Variety (Dec 1930)

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. AVARIETVS”. ‘LONDON. OFFICE” “8 ST ‘Martin's s_Place, Trafalgar Saat ; ; May. ‘Caise” (M-G),. under. the: ‘title. of. “Napoleon’ s ‘Lieutenant; a net Up | ‘business Jat. the. ‘Napoleon “subjects: are -likéd" here, 1. giving, to-say. qlat he 2 ni ita few At: ‘ but: ‘more Aue to” ‘thie,, Presence : of fon is’: “faulty: + “ Slowness: of. action s noted: ‘likewise due to ‘th rsion.. for. use here, “ahe ‘same. fault. 43: found ‘with; the: . print: ‘of’ Mary “Pickford! s “Coquette “© the star silent: This ‘subject. brought {| | “audible: protests |-from” :a ‘erowded | |: ‘house “because "of. ‘the. absence’“of }| sound while: the: “characters, swere:b {2 visibly, alking: : “school or oe tal er Forma ces for “especially: bank. ‘workers; ‘Pi “Right, a ere:. with; <about:. a ‘percent: “aialog ‘remaining ‘as): pr vided. for in the’ Italian: regulation: AT. illuminating. “incident:.’: cnoted“at! the ‘first. showing” of. this picture,” which: had. “many: ‘people -opstructed: ‘by * a. standee ‘and: ted by: saying: Sy Me at's a(t ‘silapped. “the: ‘seated "man: seq it “were . ‘an. Italian, flim’ eee retort, ‘brought “ ‘a: choius. of. approval: “from” ‘the:: “ people’ “Within |. “hearing, °. ; oy proved ‘age eeable Also. of the’ Uf¥ania, ‘an educational: institu we . OF. (Ps ding Day, : : “that redsoit ‘the: sound "aynichton tna” ; a ‘where ‘they Bt i ‘drew. “capaci y: "British: Interiational’ to ‘pat’ the. Ge ‘plus’ ‘at’ ‘the: San. -Carlo: ‘einema. “Pic-. “was ‘cally’ forbids: the -use: of--his. ‘filmes “Works as-a, ! ‘second. feature. ‘and ‘he: reCuses‘to. “budge” from”®: :compliance : Picture.” was welt. liked;/]. “maneuvers: | sSouth: Pole’. (Par); ire Caniada’s ABLE. ‘ADDRESS: VARIETY, LONDON '. Temple: Bar. S0415082 an Inquiry Into: ice ‘eed by: the’ veld Now Denar tent 6 , American friends-were ‘having ||’ | +] a: turkey“ dinner;: -s “Germany has:'ho. Thanksgiv=: " “90 ‘Clayton's, : ‘info. * “Started | guessing”. The. “ariderstanaing: ‘hag ‘been’ mal Be Thanksgiving | was; originally: that a. country. wi hout Thangsgiving car. have no. turks, PS “It's: another: chicken: vand see i. 2 | SHAW. WONT STAND FOR in | FILM BEING 2D FEATURE % 7 | terday: (Ménday):. ‘| from: prosperous. “and” is” not. ‘in, oa ‘po-: Pos "| sition: toafford the’ cut, ‘but. there is {no arguing. when. government orders. “The: ruling has: not :the’ ‘form: of: anactual: ‘legal: enactment,. but -it-is:-the” same®-thing ‘.in. “effect: Bernard | Shaw. film of “How ‘He’ Liea.| “tor: ier: ‘Husbana’” into. the: Carlton 7 ‘early. in January. as a: ‘sécond: feature: ‘} to. ‘Lubitsch’s:. “Monte. Carlo’ .(Par) | However, Shaw's’ contract, ‘speci with the’ Jetter of th agr =| BYRD. OUTDRAWS EMIL: | | ee BACKYARD it jwouldn’t . ‘male any woraear over here” }} over, =e j-are given,” : “promptly :. “| trouble: ‘with: his’: “syndicate” | ‘(trade > [.association) from: which -he: may: be -Ixpulsion..’ -would .. vauto-, me inatically put. such: an ‘insurgent: ou lige ‘| Kohan, . French: :banker,: -hea¢ ine a} “syndicate: which. not’ Jong” ago * Abr |S: > Bere}. ‘line: version was thatLoew: wanted: |-control: with: Kohan: willing: to can-" .sider.a: community '¢ ‘of interest. wath Jan’ exploitation, for.turkeys,, and Ay “at. ‘the . Excelsior cinema, revealing} |.” : Hieatre. managers; ‘cinema: ‘exhib: citors, ‘ptoduction-men and’ all’ ‘others: -in:the: theatre are requited to: ‘come |: : TV inite! line .with: thé:-general.