Variety (Dec 1930)

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fee, aVARIET Y's" P. ARIS. ‘OFFICE, eo o “Baris, $Building, 18. Bou 15. Boulevard: des des Teale ft i Se AS ever So | ‘often: anid veciiri. ‘with: alt the. latest: Adeas, |: What" “mineriea: does; "2 ns rival. and. picture: in . Banks. hain. ‘discounting the. ‘Hotes: elt ’ ent, Aredueers. as’ addy yet “ te ‘ote: 5, hala sthe rete T they ‘ade ENV erybody ‘connected | 9. on ne tne ‘and: As: ealeulated’ nd talks’ Amer ‘lean, je 4 at FN. ji fe a ; 7 a AS Profi table. Investment | asutted: Sa axation Be fae ; 0. combat; this: manage|. : : been’: ‘forced’. to ‘Lower |! be sure bet. ‘for’ Showdow n. “hae “reached: aa oa ace ~. rmhe> inihistry, cannot: “be ‘Carther | liudened With’ gny more ‘trumped | Up. revenue. gitab, Apparently Amer4 van: distr. ibutors, are > about: tired: "B. Dee. ‘eign, ‘along with: Anyerican® talk=) Fesumption.. of: Production: a beet higher 4 thi _ second-rate: P _ they: protest /agiinst the. four. weeks’ ‘postponement.’ before. ‘being: able: to. ‘L show. ‘g000 | pictures. Shy: on Notes: meh nay fo aa ‘Argentine distributors. to. independ: a “Paris, ‘Nove a house. ‘of Hachete has" bought,” ‘thé. “book. ‘rights’. ‘of. “Mickey “Mouse! and: Pex. ithe: ‘Cat. . LPont. King’ Features: Syndicate,. + ‘Cintending -to.Rublish” them in WO clors: as ‘an: Baster-albam, ble Ada NEWS: = Central. 01-57; Lowe, 52:15. les appendicitia:: He: “scor ed Einstein's -“Panzerky eizey. Potemkin". and’ had’; [also “been: Biseator’s ! ‘musical. “CO-" BA ARIS . a _Yondon; N nee The. English: Market” Louw Metzger is: no: nearel getting Nolimbfa,‘over, its: trdublés:: here. Up agains: uch: the: same’. ‘shag’ Joe 4 Brandt: hit. when. he -triedto. raise ‘[ money. ‘to. form. ‘@ Br itish | company, pba hand) my a Jee wot: AS: tar. as talking Tor bet: = ‘wantams, former. infember” of. Come: .|aworking in: Tilttgh: a he Bea bee In| 7 he nildst | ae rani new* Pretares. ’Stars-t F ‘luxe | picture’ houses’ “eritical. : ; + seating. 45000," ev ening: ‘after’: three: ‘perfor Small: “had $1102: where’. ‘seats.are’ houses, ’: ] DES ‘compelled: cheap, : prosper. ed, deluxer: ‘S,. called : “premier e' Most of. ‘them. Have. ‘tow. -gone ; down" -to:. “from 60.. filler: acte cents). 46 2 50. 64, ‘cents). a: ‘seat. fees ae "Bueh® an: arrangement. ‘might rein s i the’ .small™ exhibitors. ' | Beats | have. “Prices « of “extent. _ Touses:: S| Lowe alk.-their . patronage...” of ot . pita: ‘Syndteate Tobis; ‘also* ‘on *sehalt” 7 of the. three, Tonfilmcopying svorks, : — in. al : Rpenen, follows: the-. success: neve dye micrenne in. establish ’ “(fey Der: ‘Dieter on. positive, a made: Known: the following: : ‘Ittective. as of April “1, “1930; the abes pfennig. her ‘meter, on | for: “quantities: more. than: : About .217, 400 yards: annually; 2 {| pconnig 68) about 330,000. yaras'| “-pannually,. 19. ‘Pfennig ‘about -550,000-1: ards: ‘annually, 18 pfeniiig. | ‘At. ‘the. same: time.