeilaWay, 'Aijs- trailan' da;ri.c,er3, .' endedtheir, act with'a;.burlesq.Ub 'dance which got over. An; English " Lai'i^'y Kbmbie, closed the . bill! . ;;Tho .or-, chestra of 12 lias, a jvery gbbd' con- ' fliuctbr.'; ;■.-• ■..jJfOiiti. ;;; •■-.V ■ iios ■'Arigele3i;'C)ct.' 2i, \-' ;;.Orily;thi3 bill; Dezsb Rettier>;. Carlton; .and;' Bellewv arid Cbuiit iBerhiVicl; and hls gii-is rrial^b; up ;;an entertainirig, biit :light .. stage ,perlod,;-.;..'■-' ' ■;:'>■:■;';•":;• ;':V ^■;'.'•,-•. ';;'■:•; '; ; Rettbr and tils; ^restllhg;-bperied the ,show. Slow , starter; hb's in a fpg untllfhe :gita'rts his self-mauliri'g; bit. Oke from..then bri.: • -^.; '•, / .Carltbri and;'Bellew next,, w.hicli is also next-to-cibsirig, ; ;GQod ex? ample" of. a \fair team .'•Who could better thferiiselveS greatly -with hew. niaterial..'. Giri" is- a looker; as is tiio mari'r'.;b.ut :both suffer.; ironi"; use', bjf nieahingless talk;. 'Werit fair in.this .spot but should score, heavleri ;Giri in hbr one - number.. .shbwed, class; but- the- seiectibh 'was poor.', - . ^ Berriavici and hi^; 14. ffirls .blosed and ; plerity. bi?.' showmainship: used' irt -thls . band ;;iibf. . ;FihIsh'. has the orchestra atop a bris..with;the head- lights shbbting-out bVer • thb;! aiUdi- /erice, ;Gbpd;;nove).ty/ '■;--■.,. ■ jrb.use brchesf.ra;''Werit :;over great : in a. , nbyelty;'. overture.: ivvhic!h,., had: each.- memiber. of the band' dblrig ;a,' Swi^s. bell .rlhgirijg gag.- ;idea .be- longs tb Dan Russp,.; hbuSe!'. l(?', ■who. got a..stlff:--nGck ■ from tikirig "bows-i■.:;■■'■ ■■ ■• ■ :',; 'U.•;v-':r Jaft. 'Was exp.ccte'd.' tb -taice' -a! fall off tollowing its unusual week with '.'.All. Quibt"; .(U)V. .but the . bpbriing show .-S.aturday. - -most, gratifying. -Ilpusb- ,restbred Its; seven-^aGt bill -with.'the picture, "JEIer:;Mx\ri" (Ra- dio)/ Hbldlng; lap of the. bfz; .is at- itrlbute.dvt.o thb\qoahtity.b£ the shbw with; Va'ivdc:; -apparontly- shbXving a ■b.:Q, lure.,';"......>;.\' Return ../bf stage shows; - to .the . A(jademy bri the ;;same side ;ot the. -street haian't nicked, the; jeffi'/^that's the blaim. made by Sam -Keri!^riy, arid hb. should-.know,,;as he's the; JefiC house riianagfer,. always on. thb' Jbl). ■-; ;;The,BbIlclalr3 may; bb old in point of iSerylcb;. but;.their ,routIrie - ;we;ni along. ■ wi.thP; smoothness ■ and . riot a trick ;miS8ed>.; Even thb lboi>-theV loop stunt Was a success on the first try. just ..enbugh. of this 'act tb make. It; applauded like. no. opener therb -in - •w'eeka.-.. ''-■ •' ■ ;';'. ■; i. <Majpr; Shiarp arid Mlrior , (New .Acts),'.femm'e; .trio -that . pleased. Billjjr M:-Gr6ifne (New. Acts), has a; number of :gag3. a little: tough an4 - ready- but at the jeff they did hot V.- - .s«»eim unplaced.'. .Bven-.toried -Greene' wbvldn't heed them with the typb bf hokey clowning -he is. dpirig; plus - - awkward fallsi.