| © || ‘duction scheme: “sponsored: by ° Mus-'. ‘solini: for. ‘reducing the: ‘cost. of li Admission, ‘séaleg of ‘all legiti vaudeville’ and. film. ‘theatres ‘must ‘Show business ta Ttaly.” sirice-. ‘anybody. “who does not. “obey: lays~ “himeelf. : “open ‘expelléd,: * Caincident, “with” ‘the 1 ‘reduction: \'admission ‘sdales, ; there. comes -Acut. ‘ranging. from: five’ to: 20% ‘in: ‘the: sal-'| ‘aries: of.. ‘performers, Stage | shands,, and: all other salaried people, in the oe theatre. ‘or. cinema, vee ‘fans: os . te , “The bie. boxomise: ‘ev ent ‘in. ‘Vienna: ‘this weekis: “With . ‘Byrd: vat the hich showed ‘to’ packed: housés | night after night at), A tlor rather’, than’ a: -piéture ‘theatre. f “Audiences. compr ‘ised: ‘the: ‘wholefan |: . LA: new 4 governnicht: income’ tax: ‘of: one. ‘shilling: (25: : “eents).. “in © “every. x ‘pound (about: $5). of. ‘income, i ing: ‘salary. and. “earnings ‘anid’ apply=. -ing.. to. the ~ ‘entire: community, ‘has: “struck : the ‘theatrical : ‘business’: -anOther: terrific ‘blows: . to: a. flat 5%. on. ‘income.": . “The: impost’: is’ sure to come: out: ° of, the ‘amusement‘money ‘spent. “by. |: wat ‘Working: people; ° ‘and ithe: ‘statement “iss. generally: ‘made’ “a: ong theatre, ne small ‘that it: ‘Spells: t | have: flockéd -: to’ the’ Ufa. talker | | Darling... ‘of: the ‘Gods,’ "iwi Tax amo units . “‘publi¢°and was not confined, to: ‘the. serious’ minded. fe ; By: all’ the’ dope. tlie. “nob” ‘shoula:|. success. and: he® ‘is the darling “of. the. | Vienna: screen: ‘fans. a Uta’ s direction’ of. “the, “new: pigture us ‘has. been. ° much™ ‘criticized. : “The tion generally: “ Are | regarded. a “‘faul alty.: The : 20% or ‘appearande.: “The. number: of. per ‘song~ to. which: this ‘Tule; applies extremeél! small. * The: .OF New Tl Tom | Boban ee here _ was: an. -enorméus. : camera, ‘work: and ‘technical: ‘produc’ ; | theré,-. ‘are’ “hack*. in. Paris. nae “| found. “several ‘Berlli studio av | able. and. excellent. facilities: ACC the. last sound ‘patent conte dere. ‘the’ excessive: demands. of, Tobls 2 opeigtor: ‘ana’ trons (cab, won. ‘fae’ ‘ | vorable. ‘reviews. upon: ‘its > “premiere film “‘nélodranias;; ee 1 Seadstrom remained: in: Berlin: ‘to’ Bee]. L ; at : the’: Ast City”. “Der “Andere,” Play. by. Paul:Lindau, ~ Phe last. ‘named: 1g-viewed. “as. too Freudian’ and. morbid : ‘for’ ‘mass ap-' |" neal although. Frits: ‘Kortrief, knawwn'| omnes ‘fr 9m. “Atlantic” makes ‘itesome| jong: ‘absence’ Spent: an Beareh ‘of: res" : | stored -health.: is. “represented “in the). line. ‘up’ with: Metrooldwyn's ¢ “The L of a “drawy.. Anieri ica, Bellamy. “Tyial,” ms : ‘London, “Dee. . ‘Che: Fim | “Going “‘Sucicty, will | met Dec,: S withthe object of wind-: ing. ‘up: the” organization’ and: later: suming under: new: “Bet of rules. ‘Group: lost, & legal, ‘action: recently. hen-counsel. stated their rules were! . baly’ _fminied, ‘ based: on the: i . 