Variety (Nov 1930)

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VpENbllEtptsj ROUNpVUP" V ;■ v ; .:Rod6b •• v'" :--;'■ v'-'i L'lJ'Min?:. ■.Uoevv's :f>fi,W.' York'-:.'..--- v;'•. .''.Jessie StHi:/.^ :. S^cdlid -short. of" this i'lat^.re: to .he-, pr&cliiced by •Stai^;'a.':aL: fil.eture;. ■ locturei:-s. :t.alk t^pcomfitfpyiTvg^, of ;th6.. 930.' .ro:lin<J.-iap; .held .at. Pervdleton, Ore. • An: oke novelty :Shbrit; . ; 'WJhat hut^ta ■•this, hipst- is thei lecr" Jurjei': ■ it ] wbuia been: .better .had -it been-• bmitte . ^;o'r'. 'the hmih .'part U-a. top. loV ahd can i.'barely ,be h,^V^« .liiiider- '■'st^jbd'. " And , the Vbicb; grates. Cut'-' ' tin'^. is- also at fdult, with; ibp 'much tiine ••<iev6ted;. tQ . the. brorichb .{bvist-^. cirjs. • Both of. the3e- faults..were -more.' , tor leS'fe 'present with. Still's first prow.. ' ductio'n - o£ this type.' ^ ..the ..iri'aih.- pointi^-of'-Interest .vatta6h«d to..^ebv^^W .and rid'. . ing;'.'. ;hors6. :'.-.rel9;ys- . and.- races ■.■-..and; ■ brorie' bustin^;;;-■^'•■^.'.':;.;■-■ ■ ...v .:' ' . . Quite; -a- 'leyir. thriHs'.'and spite !;-of.the faults:;sh6ul(i/satiigCy. .. v'; '^y6\J SA\ry it isAlLOB'^ ; l HALLAiyi COOLEY—SAM HARDY Coririeay-. .■.•■■^: '--r.' ■■>■.■' - .:,2 tAine. J - .:'■■.::■'■'..■.';.•■''■••!■■■ ■•;;:CQfian,-.!M'..'.Y.'■ ■. .■ //V-" V.V SUniVerisial;--y ""-x.- ' .:. Action is forced, .:but eiibugh la.uph ; .flXtuatJons: to make, this ,short .^uit- . ibie-for . .the. average,. neighbbrhppd ■■ program.. ■''■•■■''■y''/y'--^y-. > ; ; : Gool?y -and'Hardy'in the navy, the former posing, as an offlcer-and putting the gobs through a hew .rop-' tihfe; ■ f h6.'. rnarchihg .prde.ris,. .Phis .. sortie happenings in ;the bunkhpiise iivICe'n 'officers'' ^wfves; viisit,. iare' okay • from thie iitidience .a.rigle; ;. ] Wfi:iu^-- "jj^E APAC H.E• kid;':':; :••;/■■■'■;-^''- jfeiLrtp'on-'CKiriaizy^ K;^ S.'iyiins;'';.'.•.;'■.' r^-'- GeTitjra'j, New:.Y6ri< ■V'.-^'^.." •■■-.;■ ' ■ ■.''.■ >-Cbrurnl^ia.^^ l^rcLzy Katy j'u.mpS; .up !a.''blt' here and, spots, fpir a good flUer^ahy^y^^here; Like.' rhpst'• thii sQr-ies, .it\ depends m.pstiy on .UVe muslcalrh^^^ is gppd;-. ■• lii' generaV^essenbi-' i't re- calls!; iat... talker/st\prt . vmade. ■similar,; although not. id' entire, •det-d^^^^ • ' . -iibput .a - Paris, ■.caffe'l.prinia.--kid-, nap'ped by a ciistoni^ri and her piano ' player. trails•■■ through . the/j .P^iris;. gewers'ahd iayerns to'-jsave. h0r.,- He' gets: tliW usHJal ki§S,-fbi* ;ri^^^:;ard..". •/; "^lACKET GHEERSj' -With Airily ;Glyc|^-:;;:.;'• .CbrhedyV ■; r:.- - ]\ r':- 26,iA\ns.;-'',r\- -::-'X -v;';'. v •...'•...'. ..Cientr?!, NcAw.'Vork--'-^.-^'■ Edubatibhaf, N.o; 2642: ; ■^ ;' :Fpr\- th^::/h^lghb -grinds Jbhly' as fllie'r,..this. phe'spprts.ia peculla^^ mix Hip bf. 'situatibils Isiutrr-buhdlng some cpninitpners. .Who go' ritzy yrith' money and' htimp into -a :phbney\.bppflegger- who attiEsmpts a spbiai ,climfe, too',; bif j .'s'pm•pth^n■g^ilk■e•ttm^^ .■.•■.:•■..- '"' Not aitpgeth^r clea;f,.iut.hais ■.isome (Slapstick iauighs fo* those .that . like it.that:Sva.y..'' Recording Is falr,.;hu.t ■the photography is jumpy, eapecia>lly. where: .the btiny is. superlimjpbsed bh tlib. regular .actl<jn.'..tQ show:-sea scenes.' ' ■ •'. '■• '^.;^fM;p'p:b c c;;b*r'ii^ar^ I:i^:ht-;,-i AVOight.vstpry •\vlt'h: -gpod. ;aii'bb-.' t'i^'n : pf ^huge. ./■ivelp.-- -.V' Noe.ils-- • .i")ieivty .of "strong ■oxpl.oita;tipn.,tpV • do., p■V^e^ ■aY.ei'agjv in .the- uSual-.- rarariioti^iit. ayei*.age\:wa;y.••■■. .; '. '::';"Brotli'er>"V(Col.)^^ ■' ,^..of 'afv -anc.tent 'i^ieller.tti; warrjint ■ . cpnsifreratibn .f rpiii 'any biit; the.: twiQ.e AVe.ekly change laiid: lesser • '.■■hotlses. '/■■:■' '.'.r^/t:-./. ^ • ?^tol'able;David''-^ .ter'■'al i th'q.n f big' hbuse..pic ^ . ■'ture.; -. -811011111 'ha strong..-in tiVe':.. '. lessor-.''■■-s'ti^n'ds;:.'.and;.. '."p.rb.bably."'~ -' average at-, bgs t.' ahd' spptt y: in. tUe:deyiux6rs.;-:" : '••■:.■'■; "T\](S - .Dancers'^. (s Fox) .. \ ■SUgr .dry, sbntihiVnt . von ;a.' Britisii -pl^y:thijt riiaS /no • . special,: appeal for- Amieirican;' ■:'fans.