--;/■ ;.;,- ■;■ /./ .:■'■■[';■'■'<':,:'■ Charles;! Marsh; .and !Lqu Archet ' ' have;, a . fuhhy act nb^V,. .with tho ' .crossfire •-w.orkirig ■ iri ; A-1 .-shape. - Bobby;. Jarvi9. a,rid ;C6. -worked, hiard " , ';tp please ^with a:.: trirri that - ^has passed; in ."rfeyiew beiCore.' " It's light' •and farcical. but..seiryes.;.ita^^ ' Bob liope, ivith.. liis;'16w •hufToon-' , ' .ery,;had;a ;pretty tough.spbt fp^io^yi; ;' iner the .rough. hbk,ery of. Greene arid ■ Arohbr, but hfe;^^lariimed- a!nd waded!' ' but. Wltli laughs;^: Ills; bit "with-thb . !■ f emmie. assistant at the firii'sh.wbWed . ';' 'iem;; .Ariy. bid tlmb^ womah !gets . : spanked or ;slapipbd it's ! srireflre:; - dbwii;here;;...;;..::.-;'..^ \ ;.;;''r .^'..v,-;...; !;:"-'-'K ,. $priibidea. . about!. the; •'bare. leg- ban",, may; be gleaned-: Xirorn . a • gag . - Hope.i)ulled^.(t9':leader)::^;;; ;;;,.;; ; ;:/;' --;."H:bw -.'do -V youv' -liiie! ;the- !';long - ■ dresses:'?" - , Vi: .don't mind', I have a . gbpdvinemory;" ,;'Twili; be okbh if > the nieniories. hbld -but. .' •v'Matt-.: Shelyby*s!! Riev^le ■ clbsedl t'orh'ieT ;Shelvey, arid Adams: rbv.ue.' •: Danfcing is!; the standbut,^^;' With the ^Shelvey.,' gii^s showing, some . riifty ^ teamwork.. The; girl doing' thb Ibe .: work also,:won; applausbj..;^ .'. V-' .■.;;!:/;;' :' ■■ ■^■ehicag;o,.Gbt; ..!25!.;>■!•'.■!;■ ' Ruth Ettinff,..i3blieduied' iCpr"-: pb^ engagement herb, ;w " aGb,,NeWTprk,-.i^ j! :suhsti'tritinfe. as libixdiirieF; Al.bxa'nder.. '! ; "ray;and; Be.rriic!e/. Claire, if sCree;n! fanie/.; .•.They have, ah;; exceptibnally.; • ■ ne<it;.singirig :tarn,.. Both cari;'sine.-' and cpmb ;tb the- stage as tried .iegit perforrixbrs, getting across; ori merit •'!' rather;;thart any fan'vriibb. curiosity^^ ■ • ' ; ; .N!ext !.to;. closing,.;and mike■ thbir;' entraribo as any ^varide act—^no Huli.';' labalbb or -Iblare of trumpets^! •Srich . !! ■fi- ;". change; frbrii the regula- :• tion niarinbr.. of : iritrbd.u.clhg .scr'bbri ^, nanibsi; as .'practieed at 'presentation;- - hpuses that .even- the audience com-; ' .inented favorabiy..,.- The ebuple; pro- . ■beeded :;to;.-deniPristrate ' they ■ can!., -' warble. '!ai1 hiusical combdy sbng^* ^! '■ with an .bxcbnerit;n.bgr.b:spirituar by ■; .!! Gray and A seriitclassical. display of .Tocal calisthenics - by^ MiS3"Clalrer . ;Bncbre...,-wais..VTea..-.l|Qr:TWp'' .. : ■;;; .-^^ •- :Riest ':'pf .-this ■flve-art li up to; . the; level established by the: hbadlljriei's;; : A. smbbth; • nicely, baci- ; ■ ;■ ;anc*d..viaudeviile::bill..-; ''■-'/-.;'.';,-•:':. ; vWdtsori .Sisters, , sub-h^ and .'stopped the show.bold. .. -- : '.. : , B urn a sind . Alien- were third .6tt ^ ~ tills standard .