Variety (Nov 1930)

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44 . irhis department/cpntains rewriitftn theatpical- news- iteiris ;a« pub (ished. dvJ.ring th'e . Week' in the itlaiJy.:papers, ofNew Ybrk^. Chicagor; Sari . Fraricisbb, Hollywood^ and . London,,., Vartety; tj^kes' no .credit. for theiie nevvs- items; e^ch. lias been revvritten 'from a daily. paP^T* NEW YORK ■.'Elsie, r.i'upo. ia .(l^maiuli'i^f ' ^jp'' -'A '. woi'k .'iiliuiQH'i; ■ ■ from : \wv .>i Usl.iu.rid,- >lor.i4;'?..(iVUf)|)^:trainUpne pI.;iyvi^^ in, a' iieparci'liuii ..a^tvtiivh liiru". - .Slie' ^v:int>> viiiotiuT ''SUaeo foi-:iiei-. atli.ij);- :n<>ya;'".- i\i rs.- «.i;tipp': .'*aliT.'-li+"'r ijusljiinil; iTjfikos '^i'i.iO i,).p;r:week.;'\yhii;lyho. .n^os,. ■..say.inK.'V'fie. hacln'^t -.madp thijt irilicji• siii,c'e •.thf^. -riiinotlt.h.i* •niUsic:miia^\husinc3S,;:., ; ^ ; V Mi-,s ■• ~G tii pit ■ .cliaVeoel' 1) f u m 1 ).ai i (t beat- iioV ijoh; by>.a^il:Grn^.<?r' .n.u\rt-ja.U.o.. ■pile'also. air.Wjgci! to loa.hciV $.a,coo;;\Y'hi(.*h he suii owe.H.; ■ '. B^oatis-p. ;■B^hJa.iifiiit.' Dulbcr,^'0r, • ojv- tTieVja'\v, Uy Will O.sborne /wften- li.6 Served- ilYc jatter.-. \Vith. pap:6i»y - in'..a; isuit as^inst ; hini.: •l?.uh>e.i'srf!iv. lias.: •Jiimsolf i^tarlc^d 3uit .iTtgain'st. Qabonie for ■■ ?3,f)ttfi .'for;, ^dariiaijc^s/• -.Qs ■ wa'is; served-in the. laltrr Jsiut . .wlvilfe . lii! r/was • W .itpevV's; ;dnJheutri^ ;.8l)ili " stree^i "■-."x'- .'. ■ '' '■ /j,-;:• '' btbor-siiil'-'Wiis- .on •the ■eonUMMp'^: . pf .K<l\vu'vd' G. ^J'efeon; -wlio ".<->i,in*p:cd: .. iyntjLfiu'risivr • ajirainst..' Osbwrnev .. :anrt;. •••'Irving .jBoriin, ns'-.the .p•ub■l^s1:K'l^■• foi" . thi?-alleged.llftihp-:oC ''O.Ji a^B!.ue- .an ■•Sl6oii'le;^ii .Nit^l'u,".- N.elso.ri.-. avi?i;s .it, .Svas\s.\vipod . from .;his;...''pil-ty •the-Sink/:' .;.; J ;■■-.■•■■• . PegeV vVoyce his . yetut:flcd. ;£rorrii 'vEu'ilo'lije;,.; "..'!.:.••■ ^\V- V';'.'",V'-' ' .•• (jiily-.iO .'staBeVpla'ys :'on .rM*biia,\yay' a'r6. lit to'pri 'by peovVle .of.^^^^^^^ arid: lrtteIiiRenc.e;- asserted .Revz/Dr'. - Jolin^^'Htiyhes. .Holmes, in aitt .atl.dress In . thV Cbrnniuni.ty .Gllureh , ori.; Paris 'Va^ehiie;:-;''.'.' > H:- .-. ^''^ -• 'a'-:'" .''.' '. :f f'ii.r .^s•.a.s..^^^vetl•••a• iiij.iiiiii.n:tii>j .for-r^ecbf • li Ji$.;iiji:u;i<ifi:; y ■ ' -V.'-. ... .IffMrtr-ijiij:'- a ■.unif(;n-mo.ti..vpbiic'fttrtaT|.- iVho,>;tVHja a.-few' yutrtls aVv.a.y .wujting; f.oi'-a 1)11$. a r«.iiber frciru .tbci ■ \\'(i.tii; in'-.l iV-ki 1 r? t ■ .J^(> ; .a^^ ■ '('-(imihiri,; N/ Jii.' (tiu^iivjr ..'th.o J jour, liortljor .e.scvtp.ed in th'ie Oruv^-a:, . .., '■. :■ •, S'ydney,..'PriCnkliri's. planried • tAni t- irjA'-^oif "th-P lVuir i*xliibitioh, ' iala'tecl to' iL e : b(Vl(j i.ri; Nowaric; j^o^,:;.3a, lat .uff. :'l he.;|)(/lic!;:; 7:-^ ■ ' ':lf:inil-o/'r cant :,..6£-. '•''t'l-aiiljie , and .■J(?iiiinite;"/^4^^^^ . star, ami John. K-irkl{i»vd, .;a athpr; .\yere let off v\ itii .SH • SeRsicinif;.^. ijaniair pri ; cihargeH}; jcyt .liivpfilti-tng in ..ahvliniritoiai .per.foi'jn-^. ahce. •! . Shcfvyr:. was . r^^ i.O. ■.\\ hire; at. lirarid.tLs ■ Carlton,. Ja ^t roi^fhtiy closed a >iii*r.t -iJroa(Ji^^^^ :e.rtgai?enierit..'>v.^:'---; V.' ■"..•'; '.. ^Kp^)•ly.i.n)?''^t.Q •'■ thW^ .1:( iJliUi O.; :T.i\oy;. ex-^-sliow, .•girl, 'wiic)' is; .as)dnK- .$.2fii);Q0a -fron) ■ J.p'h>i' .A.