Variety (Dec 1930)

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: | rape on “Pta hemore ‘Beneroris. . [tra le: epoits seek 46, make ite aps ) . < a 8 300° ‘Gen, Th 6.200 ‘Loew 3 100) Par,800" Pathe: “32 FON. RCA ot 9 100° RISO". “400Shubert, -B a ne 7 wpe OLESTy: came: oul Ash, ‘dev elopment. “play” “aha tk e. outside,” “ghe. oft : ‘: | that: thé’ eoneern ¥ Avoid -iner figtred “cond: WwW wae nitord. AL higher ¥ Would’ be. welcome to } weit Bi seni meanwhile: feave yw a dave a good account of them! ‘notably. ‘Steel, which : “moved: a 3 but ‘few | a. splurge: | showed : oe Spa (took. the: ene. ‘for:'a the. “aintisementss, agmeosalve ‘pulligh! initiative, are oe expected. ‘that. the, ‘Pathe. acquisition: will’. she closed! today. ‘CWed.) or. to-. as iris “morrow; ‘although’ ‘what-:that ; would: -thean marketwise. ‘is. not cleat: except ; . that..*: :. . ] ers zs “Loew's. ‘dia? ‘nothing « “either” _ continuing. its -listlessriegs:. of. the: “4. ‘previous: day. -Trade. understands || that: -all’ “thought ofan’ actual Fox-: Loew amerger-has: been abandoned " which: takes: away: ‘from. both ‘stocks’ : ‘the’ favorable. aspect. of a ‘consolida-. | «tion : ‘that “would: chiedm: economy: f:) millions in operation.” < . “In the ‘bond: ist’ General Theat es. } ‘Sank. to, Jy ‘foi: a: new: bottom, w a “Laror. weeks. ‘ow. thi attitude. nolaine “oft at Teast: until | “the short:.Congress’ Session: got” the: ay 'S.. Message, «| ‘Volumé | of. shiess. tell-off to a. ‘minimum, with: Monday. turnover. ‘of 1,120, 00c: \ “the. Smallest . &inde, Aug, “Pos tion, Of. the market: appears “to. -he’ that the’. short daterest has: “pretty -conipletely:, ‘covered its ines “while: Jong-pult’ investment ‘buying: “FOEUSES ; to-. follow. prices -up, -~Both']: . elements, bring the” markét:into.! a State of stymic. : “velopment:, furirishes’ fresh: tas, 2: Monday's : “trading: “was” inconclit: Oc: ‘Some of. the: standard. -issues: de: minor. gains; Stéel. selling. Cy ae ‘Zained a point and other: ‘lead1. = ets, did: fairly well, but. the: ‘amuse: | _-Ments’ ‘did not ‘get’ into. the’ mild * up=: > ture to. Any. extent, ~There.: are ‘too ¥adverse. Conditions: working’ against: an advance for the’ moment,’ VATASt: important 4S the’ still unex’. Dlained: Juin theatre. ‘attendanco: nthe’ last’ ‘quar ter, avfaiotor! “Wall street. frankly. recognizes: ; eute: it Wee any’ immédiate . better='| Vien! autimi earniigs ditey | Inbier average: don onic, cases. tht comps Apparent ‘that: ‘prospects for. i: Lavoriubile: new: ‘year. first: “qarter: ‘are: hot. bright, thus putting a “dams } per: L year: fat: the ‘industry, “a “product. ae thie MLONTeTit Sat ‘cepted: as. the auswer, witli-the: near future “resting onthe. prospect ofa. b rent -in studio. output. es “Hi LOL: Témedye . s they: hay. to: ‘the’ “thieet spered—:; Be : . ~ adniission | les."in’ Tina: with redined. prices’ in’ pretty. much: allretail lines. -. “Only Airect, market news ‘of “the. Bon wane "at a “$e extra,’ Ww hich. ‘curs In. ‘other: 62: | tar mtit, Sethe new. oo | See