-'-:---'.y o-.■ • •;''■■■'• :/• ■ "the: » atP; Ship'VCBiir);; / The ': ;k'i'nd -that ey^ii •.Britishers AV.ill' ^walk.'oii't-bh,' } •;■■-■", ■''.■■^ .■:;'^<Vrb.ddy''; ■;■(Majestic)'; ■ •."Bailt bn.rtha' tjuipki^.Jb.rdci^.' . Antique :-pib.t'■and'., ■ ■■':G.bhi'a;d.'-.Nie;el- ]. hbliciirig .'up-hlstripnicdlly.-.. F .dppbie; bills/ pnJy. V;.;;: .;. ■\ 'A .. .brother prdve" more ,.hbnost ■anji .d'e ^serviihg: b^t. the .rich- brDtheri • aftei'.: ■cbrii-rxiit^ting. liip. murder :;,art'd' sayipg his likeness : in :.cpurt conveiiieritl^^^^^ diesv" '- By: that .tini>,e .the.''pppr-. lid is .'already i)osihg,.a:nd: js -sb . success-; ful;. at ■ this - that ev'env bis^ .brother's gai,': .played by.*'i);otp ,Sebast'i?^n, gbes tiivbUgh ,\\'ith'a marriage.v ■■.:.^'^^•-^;•' ■■■■ •■ -..i;•:._::: .-^-ivyjiy;,,'.:. ■^0\-''V '• ■\;(WlfhV^bngs)';;'. •,;--;^.:^^ .'-A ■. ■ ParamoUpt' Prodiictlon..and.'release.'.': Mas- :■ .lene 'Dietrich, Gary . Cbbper and .:A^olphe : ' -S^^^^ -(eatured.-. DIreeteil l>y.- j;pae£...vo.n •'■ 'Ste'i-iibore'.'-'Screen a'daritc'd. fjfom'sjagpiplayi' ■ :.VAmy.'^. •Jolly;'.'. ,:. At • <Rlvoll,- :N£W ;', Vbrk. :':Isov; .i4,;; run,- ..I\unn.ln.5'.tlme, .00. .rhinutes:' ." :. ■" •,. ■:r '/■ l^ • '.- . Tom Hi o.w,ri;.. .:. .'/vV .. ..Gary ■ Artiy '-Jolly.-.,. .-. .Mar.lene-. JD.lfitricS. ~ . ialM'f:sier6.^v...Ailolnhe Menjo.u • ' Adjut-ant."Ciesair. .. .. i::U. - :...UIrlch- H-atipt. .. ' .Atihn. t):)l6ri's'.'. .J'-.:. ..J.uJIetie. Coitiptpn Covp. ..Tiitbche- ^.;,-;> /Frincls'.Ma-cPoHaW:. ■ ebV Quliinevleroi..vv ... . Al.lje.1pt Coptl Mnie.- CnesarV.-i ;-.:V.'. .■.'r.'•• .'• j..I3Ve.-;Snutnern.. ■■ 'BniTatiro:i.-v.v^i:. .:i. ■. ..v'. . .■..:M(chael-.-.:yisarx3tt -Tio-;.:v.;;. .^y.'^ : .Pau| ^Porcaal' ' ■ ■ ■. ''''Moi-OGcp''.: is- '^top ■ 4igMweigh't' .. : alPry .to be .couh.t^rbiiancedVb^^ ■ .~ bi^-tinie "directiPri: giv6;n,."'it... This i .leM'es tiie, .• boxrofflce' - results. .'in ■.. doubt .arid catls^'for move .'than uS^al ;', ■ expioitatiori'^. As is, there's-..nothing . 'but Gary. '.'Coppers,. to be depjjhdfed. ••• '- iipbii-as a ;dra,\v.' ■ .Copper im^y ad;d to ' .his drxL-w her© : through;, the 'manner :-in .'- \\'hich he. treats .and / di.scta.i.hs ..;. wbinott. /.That-.'mj^y.becbjr^^^^ :. explGitELtiPn aiiigle,: for the .Avbnien . fia^n^s of "all agei may gb for it, .The ■■\ •wbmen'>iiicfr. thait.'stuff, "and Cooper -. here lays it oh: thlbk.,: ' /;. : i^dr JN^ew''YbrkV.Chi, Ij:'.A^^ andlhe. .'. 'rptlier 'one or two bth<^r tnUgg ppiht^ ' east:and. 'west. that Itakb ..their':,plc^ ' .tures ;bnfy^ oh .the' . lbcal side,: the V nCS^rmdn girl,: Marlene; Dietrich,: in .her .first: American inad.e, will-get . :. the attentibri glVeii her in New York;; . . somethih^" -very. nicely, prer-.almed by :srhart prbpagahda,";:. as" to whethier . -/she's ' G.q^rbp. O.utside .t.hpse^ ■.fevir..;centersi Dietrich. VGTi''t' mean; a thing: for sonife wlTiile yet. No inat-: ! .j ter whOih -She fcsembles if a. dis-^: ' ' .tinct inypo'r.tea •. persphality/.. M^^ . v-BietricH' .'pah't overepme.y the'. phe- .. picture, hahdicap m'bre. .than, anyone -.'; :.eise; domestic; .or. fbreign. -. Sp. her •' . hame, lambng thosie.featured in .''Mp. .: rpcco,".'. is, -.I"j-ust', publioity- fbr. .it. -at ' '..■presohti -:--'--'- (■'■■'[ ' ''• ■ iiiss-. Dietrich- has. little opporfu- . nitiejfv in heir first liilkeKon this side. ., There's hbthing . to' -th6 picture, ;exr. ' • bept.:Wh'at Josef vpn; Storhbcrg:;giv.cs ■••''. it: in- direction, and that's ' giving it- . '.'more tlia,n'-it"s sbt.i^ The -Dietrich, gii-l; has- the cbntinehtal ' acting. tricks, .-. .■•'.lik'<«;; Garbp;' ■-O.rie is - a. tragic.- fiice-^- ■ : ■: alu'iiys .■tragic. -. Miss, 'Pietrich, per : .: .haps'.Bmiies once in - the .entii-e / 'plc , • - t'urc, tutliough in one. seetioh p'f. it :;. Gibe's, d babaret.singer an,d singS two - ■■■■ .'Tories., /.A'l^o .'iriVthe: :C6h.tiherital-.%ay. - .Other.wl'se.. the'•(^crnTa.n:: $i,rL lopk;?? -quite:. nic^' Vand.'