-. .UojiglaWdI:. upnprp; •. for;'■ a beatihfe. made a. flejriial; and def-lsii^ed •sht>- waR^ . IWtpxioateuvV:. il.oa&land: cjiarpcid that ' ":She .atta<iked inst6a,d; .i.^^vheh he;. tripd to prevent: her .n^^^^ .;{iny''=inor^.^- •.;•'■•■..■■ '' \-' Suni involved .wdg |4,26ft. This: de- cision ijp'lrel(l..;tho :verdlc.t ;by . the lo.w^r court,"&iyin& j^lss .Bainter-a verdict foi* |3,60O. -Miss Balnter p.Jalnifed that .when she, was Uvlnff at 1 ' . 6.4th:3treet, New York-, City;' .he'r- Jevy'tils disappearnid; It >.'vVas.. in-.; .sured- by the Fidelity and Deposit ■CO.:;-: ■- In tht>■3f./ Cb.uri- Mpriday f-Ic',ort;«j. .VVh ite;.sougrht thC:; reeoyery. frwri'i- .trie •.gov'ernriient.-.of.- 'Squjh,- ^ 2C, - ■ ono •-Avhrch ."lie- paid .^t\vo yfiiars; ago undeiv iirbtcstr. ; 'i^he. . €rpyei"riri.»eiu. ojaijn0d tit:.:Sv'.ji^ ■ .imbney . securfjd . by; hiih in.O'xcess-Of the bOJC blllce iirico/ .of- 'ticketij .' fpr : VScan'ditls''. .tiiffv Ap;o.ll<^; . At that time ithe.'.b^^^ Was. geltihR .cei-trtin. fr.dni. tKc tirk£;t;'iii,''(.';n?;ies for choice /Ipciiitions..: ■•\yh.ite.=..: cbiit^ndS. . the: chin -.Svas • .i^ratuity.,.and .th<it he..'split;•vsrilh-.the. tvea:«iu;er/G«»6i:g,e('>forel>> '...•..Ala.hy ■.lic.k'fc.r'.Brokers ^■■we'rirv.'cftlh'!'';' fiy ..the. •ff().Vi?rrimen.t, to..testify,. •svit.ti .Lhe .soverriment-aijln.lirig to tihpSv tluit. ji .fioccci; price ' .per; .'ticket :was ■ ijaiil- by -thb'it^fwVc.y' ril.ehi:^ .Evidcncb tohd'-. 'ed ' tp show" thnt. ihe. rate • Wafs . $1 rfdr, ?^c;h ...J'locjilipri.''- ''thp-''Will invpjjfibly' Gonsuitie. sey :; "iMie . goyernment loction of; 5Q per. certt.-pf moiji(3y:'paid • agencies, . to . box ;6flVce..'m the.; .result .of the- .Tiittie . ticket -triVes'tr^ ^iUloh,: Several tir6a.sur6rj^ •have-'i^^^^^^ tH6v>cija-,im-ii;-,i' ■1n's'isi)ni.g:.;-.fhat sraf.u-itje's; Arei .:.npn^ta;xah]e" at the-. .lid vice i of ; -c'ounsel; .The:; matter ib' i f till'^ jyehding,'. . W the' b,p\: 'pflRee: riip^n .viml<;i*. -bond.; . to ■■•jiay"- ,'it' the fih'al • dieicisipr>favors. .■ the.-. .'lifierit,.'-.-' V; ;■;'•.' '■•;,; '■. v-'/-- . Ir'<^P(illty;.b,f .a. tai^ plt'tui-e'icphr- .fes«ipn pi'fisont.C'd as.-eviderice .it' a' pi'iVfinet"'H .trial, -was - u^^^ tiy .the; S bite -Superior. O ourt]" JPh iradelphij(,.' T<Mrst'vtulker,.;eve:t' tnndtH ot 'si i?risr .piier'S cphfess'iop was .pres^ented. risr^^^ cently aa evidence. .,in. fhe^trial of liaxbici. • JR<)l>'er,- He ■ wa s. sent^nced to five ii'earsi. . Th.:e 'a:t)piea.l' on. the ieti;aU'ti'. \of the.- tjilkei^i JVfi..;: evi-i cl'ence.: ,:;'■.■ •■.■>'- ' •■-.: ^.';''-'.,-' ' Six 'ahpw ; 'R:lvli3. arid-,$9 tncn ; were, ■ .(iti-'festtHl .wh^h-.pojico Talded' a; stag; - "^show in the' ( Jerrittse.n.-Beach. Y.acht Cluh;:i?rooklyn/ The-jneri; held: lAter, ..were . jujst .Vakliif?. their ..,sc.a is.; when . . th6 police told them;\thej':.\v<;re; "lin-; .dc'r arrest. - Thereby;, the; police had. lio. xjV^dei^?'.Pf ■ wro^Sdph ;.'.; ' ; •-; Alice Nieisbn, fanii?(i. asithb; ".Gjfpv ■■■ ay sweetheart" ,.lri- ilerbert-s.^ r'.'.Fpi;- tune TfcHer,'- hbw. Uet'irCd ;and. ;the ^ grandriipther br a IS-yca.r^ ■ was granted a' divorce .'-and $=l.l>iOQO ' s.ettleihcnt; frbnv hei* ^hlxsharid. .Dr. -ieRij'y • Stoddtird, '; i?lastic ; sjuvgeon. - .Witnesfkis described'; a:;Va;ld- on the ■ -surgeph"^. 'apartment, .'at, .138 ...Wfest • ;58th street,.-in. Av.hich: was found .a Wbnian In pajanvag'-thfc-. dpctop him self- .. Tive^; .w.omii-n.;.wUs;. ixVchtiniad. in ■ -the .teh tlTivony. only. as. I'A. .