-Tobis .réduces -edpying “price. for talking. ‘film . print: ‘dis’ torbe ‘reduced, ‘taking as Ja. basis |'¢ 1d a -Accoypdingly.(-t ' }thé sprices will: folldws: Cwiths T ‘Tout: cofying Vicense ‘and material) | +-Toits: -dé='Paris,”.“This: ‘French ‘picture, isa. prilliant: exam le. of. ‘modern, directing . and: rs aoa te a ‘pl Ibert: = | report. from: ‘Berlin. saying: ‘the’ ‘Lon| don-run ‘of. “Hell's ‘Angels’ may: ‘be *. One’ thing. on. which: all exhibitors} ‘agrée® ig: that’ they want’ the..dis“tributers” to. reduce * rental. terms:. “Some. of the ‘deluxers: are returning. “to’ the. “system “of. two: double: pic-. “in. silent: ‘days. "Rather: risky: “for. two: big. pictures’ An: one: ‘program. increase. an | night.’ ‘had. any., success. as. ‘of Novels; 1930,, the. copying. lile ~| cense -fr om. 10. pfennig: to 5 ptennig |. "Coming weeks ‘will ‘gee fiirther. nea | Botiations, with. a “view to. » By. sennite. SE of the "10 | ¢ andl the. conelus fon. “of. an: Sntended” ins:]"7 vestigation’ ‘of: the ‘bases: of. galcula='. ona. Tobie chopés |-,. wontrol ot New" Zear| ze Klanglilia. <Germa 7 house, Cameo; is re 7 ae “the! an C a] bined :to oir Am et : thot E ehatish ‘supervision: jad ‘spoiled: ‘the. picture;: will: “organize: his: own, oo Spanish. producing ‘company: hiere.: ’ coh. :-Vilehes’, ‘company. will’ bé fo ‘med.| ‘after’ ‘his. Metiio: witid. up’ in: 'Cherk} “Wins, om which“ ‘POEs, Anto:. ‘Droduetion before: the English orgl " ‘ited “Rap Forloi n ‘after, “its Bhe-. i Je, cape: ¥ orlorn. ” Gast prine-f a fees, “to, the Now: York. ffevirig: talkers besiaes:| ; entrent | “bir | attr Actions Métho” will: use. -Lya Lys; Freneh mport. ‘from: .the «Paris ~ ‘stage, : for |. Jeads.:, She: is the Jatest | Maddition, te | Tor eign: contingent.” ‘BERLIN'S OWN. VERSION Berlin, Nov. 2 22," ren} same”. ‘program.’ 4) with -. Now: " first} thenthe Spanish, iinder: title | ja : in “.Héllyavood Dee: 2.” ‘This, re~! _ Nouses |; ! here, to: reduce” prices . of: “séats.. ‘Up. ae | Hn; now“seats. jon an ‘average “cost. ‘eeupieg, and. of 838 ‘They. would -yenters’ . Renters’ cannot’ ‘expect: conipéensation: . as: the’ economic . conditions now.prevailing; ‘anid: the. |-from. -exhibitors;. "Oni: ‘one: ‘picture. ‘among’ “thobe’ 6 ‘shown here: during .. the’ ‘last. fort< |: : “Sous. les: at: the: ‘Forum. thelr: ty in he: city Movbent 3 Williams and: ‘the noble Jord. told J ae, flo; “site i ie Golimbia “could ; chaye ‘gotten: ane other’ “year’s” yélease -throligh:. Gae a “mont;. -only Brahdt, wanted -to:‘Yaige -: ‘| the’ ‘guarantee;: while’ GaimontAvas-.. only. prepared: to dower it,” * Brandt.’ rea ‘Was and is. making ‘the. mistake nios ¥ A 08 the’ New: York head: offices: are: still. making ¢ “Figuring” the 1930 31 7 potentialities ‘an the. ‘basis: of: thos of. ‘Comineres. ‘monthly: report, bust! “ness ‘shows ‘satisfactory: pr obress ‘ale | though. the’: public’ becomes : more ‘diserii inatiny’.inits, talkers, : B <* get "rid... of. ‘the: | “Pa; iter Sin. sotind. pictures and: cooler: weather. brought: PIE R ; [better tend .. ‘ens. 1] mand of. the: “distributors” to: -give ste ‘ at en ee a the. bigh en: 2,| £our, weeks": protection | before send}, * . feor mon : in: 1929-30 ‘Séason: 2 That's . ‘going. ‘to * cause a. ‘io hear tburning whén: th of. 16 figures: cone,” }-through eventuailly,. “What: With-the. ‘| .wining. of. most * houses, . the: passing: _ ‘of talker: . exhibitor 8 “80%. ‘and ‘fis: not? What it . was and mev er: F novelty: and, the: refusia of Sany’ more te: stand. for’ “tall juarantee, | this: feta: is be. again, | of it. 7 "| yielded: $3, 500,000. more ‘than’ the, pres os 8) tous, years: 7" ‘around: 10%,: it ‘easy-to. see. where, ‘your: foreign came ‘during: the. slide nr Chamiber sof. ‘Comméree* "amie to wh aig ov ersupply ‘of, domestic : ‘talkers: [resulting in shorter runs. which: les-|. sen the ‘producers’. possibilities of || = “aimortizing.. their’ éapital “outlay.: “Mie. ‘consequence, “thé. ‘C.-C, :fears,” “may” bé. cheaper production: leading|W. AUrndey: present: con... ‘an: increased | *: responding “ylse.. of: ‘ N. aa: Exhihs Fed Loss. “ févior | quality, ditions, : ae even with’ turnover, * me "profits | fs. Nery:. doubtful: srowing. ‘unemployment, pt. higher VL faaine ‘to’ make further’ -contracta* ce | Here’ -because ‘of the : ‘high’ taxation. hot Apparently. ‘the: exhibs. are ‘beginning: to’: feel,-the’ ‘pinch as: “British films |.can only. supply’ 10%: of the: ‘demand: | Indications: ‘point: tothe Gover nment “4 Storay mn a “teacup. 43° the alleged. “the. subject ‘of -diplomatic : ‘represen~., ‘|-tations: between: ‘Germany-anda. Great: Britain. “Idea. is: -that. “the” ‘film, a. “ rantiGethian, ‘in: tendencys: Juan,’ veceive . aor mn of. “Common “Glay”: _English : . Constayee : « “Bennet “picture. (4 san} the banning -of. the! film: ‘by. ‘the cén which. ‘expérimented. ‘with a “double | i On. ; .the-} “Thi'eé: years.ago, the ‘German: ‘Em: le ‘bagay. here-was drawn ‘into, a-rave. } over, the’ ‘Nuxse’ Caveil. film, “Dawn,”. ‘made ‘in. -Evigland.: -"Phe.. ‘result was. o, x ‘Follow-t -Uup contest: was then: “held = ich: ‘actress: Was'bet ou gé:8abled, ‘the. ‘expert } "ast year ook. a Wit money: ‘out ““Wntertainment: (seat)... “AS: roughly; : fax “da. of. all: your. other’ markets; | De rs Vhen you; figure. there. “were: ‘onk ‘halt’ AS: many. films: in: the:. fields ‘and fewer ‘than ° half: as‘ man ‘houses 1g. still! “easy” ‘to see hoi. thé m ontinved on. bags. 25) “ “Auckland; .N = ‘Main ‘picture: iriterest ‘here. is. the 2 oh mew between: the: Hays: organization and the New Zealand Gover nment..