.l'ia's':" an \-expressive • '/rfacee.-. with fcatdres that photo well, . But ■■^vhat shp .rbaliy- :iiblcl3.:-in -thxj ': '^rtfileht lihe. will ' .be.'brpugh'it: ..-.; ■.-pu't.' ;' • ■ -: picture ' .ti^an' ■ ':^,-'"i'': ' ' "•'.'•■' •■■.', !: ■ ; .. :WlietHet. ;th:oV.Avo:meh / ■will;.'-.Hkcl ' . B.iotiiicb 'Will", be --answered, by the ' .■.■'. ivyptiiw-i' tHemsel -They.<:-<?iy ■'Wil I - '(-ari-vr'^'lndications; ..and', a-, rave . "The'^Skirf? .ha3.''\ii-:r5U(>n '^f^r';bfer."in • •:/.thi.s.i>^.sue,' with -".Thp B'kiFt'V-.a'protty ':'.. hard-Uplied b'^d-gal. iFithe kri.boks 'em : off.'In'rows, '.ttirhing' dbwfi.'.natGiJ'acie .JVibore irt: *fA Jtiidy's -yrbraiisi'.^. Jit • the- ■ . :,' Capi.toi;.Avitl'i\.-''^rhe--Sklrt'';-about.'the- -. ... .bhly ■■ orie: riglit ■ oh tliat:;. one';-': fp-r ,. '.:' ''MpraT67: , got '^ett-jr '.;n(?ar. "to': the' .. -.Capifol's;- low'••last' ^vctk^.' ''^.Thi.'}' is . V. -. impprtdiitt, in .thb:.-.i^ohse '.thrlt • if the ..;.', , .t.p.Ugh.:.ories liko.'."Thb Kkirt" .ambrtg. ... •..:;tl.ip:.,'i>'omeh''0.kay.';iri's.s' pietric.hi what '• . di.ffo.rcnfio:;-whitt-:She can. db. br .does;; )•; ...Ul<i>.Garbo.? - It's.'Just thj?'<L'ontineht ■ .. .agaihsit America, a^^ Cbjiti- ;. ncntnls•■ get'tihg over. .so. big. -bh - thl?; ;; '.. eido^ d.a .nbt sp^ak .vei*y'.well -fpr the; • :• A.theriprtn ■ girls. .■ in .'..pictur/Ds -. they ... lojivf' boblnd on the sajiie-."Screens. Tf .'. the.Cbhtihental-'act'ing trait Is sb superior to'the ..American, thib . prpper pLace for the, script girls', -stenpgs and newsboys to; j?b ..:to learn; their .'art'' seems'tp be' Europe; hot. Hplly-^ vi^pd...■;':'.o'r' '. '.'^' ^ •!','■■;'; .. Aidoiphe ^ .>'Menj|pa - . has... ''ai. walit-:. thrbug?}: , rblb* done -witii his -acr knowledged .suavity, lilehjbii.vper.^ Haps .now. realizfes hi*: Prifbr^i going: bulibeaLded :an\l! .runiiihg! away., froifri the. Stales npt long: agb,vb.lit it ■seerris' much, .i.pngciv probably-,'tb^him^^^ ritli'- Hatiipt handles,-' a; ; minor, IrplC; Very nicely.. 7 Cooper, plays exceUertt lyv.:::Hfe'got.'th.e'p.repise spirit-of..his rble^i'j:-'.' v';~:-; ;.\...v;VX ' "■'■-■.";''■;: '^f y'i'-'y-'' . 'rl>.e.: stpry.y'iS.-. given : a terrific Idck eirly, when ' Miss . .Dietrich ^.arrive^) in 'Mbrpccb ify stair: in ;theV;cphbert. ha'll'f ilThe first.-^vVning. pf her ap^ pefira'ncp shb -gives,'tbe;kfey tp hpi- homo. to..a I/egibnpairb, :Cpbpeiv All the- rest of the stuft.tirylp'g tb:is.quar^^^ that-bpner. hevbr, .(can set-welt,. .The: 'isuggestibn-convey^"d-by the girtVe^ ihg;, hec .Icey tp. a stj'anger' the fl:rst, night :i4' likewiise ebhveyed in -What Gbpper; thinks of-her,' and'.also •W'hat Gobperi 'the l?idy-gette.r'^ bf his- ftppp', thinks 'of ':all women.; ' After^ .t bfazejj/and Self-exppsing-side line of thisV music. .h#r^ the rest :'ls tLppIfif- .iauce;- .even unto sheJpinihg tlie. fenlaie fpllbjvers .o^ the. • trbpp^ to keep near . soidierj .when tut-ri-: irig. dbwiii: the .Frerichmisin. ot .:V/ealth.- who eyGij,~wanted to rriarry • h(^, .in;.! the :st'b.ry''s. dumbness..'; ■ ■ ,v ■< .' .'■■ .■.■' 'I ...Meanwirhile .vbri.Sternberg"-is.'trying all: the ./time to; :stir up'; sbme action and : iiv^ylirtess ::iri . .the .'proceedingSv That': he .-a<;cbmplishes .this. in part, • j^nd ihbs'tly by .'the: riiarchihg .trbops in '; viVlagie^ : pr" the .. desert. Is.] Avhat :go,es "ab greiitly: to-,vbn Stern berg's: c.redit.;.,. .-Vbh, St6r.nb,erg's-. dl'- 'r-ectib.rt! Ijs'.fipbd. .ertc^-ugb' tb .e.ven fop} man'y.piaoiHe;a,b But';it.See|ns. .so sllly^ t but with a heroine' and make a bum b't her r -witTiln'.the ..iflrst ' 30... minuted. 'rh'at-S npt cbihrh.^rcial'rand not good. prepdjat'ibnV''v;-. '•■/.' '•;■■ ..■ '■■/■ Sime. '; .Coiumijia 'projuc.tliin'. E^rld .'r.feU'apfi'. - Fea.-. turlngi Richard- Crom.wefl.' .'Noah-. Bt-^ry .ailtf •Joan ' Pefira-' uridci'litied.- ■ Directed' By . Joljn BlysLpn'o--. with.. Ted'•.ITe.tztaft.-. cainerixtnan, lia:5ed •:on' -Joseph': HerBe.shelmer'.3 •-atbry.