7 fhere, ‘but: the fan .Feaction: 48. ‘nat. the: week. marks a ‘bplures. “in be ve “Old fashioned: ‘direction, is: plained, Correll Restimes ae , ’ Berlin; Dee: rell,. has. returned: ‘to. “Berlin: ‘after. a. He! has: resumed” activites as, head “this” situations. for. As. a: “result,. Tobis . has | Orie” important. dimeulty: remains nee “unaegeptable, to: “the: “American. Pe cos aan In: Vari, the: Sound, man, mer Ny 3 “Ura, production’ manager, Cor-. | ve = going on here: ag. to whether: the. lox. prodirction icentershall: be: ere: Or. 4 “Decision ‘awalts: the: return. of! Clayton: Sheehan. A, conference’. ‘on Be ane tor ‘Paria. ; “Improv ément ‘in local. prodictians ‘and’. ‘abandonment: of. ‘the: idea? of. MRS | ean: stories, emake, Necessary: -@. res. Lvision. of the: ‘Pari monn , prodinction” ‘of. ‘adapted “Amerie” ched ules: a ramount.. sro a aluction: WHI -be called: upon. tle: reé-., : arn. ‘of: Robert for Metro~Coldwyit, in Spal ‘ing for. Bilenod Alrés: thi t take: Las RBeplin, rom: ‘ae “10day, visit ty. Ttaly, * ay en bs po 3i0n08! ‘Airés, 1 Des * Sean: ‘Letschy: “formerly. In chi “cht arte he “PO. chew assignment isa" omiotlon,. “. “|. wee ‘bing. wha “to, of “sits Avant to: “the: “pureyemonte | oe ‘dea’ in. ‘the: States, Seems, to be. m kJ {Oslo Thinks ItMay Cet Par 4 | Studio lf Versions’ Connect | “Salo Pasi | seems. ov have.’ attracted’ -Hicense:” to. rdcord: “killed: an | ‘| chances: ‘of a ‘deal: with: the, ‘Amer-: \icang.. : chaiiged © its. attitude arid” “is. sready ito make . concessions ‘to“induce: the: ‘l-Americans. ‘to ‘produce’ in Berlin. che “home: to make slr a ch aly ni a latte ‘in. Berlin: tor. more “than: three: ‘pos ana for’ nal ‘om: ‘bhe “As. “SUD 2 “morithy‘pending: a: readjustment, of] Ce ‘Dieckering: is “still fro ALT Leena Ge “orig; owt ~ man artor,Tory wetits of. plet ure | resix ‘Work. cin: | Holy whed =. hep ' pee Arashi t. tal Renters” FP hea Affairs aioe | Society, ‘has. ‘signed a agreement. swith: the: “Music, Pu en'[ers’ [unde me ‘repre der: ‘the: _Anquir. . Assbelation, * ing. pletures, ‘Contract. in ralves:, 15. ‘producers s bana “48: muisic:-ptiblishiers; ‘and: the op: -ternys: are’ looked. ‘ypon: as: more. fa: n | -vorable; ‘than: ‘Montreal, Winnipeg: and: ‘the ° “Maiti: a “time Pr ‘ovincés: before findings: could: “be. ‘pr esented: to..the: ‘sovernment, at: ‘Paris’. Dec, 2. “raway Lawrelice, ‘European: mans : ager ‘for: ‘Métro-Golawyn,’ has ‘put an’ ‘end: to’ Bossip: over ‘the: possibility: of [a a‘tie-up between: that : company ana|!" -Emelka; theatre’ oper ating: unit, : ‘He issués: a ‘flat denial that any. such v idea ig en> tertained:. quired’ Emelka’ ‘stock. control. : a Metro, Ez elka. ° “slash: ‘applies’ cently” ‘to |: in. m : nt stars: receiving: . the: equivalent. ; Of}: "$400" or nore:.for ‘each: Performance }4 :S “papermaa, o pera Hose: “fiero. was. the: we anti unce‘the new: seale; at. a re Ansley, made that: “the: lim: "'Soclety; ‘| would: ‘presently: have’ its: own: thea: ‘tre in? that city, as” the.. “Amsterdam : ‘theories, matinee; ‘gave. “a “Morning ‘screen, “shown din. lately: ‘under, warious: titles, LE “Tho:. “Avant: “Garde. some: way, ‘Tuteh-’ money going: into a new film” concern: gtar ted in. BerMin, and. managed.. by.” a German’ law= | yed ‘named: ‘Erich’ Frey,? who’ algo. appears from, time.” to™ time: ‘scenario: writer, a Riinkneaa . _ goon. for. Paramount coral ne * “ti, loc al Peport. es ‘Deo. dit. ater, rar ato phe. ote. file. ‘yaude at: thie: ‘Palladium : for’ a feniswea Ce “German: : producing..’ “and'|. Latter: -House: is: called: ‘The “Olitléok. 4, ‘It has been: running: about. O. -year.-|Tt. / The: Sdcialistswho: are:ndw hold="], ; ‘ing an: exhibition: ‘in: Amsterdam: calal ua : -Veulatted® ‘to: ‘advance... their ‘political wo The gtoup. ot Fox execiitives ‘who | went: to, Berlin™ ‘to make“a’ “survey |’ ‘Of. studio. “prospects for. ‘production. ‘but: ‘the: pictures. “were: a: -flop;: disclosed merely as va: rehash’ of: an. old: film" ‘by: Ivens called: “The Tie” ‘Hague “™mé vernent. Capital in|. . 9 i Ametioat: girls, me Stern, ‘Biéciric. for: ‘Tes: ‘Meense. +: The ‘agreement: ‘divides’. recording: ‘rignts into ‘territories; “the. blanket.” | price for :world-wide:‘recording’. be=': _o| tigs-$100a.nipmber,: : | fee: for -“the.: British’ Isles alone is "/MLCS MANAGER ABROAD | | QUELLS EMELKA REPORT) Bocas ‘their. snarkets.. rane The recording: $25° and that for the States« $20. ‘This. arrangement. “means: “that: British. ‘produccrs may * pady., for : ‘recording’ tights plecemeatl according ‘as they -The.: Publishers", ‘Association, have: Ing signed, the‘contract, 18° offering. better ‘terms ., et,: Providing: At. Gets. New: Censoring Head in {Montreal : Expected’ to: | Betiet Tike. __— ; i ‘chiurman: of (oS Rout ‘Board Of: Mov-: ‘(ies Picture ‘Censors; * retired’ and H; ‘Eugene: Béaulac® ‘appointed, »Beau* Jlac!is..a: well-known: -Frenchnews: tart: of “Le. Canada”. for. 20--yer r ae . “Ploture: ‘men’ locking | ‘forward ‘to: moro? -rédsonable’ treatment in: con« i \ | trast’ ”to. Jiarsh,. methods: “Of. ‘past, . “Beaujaic * is ‘not! a ‘forelgner, | dnable: ta. assimilate. new. tdeas Ike his: ‘pre | decessor, . : otwoother: membera‘ot. boara. ar unchanged: 4 no . me ~-Copenhayen: Des ye Paramoutit's atiquisition: of: "Nor oy “‘werian ; . players:! “for. taliers. being: producéd fate. ‘Jolnvillé, “near” Paris smay“possibly © ‘lead’ to ‘the« -building~ of: a -‘Pdramount’ studio’. An Oslo: for the’ Talcing:. of, ative. is: pic tures. ° : res of “Norweglan: veralone have. ‘an’ Varitage-of.a: wider field than many: other. langilages, ‘since. itis: the most: widely: ‘understood.of: all the'Scans" dinavian ‘tongucs and. would. ‘haye,’ potential’’ ‘al: ‘the ‘Scans > (Unavian. * ' nations; “Denmark “a ; Swedén,. Besides: Norway..." -The Paramount: Oslo ‘manager. div clareg that if: “ts: Norwegian. pi ture Get over. Satlsfactortlys : ‘Pura= B [-mount: may: ‘build: a''studio : there, ae ‘Oslo... was, former ly: the’ Capit Nor "Way but: As: Now, ‘V ‘AUbUND. Of. ta 2) Ranstia nia, art harbor, of. oes : “Talla S oe oe a cane ae 0 Fast Leaves ane Bek. 52.750 “weekly, Ata which. “apie = alvin ot has: 2 ft: ele | resignadd. from: the Argentine cabinet, : faltowing. the ‘mentlon-ofhis “name™ Ine ‘connection: “with the. focal: Oustrie: bank! scandat, ' His. object, ‘he 2 “1g ta: establish: his: Innocelics. ». Without, Involving’, ‘his: official: statis. “Aton: ‘COMB. BG swiftly: ‘that--1 fiiided by. iddis “Moore, Tats, ‘offetal waited ‘in, vain _ )appdintment: fe with: he. ‘niin ster, © uniaw are .of vis. : ‘to .. keep a pr evigus: