Variety (Oct 1930)

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Wetlnesaay, 0<(?iobcr 29; 1930 .70 By; Mark Vance ■ ~ 'Tliat. radio sVioxviivarifihliy. can-- b iu6<j:d a(lvahUiy^;ousl.v '■ vva's.'. >>ir«iiph.t out durjnjj the K4i<-^0.\b'n^atlt-a^t oh :-t^':i<;aF'' Friday -^x-a^iX^ ■,'!■■■ It^^viiis.-. Ainos- : V i^Tidy who piilledvtliie ' slxdwhiiin-.-: ^^ip_:aihd iio^!.-/ .it ;Ava:^ all. avplus;. for'the Radio, picttire. . A ^Aiidy, yet Ohe ':.l<3ng VjiCcustpmed. tp. Reariipff '. the-ih". eicharife'e^ tWea-; sjtuff ■ •with' tajci. tiibula^tiphs ^vas' naturally, curious to get;tliertv6u(s their veal- air. characters,..' , '.: ■ ' ihey used thd dioAecit- biit no ta^i ijitb routine. It -wa,sn't AtraU 'iiet^s- sary. Thiey-. toid,-of itJicir^ tripi. west . sLiid ■ ^ome 6t ' *heir • studio.', expe.rir enc.fes: Jt rehn'oved the .3t^I)t .^r9Ih a ■ press ballyhoo, ;;- • • : . - : . "Then they tobU a; resjt whue' xfuke Ellington's band- frbni thfe.. Cotton ■ .eiub played the.-main., songs'.frpih the *'<3heck. arid i)t>u,ble Check-' .film, fettirniiip to nientJan names , of pic- ture, celebs they ;m^et;:Whll€^ the ; -wtisf- coastv' Whpeyer Maid, put . their roil tine' -for. this speciar broadcast; did a 'icprk-Jng j.ob;, A .fin©. ior R-K-O and'otte .bf the best.Tplugs ■ ever, staged-ifor the .air ifpr iv pi<5ture. ■ Jjattisf pijehed. ail pycp the . G'pii.htry. the;fpllPwing. d^ .(25).' ■.'; ;.. ..•-• ...-■Brdun's--.G'^fripai'9h.- .-. • Hey. vSrburi/- jiiiay heVer/ land ;iri. Gbhgi'ess; ,but-he:;ia'getting;, a lot;of ".-tiin;o .J3.b:uriucts- sUi'h.T: aUiiv^'.siilo .;f>s. .a.' • result. b£;his present Sbciifilistic , dicl'acy. : One of :tH6.-nrinie;.'Mrtts iln. -^^seeirig Brouh gets plenty bf praise ■ bh.the brbadc'asts:Al,6x:;\ . TA^ABO;. . Broviin'g persph^^ has In.^ ; .iected. cbaricters. into, a campaign rhat heretofore had nb part in ijpbli- 'tiGS. ..It bas-aTSP his- Repub- '■ 'litan ' oppphent,,. MrS; -.Jiuth Pvatt, ■ i-rito-a'"lot of .■'Svork■ she''might.-have- ■->sc\'iped bth^rwise. / A^^^ .phe . of; those, things-, that-sprrtetimes: ■ happens : migivt V slip-; . Bf ouii' .. iTi'td: ;.:\\';i>!h^nffton^.;''; -.' •v-..'^.-"^v • >::ibli-.f .ciubs^-.iF ;selling- "hiciy.V- heaylJy ■.'tiiiiu'' che.a Avihe's,;;L>ut, ipitkihg..-.iaiJIpi- it 'tiy- adr! dlriifi: pu.'bii.l ail-tlie'-' exii-its that l^wi-ije'.tiipiight i()f^ - ^- . - -..iS'prth -.A^nvoVtie^^^^^ gone libme and tlie:' iJatin. ;'elen?.eh^ uiPs/ . of : '.th<! ictir iiibre .amendbi^ th.^ (hind-to ;.cyi>py--extm^^ 'iithld -^iooka.'smaller;.'; ;.;V.-'.. ' v. ;:.. . KATE Sl^lTlt ^ON AIR ; -■ liiite "Sniitli r SyUl, be. .i't'iitVU-ed ' on the; tUeiVchmarin ,Jibur" Oct. 30 over NBC., ... A" .cphtrac:t clau.j^e -:-.with George v^^'liitie./ vents .Miss S'in.ith ... frPra • gying.-ion; tiie: air; but- it ' was.; wai-Yetl- in-- th.isi ihstahcp. - ■ ,:' '. 'y, \V.EAP.'S Crime Pi'evientiPh .period' •'.'■rfa ngs a: ■:ipf 'bh. .Arthur;- Keeve's fep'. ■. - Afic'V. all, .a;slbgah.: that^:CiUih6'di^ '. pa-y'. nVay .eveh;t.ualiy ■h<*Tp..t'hi.s'..i'egMT .■ :lhl-teatu■re ..alone.-.' - ■ ^ ' ;:, 1st IJ^^ •' ^;■^^.''^racuse,^ Ni'Y.; Ocpl '2i^\- : ;FiTrs't court actibh, aguW^ .ah uPt; state' x^dio statibh for.'.alip.ged vib.- latiPn .of the cbpyrtght layf. has .b^eh ■ h.led:-;in:-^;the •:t;.;i S;---iJistviot:.. CoiArt, '.