-^.ot. s'ariia: name . ati'd.. Vfrst - National's .stltnt .p.rctiJre-Tel6a:8ed.;in ■1922,:- lAdapted an;J.dJ.a- ■loe ■ 15y'-'Ben 'GLtzer " At;, the:: U-JC.-I).'Muy- fair,-'.,:.New ..york,.. weelc/NqV:.. 14;..- Itii'nnlirg tlme,..7S. .m'ijig ' - ■'"■ ' Dayfd .■IC-lriempii.'.. ■.'■» , ■LUlce. ,','.' :.... •. Ustheti. Hatbur'p,.;:; .A;m6s Httiliiirn-.-... :Alii-n ■ Kinemo'ii.-.... t.-'i ■ ■Hunter. KlnBinort'.'v,.. iRqso: Kin'emQrt-. ,:-;:...■•: ■.M;t'3. VKl.p.e^nqn .;.;,. ^liSKa.-;;.«^'.. ./..i -. ..•.«-■ .: -T:t]5;zrird -.■.',. .-..J. '-i >'...: 'Gait:,:.; ..;:';:.. ■Doctor.... ,:.,r...;v.'.-.'. . ii .ftiohapd Cromwell ,'.'..;: .'Noi^U, Hoei;y . .'■.:y.-. Jo'afr .t'PCr? V; i U«nry.:U; ■WalthrJl, ;..,;;.. Georfte Duri'p.'t. :. .i .,-:-iBdmund''':-J5rrcs:c. ,1, ', ilJa'rbara - .Bedford. ',:...■.Helen Wdre il.Jttai-ijjn. 'K.. K,nlprhl ,-. '.;:. .-L'e.lfir'. .lf).o^im.o.ui,r .Jome.s. -ilrad^iiry, ..Sr»- :v;'..,Hl6iitfra t'ar.lyle V:^^^:£.BR0TH Columbia,, production 'i.nnd--rolea.sft'o ' ;DI- reeted' ■Ltixi^j ■ Rer't Lyteil Starred, ■. .Rascfd ■:oH ..'st-ag-6 '■ play-; -.oC ' aame name. ; ■A.t t,h"e rraiiito]. ..n; ■T,,- -wecio ' of Nov, ..I.4i.- ■Running, time, ':0o • riilns,: ... . .-' Hob.. Na'U(jhton.,i..'o... ; . ■':.'>; .Rcrt .nytell Hd9!e CbhiioHyV-^; ..,.; .Ue'rt •:I:<ytell ■ — .■...■■Dorothy. ■■Sfebii5ll!in' ;.'w-..-;v;\VnilAm..Morris .. .nictiar'd, ^Tufke'r i. . iMaiiric'e.' Black: .. ■. fra Kk' .'MftC'ormack -.. i;.-. Cl.airo ■ATcbo-ivell ..'.:H6w:8i-(l;.illeK^mnii ', '.-Fraiiels-- Ma.cDonald Nbi'msi:,. Dr;.. Moore..'.-..'. ;.;■;.: rTOS-'pcbtpr;. '. .I-jOrenzo. ; .■; .■.... Oily., j'-ofe.'.";.'.'.;,.■•-.■■■,'-.;.• ■Mrs.-. - NauBhton. / Mr; Naufifliton'.., .-,■.;. l'<>py; .v-.;-; ...•Not'.;''for. ,impot:t.ant mpn.ey i 13, the 'tif)..luxb .■grl,h'd.^>,.. .-Better -sitJiatSd .Iti : 'th'c.,.. • leS'se.r' ; 'so'tni.--.^.'cc''kiy.- .. ;'p.hi^ .hbusesVo;.:-■■ ■^..:';'■•' ■-[':■■.'■■ ■■'■■ :.■ •■ '■ ;Ah';es''' in ■•.'B^ath-d■r•.s,^'.:'^lh(^ i.m plau si I nl'it i es. are top; V>u m e'roirs -tP' cnuijlbrate.'..Piug 'tb'cse;.;h'f>w.c.'v'eri tXri) kbni 'd^ j.tiTnp'y\'scq ue n cck,. 'P rpdu c tipn '.in-..gon<?rril;ia-o.f the 's'eJ tb^iritpriancod <i'rbuhd ■■19l5;' '.-^ -'■:.. ; ■;:' 'Bert'.'lJy'.tcI.l,.;'.Avhb'.- also .■■■plciyc.d. t.hT<' ■showv. •. do^.S' -Xyeij :..eith'f''r • :a3':'.^Bbh . JCaiigl.iton.:.o.r■.- I'Md't 6:--Gdn ri'P.lly;, twjri- .brothers ' brpu^iht- up • by. ■"rich and 'pbbr:!pVckers.,at. a'ri prphalpage";-H'pw- '6;vex, the';st'p'ry-.-on;;thb^.-s.cir.oen.'db^;sn^ .jpbjlivincp/ . -T-He,-, Gb^Jrtr.oom - ..rbiitinb ::is.: now' Knp^n ■ to ' e:very.^'.fiim' foth iri . tl) 6-. wp-r 1 d. by -. hear t r r ■■■):■: :y'^X']■'■■ '< OiVy '■ JP6: 'dhd'. .TjprenzPi. .iri. • .the hinds. biJ • vFr^atik Mc.Gbrrnack.! a'lid Maurice .Bla:ck,.. are tw6,!of the.mpst amusinsf . bhAraptcriza.tI;oh3' in; the pi'ctarfe. "The silgary ending Is; also-. there. :. ;Not ■ bnly •-'• dbes;, Hhei^ poor • :'■'■■:.;■ :■. i.':'-- - ' ■ ' Abie, pl'oture'i 'whicb-'may play the ..big-.:bhaietS;.-o.'f:; the., :ih-ia'3 to. .ay:e:ra;ge business.: -It dPesu'.t: iin- :prbss"as. a! big' mpney\'fiim -fbr the i-iniportant'.' key , city- lip'usc'Si. >^-:il..l .probably 'be' -spbtty: for..' those sites. \V.hile .a cinch, fbi^ the. lesser .tfieat'riDft. Indeed, it-may ca.sily develop into a smalt town' .cleanup.. '.Thatiit's a' dialog- r^ni^ke ■ doesn't . ..'necessavily figure as- prbbably ftnly a. sma.1.1 per,-:, centage of preserit day picture .ftiriS' re'niembier.'. .Biarthelmess as. ''David'', in. •:'22:V Its. hillbilly• ;;ba.ckground.: is iiga:inst it\for .blgvtbwh ineom This yarnwis Barthejmes.s'' fii:;.st iptr t?ii-st Natibn'al' arid :,thb ..picture Which , made him as a- l star'.eiglvt years, ago. • Hbhr'y Kirig di.rected.'the original ..vei^Slbh. athd b^sidle.s. Bar- thelmesa, -the. fllrii established lilrnest Tbrrehbb:.fbr the. .scre.eri,. This . mu- sical coine.dy actor ' p'arailyzed the trade. .at -that, time by. .serechina$ phe'of ■..the most veriombus heavies . filmdom ihiid :l5:nbWn. . And: the ' ferencc'in cast^ and tephhiqu.e. be t-vCrefen': the silent -and dialog: preS- .entatibhs.' about^ ;rrifirks : tilo; why ,thb :solih;a adiptatibri ..woh;t be as-.