- vaUde .; bllL! Pure vaude Hu!rn;;-:this pair, . with gags ■ brought ;up the ; modern/: rhythm.;; Sniboth,' eaisy, 'chatter,' delivered .; without straiinv'Tpmiriy. Russell-arid , Ernie .Marcbrii" were s'ecbrid with. ! riiusical turn. ; Clean-cut work, with ' the straight instrumerita;lizing, light-> ened: pleasantly b.y Just a 'tbuch' of :; bloWningi AGcordibn - and violin,., . running - ,bfP .from ; Ibwrdbwri pop • tune5;tp the more,ritzy rinbibdibs;;, .. . Opening- delivered' by:Bveliyn i)ban! .: / and . Ardeeh: - Brothbra. . Neat dahcei . flash .:that has ! been around; town before presierit tie'arly every kihd of noveltyvdanclhg, Jtertis Ihcludd ra- dium dance; ; Glog-ibn - prbsphorated " boards with feet shbotings sparks, . ; flicker dance and-chase, adagio with ! Miss Dean tpssed by tlie; entire Ilrie- np bf half^;.\ ; ! .' V ;VEast;Is West" (U) 'feature!. Busli / neas .gbbd, with house liliing rapidly ^ at the blQse- oC th:p.-;first show Saf^ - urdavi ' •;■;;'.-■;■•■■';;:-■,-.;.-^'■■■.'.:-....--,:' ": :' y- Since this;:;; always - - ; hungers fbr low' cbniedy arid;;there : ; were! three :subh. conjedy !acf s; ;the! !• • :blll. wias entii-ely .-satisfactory • >j[bnv \ day. Warners'- "Moby -Dick" fllni ; 'drew .a:;.gQbd ;h6us6>-; •■-■ ;.; i Four !Bards, male gyriiriasts,-bom- peten.t. ; Fields arid-Bell (New.Acts), . ntjale : corifibdy; tearii, deuced^-: Just : .; some knbckabbut comedy 'tlia;t:'s; bke' ' fpir ^kids;■ ■- ::■ ;?'■■■-■-■!;;!■■'• ■:;•■'; ;!;Ghici>:.-; Cha;rtdlep-,- .a,nd-!.^b." - -(New- !!~"'"- Abts) .presented, two blackonts -and ; ; sonib sPnga: arid dariees3. • It's an pko ' ; cbriipdy act .for the .nbighborhoods. . -- ^ but.hpeda conHi'uctiori. :/ ;!: :..- . :.. Jbe May,, atid^ Dotty .'-vVgrb the acii^ •..; - . ■ cbmody turn. ...D,o:tty is a. cute jittle ■ .blond.e,.capabii!y straight; foiling ifbr "-'v May .and glvlhg.. th©; latter good; as- -.' : sifstahce. in putting bver the- patter,' ; May: works-; fast,; firing ,'gag;"after ; gag at: the; audience,;Some ot which. ,: mi:$si but ;Tnb$t ■hittin.i,^ ' :'Soriie •■ of "'• the -stuff .■.b.prde^^s '.pri - the/: ^'bltic.:.'!.,-. . ; - A .saxophone-'iCadbt; ftlaxte't 'closed-; ■Six. b;oys in \miiit'ary ;uni.torms .with. '; saxes/ . Mix v-mavtial .'airs' .•with; .Tibr*'. .. ■nriniborjj; '.ail. i»1;ve'ri."nnH]t-'-'«ft5&. iWat--. ••?•. .m.cj'Vy. . ;*!lond(> ; ft.rrirne .With'. a..f!i.«t . :'.- .trf?r>. dance - •:''; ■'■r- - ■ ■ \ - ■ , (-.- • ; Cjian.te .fb'r-,',Mor.e. .■'.-'-•■;'":'.'-;-v ■ . !^iVai^abe'-R.-.\ Bainber. '-.Who:; :'-'Far'E.a'st ■•A.d-v'eritUrQ';Stb^ give thb ,11 terai:y: beginner a- brea'k.. ;Sta'rting :Witii: the 'DeGC^he^..-^s.stl.^.^;. hb! will ;pubiish ..ea'bii .m^^ !by .a w'riter.!-whb .hiis:nQybr'.had any'v thing -accbpfed !b.efbr^.. !; V - ':' : V ji; • -N. Swanson/;; editor ipf /"Goi^ ! iegb ■ H'liriipr," was; the. flirst. tb: us'e: this -idea,' .and; BOriVd: ;of .thb boys yi^hoana he; started on literaxy .careers. a!^^'ribw-'set^ ■;.:■■':;:■.';'■:■;"-;■■?'.■;.■, ■ ' ';'! v;'