^tica;;by .Atto^^^^ of -this city,, counsel"for the;Aj^ can JSpcjety ;p.f Cohipos.ers,. A.utiiors- ..ariid--'.Pu.biish'ers;';''.;. .;".'';■'■■ '.■' :\ -]Defendaht.-.:i& -the.. Gtbrge'i;-;.,-£>te- ■ yens..Radio. Corp .at .Aubuiini.. .Us.e-b£ '•';Me..-ABrain'-!'; !bVer ^the. ^tivfibt>/; o,.; jruiy j.'^l : last is; • Lh^.-.basis for-'ttie -action;.",?"■■.;•:'■ y-Ji<i, ■ B.^.;tl.V-iSj ridvisingv:Opn)h>cii'cluh accp.uiTts,' to^- ta.Ue.'.^'.s jthc; :daiiiv4, thrbuighibht, the opuhtry .idr-' •Ver(ising .-their jj.rog^^^ ;:• • Tlus ih.e'ang, o<^'llt;d . '.'^ijotli'ght"' .fldvt'rtiS.-. ihS,' iias booh, on •tii,fe..iiK'roasc.:(X.hTPhg^^^^ the- Gpm'rhe.rbinjs ;ihpnti)s,..- . C/,i(eclai'ot5;V''isppt^^ figixt.".' adv^*.i'.tiv<ij[ig..:^is-. ^, nyodiunr .fp'r^ <>f.e|it-jn^.--. -additW ^tii^r.programssv^ ^ ^ i^; C'v Hs^Jf xef^ ?wiy typfe.\of ;-adv.^rViifing.; C-■.' :;;.'Sohie - hewsi5ap6r,iv-and-, ijAagai'.'i h-es feel sP'me restihtmeiit.: .agaitist radio, oh .th.6'.; theoi'y'ttialt poihiherciala '' xiphg :radib tim'e;have red..ticed their budget . . on - - prihted , > ..advcrtisihg; BC 'C;- '.sita^^ not ^o;; ;and. -elaiihs '. prbpt-: by a." c'h.ock'^ui.i, c6n4' vdu<?iip.d '.'d.urlnig;ythe past'.six mphtiis...... ■ ,:l;ii€ .b.rpadb^^^ chain st< joiuty/iof adyertiseri ,ha^^ ;th^ir; newspaper ;adyertiiiih the ■ ;^period'. .of :■ the ..cllecittru p;.- most .of ■ the' -p.tiiei:s::a^r.e iisihg. tli^ • p,ame .firi-jpunt of . advert islng as Were. • noh-rad ib.' -tlm ca'usws: -. .'Re -,, ihainder;.'. or .. 'sftiallest ^{vi'r . tiihe buyerf?, havie. d^credaod hewsipapor idvf^-tising -.sipabe^:; ' -J■■ .S-' .. -TN'illity and ft:tartodv.Vr'tia'do.;is?.tiiig;;w t?. :Bt>c.k Br«?yitics. -ovelV'C^^^ . night: -•■^23^) i .\ woriE^ '•'jiTav.ed;Ai'nKV<.fi'r^ -exi'vUisivo.^ .iS-w.t'iivlt: cdilxhVv .V.'.'Uf 'V;■-. Vrilolii^vvi^oil. -Ooti'.i^^ '. :"riii:i;V'"*>-'-<iiV; J\i>i'itvni:.!^t(t;boW? fi^r;■;.. visit!ijg.^h.iVhWtv,' osi\^oia-llS-^o»J^t(;rH-0 • c\i'¥^;:ti^iif-vaXt'ieMi^; a-ixs^^ ■.:'yixiril. 'K*:t.-'" iii*od= -i'i- gofh!?.;\oiif;.^.boiiidOs - -yvhit^h^;. ,ih.t; V>.o- ho;'pl>U'e-;to;..g'o; a^^^ :l-uiiii: pn^.:Uro.i'adio'Vnia■ rtin;d.';a:i>ook;^'v.;; ^Jut saiupi^- o'C^vv-hat" a>yiut.<i.; Iiinir,. • siiVfiry^.- is?-' iKo#^p!er^.w'>ok. fnr ^ bho -(ui''.ilip:.:rftdiili.^^the - ^ iOo;< \thing>; .tlie .toaiht, • HoSvrrtrd ^ijahhin.' .bro.ho;^ with .tho: prograniv .-■ ■ ■.... ; ;•■ - '■-. talners,- . It- was one of the. best prdr .graTits'-..-F- •■.'&■.. il.\ ha;'\'«j--: yet':- >f£ered.: ' Ahd.;Franks-was in line Vblde;, Cbh .C'dnrad-iiiptibed;up.'aa Jpi'Vi'!-* "guest*'^ ;fi^d.. .sang/ a; new numjscrr- ■VVG'B.^ ■ could use 's.a fevv .more- .perio'clfs' -like- tlU!j^ Franks';-iaybut.'. : ;'.:•;; .."= ■' •-' AViliiufd Robinson is : ■-Mtihg him- KcfinanOlU's . xirchbstra . caihe: pvei^. f'^'l^ .. His .ris^e ;mbc)y;>frbjh':- .I^ini^;;.'J^^ ; Hbtel; :;..-Tp.rpnt'b,;-.but p'rotjr.T.rh- alprig conyeh ■tipnaI.'d.apc<^'.Uni^S.;, .'{-■'' l;; .'''^^ V'^ -- ; Th re^' 1/i ttle' S.a chs. a j! u refi re i^rop. ■Uto the. WGBS.:t)vb(¥riiiiis...:T.he station; - is ptcking up> heW'bhes; as evidenced .'by .ihji,'rrish.;Jfi,£;hb'.B9y^^^ . . :■; '/ ■ ■. ;• '>^ea'lc-Golde'h.buildhi^ up i ep'.wlth-; •-■' woojtiy ...'broadca's.t's'.-: .for. - . Herbert;s-. .