-H-..-■ ^ •,. :, Sanitarium:of the N, y. A: at'&ar- ar u' gave a dinncr-NoyV : 1.0 - to; rned i> . -fcal- ijien :pi nbrthwestern New''xprk It , was anripuricbd" funds, are avails .ab^e -fpr e.quiphient.and'starf^/^^v. ; An tnvolt?ritai:y p^tUioh in Imnk- / ruptcV 1^^,■ixs Hied -In federa:i. COti.Kt Brooklvh, a&ain'st ;.the .Allison .Drug gtbres, Inc.; which • biiie.ratej^ ..Or.a.y'.^ at IJrbaaway and 43d .street,.tlVrpugh whivh. one ent«i'?- Jbc.T.eblan^f's ctit.- :. rate.-tlve.iti'e fici<ct .counters'; ,Tiel)lat)p - srtld.;iG .the.-.corner -bccupiod ;.by .. the; drtig.' atoi'e. is-.vae;ited ho ;Avill - mbvb furward' /into that.' Kpa'Ce. •,-He.',ls pwhor pf the.ibuiialng. ;;.:' .'/-....■■S. ; ; j^ull; :cO-operatibiif ..'of thb' .i>ictur,o .ind;ustry -in .ithe .linigrnpldy.meiiit re- Ut>f 'prog'riiih ahd- th6 lirbmb'tion. ; 0^^^ th.e ''.'Biiy Nbw*\ .rrioverhent' itb .spefd- u p 1 n du strial recoVery .Wa^ plied g.ed by ':Wlli . Hv Hays .- to;. Coh. .::Art;huj' WiobdsV .bhalrriian oi . the .'Presi'dent'-s Eriieri?ency.' GpmmltteV.> . . '• : ■' ';• Meitirioriai services .Wer^^'heltl: itph^ ;day •• (.iJ4)" . ' f or ; ClalH .^Jaiiaess,-. the Ahiierican actress who died'at liiclilt hibrid, .iilngl^nd/iat the'-M^ i^rouhd;thij Corner^ New .■ypri^ . Giiia'ei'ipfl''. B.'imbos.c'hek,: -for.-' .IS ' yea~i:R. iviVo-lhe^ .staff -p.f Ihq ^■^^>lro]ip1^y , titri •..0])er"ji .Co; .;a.s. cond.tiOtpr-.vU.rid- ;. musiciu secretary,. Svas placed in '^a; ■■■ 'cell i ii the! cpuhfy... Jait last \ •ot.t. ■ a cfs'il. ord<>r . of itrre.'st; ;biHalt'v.d. by . ;his ..wife.• Bl.ahche, who chai^.t?eil hv .bWcs...her .$l;2C)[0;al|mpiTy..^.^■ .' ■ Mrs. Banihb.schek was iri antbd hCr .dlv'orte;:.(le.'c.rb.e..;..W with' ;: .^;$100'';w.eekly';.alimon^^^ " - ' ; Tivc-:: i.ViidO/: st.i't'ue. ■■ -bt thb.; 'colbired : a!ctprv. Paul. Uolx'son,;. bobt^nl' out. of ;' - /o n e' -rt rt - f^all a i- y ■ ;a ft (,m\ .: a.ii.b.l h (\r, • \v..'(s ' '. retribved; '.-from . -the . I''plori -' Tie.ii:};xie cIub..(vrttT;.nibrVil';d^c-.ldVd diiln't: bblong Stith. ii.k^-rios.^^e.s pf'/i'rcsidcnt ■ ■. I-IooVo.r;;: .Car'fiii-khI--.tlayos; • Bishbl.i' .; Manhli^g^iiid ;Bal)bi Wii^bi. : : -. ■; . '. ■. . " ;irehe.. Bordoni'a :,$iQ',00(i. id.ahiage ..suit :-ag!un^t M-i's; .-Aii'>!b.^v Clarli ^aiid :: other sbbiet'y - -Ibaders-'-^ ,o,f . Rlianii ijea eh' wa.s d is'i'hL*;.s'(.> d ^1 n ..M lam i, M l as ,; Bbrdunl'' she hail..not vbo'.ori • paid for. a pe;\s6nal.'aiM^bai\'iuob -.a^^^^ .. •jsiMety:' ' .^show' - ^tiiged--. -.: thtire. ^ la.sf .... sin'iuu* u.hfli?!*; Mt'fl.' 01ft!i'k\^; (lir.e.ct'!bh.. . ' Suit; ■Avas' drsmlisfled ;bh;- .th<»- ruling: '.' tl'; t'l.i'c . .\\%a.«...Vbvbri.g.h.t- in;• t-ht' ■-wrt^'iig ;i;uvis.ilictioii. •■ • .■■-'.■.■.■•.•.. ;;•,■ /Pbinhotltlpii beiweeri the'-Woslrrri, . i;"jvipiv.ahd.Pystal .uVlograplr;\Vl.ll-:.h.Pt •ex.tcn'd/tivilv6-;s'fiTo>;Ql thcftvt.rcv -tjclce.f-s . in .-New- Yi)i'1c..eity, .J.'.C.,; WillO.vci:. pf .;w;-i/^/, (Jr-o;i?i(-ed;-, ::;;^l-' ■~ Rioimrd. Dfx had ri nartlo.W-.bscSt'pe: • the night of; Noy. 20 when hfr';8a.yy^l - ;himsel£ frjam' ^m./bhconiing tax.lodb - .34tli, 'street and :- 7t}\- .Ji^vetiue . by . jumi'jlhg; bh. ita .bunipei' -and;. cUhfifinfe ,:. to the racJiafoPvca'p; lie^' was carried /i; blbc'k;tb. 33d;>itre.