° ot : American distribs ‘ ‘have -been: ‘ree Modifying its i. demands, “but . it’s difficult: to: “predict ‘it it “will. pe . ‘sufficient. to bring about, ‘conciliation: a “ ‘Americans are’ afraid : thatthe “principle. of. taxation™ which’ -1s.:25%" : of the gross-earnings. after: allowing for. Tocal. expenses. ‘and noth} one | Production, vest: cote printing may a ities all’ over the country, anda, pig a ‘Boost: at. the ‘box: “offic : for. «: @) Holland ets “2, Worlds? © 7 “To, 18-Yr--Olds: aid: Qver re ‘The Hagic, : ‘Det. 20° : : py oO “Warias,". the .E, AY “Dupont. ‘ film: over, ‘which: there: has: ‘been sonie (y : Rowson: ‘pecentlyDe tr oni-the’ directorate. of. Ideal Films,.. : subsidiary of Gaamont Br itish,. con~" shows no signs:-oflapsing. ~ Future’ > -bookings G+M 2 a “paranionnt | ‘European °. Tto cast: a talker: vith: Dutch. actor 3 Daris, Nov. 34, Will. ‘Hays*: Jor al. cHas sshifted “hfs; of“Feral in. the. eChamps Blysees 9 Tar ola “Smitth ents ath e Iding Lite? ‘being: “Television. a as Manager’ Hubert is. cterping: owii’ fronthispost .of SUHIPA | foreign. ais-: ‘ tribution, ‘at. ‘the ‘end. “of thie. years “Manager “Wilhelit, ‘who: “péecetitly became wv member of the UPA. ‘board | :|of dfrectors, ‘takes. charge of UFA's | domestic. and “foreign: distribution, upon, ‘Hubert's. departure, nbhs, ne : Richard’ 00 er, : “igtenis ‘Angels. has alveddy. been | 2 Coop: booked {nte. two ‘houses: here follow: Y | ang: ‘its rih_at’ the: Pavilion whi n: ‘are: for the |. : ‘United. Artists ‘house and the: Marble: | Arch =.Pavilion: ‘where: ‘it “carries a} 6 guarantes “ “of a. four: weeks’, stay. | g These. are ‘first: xu bookings. . Rabie ‘Anisterdam, Dac, 2. f . director; |: . t Dick. Biumenthal,. is here. pr eparing. |. ‘| templates ‘a, comeback in pigtur es on the! producing. end. : ges Ag. first: picture Sill : “Mess, oa wartime: fare ; Social Premie ; “Eondon, : Dec: 3 it ish. internationals film ¢ “Love. starving : Seymour present Tene. éor ge. t ot é i} headed: by of tn ° Mirande’ "s New T Ticket. | Lyes, ‘Mirande,: French: playwright, His’ first: valled for..oné “Mirande_ ‘has, ‘been’ working: -Fren ver sionis. |: produce: a. new; play: eine March a a N avfanott, formerly. ‘publicity: nianager: “Of. . “smereal: depar tment: ‘heré, married: a. daughter of. the: famous: “seléntist,’ Le ‘Prussian Film. com-= here’ ‘bys the” presence in: Holiand: of. 7 the: produce. Censors: nave! limited” Vomeers: | fac featirine |° [nets am bartier, : bee) Censorship standards altter’ = ‘that. ‘section. -algo,:: eee rear for ere : toinorrow: (3): on. ‘the Majestic;: ‘take’: [ing adyantage’-of ‘the’ slack: season ‘| Here. to‘make a. survey: on the: Coast : with | possibilities” of the-wide screen. +.) bas” been. givert'anew: ‘terni: ‘contract’ |.” 18) void by. Meti‘o. “| year, particular ‘reference: : to. the: ent fis": _managing. " director." ‘of. Wardour.’ Pulms* and’: a ‘director i if ‘Br itish. Inter national. Bietur es... Glisten with Col, ren ; “Columbia ’ Pictures: "V @éiastein,. formerly.’ “Ww ts: 1 Las, Central ‘American’ ‘gales Manage Berlin: Dec, > Go dstein: Yett for: Mexico last: week . “Col: is! plugeing. the foreign ma ‘keto Tt:recently added Mary: Spauld: ing and-isa. Chodoroy:to: N ‘York: ‘publicity: office, ‘Both,