• .-.loweiry .jstorP.iOne boSt things of Frid'ay night wsis' -the: whi.stHhg. J ;bf :pfybil..':.F.agihVPh.;".WABC.';.-She's- -Avprth. rejfv?a^^ ' • ■. ■'j'he iiPliticai campaign is a- Wind-.- -fall ifor . broadpastbr's;^': ISasy jhpnoy for the stUdlbs; .biit.a dry campaign- .:■ talk .is poor air entertainment. . .The - state gubernatorial. .- ;carhipaig.n. ■" .;; brihglng. in sOm<B pickup coin Tpr "tiie stations. ...Last 'we'^k bf the ;. sustalhihg 'periods- -were.. .ishelved In ';^.pi«der tbl giye.^sbme of th^^^ .'^'i^s Vchahce.''• ■./-. ■' .■/■■.'.' ; .--Smith vs, Vallese -. . ■: Ai Smith went: oh at the.very time ..' Riidy Valle:e..and- the Lucky, Strike . , ovcliestJva Vel-e doingvt^ stoff-The < e.x'-govern6r. wasion. WOR,- :flio Usuial Flei.schmirtnn Yeast period -. on-.-.WEAP. ana. the- Rplfe outfit, bn That must J^ave.-beeh a severe - tu.g at: th> dial-strings/ qonsiderfh^ • '^ai-h :hag'a b .--, Liit'ky .SU-ike .keeps reviving, the Ptd fhvbrite's; eithfer'-beGause. of :.cpnr -.: tliyiial .requests; pr because :'the bid -.•...t:ui4f-s;va;re ■ .s'ur'efire.-;-:- Val:W .'isi' -tWor^ •J^vitii . tiie:"Dld shb.wman.snip Ho; had ';.;■ the Cavaliers^.as -hiS ■guejit-s,.:and hp . - pang': the new Nay'y. soi,iig'witl-> .th'eni; : .TIio quartet held :do><'n.;its com:blnea .. .ivoral strength . p«?rm,it . Rudy's- :' - voloe tb '.^tahd .^iit'.: He. l-iar.mphi?ed ; .'cffoctivtSiy,sortibthihg .\'allee.- .can -:' -. aiVd tb -his 'accbhipllshrhenls. ... .. ->': . Ali■ the.-, bandit, usihg V.'Bpdy'' and .■■.-■Riiui-,"'" •fV-o-h'::..','TVirfee'-'fj- 'a'- ^>»-'ow,d".. ■-.■vl^i/Nv/aii(l\\^Oi6o-4s,hp exf.opfioh ;■ •■■■■'■'•WaltJi-'Vpgiie:: '.•,-,: . ■ Fuh*iy. about air: bkndSk •. Let';:0.he. -' fciture .a series. of' v;'altiios, :ahd they.- ■' all .fyilpw^ suit'.:' ICy.^ih.'Lucky. .Strike/; • ;- .-\vhi'c;h. ts i)rett>!;;.,:heayy- oh- brasses^ ■ haa-its .waltz ihhihg; iEVidohce;irbbd: . ^nrl iVlcnty waltxil'S sefisoh.and '■ \ -having:' avhibre: 'RPi);r- 'ybgu^: than ; .'in'^sonie-time; ■..- : -'• . ;•.' -The shoemaliers are proving game . . - .> tb . t lie . last.. .• ^rh js ■ cameput: -.w ith .. A. £?V Beck eng.agihg.'Willie.-a,nd. :Ku^- i -• gf tti.'.Upward iind paying reiil,mPhey ; -tor. LHcir.iserviceS. . The; Cb.ward Shpe; .'. Co; has always spent plenty pn; ai.r - ;; So:has>inna.:jjettick,. T^^ .' : along^'cbmcs the -VVi.s^ sli^e Jntei-ests, eng'uged;: Walter''Wihchell sind go in '- . -.fPr ^hiDre of a theatrical afipect; -^Ngw , ■i - the ;i'.cck. Co.,. -hot 'to .o.iitdpne,' -iixc';^ th^ Howards.-..'-; ^ -; 'r. ; ^- ;. .V.-;Thh ..brothers ••.on..\VAlBC. igaggpd AndV sang and W ■-. Kburid,'. up ■ jivith ■■/£ -V'fp-ptbaU;. gamc- -': .-■i.iivpi-ossibn-. -.Gtiod: for l.h^gf3.s,--'Hpw^' ■ ard-' L'annfn ~or'4''ii;f .<i'(.ra-'; irtuviilied .the- .:' ;; i\i!i^jc'Ul:':yihbell'ishn?oht;\^ ''■-■^y ■ X. .V-'.B'rf<^h^-lF.:''i'-IVi-Pe^ •.-■.OMvanl;s.-to Jeri^y-..l<"rahks,; tile -Fan*- ' .- rtu.'h ■ t<i- Atai'cP' ■po'rj.o'd W-GI^S '^s ■ - • .'nii.lfiinir -\ip-.;''s<)!f(lly.: -yFi'anks.. A^'vok-had a^corkinig'buhGh of;enter-. .biP'en' me.fepiu'e. since, he w-as' liiv^t hc'aTd ph: \VQR.. Nbw •;Ph WJ^ ai- the bigi-slVbt in Max'w^eli. Hoh.'ie 'pej-' i'iod, .-ijo .