fheld:. pegged. -Probavly: Lan. an -continties. ‘vote-of ANG. Loew. dis |: ere tomar ‘¥ kes. Sins pointhient,, “partiouli hy. of general uncertainty: vent’ ear ine in the: Ww. hole industes words, i band. its. _fesoriree Tow: -around:.50,° ‘moving, hd. patter, sold ‘off sharply. when | “Te: “was ° “noted that: Volume. “fell: oft: Abrujitly ‘on, the -set -back,. giving: encourage|. ‘ment, to: the view that it. was mereli. theundoing. of” ‘a Speculative: ‘plunge. ‘in: Loew that, ‘brought about momen ‘retreat :in the FoxLoewe coter: i le Par. ‘Lags. Behind. aA “Anothérbearish: “eleinerit, “Th “the “situation is ‘the: seeming. inability. o£ | | Paramount... to; et out “of! the. rut. Leld: Jeader: has been: moving: through narrow. swing ‘betiveen 43 ahd? 46,.‘at whieh? pr ice’ ‘campaigns ers iss : “beturh | yp Spread .. ‘over-all: “the: active: ‘Shue th ne sh ‘Only: ons stoc ‘ 4 [tnem. ally was. taking: ‘pains: Mo. hus! 3 y one. stock showed an ady, “ance, whieh ‘had | m de |e ecover ia fron “a. ‘November’: : active: “pear that, MY auner sare’ revt inforination. ds: that “the eS" looly.:to; e" As ‘one as. far as. ticke operations are eonceriied. -Theimiier upturn:in. ‘Shubert: Wels : | short ved and Neen: to have been fee to": ve “ Nhaye, “have: * heen net eo Operating whips a in. the ‘bonds. tr om | { hroupghit, about as: part! of. the csante’} eve ‘Ahyhow,. a. turn: ‘in. company, aftuirs. Sem | a {annual interest. charge on the Donde’ of :About’.$200,000."is due*Dee. 15 Sint king. ‘fund. requir ements Por” $300,000a year. “to! “sefui-annwially to “thre ‘the. bonds. at. ‘105. up to. June, 1932: eo gach. year, thereat ters u Nominal: ‘tra, ansactions' ‘Mondas at.) $29" for the | $100. bonds: ‘eloquent: ‘inter eniee..: ; situation: aniong: the amuUgé ménta. ““has’. Several .. SOI. Spots ‘notably. the naw. Paramoun -Publi issue, “which® contiriues to chit: NeW T lows ‘week ‘after.weéek; “the Gee t Theatre. 6a Which sluniped: t0.a-. Ney “Kottom wat 72 -add the.’ Water: ‘Necurities ’ Whieh: hav “fone Lore, perilously ‘closet OW eek; declining . nearly. 6 . situation’ : : new phase: tus: fined: toth 164 s “Old: ; Paramount-FP bona 5: “bile; Dear par, as are ‘the. old: the: yalue: of ‘the stock: pur: i} chagé privileges The ‘Warnery..bonds Ee of! -stinding ‘less. than“a: year; |: }awhiletlie: “new Par-Pub’ issu -came |outonly *a-.few months ; iMBO-. n, ‘Thea tre. issue: made it-apnenrprance with ° the: ‘Fox: ‘reorganization dast, Spring. ae “Aggregate: Swings ee Sixteen of .the big Board OITLUSE -menitslast. week. ‘declined ‘an’ agere Bate-or 26 “points, :the: Tésseg_ bein a nominal. gain: OF ‘Warner : Bros. preferted.. ‘orn: sing! transaction -of"100 ©: “shares. Heaviest, ‘decline: appeared. : in Loew, off 4%. -on sales cof 92,000; ‘Sharés,1S Tongs, . | probably of recent’ date, on: ‘the’ Givi | : dena’ action. “representing. disappointed. : Fox. dropped: 335: off ) shares, and ‘General'}-On “sSales~of: T47, 00: shares, a light’ volume: for. that} “bale 134 ‘{;stock, ° ty : importante, : : Columbia. watched with. ‘interest asa: promis ings _spéculation,“appeared. only: onee “for ‘each, -description; : ‘the. -voting trust. Gertificates.. ‘stock Was. ‘unchange } -eertificates. off. 14%: ‘actions,’ of COUPE, ‘a: stock sq “elosely held. and: :'so .in [if swt: “under active * accumulation |. “§ ig. ‘following.’ the ‘market crash a year ago. : early. phases .of the .1930 break Par roveived | ‘determiried support. above. -60. and’ ‘fought: tre decline. ‘through ‘the: 50's: with utmost aggréssivenes That it. receives: only. nominal. ‘ya : ‘Speak, Of: a changed situation: fe | ° RaIX-O ‘continues. to ‘stand -out-as |: the only’ smember. of the’ grouyi that: |: ! Y t and. that: . basis in fhe -mys: “support L an Assue.. On: analy sig.’ ‘and ; récord’ “Re “Ke OF has. Title to’ attract’ outside ‘follawing Tt is. concedéd -that: its earning power’ shows improv ement, but: ‘even at. the: -re¢ent.rate’.the outlook.” ‘for &@ near. | future: ‘dividend. is:somewhat r Nevertheless’. the. stocl ‘surrounded . with: optiniism “R-K~O. during. ‘seattered: trades. trae v. that: level.” up. “here, the stoels helper merely ‘Tuin-up ‘anywhere. in. tire iist: Would: invite, attack,’ “especially: in a" $ aed t withe best dul of ‘the.w hots | At ole. tine. Nast week, jchad: a: severe, is eréated.|..' }by-the strength: of its’ spongors: and {202° . well: ‘authenticated. reports ‘that-it: ig:] «644 being bought ‘in: -votume’. -by, ‘strong, }. 20% and well’ informed ‘traders. held. above ¢ the... most ge . oa ek'S pressure, 6x=" Apthficka ¢ ann: LNs t-. Tt-is ‘remériibéred: that in the a wane “one “B00 “Ametiogn’ at: 1,700 “Congolese 1,500 7 Consol: ‘Filmy pra, lo R00. Wastman Nodak «i 2.500): Wax). Ries. * Hye 2, It 060° Cen! “J (gtr: “Madison. "dit 400. Det.-G.-M, 40, 12h. . i aig” Patl he : Uke jinng ea “pret. A 800, Shubert We 400 “Cotuiabia Picts: 100" Do v.tic, 400 Pox. Theatres... ; ‘ “Loew eb. rt 060:: Toew:. wae. 700. one ‘Thr... een. 4 hnigaior. Sa ES “Ap= . i 4! Dwr eX “Par nt, : ee papel ay MI Shubert . 169, 300 “Warner” res i,’ 402 § alse: ball’ ba be! applied {ti id svedeniptign ory. JOC. -| bonds, except that ‘fluctuations. aps. :The .On: the’ Curb was: no movement. at | Pictuies, |. 109 Shares: of: “thes old: stock: and anotlier like. lot. of. oy a1 0 0g 2: Such: trans ; mean nothing: in-]: pref; CES): ‘Parainountbem. *TASky aris 14 “Ls, "y oe the ‘volume in} Ft, _ fave bonds | was’ not: large: enough to po give: thre’ “operation: : the -conyinciiz {.uspect of Sark art Quisles: Wah ayer yone, -tnetiding” Un Gr ony: renga: yeti 11. “his owit. 1 “will: probably SEL daily: film: “paper .for Hollywood: ° Calvin’, Brown,: former ¥ ice: president ‘of: Pathe,, is: liter ested. in the ‘trade payier. Mergers: Nn ‘personat. friend of. Guigley's: for, sears; B rent ort 4 je Ko-! n ext oe Gir ; | torial exploitation AC | Pathe, | tor Re tnira’ Al eater depirtient, “iis. ‘an. Has’ “pe tioned: the nicture: rss s Leomnwhich Ait chuy's' Y od. including’. Radio. >y ‘ivture , share eifially: in the expenses of nia alt: pictures The companies; besides: Rado,‘are, Columbia ‘and: Uni fersal. RK0: int”. iiaking tie, 1 | demanct is: ‘Ehatt:: ‘singe YL, fiinis*'ai played. an: percentage in ‘the R=K, : theatres, Nittidt at. ex ploitition is: A§‘beneliciar: for, ; ase ; RKO: has: astatlisneda a national: Seinen boreaa for: : pictures ‘the: Wy cet. = “Hiss, uunder: aging ‘by ; RKe On: oat’: ot: ‘the cam with’ R e.