(>t 'h^fbt•p "the■ taxi: : V .Btopf .' ITie'.. i'(iGelved fiUght' b.urnfi,..oti' , the hand frotn the. radiaitbr^ Chauf r Specujationi'; in the theatre tickets \V,a s :dbnojinced... as - ;V 'Ir.iacket'.' ■■ cqr-f r.ui)ti:rig Ijox; ptfibe. eniplpyees;- aii.d pr*:ying.;;upbri integrity ..of ..the- tlieatre; and defeTyded, bri- thb; 'pther hiih:cl-, as; ;the. savibur -pf the;;busi.-- nes's, ;ih ..thb, ih.1iihctlbri. siiit. tiefe^un, by.: the t^eague ~ .of ;NeW ' Vpf k The - - atre.s, oh behalf of \S'a.m H. Harris; a'ga .1 ack's ^Tlieatre .Tick-et: Scrv-: ice. in . the- N:;;: Y/:. SupV«i.rne .Co.vir.t., .League; seekK- to. .restrain: .lixc'lc Pas- {ternapk,- of .:.the .ag.ericj'-, "fronV .resiell- ing, tlcK'ets. to ''Once i.h a; LiEetime;'! •;*a.t: -tvn- excessive 'pKc -/..Justice :\Va.sserv<)g'el,- after llsU^n'- ini? to the aiigunieiit, res.or.-ye.d - de-. elision, brcj\-'i^lng'..bbtli-Jsjdeti; to sub- .mit'brlfefJ* by -t^dhy; ;;;'^ ' Three; meni 'bhe' arriied, tied, up.the . treasuror '. ht. -ih& . rFbx... Oblbriial, lirp.iik.i.yri.: in the .t.h.ftatre ; pihce 'a:<ir jbiniiig; the lobby and escfiped' with ■$tio ;ti»c..night;ipc;.Npv. [2o:,: ■;'.;:,■•'• ' "Because sive; feii dpwn.a, stairway. ih;;.Carnegle . iiair ai'vdi .r^^ iti-: jui-tes ■ iiiie.;>jays:-.-are serious', .Chrisr .tiiie TiiiVinsdoh', .portrait palmer; who iVfid a .s-tudlb ..jn th.te.l)ui.idl|Vg,..started: -suit 'a)fai:nsf. Caniesrie .;HalL■.Iri.c-v. for -,515P;U0.0 ■danViiges,;' .. i5.hc; .stdir.way wrvs 'pooi'ly^-Hgltted.;:. f . < . . ; ;;i<'u,nei'al ot iVTi-s; .-Ah'ii .^teveiia B.tir;-' j'ldjge-. -the '::fb.rmev; Dolly -SteVen's;.' .Bi;badway. actres-s..- during :th'e vSO's,;' .was.'.h.dia., ^;ov. *-lJ>. ...l'>hllaclelphia^ T\vb .days be1;pi;o elie.. iiad exp<>cifed to.:go" to js.cW Y:b'rk; iri - conheQtibn Sv.ith her 'tb . break'.the; .will- bf 'her; ; Isite: hlijlband,. Francl.s Ogden: Buri idge,.. '!iv;ealthy;. iv6n,-pro;;; Cp.urt (iciioh wa.s. ta; Itave .bpeiied Friday.: (ah:.;-'■:■..-■;, •.'■ ■. -■.'-'■;'-.: .' ::.-;.■: .. • jShiv/dropped; put' pP^ ;.Ncvy»; Turk , years ;?i.Pb -and' emerged; frbhi bbsctirjity'.; h)bnth' . clainv^ a: :.share; of he^r ;husband's; estate.' . - ; . ;. Secret ;imarriage pt;'^ar.lp'h. Benda; 24,. n\iQ\Y -jgirl>.;a'.-^'ee1k .. ag vealed .at .Novv''ilk,' 'Got^n!,^ Siinday (23); •"She.beoarite-.the.wi^ :.of ;Bar.6n ->)tui)pre:chtf;vptn BbechUfi.'; ;t•" ■ . .They; sailed - from . last V'feek ■■ tb :?hak!e their ; home /ih (Jer.- inahy.v ;"V:-'-- ."■-;,;■'; ■ ■■;:;;-..■ •"';' \Viife bt'fpre? the lajst. Np'w: has, iwo Suing 'i»fm,\BlrtiulUne.ousiy:. ' . -• .; : Eilribf ■ J'ailr.s fliial ; decree; ■VVllliam Boi;d delivered. ;; ; frbm , Pasadetta . traffic;' - cpp, :eharles Painter, had >:; his . :three'ryear:-:Qld' tharrlctge;.:{ihhullcd' because.: Irerie :Windftr talritbr,' cherus- girl, was bhiir i7Vyeara. -vC'hen^::^ and :r.efu^es - to .giA-e .up .tite.. stage.:,. ; r B^irt •' NolSbn'-;;permi -^.to' keep 'a iibn .was revoked by the pa-; iloe.; /cpinirhi.'jsibn;, . ;The' yajjcle ' actor vyill 1 ia-C'e tp;moS-'e.: oh ;;by. Dec; ;l;. ;' - Libyd. Hiinilton, .pictiirc-^i .earned. $27,328 since;.Match and .spen^ .?2T,-; 544;'. Hiv4 . asked; the cpu.rt tb';hibdifj' .Haniilton i'iao 'a/hipn'iiii,.'\.;\-..-.: ■;:;;;;;'' v;; ■■ -' Lee; If.. - Cbri^taible; sihd Ip-, carpch - tci-i, iiaij. twice ;k.idriapi)ed with .in, a: week l>y three:.liien who bclleye hei has a i)hbtbgraph ;tal<.en .at a vv.iid. party in. ■Tpijanga,;..C4hybri;. ^^wb (prpmirieht ..