-is- .:.a'lsO' having a hand /in other ^S'i^C •prp'gram.'i. ' ,-'-:. ■'. ' ; - ... :9: d^Clbck 'Rivalry / •' -'Arcp^s-.birthday..::party' de'votbs; & lot . pi /tinte to..' ahno;uricemeht.s/-; It hdhdicai^s: •ft'-heh.'. the're;- ih ''ni.UCh tPhipe^titioh oh 'the air: at- 9"' o'clbclti; Also in. tougli:' spot :fpllo.wihg Vallee. 'Ruhjiing..-Arco; and VJapk: Fros^ clbgfe together ihbt so :gppd, .is' the: typp' 'bf ijiusic is >iihiiar. . Ahd/af tor :Pf serious iiumbers/ialphg -cahie^.RCiV .with', its ' sp.lurg.e/'featurihg . Rosa Pops'ollie. SpTehdid ihtferl'ud \". .', iMbrgari.. on "his. Pa^^ d'Or peripdv' W-EAF,' has' gotten: away Irom the grooye created -Avheh •RpTfe fbrmB^rly-.held the; lime/ :Jlpif- gan 1$ :going ; in; for ihpre Mprg?;n styjei of .musi;c/aiVd it is well.. Less brass, and vmore.xjf : ah .orfhestral ges- 'tute,'". '. - / .'/;-;.;./. .^"w . '■..; NBC has beeh ai'puhd, a-, long, Ibhg time with -its Slumber Music and it -is; now beihg/us(B( a .bomhaer cial. ; . Lprig .rdgarjded/a studio; halt ural, .apparently tiie ..souhd of .mpnoy made N-BC -change .its/jiiind/ /V/JZ Pffered ■ ia . yiotbr/ Hcrijert' .bp^rai '•Mile. Modiste," -which cpn.?.umed .an hohr. --://-i'-; ■•./■V./■■/ v> :• -Z/-:-^ - '\'\r.ith the 'bakeries op*>hi'ng .Hp on expehdUurjfs,. .WABC; hag the Tip' :Top. iqpmmerpiai;.; A' mixec!^. ]^^^^^ and as a,', \y}\q le - • pi ea.9ihg; .Nothing away •from' the -bo.ateh/.path/-.:how ever. '■-^/;•.^;■ : ' :. .Npi):man. Brpkehsl.hre^ .own brand, of; ;an.r(o«ncemehtR. fbr Van Heu.sf>h, music by' Billy Artz-s orche'stira. Hail a' and; .is'.- dnhahced.' by..:-B'llPken iih iI'^eVs .:bropzy..f;tyi^.-', •/ ■ v ^ •'•'-.-':;■■''■;■'•'.;/'''■■, ■'.■.-'..''.Melodrama -Houi"' -. .. / The : Shadow,/., .anhoiiheihg : the S.I r'cet';..^'. Smith!.ptive ;.;;Kt'ories; wfvxo.s niore meipdramatic -tiiah/thc. charaotor,«!' -thehtsolyes- vfn .-.the-.'. skit in-'f'Kon tod.-'; - \VA.RC ,Ipst> on.P.-. Pt itfi '^taofaddeh ''.'" -.' asKighniPpt,.'?.'hut pi'ck:ed'.t>ilf5' Pite-vup.- ; - -':',/''' v;. .:; •■. - V -; .^V^jlCA' -flpuhdorln:^ . afo^ind riit, ''.' using ■;'ral '.'.Kt.ancih'yJi' • to .strctc'h- piit- an- cvi'.hing. Its: T'riibs-. d.'iv-; l\ig'Hllght "J.<s-..tho /.\''<''^ .N-ut;:Oliab; .pn'>at.-.a: :^ate' irpur, .i;h'pw e\'Pr. -'■'-./■"'■■■-/. -. -'.■ .<-' •■ ■'■ '//'.'.:"■. - 1 > {i u T: W h i 10 m h h's bji (: k:. o h tb (»/ aJ i^; Not hriuch' ballyhoo .about 1t^ .,%s it's' und6r!*tbo.d it's^bhly. for a few f^'atur .day - hight.s. • Wliitomah ; ifl l.i.f;rt.rd. on thevChicago'YaTi.ot.y' ootiqer.t,,' W ABC: and his program is hp'W .Tnf)^r- sHi''f1'. ;-,d"o: to the. singing l.wy;. thn' Mijskoteorsi rwJib. ar.</ :al.«<p . yjcrsatilo musiciah.s/:; Whitf'Jhan'fi. la.'it ;poh rirrt t-ii'mp, oyer'ih- lVrt(---st;yl.<;i^;/■ .; /' . /n'he single-hian .Ktu«;.;iV;irt -hifi^^r 'favor' 'than- ■ eVer. :.Phil, -Cook, g.etfv iVn enrlv. does tl-i'^k; .i-tri the ppon^ .ing NiVc periods, and. thr-.h ,st-ill.has abundant/-liciii ';'fbp;- hl's >ive, -a.Sfi.lg.n- ih-orits,' ■.. Cook-', appfirfhtly:. lia>M. .i?vvf'rt • • o/ohtract 'with. Oats : :i[iobrjTp'. . -An'bthf;ir;.i^i.hgle.'-.-- -^^ Visvgolhir big., on ithe- .air/l.s -r'h,arlo tl'aihn. silsf) hWked. up at 7,3Q a. jn cih -W^l/.iJ. hi.'';' period ; on .a . hopk-up .-■vvith.';Chicago/.:'/ ;-;/. .;'';./ VBy B Eva; DREW: All oabatets getllrig new'.talent. hppVs: husihess wiU...