Variety (Dec 1930)

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-Requiests for. “fan” “photographs; , from: the. ‘studios: haye° 'falleri ’ off. |. | a. | Hollywood | Heads Havel |. der ‘Consideration ° ‘Per| centage “OF Gross. Over: Jos aie “friends “his. ret a e Negative : ‘Cost. for® Direc: “Hollywood. ‘was:a--hurry call. f “fOr; ‘Authors. and. Stars— trom ‘thie:,Metro ‘lot: to. double. “||. ne: Details: “Not: _ ing. for. the: pictures, “sah ‘studio is : naw: : ‘sending. out..aprinted form * 4 . elling | the ‘fans: ‘thattheir: ‘request’ | phic ® J to. ‘be: eon 3 7.BE ‘vontennidl: th’ “heavly all. ‘{ndépendent 7 {Gauci birth. “jrouses ‘in town: running double Als .. featutes as: ae! “dia, and” gen-: foe Sy al: “ore LES orally’ cone. “of ‘the “two a’ -bit! ;]. soni ‘MORE: ROFIT [| weik the kid populace: has“be-""] ee Os Es Come MABEL Ee ie Efe One’ ‘lad, Still, fi his “teens; igidled “up “td: a, box office where J] two features were heavily, villed lawith: this: venadiny: . “| in“one-of the cahine.."} 1 “series ‘produced: ‘by. Zion. Myers. ; ; .. Short: was: titled: i‘ Dorway. PP “Melody "abar ‘Ker, end ata : Less Cost ee ‘Cooper. “Standing On the, “iale: ‘atars,. according” to. ‘Hollywood’ Ss bi Pen fan. picture outa. ‘is® Bundy . ah ie “overt amiehit “got ‘behind ‘thes Cpe oduétion. it--would have: ‘to’ be ona. | | noncommercial. bagis! “Proposition. ji was: thén. tuken’ over. by. the -New.: me ‘York. ‘Historicark. Society, : Which. tt) ——| ganized” the. Fistorical .Cinemia "A n “| sociation’ ‘for. ‘production: of. ‘the. pic‘tures, “inancing: ig’ in the: hands’ ‘of: ‘Clarence: Mackaye,. ‘head “OL, Postal Telegraph; “Mrs. Iedw ‘ard. Bok, awidow ©: ot the: ‘Philadelphia: pubHsher,’Sam.“Puel, Tnsutl,; Senator.> yatson: of: Indi|e’ “and . ‘others. Actual” j yroduction.: mere ‘in-charge. of “Charles: Forrester: | belleved ‘related: to Mackaye,: oY intone ‘and . Clit coo 80. voicé-doubled i He shorts, for. dogs. imitating. their: respective: ‘acts, . Rhineeet tis: claimed: “pereantage | ‘| of | the: ‘groas. to. directors,’ authors |. ‘and stars, of ‘pictures, ‘will be° cani=| [yersal ° out: here: and. -Condicive’. to: While’ Rehr > ae “rate . the [b “draw, ‘that.‘the’. others * are, Feason ‘ for dis 5 poptilarity s.that é ee | “The” ‘statement’ has. been: ies ‘2. ‘the | confers ' on: “the: percentage sub’ oe _Ject: ‘that * ‘a royalty Bayment’ ‘of, this sens: hes pretty much. ne idol: 1 Saas the: femme: list, is. ‘Clafa ‘staft,with: noone’ “really: set: yet. ae sf chain. ‘conv iatea fo ‘hur lar: ania + : a | is’: now: in ‘New York: arranging. ‘for ‘| tareeny.: is aa oe a studios” of this oe ‘of noty rhe Segregated audience Rag, with | Uié “Shipping: west.of furniture ‘arid’ . 2 _ less. than$15,000, ral i the: sex’ film embellishm: ita was.-to™ other, authentie: props nat” wer Se Lever, is” but one’ of . several aa ” [have shown at Nutting’ hall. be by. Washington. 