^oLrohg .as- tho .inaug.ufal ,effort The diatpg. holds , little- .. dramatic, value,"the drama being in the ai.btioh and■ pahtbinlmev besi(Je.s \vhieh;thc. story has become b.utmp.ded..; ' ' Co'iunibict. li'lieS-to :w.^avc'.a' fan.- fastic Htory.'.'-aimed for; the.. pt .ps.s, on., ho-w. :it' stumbled pbri ■ Crpniwell., .-.whoth' .i't' terms' aV'Tin<l|'.'^! ..In..fact. |.th'e'-'studio ' hdd - 'it.': framed ,.y.'lth a. 'coa'fit co'rumhi.«t..-fbt' .'the- '•dr.s'co.yct^y;'. £if-ter: 'whitih -the':' cb.mpian.y ' Wa»', t'f)' .' 'the:'.'bo-yj and:.:tH<}'■:.:jot;irhaUS:t '•^^'D uii ha t i on filly - S pl U rgcf:. ab O.U t - tb e: •.■;i. eye for ta'IehtV .■.Thi.s".nlr;y(^r. did', ijet.'pvcr -:l.p,0%,. but::.C'f»lwti.)'bi^J .Still, claim.-?, Grorn-wcill-is.; just, a ".kid.- 'who: ..■h.ting...around' the studio .'.atii'I .WHb,m'-it.:.!jclcct'od" afte;r ,«. tbr ■ -tv'eeks.-'.'for Xab.o'ut... cvGi-y'. yoVjtrig; ju'v^nile■ iti ■^.Ibnywpo'ri.- •. ■'Tiifi ;i\im .tac'kjiid thb'-^!'Grbm\v'el.r.', 'brttp th'o.- iJi'd: and/ npw regrets'..'that if forgot • tli*'-. -^'O.livt'r-.''' ' 'A'nfl. it'!3. top.:iate '.now. tl 10. sho t lieard' as<' the .^pa ii.iera ■.but ■tho.' i^xterpjir .of : tht:*^- ..libusiV iiid'ioa t't'hlit. th h ■ sttidi6;. c vidci.i t ly, n-iadt? •'its .hilhd'Ti-t Vinitd.n't./.ini:-; "prbvo o.jv" Ivirig'j? .sivporbV'sih^rit 'job .aha- so plti'vod- siifr-'-b'y; rofiisinjf Ho •tukQ- 'l:i^>oi'ties;;^ •J-UiiMn^.'-"'W«!!« ■M'^: .'suits it'.'' -tire .right..KUC\Ss:-'V'xiypr .tl.Kvt th^. ili;ilog.:d.biYi>.h-'t -i'tihUHMi^^^^^ .:i"or tlib ;s.tranK -Bilent .a'c't'.i'n 'tivo' b^.iSr ■lnKi;'A-t»rsib'n.'\ ■■': /'■'■■'■/■'^ -'/:!V V•'.-•Tho'''.siois^M'tf■ % vpoiHls'. ivv:i'lling; b'oiiUci-s. on tho. .f eiul th^^ivw {Uut - is lo'c'aj'cd iiv the; A'irsiiiiia..hiil.i«,:-- •.'iMung .LVavid;.: .c,ha'iii)g':at bi?fug >dhtv- .y'o.ung-. Ofst'of" tho..fam>iy; 'iauiijy. c'o-tiios. iiVtii lxiii'\o\vn Nvlicii liis-'<>ldcr'Vbrbtli>r iiS crip pled -: by.': a po u§iiv-..P.f - b is -..^'.eo f: :h*^a'rt,'' .Esther .. •Il.ittburn, ■. ■"{X'jid'.• Ivis fatlioi' ,die.S:: Of. a,'heart 'Citla;ok iis ..hj? ,is about'. tb ' • }aunt>'h ■ a 'y/onp't'iiiici?. ea'riipa,igh'...':.. Dft vid^ ;,is :'beld ' bad.k :by bis' . niotber . until - gi'voiv .-'tiie ;maii' -.truck ; tb- 'drive,.'-."the.: droam". :of Jiis. life,. >: 'When tlVp';t%pvi>Thiuent: ppueh . ge ts into |li.e: -hands .b.£ the c.ri.iii int^l, ■ilatbu'rns':.-it"S...up tp .Da.Vid;;-. V-ado •tha't,:^^st-r6.hghb'ld-':aii missibn:•'; Allpf Avhich 'b.p.'dbeS' aCtpi.-; shooting' the' three nvc.h/who.;. ^ ^l:Pree:d...fh^nlseiyes':upo'h^■t■hc.;:giv^ .bier iatheW ■:;....-/V>.: ■'■:'■/■/:] 'r ;• 'it's a -Sim'plb .arid ■ tensip 'yaVit. :So Simple'- that those: jv-^llifhg. i.ri ;pn the. picture rividway. iri; .the 'runiiing .w/ill. prbbfibiy'.iind; it iiard^ to grasp the ■'sij^n i fleance •; of the 'ilater''. a^d draroii-tic • tiridiaioged; footage :W:hicb :..starts': .■\vith ■'; a ... :ili!jht; .;ahd;.; .caiTies thrbiigh'' David's .-exh^iuSted' and gaspi'n' ■.back;; to ' .the -r Vfllage with .•thfe- maiU ' Tiicso ...Wli.b.'.catch ,. .thp. start -wilV^be. the nibst favorably ■ inyiressbd.'..;:j;;;;^.:'-;-;.;.-';^ ;;-.;:■' -U VBeery docs .cxceilentry as .the:', couth 'Villain whilii .Peter, Bichnioyid riiakes the' Sm-all. part. bf tb'p; bailfwit brother, count; Joan ^Peors. fits as tije v.mbunt'ain : girl and :..l.I6nrV.. B-: Walthall is.alhelp. ■ Edmun'd Br<eeSC; biis.^ -been- ■pcrhiiltcd.; tb;. oyPraPt ir\ lus riiain - sberib.- -yi'biie ihti aivparent sti-uggle' for -'.the' halt; hidden gun-, between ..David.; and: Luke - CB^^^ -lias .b^'cri .entirely ,cut.,' ..That'^:>Pr parcrttly ■ pri.;the .thpbry -suph, a;..s.itr ■itation has bebri^ byprdime,. arid .bk(vy. ,'i>atrorisVas •.a Vwhble :.shou 'OrpmAvcil as'-tliis couhtry ;lad,.. ;bnt it's a type: nssigri^neritand -: be ll hayb .tb: .prove whether hp's .;i.n.<^>.»T ' llaari'.:a' one rol.e -' pi'bpp.sition.C ■' P.i^^-': tui-e- ha^ bee^n capably -phbtographptl rind recbrdoci.'; A; liglUwcigUt; cost shcbt.' tdo,-: betvv'oeh . the.. pxtorioVs arid tho, bheap . iri'toriors, , . i:i'im gpt a bdd'b^eiiit i'"'Ti(l'i»-y aftoi;no(Sn.'.wlir5n 'Ut(* '.spurid: .werit' dead .fim'-abo'lit :1-0P leet .;haif\<ray- arid^ then-■bad.: tb ,fight ■!^'; d iscb'ricer.tih.g'.bu 'way:-'..'.'■ '-^^ ^■i;' '. •.[ ^ ■'.,: -.:"■: - . VDavidV .will.riiake.ritpriey for Co-:, iuri}()ia',.. but.. ri-ipst. pt it- .'.Will-'.jOotivp •from tbb'r' bou.sps. . ..o^...;,: ;;;.•;■ v!.';nfHE^:.5!^ • 'Fojc prurai'ii'yrt ;i«d r'-l.'.VN-.?,.',l'ir-'-:-i M'.'n'l rh;\'niiU>'j".'Hiir,iHUi>. . Lo^.s: M'V.ui- -:'iMi;ir..i-l.",,' .Fiv>ri t'h'o :Mr!(fi'V>i'>l!>y ■».!>• C-r .i:»-';?r«!< :i-.'i,: ^M'aUii'i'l-.-.-a-iMl .VwJa'. -ir.'i'.^ ..-/.l'.!'.- ••.•i..;r.i;'!.^^r. : •Arl'hHr X... ToiKl::^ At' .tlu": ll.».y.' N . 'i' . >N'?--.i. -ot .N 'v, U; -'Kuntiiair-tim?';.'T,U' ri:oiir.'»)< . ■\Han:x. '-.i i< : ..v,^.V,-;.. ■ fAn . , fior.w..■;:;■.■;.•'...;i; i .-.-.-i ...M J.lipr; )l.!\::-"iV" 'roii'y. yr. ..»'..'.. .■;.:...'...- • ruviupii. iinim-.w ;->i:i.Sini!>; ;-. .•V-;.'vv.;.v;:.\'.-;v., .:M;\iv ;i.:iaiVv 'Au'iit- -lOiu'Uy.':-...."..'. , Mr*j. .-.i^.tiMoU- L^inipb^;!!,- ■■■ ("the,SingTovy0 /':' ;, '.-\'v.-t-t ■■■'(ALL•^tA:^^<ER■r' }\.:')r .'-i::. '. '':■■/■:■ ' ^ !Rerlin't ;?^bVi^-y>.. .■ ■P.re83byp(T(*T Mm ' rirbduclion . a'n'd. XU'^ l tft-, liiasei • •Adirptccl ii(i.<?r ' ari : idea ■>)y vCii.i-nilno. (ailohe:. wrlticn- by .Hiins ■.S-zelceiy; ; Dhrec- ■;ll»ri , -Carhilno-, Ga'llope. .'Phot'oerarmK .(-urt •(■ouran't anil A:rpad;-.VrraBh(:'.:Souria. GeorfiP- IJiirtfPHsr. . Mu.slc-by' .Krno.ito.. i;al»<r.rn,, iMil'! Hraharii.-xiud Ppul .Ab.rnham. Ueeorded/ 6n-^Tobl.i-KIah-gnim.-Sta:rrJnR HrlKll.te; Helm.- J.ln Kljepu'ra,: Walter ihvhK.sch and .Oeorw A lc;\ander.;- 'Itufirt tni?1 me,. 'JO: mlo'utfea;. .M T^'fa . Patlast' am ■ Zoo, Uerlln; -. .-. : .. -. ■ ■' Beiiito . Muis.spUrii . cbiuVd;.nPt.,ha-ye wished fbr.a better. prbp;2>.gand.a.tliin •fpr his be'.iu.tiful ltaly.V..:The .photpg.- .raiphei^s,-' Curt' Cburajit:;. and .. 'Arpa.d ^Viragh,' ;^hbw- this.;c-i)untry. frbm its most .piQitirefi'^iue" -side. - Fronri the viPw.pbinf Qf. iandsc'a-jJo.s thi-q . talker, is k grcEit aUGcpss.- 'Not so ln, rcgar,d tb its bonteritis','.for it'is:incrcly, a'tlUri with .songs' arid ■accbmpa.nying plbr^ turesi Cohtiriuou-s ^sirigirig, .we hear the splendid powerful' voice, of tht; greit Polish .sing^'r, . J.aii. Ki'f'pura, ■fFb'm the- .s'cirepri;. .th<j .S'bi(;<>i,:6i: 1 ittlo -boys fhom:;Nai)U's'; tli-'erVojocNH of fU^-r-r •tru'de- iicriinor arid WaH^^r ..Ja-nS.s<!ri; aridT^a granibiiborie rbc'o.rd; ' I^or- thP scrl'pt, • mPro'- aetipn 'ttrid': .<>f'riBation. wbu-jd ha-ve better' ai>d .inpi"« '8"r)^l>d..;-^>r'th.r..s,-.f^ ' A■' giiidf/.of • -N'aplo.s; /falls'. Iri Vi)\o \v[vh'^-ji/:licaulifijl.'V-i('tjn'c«fr-y<M- ow,:i.^'',viiigi:i5g btm.>S'/lf iiito bf'r.ijt^Jirt. 07iiy..-io. .fl-rrd •'boi .at; thf»'^-;o.rid'v. .Mvif h .rnfiit'-ityiie) ■l}ij('(«;/'KJ»eVIia;»'.-:p.|ity<'d r'w.^i'th'-.'lilrri.'-. "Wrifi-'.'.ii'pon .hf». ..iioturnK- F:i 1 f'£ii 1 ly..:t-p .|^i.s^))eta^.t 1 fvi l ■^^^^ ■lij;.t;ie' ll.;Jlian.."girl...'fricrid,.'•' .:'.:\.-'.: ;:;:;;'ft -^is■.•rio't;-'ailito ;''!ii};'ciaJ»y;-:-tp.; '(]o.tvr--. nViri'f; - LlifC; rhf'i'iiH:.of' the .f..;/jod': -.'i'c.t')r!i. llk'b':/iif^org -Al'ixiiridfi'r;' vvli.p -. -plays. 'a- .yi'ii'ii ri.fiH'i ...blockh^S'aVi r';il*rjriirif;ly, '.arid'' . W;«^llOr,v ;J.!xitVi?.s'''h,' -, wiiQ ..ktiO.\VH JVoW ■ lb"..nla^•;.e''.so^'Hf^thing " Out ,r>,f 'u'ri .in'ffvn'or'rolr'v,ari nj»''li''''i'r '■if\y' a ■v'l'fy ' t.'i,'lfn''..'M't.t.i(s' it.'iH.Vri ' - .:S«.Hi.tirii'ori.tal' 'st.().v.y, often stixsky'ln: ■.. ^fs'--'swlH>t.tu■'.'sK,^■.playod■■.:■'by '.;a' .--sot '-.iif .' ; p'ririOi'i'ialS .:gen.prxilly " ar'ti-ncial,.- '.ovpri. ; :-boyi->hd .tlic« 'strdintHi'. .ciUiUity of ■the .siorV.: ■Adaii"'up-'tp I'p.S.'j :tli'ari .modi.Ulriv. .'box 6lU'ci>; ■: J f- tlvP- fans .dop-'t -' gigiirve. ■ I.tit if. tbo -,e.ho'rt>'.shbuld.'got .p.ast-.