- pick -. u p^.JvcW ley'fe - Bitz -has -Dixie; .Mas^«in',-;;Ann Kahh;. Lebi*a -E^iirliing, Moll ie. Si/jdi.- lPrd..-ahiiV\'Thi^lmit-;^Mppi':6v; ; ^ . /-^ ; Met,rppplei / adyiei'tiisJ^S;:, Its- nc^w beahty-; sbbW/: -wai-'/recruiteia .'^-"frbm' Brbad-way's. ; lead|ng'; ;rtii5^it.>: Beauties., are .-:.:Kari-i ;-Kraf^ dbnha. jvhita;; and / B.phhie -Hinds, -jfiClus'key. Sisters, ■ Gladys■/and/Vi;-- c'la>'.v here . >befpre,' . . and' . -Rusfiian dahcej\s, 'pu."SsIanbff .and TjepnitJfis. 'jClikfe. Fasiani,.. ieade.r . pf./thc . or.-?- chetetr'a,. is' alsp. m. c. ..' ~ '..■;-:.-;-.'■ '■'-;'--' ..; Ribt;.-'ih-Keiiey'f-Ri 3' a. m.; Ragney- MagnhsPh anci twe; - otiier sailprs rese)n,te.d' ."whatf a native, said ■ lb'. .biie.-''of.'. 'the- /girl. pn't^ri-taihi^Si Heads;' ..chairs ;', and'- .. .;vvere.' ijrPlceh'/./Zorpastrp;' Broce^^ merchant- -w.ili. Vfe... iiiid up--for ..10' days/'with 'a hurt :• head/ Diepiity Everardp i).u que, >:ai d; to. hay e. passed the/r€!sehte^. reihatk, rece^ a siight.' injury :tp. pne'pf^ handfj. :^he. case wiliybe,^^^ X/.A::'./. --V.-V .CplPi// .'..--;/,:. -'■-/'../; Thb- Mask-;artd .^Ig. Clxi$,.bf. '-Bal- bpa, ■ C'. .Z:, put; -pn the "Thirteenth Chair'.'V -/.Mary. •Fields, :'iate- ehtec^ tainer/at; the..-. MetcPpoIP, ...played: one; of:.-the/lVading. irbies; .;^hp,w. -yvas' fen-;' tirely • bf/lPcki---;taTent, I/' /.: Z;; / • Biilgray's - ^pabariet ' ■will- .-■ .reppen aiibut Nbv> 1 -ivlth va fiye^Jiro^ g.olf fcourise. . Interior., of .caba- t/^i Is being completely ;itn^id6^. p^ Atlantic;- Cabaret-'is / seiitj^bf -^ahj- other'^ rpn^anc.ev . .Latir^i.," entier.tairtP.r,. mar.iricd Henry ipi-, flpidieT:, ■ ii^ .th'e.-aytatiph dc -pf Fran'cb. Field. - .Homfeickncs^ of sbjdiciis' and yjgii-ifj/isr ^!ald ' t^^^^ fea-spii fb'i*" so m.ahy: hartty- marriage^.: ^*hfeV Atlantic. iiaa.Vhad /35:':;pf :^ giri-'^^eht^rtaiherB: .mariT;/^ arrny -and j^ayy are .s.'tili/ih tlie. l.<iad as-'ferooms. ■■ ■/'■■'■:.--'v^--. Auglb.^ileed,. lat^ is. how pi-odTJClrijg.: the:/danc:b/.hiim- bbr^^ 'ajt ■ tiie. Al;ia,ntic;.^icttty..-M^rifitt is afto ba.bk. i New .enter.taihor tlie : G-ill^rt -Slster'fif'.-and' and: -PatPdi;,; Ar^ehtiha. /At^ is lia'v4ng '-a.,slage \iiiut :'lh • ■• .-('''O'Ve'r.: :'tiie.-::'',Tp.p'i : h4s'- ,lia, G'itano -ia.n,d .- La -Curr'ita; 'arid ---Gibrla; -'F-Iorel, dhil)?{Xn "Tri;p,; and /Gloria/Carpe t.h'e--.-PidV,.-'jAiii-criP.ah■/eh'fe'i-'tainer; :,' "viRbbert Brpugh,/'.. maha-ger/i/and G>Vner. of'the: .Astbr :-HptPl',.'S Si^ileci. ■ for■.'England; -whotp ;■ h'e■.'-and his fa hi i ly - wi 11 make their future .hoih'fj.': ■ 'r.hti.: .Santo.H'. Siister.?, fnom' ITayanu ;hPbk otr.■ f br " a-. • caliaret: ^ih /C u raro,' Tiutoh West; Indifis,' rnysloHpuajy .disaiippai-^'d. }jil<;' tlio .'fih.ii^;. stopped pv'c?r '■ at-' ei^.ifi.tpba'l. ■ - J'rah:-;not'atitm -was to . - W-] paid - ■v/.hiiri: the .lJi-hdod;.;ih/ Cijraco. 'Girls are, Mifri?i, :i 9";..:-.;.Carmeh,'.'..^l j. .ahd-': Jijanlta,;' 24:. f hey ieft/ ■ thp.:- .bpat they '■.w^ro'.'gPirig ;'.buf ^to >ec-.,th'e' towh; -■ CABAREiT Of eOMlCS M.Iva;l.iaii<i>tt de-koYjiiker;);'/ '~ > / //--. '/. -;■ ■-■•::'■'■.- .;./'Berlijii-'jOct, 16. . .