£ihd.; weailthy .men;, are siipppsed vtb ; have . participatiSd: .ii>' th'e: /;iy.;: (Jbhstable. 'clah"? .; t-h* ph6tpgrai?h is ih'N^bvaska.. drlrikihg In 'a; divorce suit»;; Gone- ■ .vie.yb.. jj'lj-hh .niittrried h'iin .in' I9i^.; . : S.iehch: bombs . Planted ;b.eciiuso ; $i iheatrei refused to, l:enew a ■ contract; -. to emi>loy-flYei projfectlpiiist.'s: caus'ecl tho arrest bf 'Frank S. H^qggfins, hiU'r pOjSt^r^ :and Mrss- Gbra Lane, .i^gal charge, ,attt|&rii|pted arsohV^ .; Dairmpur; ;.epmp,any;.sh.ootlhg' ^'Pea . 'DeyUS'", -it .'sea..wtis; resci;ed . by. ;e.a-i 1 -•"• orf? frorh... ttve .-West ..Virginia wlieh \ their '.sch.pbner'' wVis. disiibi.Q^ A jury.tiixbd Mrs?-, -Leta.O.'rlbb >*5in-- ' dorif,.; legit, $ KO.Ci 6 fb'r knocking; dbwh Birs. Jane.Pafne -w-ith her. .car; Suit, .was ■■■foi\-..$5p,614;-..■;';.; ■■\-y' y, ';: E.viF^ljrn Stark,'vpichir(eg,;-a ' '$;35.650 ;;ahd;BPt '$s\ooo; for teeth j(jst; ".and. 3;aw.fractui'ed^ih. thia idraish a;' pjirke'd: car; thai cba.'itedi-;; ; .^Jfphn"; Ban^ynxoVe; iie ..vrecbYerlhg v frbmV a fever; cbHtracted: in . (ijiatev ; mala,.: a<:.e.b)fd,lhg;;to ;a ^wireless: frojn ■. 'Hi3:.y<acht<;-; -v-.;'.' .-• .- •, '■ ■ ;-.^;.. -• : New lios: Ahgelieii du^e'btbry^ .o,fe;: with- . Carlo; .. Aabar.; actor, and V; 'sigi-is.. pit; with.;- Mahhel. vZyiz,' actoi'. -,;;; . . Agnes'' Ay.r'es>;;-formerly-;plcturesi ' now .principal bwhen.;;of .'the .Golden ; .Stfitpi Plant'aii'd; FlbrdV 'Co:;- ;is Suthgv ' ■a';tTliHt', compaiiy: forv selUng Santii-: .Mbpitla. e^iriypri land.;, helbnging.^'to; ; . liei^ in -viblation of .ai- coui-t' order.; .; iRonald; Briaif,: 20, wh'o- confessed h'bidihg. up, - Douglas •Faii:bank's ;in his home last Augvist,-: leaped froiVi the ;-wiridpw .of the Ii.blic6 identifica- tioh bureaii; abrpfes -an a^ :ai^ rbbf,;cliihbed^lhrbvgh -a:; skylight, , .. ,. . .. - ■ ^ into-a hbtei; khbbkedidown a guest. . ' • .Anbther ;.tliff.htnmg;.. change. 'of; arid tbbk^ away -his ovei-cbat, tlien. mind, by ;Dl$t,: Atty. Fltts .ha:d CTlara; made . his -Way- to. .the' street. ;; . He. Bow', frilling:; the; grand- jury .Friday had broken his: ankle ; in: the first . ;^C2l) her ..troubles with- her. .ex-sec. Jump and -Sfra's recainuwd. ■ ' ■ . '. Daisy .De.Voe,: . In.vestlgeLtion :;ep.n- -. ThV 'li^'airbah'ks. itlhletic^ ■ c&itiplex..| tlnues .this week,. Thonias W. Armehtr.bu:t, buslness:;| maXiitger.' ot; the. ;ibcal: prpj,e<;;ti^mist- ilinion, \Vas arrested • ■with, twp; other men pn .a. stench bomb ;charge in .a. picture house that had redu.ced t>Fbr.. je.c.tipnista frbin ;fvye. to. twio'.. ';.; .: ■:£br- .th'O'.] . xiiiVa .;:Bas.ciuette.-. iS; .;Buine. cetiirh: of ;;$5,225. ;pla.ced ..-in. JaQfcKearns;:;ih :has: filed'^a:;: cross r bii 1:; tb ' separate-. mainte'nahtii© > papers, served by; .iKdfth ;i|v;iiger,. .pei-r. .■ fbrmer.'-.jVlisS^ Angel.;cliiiihs they .are ■ -- ..o.,., I married arid, wants' $500 av-mopth v^?^J3: -Wriipbrary aIimbhy.:;M:.hlie the^-'poc;',- ;. diirihg ephstriiction- hsayS they;w^ tor sP.ebialty ,' shops. ;was' Jn the contracted: tinie/si>e';'hs.-.' Art 'Kasael, orchestra leader,. h;aa .iflied >.a : petition.asking: insunO'tibri .iagkinst. the Music';Goi-p. of ;-Aihei.''ica- ;Si)ecial W^^ old. Lloyd's;, bbnie; in ..Bey.eriy -rW^^^^^ claims National Brbadcasfinff ' at :his. re-^iquest.. TWO -: days, latier Maiyy ■ i?lckfbrd .ifepbirt^d. fcldnappinij. ti rcats had beeh; made. a,gatrist her; niece; (GWyniie Pickfprd,;: .and. th'e girl Js n'Ow -iac.cbmpaHied: by an, of- ficer -when she; ieave;3;;£airv::'.