| palgns: ty: be guided by. merits ‘Of: ‘thee | tines; tepay less: of ‘brand’ This! “mainly”’ involves: né sbaper ad | ‘placeinenta;” featuring the.“ruan-of ‘the. papei"!. ‘tyne | of: anvily:advertis< +. ; * “| ing.: The ‘Wistribs’ are. requested by. ERS sik: 0: to. share”, 50a: of: ‘such. exs: penditures.” “that® dmount of: plugging: ‘the,’ ‘dis ranting -. -Ltrlbs “will! be, asked to staré in, ex: Incorporations CALIFORNIA ok ee 7.08 “Angeles MW ghire:. Mountain: Trout: acdunt® ope Los Anreles.:35.0, 000; ‘gubscrived: +3500 Myers... ay Hi nimuated Ptet tures: Cory of. ‘Los, Angeles. . hg “$L000 | Pawel ‘Care “Binit:Oleman,. “Owl: Aniusement : 'Co.y Ltd, Tos.. Angeles....”-Capltal “stools. | $3 Subseritied pee * Ray. DY “Rawson, ford Hughes Taura: Sandquist : We Sualling, Win: ‘Smith, $ ‘acranienta: “Tree 2. o Gorisolidated: Amusement. Soclety; Co ¥y -of.Los LAtigeles; . no. capital. Victor ‘Connors,: ‘Avene. Ta Selyldge,; Arthur Deltiore. ., Co ounty: ‘of. Tow « $10;004; . Ewing, : ita, Ga pral., “stock : ‘s30°, Harry. BE, wines COdi{en Ybarra:! Bennett : Pictures : Corp. Angeles; vcapltial ; shares, ‘none subserthed: I. Tuyner, “M Goodman. © *Ereemun: ane A nak: Ine. County cof: Les. Angeles; capital ‘ "$150,000, subse vibes: $500; Freétnan 1. ani: Niele Stuart; Bs ‘Barn A ison, Ce. Bert a Bim, “ploltation: taking” in. the advert ising. nattonalls, ‘favith Rs K0: ‘to. contribute the: game... ’ amount. ; ’ “Stock. * ‘wo: 1 Hath. s 350 "$113,400; | Last year: ohigh. as “$40, 0005. ea “Radio,, Pathe: “ana ‘eolumiila’ & Ore, 2] said to have. agreed: ito: the. -proposi. | flor, ‘ ‘ Healy” sold.” UU niver vals ‘is: %y . ‘use. iments, Operators, Of: 20. theatres. {n° eastern’ Canada, “was $3.75 per. com ‘mon. “bNare compared with $3. . year: : ‘Surplus was "$724,9 “ Net’. profit “was “Sua ‘it: ‘way. $270;440... ; > United:, Amusementg: “Is ‘an’ inde. “Kk. pondeit. organization: affliated vith? 1. | Pamous: Players: Can: an ye pag at “the. ‘court: Mouse next ae "4 dis. (8), and ‘fell whi Caio dig ii in| Go. The, ~The Senda Hanae ie 4a" | apeit settled: ‘a. disteibution:-argu vy Tne, + ‘ “ISSUES*IN: OTHER. MARKETS: “ AU unt that foc Monday aking. spell, eerting |. 1 within ‘a. fewction of. 16, i nd. its tiutl -: |. spin to en are. * atti: “eurerit:: “Of. ‘d wis P. 7 bE tween*. “‘eomipany:’ > Offs hunksing . “uasociates, ae ch,: 2 Nox 1 bess J ARIGO J-ment thal: ” elusive. J ra ture 2 | Junction: ‘against’ the: suleof, Selig: a Mahe hye Rie . ie 22 when aD Ka demanded. an: wins! fc a tiires” and, ‘comedies: to ‘any: Vother: : dlstritstitor:. : at ‘Selva & Soi: eae i Shas a a ag Potes 1d ae) Soe Stollywount, _ Universal has bough! Burnett, author. ‘it Rea ows te el: by, U5 ,