Variety (Dec 1930)

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“ ; “eas. ‘financing ‘“plan,. pulding: “<Blope,btit fn a ‘Question.. ae "thé. entire: estate, . laa euit: ; houses,, hag joined: ‘the: indiés : “atts [29 WT Gav nderwodd,. ‘one. of R. ‘eR S|: ‘pig. shots;;on. directors’. boat, Just} “how: much: ‘financial: ‘support, R.: &: Ro! “Will givé the cause-is: ‘ungertain,. for [OE Le Al first runs: ve 2 The Nearspar ‘thershij: “Schenek ‘and: Hughes. has “ ed rea . v; ila Walker, os wnte at at the Dow. ntown. c| Christie. Day... fo HE, the’ ‘difference ; Hor wy rita: dss au get 13. nb office: “value. ‘Of. awide, : come: Up, here: When, Warners. sends |. sone Lash". ~ (eer mrerly. fAdiosy, vinta: 1 Rey a: “Fluliday’ ie ‘tur e. fore th yuan s . “Peature e "due: “to! ‘open. in’ both, have ® isenit I: tiupdtening iW ires . to allied members|: : eee closed’ ‘this week, Ua ‘either: ‘buy. fisiired’. P‘was | and: ‘pleirty™. oS LAS ‘a: first. pay ment; a his: three: ares " mpexas, with: varbund. «7 cer lain that , tliey‘ean. Bive:, “Hor: ‘Witzisay plenty. of? ‘trouble. : ly tiny ‘olve” ‘educating von”: Horowita!s‘persénai®, “squabble swith’ P-P “in, “Houston | and. this’ atjteinpt ‘to dyide; ‘selfish | matives:. ‘by “Ay " Praiee bing. Carl: “Young's ; “edn. ao ; ‘of ‘fighting, ‘alone, and: Hor: | Ut ‘wits “malin have: ete axe on: heal : “inate: houses ‘inGlendale, “Cal. -or: i partnership.’ ~ "Young: is" ‘veported., ‘peking: $i $180, ‘000° local: goning: plan ‘immedia product. franchises: ‘are: allwith: An dépendents outside” ‘of Ww une : ir t: National; ne exXas: “public E », SMoks gereeh’ of: Awonten's. clubs’ and Ye “ehurches. ao To Pals initial cop ranging’ from: $5. to $50" per,: accord., Ing. to’ sizé of :towns; ‘similar. to Al the indies. also figure that:siate cen Sorship’ ‘would. -¢inch. Texas’: ‘famed. bate. Soe Taw, . dgainst: which exhibs. . ‘ation’ Gost; | ~. “andies.‘assessed | ‘themselves. :dues . Majority: ‘of Sraph, ‘Company’. sain . foe “Sain: ‘Ant ilo, :-Ded 2 Judge | Worth.. riday. (28) -digmids c:. ‘the: ‘patent. ‘inringement; suit. ‘brought, by * Alec ist, ERPT! ‘the. grounds:.that. the: ag [and the. decision’ was. render ed from. “Zl the: ~benchi, sits arinounced™. Tdoward. Hupties, imay. reported, but: enitirely’ On nie | Of!" re “produced. ota: ‘few. ‘cholee. ‘towns in. ane bat U. : : in ‘thie: form, OF. mcrae ; pened: the. A ‘tt yeas ‘ano: WAS: hela over fora: ONY st the’, ote® Spoor: <ereenand: “films | “asi the “holdings. of “the: Tupoti “tie binge ‘the: as taking. Young: ancy, Young's ‘in, -Féderal Ce th The involved . cather “showi ing. the State uake;, “Ong “Sin nf, Lathe, nay i stay’ it . ‘0 agreed: mie? ‘contracts, are sto: ie § ‘slated: votay outside. ot: Russia. . ‘Included in: y sides lintary to.: ‘Pathe’ he are”. Const fin “Arin: “Harding, ee ES and. William Boyds: ri. u at its’.oan-. name; will ‘virtually: . ‘Te other’ ‘than: that’ Dngholt and. ‘a Les’ “Angeles Sub-.” “Ted. O° ata iret gen. sales’ MET. urban . ‘own: “getting : pictures: ‘under: main: ‘undisturbe ; may: ‘leave. ig‘likely? the: ‘Pathe ales” exchanges: wil: ‘be: “corisgolidated |. ith ‘those: of, R-K-0O. . “> Another’ ‘report’ is: ‘that Liée Marti, ' R. Kra) gén: sales: mer oy, Will succe ‘|... B, Derr. as: ‘the’ Pathe::president Whiether: Derr fremalns : (as. producer. hie. “Dupont. stock. ‘to. ‘the ‘amount: : ‘Of: 49% is‘claimed’ to. be Pathels. most. pont: ‘concern, ‘has, feeding! x prof table: plaintifts: ‘haa |’ ‘presented: ho: -cause: for ‘action. ‘walldity.. Of, . ‘the. “paterits:. =] Were -not™ gone: into: by, ‘the Court: deal: reports “followed ‘that, ‘other’ | “distributors were in.-the’ -market for]: ‘Pathe.: . “Tnese:, ‘distribs ~ ‘are .said, eek: news ‘editar-of: the FOx~ Ho: x mibhe pa|" te n ta re olor”: ° ; ite wane De for’ all: T editions, west “Ofthe Ruine: ‘Peduish: Mov Thaltene: Ne ae “Tis “ible. 3! talles ve “Will “héreatter : airale tw vas a ear. ‘over: ther e; tor keep in’: “tow ‘editions: ‘to:. “include, every: county lat: © “Radic ‘Rt “soon: @3 ds. also. 7 ‘eported. reels . in New: -York;: may: change “places. with, Gerald. $a ceditér.. of BHtish ” Movietone . Ne ‘| change: ‘is. “but -€eniporary:, pnd. uturé, ‘guidance, ! : “4,500: ‘Theditres: ‘Abroad vox erving: “between. 