- /' iCurt - Rpbitsohek pv.ciaemiS /in- this -pirp'gram a littlp vauUeyHlb ;shP%^^ plo t:p \v it hi' i hier esti.rig. ii^ih bctv? a hd-.a. n'ipe.phb:-iicene;:qomcdy.' -! Paui Nikp- laus ii?. .as usual/.a'pfaainhing/iriteli.' ligent cphlereiioler^ and witty.. /Special mentlbh. is tp; be iii^ide of Blandiuip E.bihgo.r,/Witii her:excellent . cii,ansoTis" b!^- Erich.. K.ast h<?r, V sy h .she. .presehtfi : i^^^ a .hhely.-.shaded:.^ It/is a pity tha-t'her Ijerfbrriiance.- dPes hot -last; .lon'ger. She.- i.s'.pnb of - the. .host: of Gei'hian: 'ohan.<;ahette.<3. and, besides, one. of. th^ best (.iorm'ii'n cii^^^^ ; .T;herc! - is,- : further, ,Fredoriqiie;,:/a.. Freneli dancer . shpNvinig- gi'o'toRqub: dances,. Tcohnicaily she is.'excbVleht, biit-, she. .l.ackft variety. ■■■■ ih -her -P.ev- fbrmarice v. ■ .. :.:.';-,/.--:/;;- ■;//,-./■•/, v':Thca-Degen, Thep' Kprher ,hn.d;Gye Bohroh'is jh. their musical play,;.".ThOv "TlVrefe Kukirplei^''; hjxve ;Kt|lli their Kfxnie. ol.d:.;i\ejiertolre; ahd .a^^ singing Old .sonj^k;. •■-.■; ---: -/ --:./... V ;.;.•■: •/,- -' : .parlb Paini) the-:pfdest p^prfp^i'mcr in the . art of. car<ji iricks, is '.shp.vyihpf^ a.sibnisl.Vihg triclf.4... .GastpiX.paihier is a ;ephiioal'; :iiiggler, '..Th'o ;. dano'i'rs;': Nassfidy. . Baiihi' ahiii' DeB'b.ra,iv/JCa.yi 'at'-e-hied-i-um. r^:-''- -.-.''-'-' The sketch,' .VTive. L^ bid- hij'm:druixi. .but-QttOV W vo.ry..' eoihicai ;a-nd: ..excites'Vprrc" hilarity/;': -// r/./r/v-./.;.::-. Af.rtjy7tii& / Investig^tirtf^ KGEF t;; / , /-'•-:';'.: ; ilblly wood, Oct.; .•;.-' .i'he ;Rev. :Bpi) .Shule^^^^^^^^ KCEFj r.Lps -Ahjfele.s, .i^pc^^^ Vatp rnbUrioatiph. ;.trpnV the,- Federal ;Radip: Cbnriniissiph.; that .the ,«!': l.s;; :o"p.eratiiig' uhdtjr;;a ;".39^daiy ..tcm.- pgrar-.-/ liwisic^,:.wbile-; the;■ 'cbmmis-'' ,<iibn investigates-programs arid- li»'b- test^..:,//; -//■; .. • ••;./.': .-■;..',';;. ':'^ Shu-lor/::8peciallzing.. Ih.^ tiip: rbforrh ;p;f.; sii 0v«. b!ii!slnes,s-- and pplllit'S soiiV.? - 6.(1 :a; .''sentGrice- sqvi^ral mpiUlis ;ago for cphterhpt:p-.:;cburt:, in, broadcast-. ing: derbgia'tpry.-r.ema^ agjiinst the J.udfee.' in .the j.Pantag'es: ca^e. , / : - Is Tiglit iLiir ;Muny V;"-/ /;./':" ■: .;... yDanas,'.-'o,rt/ 25., /'. I)a]la9...:claims Wdest munloip radio brbadcHster/iii U. /S,> ■ iW.RK, ahd.maybe t)niy onp out of red;.'top.- Cit-y c'qiirimissibner Wi .,C> v. Graves.: stijiervisor, /Is ';so ; tight /thjit he s.paked. iklayb^ [ Waddi^' Ta:te.,:$?0. tp;' teii -natives;; ■why V-l)ja;lias. 'oughth't have'a eityvihariage'nv.V:;^ ■ / V:-. '.- . Tate 'bbb.^ter.S' hea'yed; ;.but ■ paid... .■Rectni)y. ;GTa;yes -'annbu need - casii. bal.-iTico of ;$4,O06 for;WRIt. ; : Gircu^ f^otf G./y. / *r,iie.*/ Circus, new- 'ivtmosphferic caharet,-.}.^ beVnte' ^oadied^^-f G'reeh- vv-iph 'ViiUtge: by WiJliaTh. Ca,rlb' ^on'; Ihe-.sito Of: Pe.acPck;ipn,"^^^^ aiso/;ppoi-ated-^ u -relfrlng/;-from b'abar«\(.s::K!E'ver?:i-yea^ afl;p:- -v: '• ; - :\ . ■ jtfpt-lt-;pf-. decor,^^^ .b:© a. h\k tp.p: Pano:py, .wild animal deb'p:r.ation.s jaind' cagfed,booths for psitrpns,.;, -^'it'h, - wai ters-. d rc.'?sed a.s , tral hr.T.<}' .an d; a clpwh--banji'-ifar m-^^^ -/ .,.--' • ;.■;"■--' ." { :it'-'.wiU aLlub, .ha.-y.c' W-flpPt show..,-. ' : /Juijgle Fbld^ii EaH ' '.Jijngle /Oi\ii:"/': 'waui:h:.;';piienr^^^^^^ twp ■ wyt'Uk'' agO( .:.iK i the :fi rBt-/'pf' ■■ ■ •.:■ -aiew crioii/ of /liight' .,clgbs:: :tp .-■' -' iftea,sbh. :'':it fbided. last. w;;.