- ;Dpi"iS; .-Endor's ■ ^ult; ..for- . $46'.(>,QOO fi'uhv Kidna Leedom was postponed -for- the '.steenth -time. Saturday, hi: 'Atlantic ;City;:; \-'.;V;. . . JiiSt ais; the .' curtain feii. on ; ;thH Of St; act' bf the.matlhee. 'piBrfoVmahert ;pf .''Tonight /br Never" at the' Be- -jfisco- Siiturday, Mi;!S,';.Florence Aiia'f- tih;, ripn.-pro, -cbmpiained;; tp:~; her: dja.iighter..::seated; beside- her in xUe- .balcjpiiy . that she;-felt ;falht.; .'Before; .sh^ coUld. be;assisted from her seat, ..she-..'w-as.--d,'ead".- :. '■■ One bf three; young: gunmen ar-. rested at- Siihta; Monica :C0tifessed; I hbldirig up Douglas.'Pa:irbixnk3 .a;Tid; .ch^^^^^^ , , . 1 ' robni :'ahd ;at ;stiitiWh ; Pe;-. triilp icl&i'med Hhat : A^^^ DbMarS/, leader bf the radio: band, - stated that thei: muslciarts" were: forded to rebate: : $40; but: of their' weelcly; $90 tb ;keei»,;, their."j;ob3;. Ji. Louis Guyoh..issued a.; obbing- him of .flQO; in his .beach hom(j: last . August;-. Fa-irbanlcs;.^^^^^^ be.i3,siied.;tb Idehtify hiih Alice Brahnt, .retir(fedvcirGus';rlder.,. wajj sentehccd' to. ,iSah ;(Quehtin for ^. "viblating; prpfiatioh ; by- -ppssessioit .jfjat denial;to the bhai'ges Pf liquoiv Abb.ut; .two ..years ago s ridhiltted ;ti^iriig- .to burn a.^;neigh- bbr's home in GUlVef Gity: . Damagu Avas slight , and. the .Charge •was; fps-^ tei:e;d ;by. e'he'ihie.s;. there^fore; the,;prb;-^ batibh;'■ 'y--y ■"■^:r-- '.-'Xi"'. Lyis;: Valencia; bill'^^d a's ;a ■ female .iriT;;),)crsojKito'r .and ■ dancer,., .fajil^ .(•onipletely: .to. i.nipress the JMuslon ()f- fiMnlriinity; uppft :a;n. auaibnce at the;''-Ti>wn;. Hall:.. Nov., a; ixbUb^,^ nVan .vvas. cipilled --to ti'uit^t a-;.*rc^^,ia■w^<-, ;'^^■)'up; demanding-.vtiieir i'mtoiicy; il'iUck-' . -A-aloncla ■\\'ori?-a-fvingcd ;ykirt -.V^enO-'Lth .wii .<<h9\yL'.d- gVeen ■t)i'i;h:ta-. 'lots .and; h.i;s \a.;rp's.e U] ' each..o;C. his gjx'r l'ers.; '' .('bp', ^yiify C!ill.ed;'sai'd ;.t:hore:^ \yiiK- ho. ln,\y.'a'Raii>«t;.'\ .V)ad';jie^^^^ :fbi*iii!'itu't';. so the- h\oi> inside. .:cbn-- ■•.t;ihuod- buo;ing. ;:.^; -. , ]:■■ . ■ -; • ;.. Nv .'.'i'r.'.Supvenife. jCoiU't;denied, -ih •i]L'j)pilcatI.p.i'i.. by .yii.iocnt-';-ybi!raans'i .(.'Oihjybser^ of .the' nvuslfi. for' .'.'Smllts/' t b. - ro si ra in .' Fl bre ti z ' 551 eft<f eld . f rbiiV Pl),i-!ni.iij(;: ;in. N'V^v; ..YbrlC Avitii:'a^^^^ nv.usi'o . dir.cctor. .--.t-hiih •' .X^iui;; T..anih.,' :-olTb.srti by ;i;pu.inaj.i.s' tinder.a'.contfact J-\vith"- the;.ptS>diu:'ei'./g,l.v.ingi;iihn; ''the .).;lpht .to...t-i'ahie the, e.(');rdtjctpr. ..;'Zlegf fo\i\ ; oiSened ;'th'i;..' .filib-\y: ■\vith: Frfink Tbuv.s: a.s ..ali'et'tor; - '.; " ;. . -'.- -Th' t he-.';-arg'o.ih<''.njt,- -I?(e.!J:'ff-l d's.. eojjft>' .f«ei; -cbntbiKled ihat i/.'nln,; had )3.»''en relieved .bpcati'se he wfis In&pmW'teh't' ,ari d . :-.had;.. i\ot.;; c6,h.diic3ted:;' himserf : p,rope^•l.^^ aiid' tlia t:'-it^ h;^ Vi?.?.a>'\y';' -t'p tret .an 'ln.Jui'vct.ion' ln;.-..Bb.H.- ton :to ;r<'strrtlh Tp\i,inanK;aiid ;;LJi^ fivohv takinji'the ;orchesti'.j> score.' -- - Fay I?.aJnt<,'r W:bn::a declijlbh In the N,...T; C?niiirt-!of >pi)ehlg'ih ';her suit •tb r:rtm'pel"a'h ln.'!iimnr>;;b'otnpany.,t.0: :f^linibiirse .he'r;. for mi-ssltif*' jew'eipy. ANGELES ; and Vale/ vaiide .