500: gheaties ” “abroad ” sare | i 1,200) ane, W ith: “ene)i. country having, ‘its own, spécial edi Hons: a3 3] eat: thie: “ail bf time, S Withe ie newsreel, shi ‘Service: Ww hich, is now getting: out. 40-4 jewsteel ‘claim Ap that ra a {ania . quickly: ‘there will -be no,. more. Clue. Lindustiiy”. than wide “film.: ‘the: lesson. learned: by’ moving: ‘slaw ; i ly.-on’. the’ Biant ‘Sereen: has, metas." . fmorphoseit filnidomi. from ..a--hectic,...*. |. pang, ' nickel torn) ie oh oo Dhis:: is: with:}! 7 ith exception of ‘Engkand, ‘ser we i ‘exclis {alt material ‘charges, LS dining: the ni ASL: yen and: achalf cost. ithe: indus Jtryt ane | ‘approximate -: $10 000; 000. | Brotherites substantiate their: ‘lain p= | alone this line: by: pointing. ‘to. some ‘ot. thelr. pictures: on: the. January’ ana ‘Feb yar v" relea “sthedules which’ fe ‘been. delayed. ae ‘year Sol ‘ se, of, the’ color: angle, “they. ‘Saye . ..Universal,. _repor ted. : anid ng Leer wll. sauiow. 4 te 'si ¥ in ‘the, calor, Way Foe ‘Aavrstansing:, is" that’ this’ laters: As : eat mer ely. to.: “permit both: men: to: pick, Vv up thie: ‘angles ‘hee: ‘and: ‘the for: ragnumntcal and. “eues appliéd,. >the“market:, idea: of “compe me HHition: to: -oneof.¢ nséryatisin * "when for R2K+O In charge : TOE: Patho.-has | Sr a ftom . Fox, now.’ . ‘stands as: Ran. ‘Merjins, pean: -director;: ish editor? “Russell “Muth, German een GIT | gettin ‘siJeny|.6 ‘ieee iE “Gerald” egies, Be pte |! 0 it. somes. to treatin “new eras,” “Color | ‘cameras have « “proven: “not only. _expensiy ; \ Y n oiebrated stave for” ‘ Ziegfeld ‘and ee And! ‘Jatest”. to! jthumb lor. ‘ _"show . . boss". editor, ‘and Harry: ‘Lawrence, dn the: nM sahie~ ‘post: for’ sroueneai le States : ‘the. depurtmental . however, to ‘have'stated ‘they, aid not. sere : care: ‘to interfere with-any” deal R-"|. =O: hia rte might” ant. tte. K-O. has started. anit ut mee at ¢ ‘dle Reek news’ editor for: beth: reels, ‘0 throygh.-with: oe [the anproyal’ .Of.'. the: “Pathe: stock ~ vattorneye Woodware. ana ‘aeio i of Wostern. mm D: lectric’ ounsel, as din: realid a ite pto~. . ampaign: onthe Pacific: . hat numbers,” as. ay also’ start: 'to ; “‘puild: 4. house” here: or’ there, ity As. ent: : Shirts “will: be ong-Fecturs th: a picture:. namie.” seach ‘-reel;‘~ “rep? ‘at Burd | ‘that:|? ‘}-beén-booked” ‘solid; eu] “The: Sear GOd : “Three dite atent : “ath le: “with: personal: ‘a cuir {land “fe rent’ prodicts will be: advertised |' a1; sey f P Mash pps dig a i Sales ‘talks: will bey 000. oe Ae the’ vear.-. ae eae torte te its: ‘own: ‘pictures; but: ‘eloaea' | i dow” ‘its. studio: when, Silents" ‘| Out A * Paramount ‘foreign.’ “produgt: ere opening with, Pan's. Spanish’ ping ers a por te i,. we dike tor, us Ty fy: mn al ¥oa| biz che ire (3), having P “day. in: ‘Chicago. to cont Y: “ley Ly Clarke. ne ; : t is Inuany sted in haw wicca te to™., hy “Aacomnpany Be news, “Tox's: Ne lich’ ‘Chiversal |. Y Fee roy mela i "|New Color: Process: Feb: ah ao ere. : . Tolar vod, Dee! “Gonisétiaated’ ‘Laborntory. latates: i fnew ‘color process willbe: Teady: fi at : producers” cbr che 19st a sl che anal. Af 5 ‘the ew Lee tain: : "[ setten | ty RCA. or. the’ dhataging “gattor tor Hearst. ‘and. aa zi . | Pathe. to: R= K-20. wilt at once. follow. : eharks of: ; He e . prodtica the. RhOW. for: Chis.atina ‘Week>cKecome: the: p st, . frveiye st. thing: New. Yotk: Jnaws: “drial Vantonj tine 8 hi LB | “Rot Hate “I! 3 “At wats Fielleved. th 1a heritiee. : Vand: “Hgeaching ‘for the. Parra a tite, Pale haniks-I sche Daniels’ : to.-open, ‘at the: Criterion: ae innilly’”: ( 3 *Tvd (1a) tire. nivoli for ie rind: ‘YUN, He's: Angel wile, move : could tu veoming ‘Uo; apliy. “four. void woiild Abbett te. Tas cone : As., discovered, me ‘in-the <>. PEt issajd .-*~ Despite. the: ‘exclama+ a ‘Bev. Vera] oe