«-'l< ;;.-.SpPt,- '.OfUf^ri'hg vto .thri- jsWariJiy..sft, reP j}f m:<l after''- being ifiad lo.cked for 'a,;' year. ■ -'.;--/ ;,.-- /■■. -./ ■ : / - ■: '.- It: a iiin.l.v..^gpc'-s. -' --.^^^hi^ 'radip/Jipids/^io ^a-ytnKvttpn/aM tliia- -: li'.torati'" - tJiihg.-',-- ;KoUiifd's ./ri'xost : • .piaUsi hi«^;probably;0>i jvlrt ihing;': . tlie.; .■p(-\ri)tu^ii .pi\vsi>oriiy....pC t)vo.- lpP.a.i. citV. ~ ' ';<'i,>,i{lt)i^g, - ii.braf ios. >aiid■ bppkshbpSi ; 'It's .all aiJ bb\Mpiis' reae.tipn. from t ssambnys.s /.atvd ytah-dard.i:'/.:ati of'. ; jipvcrytivinj^^ 'herpab'puts; \ ^nc;b;;:;lhp..;/ . :T>e>Vness,-ahd-n \yprh-'p(f.,;■•;;■:''/ :'■ V ;/: I\ ■',///■. - vv ■' A;'-N^.W-iYprkifi-'s-.'a:ssiiiir .':• Holly wbb'diaiuV-., CO V ■ ayorago ^ - spah•:.,^Pf-v'six-;; w-bbi>£l, --' at- '.Xvliich pbint^he or ^bi^ ;is fP^ .o.phcl.u;de; that- .thbi'e miist .bie/somey'/. thinij, .el.«<e in -tlie isocidt'eiiistence; of .. hiahkihd/aftbr-; business h (.1): house iwrtiesf .a:hd. pa:niiirig, (2). " ^4bttlirtg and reWritin"fe .th.fe' i^itjturis ;.- bvi.sinosfe/ :(.3.)/.going 'to.Cbhhv,'.lights (4) ' .playi.jiig- putt-putt. or :.hittli>g a;, buck(*t of 'baila. piV a .drivin'g " . (.5) ifpihg;' to - liptels/or rbadhou.^ef.s;' ' - -■;.FrphV all-.Uhoi^e .pn6 . 'ftnaliy-..t,urns ; to' thp;.. iipnip:-ahd tiie h.b^^ .• Phly -■ then-.' -;dbos-'•:p.rie.; d(?c'fde' .'that- hinyl>b:a radio.and -a lib'o.k :are;h;t^^ ■ hard/«s\{y-change.of.pac^ '^ -.//;.:. ;' .-■:• , ;Ayafanc:he • .; Acfye.rtl'semehjkisi All; .■yo'u.--get.:out ' h'cre/is'- an: dva-'; ianphe; of .hdvbrt)ijing .spiels b'e'twc.b.n.- .recpTde^d mimbci-s liia:t hiiiko soihe ..of ..N(.iw..;>'ork''s .Brppitlyn :and;;Jersey. ' :bnerluiig 'st^itiPhs ;!jipund Hke a ..dig- h'iiied ; Natio'.n?it. * i^roiidxiasViiig . Co. • - ..rii»;)t \v;pViG' • I'Jvoh./f I i<Mi n ; (X*op);.Wiir-. her gives: u'litfoptijal-1; gospPlr via ./ disks.-. '■ -'■ •;;-'-;./ ; y ';,^.--:/, ; Ijoh i^o's KH-J Ihiihjis. AVliatiBvbr ; /| vi-iirthwhiie hc!t\vg'r,ly-;-.stufC: .'tluit 'poir-. -' -. 'r opiates .'iioross fthe; ittookit's; / Occa'-. - sionaUy: .sumo ;ipc.'il - fe.atvite: .assprt^/- ItSolf -lik^':' Ray ; .Paige'i?': .oreheistriti- -.; m.orjtiiig;'twork ''di-stinptlp . iand .; doihig. pinsipal;''s :.Yia; - the-, cftiier/ . of. a versatile a;nd; different calibre. .. ;: For .'tiip- rcf^t,: thc.vsuhd'iV-b^ ' that are^^etiierlzojd frohi: the:-va.ylo:uS.v .' n i t'e 1 i f e,. r:p( ;m..«i:.db. 'sb. i) r i m art l y' with. . .a,-n:-o'yo' to d<».cbi.vihg'thfe'.,a'm^ bi?j:)o'ying --that 'Oiey 'realiy '.■h:ay^,' ,a-- nice gathering here, enjoying.- thenir ' s'elve.s .^imnienijely.'' -'. An -- immediate chock-'ui> Invariably ;dIsfjosos/ thai ; the- mae.'Stro is. playing, to ."the: cap-- , tain, three wMlprs, an fcnhuVd. coiti. robih girl' a biis-Vhoy and. three chfif: . tomer^,-/ Only- difl*eroh,<.'.e:;-Vifj./, that ... spmetlmo.'!..' it's.: only t'wb;; .fcu.s'Lomerft/,;'- '} :' ;;Gi!n€'rai/'Blahness:'■'.;''. .-/-'•'" -/^^ .-, The.gbnerai; b^'ahhp^^s' pf .npcturh -. yirlibopQp'hereabouts seeiiis to; be r^e-'- fiected--' .';by. -: what., goes; ibh tiie.-- air,' • ParAjilPXicaily . ehPUgh, .therp. J arie • j9:bme .. .'inerltprtbua :/. aggr.egat|ph> ;; around.; Geprge Olfio.h frpih hiiis own. : Culveir''City":roadhbuse; 'Louis Arm- strong, the : dusky .. -tooterr'/ from Frank• . Sebastiah!.s:~ ..Cottoh. Club, alsb in C. C.,;. Ted Wiseme' prchbiiitra .'