-■ybo.ali.s'ts, ih:;a dbniestic split; .Ila •C3Iair^ ; Vale. tpbk .the decree-; over Ernest Johh .^^ale; saying; fte/hiade a khbbkabbut act;:of ■ thi^ir hom!^',.Ilfe.:■',■=;';;•' ;'.^.'■;; .Npfma Waiers suing;Thiebdpre. H.' JVatei^Si ::fiJm. Singr^t",..saying. :she de^^ tected ;,the .wrong .tint ;of lipstick:- on ;hls:-iip3.':- ;v.';;.':'; ;-:; -J. . T?ob Blaiir.; ;s.tuht flier in; pictiir'es pays; $ 50 ; a' Week - until - hi* -wife's charges . bf ; "highlt. flyihgV ,eom6; to ti-ial,. •/'; .■;•'.•■-■;•'.':. ■■'-..'^ • ' ,7jewisi; .istbne' is. a.fVer:-th.e oJl. how iFib jed. Ji rfi'ght to -prb-v'^ht drliiing in. his h'eighborhbbd ;at. the;" btit now he-S;'got. a pbrmit for:a welj 'of his :OWh.v/.: :-.'•■''■ -; ' ■■.'v■";^: " . - Soney:- Sidoriie,; dancer,- :aue'S -for $50,225 damaiges . to her; back ; in an aiito'crash; ;;- .:. .-' ■.. '■■■.' ■:'; ;■: f; .Iviauribe B^na tar;, dancer •, tempo ra'rily Spiling. ilo.wei's^ sties' MrSk; H, M.; .Garspn for $13,660 ^dantiiges .to his'car When she bpxed;i.t.,-• Phe..was trying ^tp dri-ve iiini- .away frbin ;he'r Ijroperty; - ■.■--■•■-';,■..■■- . ;;'■■.;■'. ■,.'■: : Gr.and.'..larceny.- charges' against iTanies . Fbster .fop;,selling;, his ;c.aftt after'^fr free exits for actors ..•>nd rthen inviting the "pi'ospfecti'y^ btiyet* to.lDOk ftt hbW;go.od^b^'sihegs ywas; ■ . .V ■• •;;■;. ■. .\y-:-'y': Thb: $1 jOOO. peace.- bond :.pbstisd .by Tlousb Peters in; Be-verly HfllS:- so;me time ago has ■ eTcpired and', he'osi ,np again fpt' dlstiirblng the. peace. -Dii- nies hie ;thr!few rbbkg hnd -ili^jiht' .bull)S ;at:;hls'nelghbpr'-sihbuse,; but'sjlys hi,s ^heigrhhbr's ^dbg,.' -radlb; and hay«;-.i>een:''tab-.noisy. ; ■ ■ ■ ; Maridae'e intentions filed-by;.Ch .tin'a'-. Kibritt; and ; Ca;rl6s;;As"u.nsblp; ;both: .of; pictttr^Si Miss : Moh^ Is ■rclatbd to three .^'ex-priesldehts ' of Ghlle.i -Asunisdlb is a; coiisih of Do- • lores'.Del: Rib,;..^^r..':.;v;s...'-'''^^ ;. liiither ; .Reed' evidently; mtssed some : aUlnony. IhStallhaia^ .the I itassel claims Nationaf Brbadcasfing.. Co.. ;.has,;;the agelvcy- rights. ;in the '.cas^d..; .'■: :^..: . '.^;•;.■• ^'v,,';^.;--■■ '-■.v';';;'..:V^.-. :Boj! oflifie ait the.lHihpls, legit;;was ; ■ . taken'^.ifpr $30,0 .by ' ?. couple of guH .,; ••bbysjlast^'wefek.; ;; ■•;_'.,■.''-;:;; ' Jiihmy' PetriUo,: o'f the. muiaicians* . ' Uhlon,. .called vout bri; sti-ike . the 6r« Bruce Todd, . night; cltib playbbyr' : who: shot - himself , at/ the Theodora Gaiety club oh Obt. 28, ;diC'd last' week.'..-.-- :'■'•; ;..-,•■■.;.■■'•■.■. :.;.:-•. '.'.■'.: •■.•;•;';■;: United Artists: .theiatre .got; bsLcli the $i2,.(30b'stolen' from .-.its safe; a. yeai'.ag:o;-by a .civit suit agiaiust; the former :;jihi;t.piv of; the. theatre • and his -wife^ .. Both• are .ribw; ;doihg; ti.t»<i. ■j:Pr .-Ujievrob'iiery.:. :-,.\ ':: ''-:': ■RepbrtedUliat ELOse Perfect, legif, ... secured-; a, .divbrbe^^ herip . secjretly; ■ about three .-Weeks agb. ; ; : . ; - ; Ninsi Mae .IjtlbKinneyi: colored;, fea;-; tiure /pf' ;-IIallelxijah,'!. is ' suing for ;ahiiulment' from Douglas. Daniels of the '.'Ii;ive,Flashes; of Rhythm,-■':£iifter.. a marriage that, began bniy.;o .Da:hrel3 is on; the: docket;- of; the: Leta O'l'Iob Sindbrf; actress, arid jack .Shidbri,,; stage 'director;; ;3u:ed. for, $50,$14; b'y; a woraah -struck by, |.Morals qourt for .eohtribu^^ the an; a,;Utbmobile driven by :3*rs. Sin- dejinquehcy . of;; a;.' m'inbr, Geneva; dbrf;;":..:-.-...