- as ■ :a':liii-ht sub'j.oct. br bnall ainblinf;:; l^ut --. ■:Orie.-ri\iii'^l>la-cbd.iVu:gh-;wilK.'\^^^^^ ::■ :iMi:ttiri^.s.'-th>m5eVves' haye Ibnfi-; put , thbsb. ':nvbbritng. • r'omri-ri.c-es'.i^ into, ' the;' ; dis'e'ai'd,:VhaYing.-'.'c'd'u.Q'ritc.d'', their: owil'. p.iibirc t'p.:;v:'"'e.e b:i so.plii.^ticatibn .: • far' ii'oyorid,-a SyrUpy^:lPS'c: 's'lbry -that' ; .v' liiii-e lK!on.-.a, bit oxti'ome .tvpri b;ua^.•.-iri'.■;tive• 'S'O's, arid' thp'J^'U--.ivave::-. sriiyU ." pivtibrico '.with: it-S- .dumbbell '-= roeii^lv.' It's'.'ail'--ti».o'-;ariclferit psLttQrii'l ri;'rid the.^.lirectiori-' liere- dobS little ■■ to take-the^burSb biff^ •. i > *• . ■ ' .. Story 'originate^.in England, and . the • Bi'itish? idea.^ .rpf : an.. Ariiori'ca.ri..; luriibeiv sbtribthiiig. to ^rtarvel:. '■ at;.; .Thb' Jjpro, .an ■•Ehfilish;■ ypurigor;. , ■soii/ in thb'.i.ibw Aybria. as -a. remits..-, ■tririce::riVari,'-is-'.critireiy ■sartou jtimbprjacks who act .perfectly a ; gi-OUp of. pxtrerilely - British' . Jqliy' ■' .gbod fellows,'.■.■Pbillips.Hbirhbs,:t.yp.^ '.cal ..drdwlng-Tpoht typb(.;^'s.'t.h<fe stalf '..■ ■wii,rt: h<?rp, -playiiig the: rough-arid- ■ t.uinbic lumber p'ahip .giiijv^^ a.s. : yb'u.'d''^'p'ect lyor- Nbvcllp.tpv play Itv . IMieV character './is..,stagey-; enough r. withpiit' being played 'by. a niatlniise ' type.;. ■-"'';.-■''■• ■ ''''V ..,' p- ■.'•■•;:■.■■;• ■:'■. ■;: " rV "■ • 'Loisj ;Mprari dpesn't.dp rijuch.better, . rt's''doubtfUl: if any ■actress..-short, bf; an -iMispired Bernhardt cbiild hay^ . ..[.rna'de m.ubiv of thiS:;stereotyped 6c-' 'tionai,. figure;.. .^Miripr .rplefe; arb w.^ll • played,' includirig.: ti': Briti-slv. ■ matron.' ; dbne.. .; by.; Mrs;.;. PatCick. .. Crihiphell (grown .heavy in figiire)." . : . V ' ' : .The caster;.gathbred. British. p1a;y- prs for . iOib ■ fl.iiri; ..uritjl it. hurt,:'..nbt fbrgettirig Pat ."Sbmerset,; ■\y:hb . dpe^ . .so .^malj: a ,bi.t he doesn't .get' into', the :prbgr4:m';.,; . At that,.-the bu.rlc'd'.:.! darl irig bf: tlie 1 pgging' camp.,,'wias. hp-- riiore': remarkable: tbari. thb :;.back;-.." ■Woods ba.ll. wh'ere muph of .the '•. oa-rly aptloh tJt.Kes place'.;: "i^hc .estab- ; ];h;mc!rit. is. mbdeled-stbictly ori. tho^:,' Brlti-sh Idi'a pC whiat ii-Ijpridpn- wprk- '. 'ingmari'a plub \y:buld, if; it; \yere trahsplarited to the. Clariadiari . ho^thWesf. ; Grily ..for ■'pi.feturesqu.bdi lbGaLl. ;coipr '' they sp.rinklb. .the resp.rt:; witli: :dancc.'ihall,. girli;:wiip. are :^er'r .v fept iadi.cs.V':-;''^v; ^• ■ ^ :-: -r' ■ ^-': .•;'■'■; -.:'..'■ . . :M?ixinb- .(' ';CIa-rke)- is ^'b'ne '.p,f.. ;therii,.'a -part 'writteri and, played: .bh'; the screen on.the exact rnodcl of the'V herblnb of .' ■''E.rtst;.; 'Lyririe,'.'. and-.: a . s'Q'r.oairi;;:: .She falls 'Jri-;Ibye '\vith; the goldt?n^hpadcd^ bby.. scbiit:..with; the riiatjrt.llriVahii.ridbn'b'f .NeH ] Ss.e.wirig iriachJhe igiri; .fbllpws hlrn, to •' •:Erigland,. wiien .the ..present e^^ .; til.'! -'reiati'vb .'are in.:' off-Stage aPr.ld>^ritt .lea.;Vlng.-the to tbp herb.. This lA ttlb .Lior.d, .FD;M n-.'.; tlproy .tpuch ;wa3 .the 'leiast bf. thp .- xjpmic. s.iaritis.v.; .:;■';"•:• .''; -:. ■'-■•■.: •Britl's.ii :''eelheart-^h prpmised:, .she;'.d'^ for thp herb, -^arid;:when; he came, back Shp.. wa's. tid Ing arpund: in., h*»r: bwh il^blls and had. k pfiyate'.air-. ■pTariCy which /Bpokp: .vblurties ?i.b.blit,' :hPr. .shatti&.red .'-promise,;' -,^nyho'vir,: .slip., drives the plfx;ne ' dpWp .^nto .a: stid..*!te lawn.;party- for,a Snappy.a.tti.-- dip: .tb'uch,-:a.rtd . then/ In' a', fit. of de- Rpondericy;.,:gail.s acrpsS;tlibL chaTirici:; tP forget.- the'pstst;'-'■ ■'::'. - ■..> --.^-;--.'i,"'-: ' It^s tili'vpry^'sail and':te'dlbuSC ■: ^.•■:;.■■. '■'■ ■ 'Sw'i-'--; '-by:.'Ciji taiHrig bisv.linp.s . t.p.-a. riuni Imuin".- Ah ti hiatl.p.r of :./:.fu*t,'.,th^r<.''.^ 'vicre'- fpAvly iQnfi^ sllerit. .pa^sS-fig'^H'. 'for- which 'drairiMi'O a/;t.ion '.l*;Ja;^. ^gitif, ma.te-.bxbusc,■• ^'•^.'■.■■.■;.:•■ ";■'■'. './.Gijluipbia.-. 'vexpf's , antl.