■ at .-the' iR.opKey'olt;. Gus .Airhhelrh'a • .jazzi'sts, at .thp .,Cocoa- . nqt Grove; Eorl B.urthott at the ' Bijtmore and 'the.;Tno.l.o;dibu.s Murray Smith .; - the -.:Mohthiai:tr<) /are among '.the ..:wprthwiiilo. ban.dij one the; o-ir;! - /-.-. '.,..-'-/':.-' ;/-/'; - .. Fbr tlic re.W, it's .alt.canned atuffV' ' refiording.s with, ady spiels. Ih . bes- twe<fh, '. Wberp : I<FW;B. .-(.WaTner.' Bros/ Rtia,tloh). has. a .phyHl!;al; bai)d; - tiiey :Ri)Ut it •up^ahd 't.he same com- -. blhation,'.with: tiie 9.bvlou^^ samb musleh;;!: balanpe,; jsi divided , betW'ech .:t.wP v or; more ad.Vertlsefs. t"'nr . a: few /mihiites: this -orchestrat:. ."eoinort to yoh thrckUfjh the cbiiftesy.v of. sordnd—• 'l-h:eh,: .Jifter ;.aWhlJc/ • thoijiahre. aggregatlph•: l-s • now .■ Iper- .-. fornVlng- tiiro'ugh the :c\Pur.tesy.. .of 'v some Gtjt»(fr' adveri:ise'ry.:;.Ghe.,.would- , thi'fik- theyNi knbW ,chotwh-'-tp-.!^w - the wuHioal/bklfi;hfSe- ah(i .rh'ahpe .-the.; \<5oh f-mff «f'things; .tiu't ntf, tlie /same; stririg^jff^rtlKslm'o ffiye^ it/'avvay;/--. ^ iCflFar-.-' iijv.: -HoVjy:tW)bd!H'.::^24-hpuV : .fjtfttipn,. - . rplyihg'^ on , phpnpg-raijh : frettordinga^-.. ■;••■.^v,'::- ';■ /::\/,.■-./'"'■.:;;: [■ ■ ■ ■/WiVh; Wtii'n>;rfl-:-h'iivl^ jtii. ■ oym^: .ritatlon, Par.4mouht - po.r^i^al.i" an.--Jn-. ; ■ i^itithti'ihal .plii.g-frorh .ah organist at;-' .the..;Paj.'': jiludi(>s....whps.e;'i^^^^ • i' f jieii I tudihPiisly :-ih ter.spt^rsed. with -. ■r'<yr«:;r<>n(;o;. 'to. tfi.c-'.Kb\Jroft of the .■•o'''h.T;.' SsoUi. Vfiwx-f{J .■■.;.;-',■ • / ;:.'Lll);by' /Slplmahv: ^si()np;i<^r:fiHii:,'.f ^ji gagt'd to..d6ublb; Ihtb: i .tjido ,N*'f w York,'- from:."Tb rM-'f^ a '(^rpyfii.:!' -:vy'i-thdr.p.'w-'~ frpm .'■thc/-W th(^ bi.u)!>;^-li3V!we!el{.;'// .''j--'/■-':■ -'r ^ ''^ ' ,^he.:- was- aiske'd. to ;yvoi-k .bii^^^^^ centage -. of -, th^ '.cover .rha-i;go.«'\ Jh - jstpad -of.'^'* flat= Wlary-'bf-41,0(«)-;-a: .Tea!;i ih e;..A iibert Fron o-hi, k.(> "ti-'.'-'^*' , nnrr»-h-tJy in -.''Pr 1 ri<'M»: --Cha'i'm 1 ng,''■ cJo.:n.blV;s .Hh.f b, thft. ,G -if(/rlc,. fjp'^bjh'g-. tomorrow-. 'OJlO >\ ■'• -. ,: ;:'• ' Jftrr;y Frif-'d.iha.n.'fi : oroht.s^^^ 'WtartK,.a-t the/club' this:,:yv^ftiC\-.: '^'>-'/: Mel.. ■'■-■,■■-.■"..■ ■ \ .P<-A... As-iA^nho.uhQey -.:/ ?. NBC Haf!- t-ighft'iM<ay-P^rklhf^^.^^ rh."r ■ p.a;. ;ah(i ;-Wrlt(iTv;;aK."V, an;-'^ npuhrf:,!'*,.;;; -' /:'.-■-■/■;:■/'/ . ':- i-••/.;.•..,/■ '■ M'<;VkinK.- \yili ,hr(/^li^:i;^:t. .vvif 1/ / iiarh- M'lN'tirrtjf.'b Ph: sijo'r.t :i:.yf:n:ia.. "/ /■'; .;■':, /;-•■•^.i•)■tinyf•'r/'G:(:K^ ik.-. ': .' Tire. '\v-rnntjjr--!^tn. t hry •4<*-['';.^t«'atf)r' I'Hcnti'sf,i vjrpthy - Wfolts/'l^^ ->yants. .1<>..:. ring'^ - Hfll■^i)r(^it:':'\r>;li-H; -iri: ;m!us^- - sii.-al r.ornody/'/'-'Ih' h'i'r'^higli^ sphpol' (liiyK; !-lv.-.;ciw'ri»!d/ nil tii*; lt»ads;' :lh. lli'cvPpc-y-tt.t'tas-g'i.vo 'by?l,iip/stHd'P"tSr, : •--.iff/ni'y'i^rppits:.' th(i'-.boy. -Ih'lhner^' Is .V j)v6u-y,!:: >>f ' Percy ,Htf p.hf.vnfj'Rfi'ctor, .NVw,-'V<'t'k \'t''a-';"|:i*'.r;- Tit)' ;iay->yi«^ :tiirV(iigh'.^oli/■;^^;;•V^rm sings ;ln/.0i' V;h'.p.i't'..'arid i.rain.s :.i\r.<-|j*?sti|iM-Jh iovviif; in iiipi u'ioi'h '.Cplor'adpi, .'