-'. ; '..'•■■■'.-■-:■:.:•:,:.-,-.'■ .•^:'■:;'■:;;.-• ■i;Alams" George . Hv Melfotdy .. .director, !; .'-Sidney ^?niith,:.ieh'lcago, VTrlbune'* pleading-guiitv to f£tilurb to; pay his cartoonist,. is suing the.Liike:, ShoVe. properrincpnie'tax in-U9..24;f]L'nd i92ji.|:T^^ was assessed .in Fbderiai court' fpr^ - $I(),78p; piu3;>20(), fine;v to recb-vel' ;mo'ney. i paid- .S.eries- of. tor'ge.d;;checks. : out'Oh a ;;.t>rincess Agfrehevia : Slanlansky,; dance produ'cei, ;ls! sued.; for ;$307: unpaid .wages; by Oala1t.';;, dahper.;-' - '-•;;'; '.; Bbyei'ly ; .^chlef 0;f polIce';'sa>:s .thb guards:. de.tail;6d. - to the Lloyd arid; .Fairbanks ;.:hotne.s;;;;^^^^ kidriappln'g; thfeat.S,, ;are :teh'ipQrar.v lintil private;, watcltnvch-. are . bb- ;tained. -..;;;■.:; -;•';;. ■:■■.■. ■':;. rr ---..C ;.,:i|arpld;Llp.yd: was ruled;-'ii -.tionally'.' . .guilty ... of.-; -plaglaviSm .in the; productiph of /'.The ; l<"^feshmah.'; beca\ise of its similarities: to a mag- : oizine'. story by thb' la:te";H......'C;'. 'Wit-. wef.. Federal';jiidgej Co'sgrave ^ h.e.ld th^tt Wrs. Sadie. Si 'W.itwer -\va^ en- .titled tb.'.ah: .acqountln;g:';bf;th©' pie-, -.'tur^e't*' profits; from lihei.'tiih .the ^t'pi*y''s; copyrighli'ng. iiv J.927.' Lloyd ,\yiil;ai)pbah-:;;....':..; -;' ■■" Lufhe'r Reed} scenarist, :wahts; $l; 300 alihiony tb-Naomi piVildei-si.and $.42:5; t(?.n\pprary'. allrripriy. to .-.Jbcelynv -Lee reduc.^d to- :$50 .and' $,7.5.- resji^e.b- tiveiy;' -Hid., say.s. he lihs iphlyi'tiO0-|. cash, as pi^bpbrty ::wPrtlV'$^ :uiid«?iV attaciinsfent for;diambrtd ..p,urr; chases.;.' '■■..'P. '■ . Poiibe shut down ph ■the;'eblpred. . marathbh danbe corite'st; at the .dbit-"; .: seum: it the;^hd of' the; hour.; , -Edna ;Th'omi^sori,;--tbrm,er. bh'o'rus; girl arid, .'dancing instructbr, - was beaten, and .attaclted by.; flive ;men ih ;ah.ahtb;:iast.'w«bk.': O '^';..-- ;- ...■■;■:■.'■;;;',; ■Claude-- ' Rbsehbium ' has. . filed;; ia ; • Grbs;s-biVi to the diybrce. i5ult;.of his :' wifeV Gladys Deering,.; fbrmi.ei'ly . ;o£ ""Woof .Woof." Rbsenbluria . hiiiTlegi.; •Clllfoert iMoSliy, JCohjola bossv . Miss •; DeerincrV whose bill chai^ea, cruelty, ,. Was . named by Mr3.;-..Mos;by - In her;-, diyb.rce suit - agalns;t .;the: m.e;di'ciniB;; mah^last.;Aprii.'.-;;;,- ;-;;;•'■'.';;%; ;;;-;.;; ;• A.ilce "NVard, '29;, ;arid Barbara iiee, / 23,' were sbpt, arid killjid- Sat'iirday - night ;in a. free' fbr;:aU shooting;-fol<« Ipwihg -a sflckup .by • el«f;ht'.;bahdit3; ; at;: the. Hehry' Go^tz ;rbaclhQ.hsie ' in;; ■'Sumriiiti.:;.-:;;-:-;.. ' ';V . Both :were 'ehtertainers:; booked thi^biigh; the GitelSori agertby ;.h.ejre. LegiiUy mayric.d'; ho.t-,.;iIa!ydb.ii Talbot, .picture, wl^iteiv .pay's Estlier Talbbt. $2o0. a -month' until her sep-. . VBritiflh .and .Dbmirilons-.have. can*. : •.ceied: .talker:' Ipr-bdhc'lfcibn: of "Love:. ijibs,?' Gaie-ty nt^uglcal,; aUeigt'n;s. caSt- : ;.ing:difficxiityv ' '■: ^;.-'^'; - ^ ■;':>;:;;'-.■ '; Siiper ;Girieh»a .Blfllbnisb'ury grind arate malnteriahGev is decided ;.onel -3^^^ outside thefM.est End ijfIt,. lia^ ■ ■ ^recovbred from a lean p.feH^^^ way or ..the other* He .blaiiini.s.. theV riiarrled,,. befoire : her CallEorriia :voVc6 .frbjtn;Nb;;..l ;w^ EmmWtt vT. Flyhh, plctur<6 -director, chi&riged with cruel ty oirtd excessive has viust dividehdr;; ■pai.d;;;;i9tbcWio;ia'ers ;4(>%. After : ail the^ fus^;;ihiad«i abput ■ It* ■. ■'^v ■■;<<3bhtintiod..on.;pa^^