7 aDvantageous: features the. habe ap | Mayor. said it, couldn’ t. and itdidan't. {77 “in foystem: possesses, it ‘is.also stated. | litormed “noJocar. ‘girls “would -he'|' | /While no* details Hayéas. Yet: Whore | mplosea ‘to: Kid ‘bathing. suitg,. ‘the: “practically. act on ‘alait Créssland as. : worked out nor is‘there any’ under-.| —., , didn't: Believe’ ity ‘the’ director, with House Peters ‘and... stood. . agreement ‘among “the major]... ; : Wranets’ XX, Bushman’ “being: con-’. studios -on: the: “percentage: ‘Scheine, _ “| sidered..for. the. title; ‘part. The. story, ; ple. in. in|. eo Pel : a 7 Veatine” fe vocere tothe “studic Carbo Checking: Marlene’s: TL ey natok cree a iene six: years! oy Disks and Colony. a piled by I orrester ; over. a. period. of ‘heads.’ “It. appears «to. be. the: eux’) 4 ‘bot a long ‘discussed -problem’ ‘as ‘to |. Is: Agog | / No’ studlo. ha: “been. + “at. “tor. the _— ‘how to: secure the’ maximum ‘of eco. “production. anid film: ts: still: without. . a ‘nomical’. effort... ‘on: what: practi¢ally,| fa. release “li¢“UPS “Picture: ‘wll ‘Be. fhe _;/amounts to a “Co-dperative: ‘basis“for.|" : we Mesper oni tly ‘heére,. ‘with a. riumber. of: [the leading, ‘principals fn’ the: studios’ (Metro. lot” Ag, buzzing dtbout: Greti t OX : , ; : in; Mar lene. ‘Dietrich’ sf ba ‘product, aa fe 3 ASE oo: One. point’ guessed ‘at is: ‘that about | : | SItis clainied ‘that: the: production, oe : ost. will’ eure Over. $4, 000, 000..: rn aire aid: ‘in ‘eradicating: what : is new ‘idea bromul=: | SF zateda Ma Duane: as treason: conceded’ tobe a: yearly: -waste “in ‘to-bar: thie: exhibition: and. i Galleen Moore’: naigresti ance in. the. ia | wher. he’ Jett it : : mae His . mother, toimer: einer, : “peared . against “his oo ; | conviction. mene . ter’ ‘fear: pictures” of. fdiviauar, stars. anachinery, belo “depends. entirely ‘on “where. the. pic . ‘tures are ‘shown. -In/a-check up of-} the ‘letters, few. come. from: ‘people’| 'y who: patronize the. “de. “Tuxe houses: : Gréat ‘percentage of Fequests: com ; from: small: ‘towns. ‘ ‘ be: ‘given the: big: ugh: . Le : r ‘ollowing Pars | ‘Igad’. in bs: 1-1 30% : ‘of. thé gross’ rental, but net. to st g| the, studio, ‘after:distribution ‘costs,’ girl's: intonationis.. with, her’ own. “It’s Avil: be divided: between the: author,. supposedly. ‘an ‘otéorme..of the. wens |i star: and: ‘djrector:’ This: ‘weil. ‘be: con= ora ar . Bossip “around. that. the’ Miss |. . I, faltioned, ‘however, upon the picture:| ~"s ‘at’ least’ ‘returning through. rentals: : ~ [its production cost. With thatcon-.. a n | dition: the® director’ ‘is, expected: to} hold’ down. the. “production. cost sensi: . 1 | bly/-éspetialy. in’ thé ‘present ‘sys= r~.