Variety (Dec 1930)

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_vanaery : tiiis,” ‘excepting Dgeles. for’: a ter, a "tien 50: Sale exttag). : ‘they 4 avouldn: t: ‘do... ffnelae ‘haye: to. pas $10 ani a aay for: thé. Ioaker So's J|-Dr. “TT view. ‘eensus: urgues. about the: umibe: tea ‘Mave nd to ‘attend ‘the c dpenine t f pan anki “elton: he" We een Loew. ot. the ‘former: rajith Whi 2 pected nt Of: ther. “thust: ‘hes ‘an’. tee jiu “oi pain ba were more oot Jape rg. omit ‘publica. alge long: anit, “tion “of: the’. “Cleveland: “pictures: if, extensive | Tean: rs for jravelling stare} op -Wayites. ; ‘entertainment “will. include * “a nov . elty: show for: ‘the: Sophisticates." sinernployed. Head: s ot} |zotiea in “the. ‘plan. awill we: “honda |} : ‘possible: 1. “ Nobody ‘ever We Bet: from. four. BOERS. fh the.real’ oF Because ot; ‘inerease’ in® ‘number of | Whe: ao al Votes in: ‘House. of: “Representatives sciefly gewritten, “ontracts. ‘from: ovariaty 8”. ‘Hollywood Bulietin,. printed: ach Saturday: in ‘Hollywood,: and ‘place ei “weekly. “Variety”, iThe. Bulletin does: ‘not. | asa. Wrapper Mpon: the Regular : roulate: votbar: than-oi ‘Oni: the: Pacific’ ‘Slope.. Dailies: ie ‘Los Angeles will ibe. found: in’ that. sust mary art: schools. Classes. studyin; femme. *fignre “from -. ‘an ar istis: standpoint’ have. béen: ‘Jetting: in.vis| . Fitors..on. thé ‘idea: that: perhaps_ Mey might: become’ interested ‘in-ar€. “go. for ‘the’ ‘COULSES.. the: free look, but not: for: ‘the: tuition. ; . “id ‘week's _ “waiting. ‘for’ ‘G00 “Weathi Writers are-} burning: again ‘Overt the: sereen: credlt Holiyweoa. *enario. -problem. ° They.;claim: the ‘authors yine. Inention ; “Pa t: ‘that: Wa ner adio ..stalion “KFWB ° rovk : ‘don’ t Bet the ‘made Samuier orl wine and musical direetor: of, its:}) 46 5 : instead. of fF. in routs recent: Paramount shake: tips: g0és; ‘to: -Fox: ‘as. ae writer. with, a : ay promise, to. direct. nd:} ’ . . Muggs. went for.} Land. rush. scones “for eGim: anol set’ Radio,, back | $150, 000... After itinerant:: ‘Workers: ‘engaged for. “the “mob ‘scene. at.Bakerstield. walked ff using Geo. Forbstéein. and Louis ‘Sil: f°, very: musiedl : ~ 0 niusical Production, “Noel: Fr ‘aneis, iigeriue; “aropped ‘by Rox. ive gen bi ays: one .to Radio ont zl. contract. Pagar mouiit ; Pate the“Long Island. studios ‘between. |} now: and, June; a: ~ lees the ‘Galveston. beautycontest; is}. én route. here. ‘for : r pictare: work, ‘di . r “Depression: is intréducing: into. ‘the: dliday.‘season‘more. solicitors. for’ : [pnoneycharitiés : than. ‘in‘any, oth ‘year. we ‘figes ary Chicago’ Ayhich « ‘they.’ used ‘ta } " boster: on behalf of: the Goliath “Of “mad ¢..vounds:. ask=: The’: Hays" -office;. investigas ing. those. Jnaking. a play; for: ‘film’ CAS¥ ‘money, warns: that® theonly: legitimate: fund “for. thése: -purposes. ‘inthe east is that. sonductedby. the: _ “iim: “Daily.” : they’, Were turned. in. “Apparently. at Se Huck | or kind: ‘hear ted. editors’ favored. and. which-the Hays’ office: “phe ‘ ‘Film, Players’ ‘at “the Glavage: ‘Hotel "Dec, pt ‘and is’ Ni eoieking show. ‘people: “at. $10., Ber “of times: angle: ana. ‘promisés to" “help: \ the out-of-work . ‘actor: ““inSofar as{ -'The‘slogan’ ‘ig to. keep the. olf: out: of." ‘the:.screen” thespidin's Kitchen. One phase: ‘or the* “Uallyhdo | ‘has. aroused the’ ‘curiosity of. ‘Broad‘It is‘ the: “promisé’ that’ the: -Incidentally, ‘the .club. ‘used-?th ‘riames: of a jot: of: -ptomifient. show. a pedple” on:-its letterhedd,but, these. | Dave: been: st jcken out,’ the: ‘BBB: in-: vestigators: ‘getting ‘almost’ 100%. de|.’ ” Pnlals: that. any. of -the stars (or: pro |.ducers-had, ever heard. of the: qutfit a ‘ind’ theatres. ; : N {Ne Re Ke On oMees ot New More Tun Pa 7 wider ALWKECG anes "Tlie: Last: C Mow ny “lot: ‘personnel. 1 ols :to: :of conversation. ‘and. econ=" when. “Adolph” ‘Zukor “Boes“east ‘riday. : “When the’ big. boss.-of hae came. ut. here. and found: the: studio: was overboard. on: “contractsH } he‘ word . went sout:--to:: “the “sub~exeés” taking |: _ghportunity” £9 do: verioadcd”: ‘on: a people, ; -browight, abort: ‘By’ niore. ‘pr¥o-|. P é auctions: heing: Shifted: to tle. Long | ‘ty, ‘Island: stds =. ‘With: the: original’ TV with “Rohert ‘| tuted. ticket. ‘crlling: for. $3, 000:.. 'aiweek until ‘April, "J932, “AL tér . Its. 588 500° a: ‘week for 4 one, yea shaking. “hi zona.” been, “Victor: reming 10: new: v plays. .First’-National. -. Pr ench,” a: ‘Knoblock: far’ Metro: r. eoond: choice; Margai et. iekdale: “OMtige ‘America lirectors, now? idling y ut drawing checks, is: looked. upon: as).an: inaication that the.-WB<EN’ . ombination::may: inte hd. to" 70. back fe TY produetion , Be ‘1. Stanwyck, frqm: Columbia ‘for. kpaid:. ‘record, Dr oduction for: ‘AYN, : p"DHie Secret’ Six, 18. asking for new~. ett: sponte at B P the. oad i 18. * Giying “to: " borkow': Barbara ‘femme. lead ‘6 pposite’ “Lew.” Ayres in Wires. of: Youth." wees * a With ~new “contiacte coming: “fron: : | Métro’ at-bettice: than. $3,000: week, make 47. pictures Frances’ Marion.’ ‘rates: as “highest Sscenanist © in: world.: George ; her. ‘director’ “husband: “noe, on. contract, on, weekly. ‘instead. of “pi ture: rangement. ve ~ AL ALichtraam. returned: ‘ea t after ae S: ‘negotlating « new. ‘| distrib: “oliiet. contrac as UA While.-in’ ‘Elollyv.cad: Pe BES ‘he-madeno: “effort owird:. resuming 7 Dp. Woolsey. “Ustioet ‘Sedna seph: NE . 18s Schenck $157, 000,: including broker’ s -Oné: outfit ‘Jooked intd “by: the. ‘Bet-: ’ I tep.. Business: Bureau. séveral times. a2) ~declares | ‘hag not’ the, approval’ ‘of ‘the ‘indus-' | is, author, chencle: has: 1. “Murray” Pr Lips’, hag plans for a. ‘Haliyw ood“ showcase: ‘theatre. Where: nie. night: plays’ could. be: put‘on, for only: ‘with free” ‘casts: forfession, ex¢lusively,. ; ‘the-pitture producers ‘get: Nis increased’ : number™ of. directly. ‘Shot and” syn: “chronizea-’ forelgns:. at..; “Warner! $ ‘German: no wand: Synced. will’ he ‘Scandinavian, ‘Ital Ben’ Plazua: Metro's talent scout. shipped over 300: tests-of: Stage, play ers’ to’ the: stidio “dh Week visit. erst. . 