-: :.rt-ty"slonV',. ' must; hi'y.'o rsat 'thrpugh the' if;il"'ftt .'prirtt',tlmo; .after...tJrij'b:.-as 'th/tfv'S -.n ri.- .absolute ■ 'i)arall.e.l: .Kf!t\v:ce.ri the :tvro; •.■int'erpratfttiQn..s.' . i.That'-vigoc..^;- '.nrito Beery ; barig;lrig:V..:.C.rQrh>Ve:^ against; a, 'dbpr .'4uring th.e ; ciitpax fight asalso' the/; h,eslia.nt open i.ricr. : of. tb is' ■:8ariie':■ door''.thir.ough ->vh Irh' ..Crbm-well jBlbwly' emerges:l.pllow:ihg i riV^vpfy. ;b?fd.jy..fth-.b-f.^r .'•a''ya'm.po-r. ( J.rfj.triL.- ■Ga rbb,(' iji '■sorry, tb- -Ht;i t o Uiat.Hiiis . Ori'tjp/ »o: fap;ih\(i( -.i.j';aytifli.i r'j.'ct'r.riss J.'j. -Kflrjp.'iug' -wiih . r.','ir')i ■;iijr'n, ii f *i; loss*- u ri dot;.'-tl wf :>drry.'.t<l hj^^^ ■'i'i-'V'-:'.'" :.'-••;■";.'■ •.■.••■::.•.■l^'^ > .''-li'jifjt.--of o't'hox''^ S.rj;urid; :;'r';rri'pd:u'.f:11<j'h--.:.' 'pri- ;. 'i'fjb.i.4-''i .K.j an gfil m ■a^)p;.triii t -nfn.d,:;pur:e. :'■ ■■'■ {.'.V ''.: .■'..•■.•^■- ■ >■'' :.'.'';A'.udi'';.'nfje ■Vd.i.vldfijrl''' .in.. ■.-re'jppi i»-i.ri.'i- -RpmainV. tp .be -;fi^ph; if .!.^^f'^^j»?ai^'t■^.flil :. •vVilf.'^fi. Ki.opura an'd . tlio; ;bo':njt.v :.'>f.'i Brigi't't:'! llf.Uri •wiU.'.rn;u.k<v-'it:.M .Tltuiri.-',. V?lai s'ij(V(-fiKii '.iri::ttiA •f;>'^".."' of- 'ill dtJi'-t- ' fau-1't's arid.' -sJloH'-brnIrigs. - Sfnjtm^yy ) ::;•■■':. Ranges .■.■.^CVV'iile--Sbreeri)'.: -r' "'-[^y - '-.-Chicago,-Nov.''15,'-■ ■ mdh^ first pubilo prcHC-naUbrt/ of • the Sj>.oor.-:.IJe-rgen--:NutUrat-- Vision- , (wide- - tlini).-- 'I'n-ai yitiiyt; LoufH -. Wolholm;. ■ Roboi-t: 'Ann-?-; -dlrorig and J'rtian - Arthur; ; Ijlre.eled- . by .■ y.mrifii -11.-. fii-ni' from.- a'.^Blory■■.l>y,-.-<.«-> ■ A.sliiiraft.-. ■ ■Worlil-.. ■ji.remlero .;N'>v.^ -'1.'; ■ fit; . Stuii.'Vj^lte,. Cl\rcago. .... iluhhing . .time"-.87 : ni,:m. ' ■•.:-' •-:/;. '.:.'-':.;.': :■-'■■':' ' -."DJiriger'I.+ight,'j'-' hafj>.V)fipp'h^s'.l'fAYn'-. aro.ririd- .tlie '(;:/>uri.lry-. i;h rog'uiar.;- 45 .. .rrirn,.': ' AS - .'such- ■■ ':it '^'6 uld.; - i>rpbal>iy ■.: rat.e- .i3Uj;. a.-^prf^tty., gfibd.'.htifrp;id' iju^hty .'drama. ;.-'With .th.e.' ne,w ■' '.big .'-.sf;^:een,- ,.lrid .-.thft-'third; d:iiW'iisib.rial:a«pfM;.t. it' ;beeprii'p.M .'.an evpn!:■ bf i M-'wt ki'har^ ■'. 'liU'y. •i-.iinl-y •'te. '.Srwpjir:'pcpJftc-;,' lluri" .c-qurpriyfint.ripw:' !«.■■ (''xJ^jl-pnfft: i3_; in thei.'Stntxi'-riakft' bWrth, ,8b Pi^ii-'.- siirriabi'y it'v..wi.H'be.'.'a .Iorrg ifnie' bp,.- ', ■fo.rti'..'pthpr;.t'iiif;.;ii^'g']f;t a .|j€'r■p.■' ■It. is npt. rf'porU'.'d .yi^i.i'.ih'<!« l3_ .Mhe-'./Wfit'hiiPn. -Xq' move .tlie. ■StaMJ*-' T>akb ■ pixr;ii)}iprn;ali'a tV) '..othpr ,.sri;?^t.s,. •J'.b:t't; .1 j I'-i-j c h I :',fj r 'riVi gilt ri o t' 1 )9. f p asl bib;; ^ iCa.oh ; '^n./iclirTK!.. i.s .'safrl',■ f p-- r'f;pr«.4«,'nt.. .•iTi'- .ar:l^j'.;'if .-,T'Mati(ir;i<;tirnri,'g'. ...<:"f)!^t..: o.f- '■'%'i:i/)U<)'v/VLh (\lorn{^^^^ .n'-cp.<i- ■: ;?ai-y;~ '.'.''h;pxi-(lf!H^ ■• thp;.- pxli'a.-. prDjcp-'i ' I i<>rii-.vii: .f-rlvj-o/i tV)'- ai.^'sii'if'l.».- tbf.;-Siii.ty.^ ■' h-ad'-a.'^rf'W-.-fi'ir'. K' ;A;;i.iul'.Wf)''>'ijr-- -/^rl,f^rrl<'rM•H- ol.;/siU'vr'in.g....t^ -;'' .d.'iy.';a--'- .•r<'i<rjlifs-.-:.' ^: '• ■■/--;: ;'-' ::';-'-.:-. -; -'--,: -;. ■^-rt!il'ur>My;H vif'iKht;. ^irir''''•lin;^^i; "dpro^ bj.i»<v'1.''':/. :y')■.'. 1 r'n..iKu;t-(ii:i.t - rK-i.-^fift \iH,' ■ri,/-'r.<.';'w'fVi»-ft. i)Ojiit)(.-r..v'i''•rn.'»r.nil'()f.tyi'!fv;■' 'Jt<i.ri;Tikft..'rni; (Ji«'-^'fiwif/^h<n''iTV<,:;-^p^ 'xr«'.T'i<''i''j) K -'l.hi? f 'Mi'i Mi.'l: y)<:\viy>'^\- MnjX:' .n\i'< y\iyxA -vk :ri.uM'i-''rl 'iH,i^r-'ri'.**l'y... ^/-^ .■• A>i..-a-;iiwri;iti-v/i^- '-iMriiivr -r/I^^^^ :'i;s;.,w''*1i ..'ilic'td': of vlii' 'ij.Hir.'ii? o-.i.bpo.rte i'H>ci:;>'!i, '■:''I-t--'l-i(nf» ■■ a\,sirrtp1«.« :'f;t;'>'i'y. 'bf ■• \v'bol P.'ivirm'-iy''vh^^^^^ •';fi)n'iK'''tr'l..i.blf' •■dii.'('.<-?t hi'',SS.',:'^Tr;)i'.'i't'.;.ls- ii'irii/i' iobiJ-i' ti'.' y^onroiT.C'i:' u».it .■ -fbi.rt>. 'iit^ '<>'r''Tr':..lji..Yp'p-:/.U\.ryi(V'.n;t^^ ^T b.-'.t.'fi r V.i'v -. i -j;-:', I'''S X f'.> ■ 'i'r'bjii.. ■ a:- ■ ;■ ;;, ;(::'-%yrii;;n\iV'd;oii'-paij'? '. ..''