|tem’ of. ‘over-Bhooting,' ‘accumulating |. .” | a’ large mass’ of film, that. in’ times |. °": | {past has. gone: as high’ ag~600,000 or}. ye ~~ 600,000: feet; the. author “wlll give |: -[ Aits. ‘best thought to: stories.and: the | | me Dp tae willl | aid:.the ‘whole | ‘as “far ‘as |* “AL dl olson: may: undér, go ‘an ope rive | ‘possible, ‘giving the: studios -for” the} Hon” ‘for; ‘appendicitis, before the: loci: an ; | week | ig’. ‘outs: ‘It's | ‘the: outeonie.. ‘of: oot ‘(Continued on, pare 12)" ‘~ Precent:-internal “trouble. which”: thag'| © : chad. him constantly. “visiting” “the 7: : doctors. the’ past. week: OFreSG. 2 “oe Jalgon: wilk.try to ° postpone” T operation * until: _his. wite,: J Keeley. gets heres, : ype ‘through: forage": “Seanyaweod,: Dée,. 2 “f ; | ballylioo,” UW. ig: getting re a With: Univer sal: ready to-go: into one, of its ‘own’ Girbos,, aoe production . on: “Pires: ‘of “Youth?” |: ., Lemme: lead. for, ‘the; picture is: Bt a td. be located. 05". Ce ak . Golunibia: -adked $75 5-000" re: thy . Tean. of: Barbara. Stanwy: ck* 90: ‘Geneé+ ‘ph . Vieve. ‘Tobin, U. contract Disyer,, may ‘© “ope: the Part: os Bie : . : scenes: Tit ‘Mexico. fae tyt oi neon ‘foran: th “As: : R i 2 here's. ny on ‘for. Miss: Biren | Jin | “Be forth A“ Holly wend; ‘De oo Tee Was. arranged. “on. es per : -contage: ‘basis: ‘between Henry. Fink,” Bancroft's~ ‘rép,:and “the. Morris: ote, “fice: ‘with: the: Paramount.” . a : a Re “Tink-left New ‘York Saturday: (29). ere pea it: part! or. rn rOlor in yy “for. the. Coast: in likely, sre--} SECA uv frente to story” John | SEEN . Stahl wilt firec: Without: AES af “ment, : ar : i " ‘ = A report. thets a. flat salary a g@tlarantee: on. the. -Baneroft : Appears “ance: could . not bo. verified. | aa “Ruby | “(Keeley Joldon: Tett” ‘yes ||} na a torday. (Ruesday): on ‘another. fying | : ;{ the: ‘Coust, *) cho jie a , [hushana’ “while he: ae i“ operatlon ; for. yy ree be | fl Bl Migs | Keeler expedts: to. diana: = ; New. ‘York in “about two" weeks] ‘lng: Mi Ateg which, “will: “make. her: re week. ‘Tate b fon rehearsals ‘for “The: Gang's’ “AML |i. SHOW starte. eectelnig:, ‘into fl, a Churlea:. _ baste eseller,., 8 Working | on: » | Eedaieate ““Hollyiveoa,. Dees: 3 ‘, ' ate “not. exercise its. op: AE “lon ‘apon ‘William. DeMille, dies. : . stwalis: for a * plete: “of ie tort ‘fav Nissea “has Yeenangaged. verformer: are; Feristerins: Lacadtnawk: AVinite Sheehan’ in Ne AW. York pw , J fap Greta ‘ls sea a |New ‘york a, stint: “tlie SANs over LO ‘th will: : Y Nisse m4 We Wenot. ar Stadrnas¢l stati ‘thd { ged Alieys. yorniit’ any: Ont: “yutsiad, thie: ¢ aie? tO-RR tA slant at. the fan. mini k | tise, but. ‘they. ‘'s: 8: possible: for}. rebne: in: ‘thie: studlsW. : aio “Quidgars” oe We Listlen: Li et : Inside Se iety i aE nel spe | ee ats ae. ‘gn Show New (anid ae elk: ‘them! to: pinmatorse. 7 . “ AT anher of ‘fans: have: threatened: ; 9. a6. something’ ‘abotit. ‘the | ined -ixciroud use of their’ ‘pames,. None ots : ’ hat. ; in: oa stage, | Paci Th ; vt Toteselli “Aeate, . § firey itd AST 7 dooutslde. of ‘threat