5 : a te ‘nillyed tion. of tidependerte ‘been deluged with + ard “Bavagon: froni e Ne to. “ ain: origmal,; whieh.’ he, adapt, tor Hobart’ Henley _ Marie| ‘Dressler wilt! “probably, “ay | fupervisar (te ‘of: Metro as | the: first : Salley fronthe. play. by. Edward If. she doesn’t: ‘gettho’ lead. ‘Marjor le. Rambeaw. i ‘orhidden’ ny: the: Tiays, ‘or canis : jslestaed nace it. had 1 S piétures, ‘ asking: price ot “U's U. ‘boat: ‘story; he. pros | “Idea. 18. to Yet}, doad’ ‘of, 7 on lapsed; nment-on. : his Pla Versions | will: pel: Spanish. Pee not: relense. “Beyond “Victory, ts aeclara. , "the stpdio. has: if by AP. Bridge, | 3 = |-dueed. ab: tlie. Mine: Blreet. open “WHI? also. Boe .cign “| by“itself.. ‘arid’, ‘substi > “out: ade 4 coe it Willian. Le. tort Mix-lis: beady: “with: $75,000 “pic “No: takers Fee Ai Toison’ ; sho a langer™ z Oge..will be: done. in August: instead “of next spring, ‘to: avoid | -summigy | layoft..” * | UA.’ “B0es in: first sometime At: result: his: next -talker £61 alter an 6 omr irades,” On: hich .Ray Schrock:is workingwith John; Wexley, . maybe. ‘cha: “Bed 80 much" uh pS! “boat” ‘won't. ‘be: in: it, Metro's ption | on: ‘Ladies: Air has oe but’. studio: ‘-has ‘taken . ita adaptor, Elmer’ ‘Harris, to do. treat=" "Stepping: Outs” ‘another, of. Splitting” ‘m matsimnoniatiy, ‘Cortez. :and: Ablna Rubén ‘Are. are ranging ~ a Proper ty. settlement. : jan, Polish : and. southern Burépean |. . : countries. vey " Sergei. ‘Bisenstetn. got. “ threé” 1.days' -extensioy on: hits: isa: ‘and is; {still Hanging. argund: in: hopes~ of”: a . “contr: act. ring. Ms efgnty to: ‘peporté,. Pathe wil made.” Accor ding: with ‘BAL Boyd | An: the. dea She: Hina to: “Marry aletor, Will’ he =: Step: towards. ‘concentrating: ‘all. fore ‘activity: in’ one: building. :: It~ ‘Will be -“practically .an intake’. stuido: eRe: ‘Kann. and: Frank: ‘tion, to: -USe, the “title: “Spring “Cleans: 2 “phe: for: ‘Ruth: ‘Paramount Awill “NeW. Mora , [spotted } Man. “Drgrten.: : new: “Hop oy hitterton's i ant _Tiist Aitse he w HW : ‘slit west -colst pr reauctions ‘schedule: aut fy MANS my oy “Avenue: vanaf Ln, bs Satur Wey Ah) ut. , art, ‘pap: tune figure: ; Vv: ‘Colt ny Colunibia's $ produce: ys TWomilton” gecios: ta-U oh: one: aa ‘short -Whitd’ tay leat intoia sori¢es. é ad. Hamilton . As % wetting" 000 ¢ makes: sv. "20 Puner ott awd? “yaa Bar wints . him: under: a next; . sinoun ; Fi SPO) itt 0 ‘Snyster” wh ‘at meen ‘Garkan i Prise 0; Dec. 1.27, with i the show later to: ‘he. ‘filmed.’ ; .sehensk: who" owns : chat. of |: J vid. | ati Paranonnt, ‘Ia Hew fivosy : Ape il apig: en “G Hany and Bancroft: isshdld= iif 0,000 Pen, pictur Cy we, boos to’ he spending his: “sMinouri¢ed a Jolly: Wogd, ss Added ruil vacition watching all’ plays: ‘possible.[0./ 5; lee his Adya OF: x “rest, Betore. leaving the: coast. Coin lott: . was. Olay, in: hee, ‘ “the Ie nin ‘an : “Gal's. ‘fvo enext” dinportant. releasés, : 6 ms s ions Tate. giles ad{ made!hy tii in-shape, for. exhibition. haere . thoy, iss: dropped’: een 1 fsCo.more |, Wain’, : Sei iter, “cusdon i LO", att Lars = “three Views ton con is: “aut “of. {