Variety (Dec 1930)

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i bee edish,: ve lothers;: have: alt Showin: an. eagerness | Tee ay a tort as fan oe this -eoun-} try: was ‘concérnéd;’ are now recog: “nized. aS: bio. if’ spotted | Correctly.:. “In the: ‘past’ yea oreign ‘flickers: +h hi. Chicago ‘andthe’ midivest:” ority’ of: ‘these ‘earned.’ off reéords for.” ‘grosses. .-Y “Several “indie. .exh s.. Which: thought: ‘themselves. “washed up: With: ‘the ee of: inde-. : pendent: ‘production; his awakened | “to. ‘the. ateiw idea and. are .planning:|: ; |aeinney. ‘had :a-headaclie: how, to. kill]: rand: prepare. it -for’ cooking. with’ @XS fet tarted“aati year} rib! by etic, ‘Sonie” ciises it-cost ‘as: ‘niuch. ‘to. ha tiny” War her "Orpheum: product, took: a Shance nore. than ‘dozen. oy Y beenexhibited’ art “Mas. PICTURES | | Q sestik VS.FOX. Action: to. Recover: gi5.o00 Placed we 0/-0n Prater iol ‘Ham Fox. on the New: York: Supreme. | Court's: preferred. -ealéendar..“guavantees:‘ati_ early: trial. ‘date, _ o meyer, ‘foods... ‘tins... in tlie: giveaways. After Wwinring’ the: Ajiinial. or: foi . the: prize. prepared. for ‘Ube: as. fo: buy |® a dt: outright.: 0s: loop, grind “house _ .aepending’, almos' on’ spot [ays Booking, went: into: the: ‘foreign: field |. “ina: ‘bigs way. “Ey evy: dialect flicker f vholly Recep interrupted ae stage'|t 8. taivied | “that: “thie “ Btetui é houses: “gave. “away |. everything, ‘from: ‘Live | Digs. to. _AUs-! Any: ‘kind éf‘livestock. ‘small: : fenough,: to. Carry. hom wast included. oh niotion 1 made. ‘ana. ‘granted: fast | : 5 week. placed:the xecovery action; ‘by |. “NFOx's Attorney, : AT ‘weeks ~Thaty . Ahouses,: ‘thé maj ae Immediately "Baye : notice of eet + ‘this high speéd work i aod Iti might, almost. be. seid’ ‘that’ one theatre ¢ “operating. “outfit, ‘added’, in=* fgult, sto. thy, « 4 a flashed: orily. two’ | ace ‘house: “It-didn't. také ‘the news. | reél riob: concerned: very: ‘ hear: ot _ They, . burned: ‘and -“pre~.. | paren to: ‘gtage.-a:.mor drastic of. fensive.:in ‘the. matter!” _ ‘Labout ‘ ite, ‘ouits® to give: vanes ember mewsa poerrhi “seétor. “the, presentation } spots. in the. key |. r: vepreséntas'| aber.” ‘of: minutes’ ‘on. these. if ‘programs: takes: lip: a ‘eertain amount: reels a “préak. i time “each of. ‘the -néwsreet ’ boys’ injury’: mt / Around * New song “Publi ar aintained. “a ‘ , only” Br oadway: playing. ‘that -hétise has “done~ big} _ “biisinress. : " “Meodies des": “Herzens,’ cae of. "thé. ‘town, got its: best! Week | ‘with | Fo , ‘Because Ger Tian : Loved: [Zou flickers ; : Dowi: “on the. Bast’: ‘Side,” " os ‘a: “pi¢ tire ‘called. “yiddishe aa ama,” “more: en replacing ‘fier Dave "Toad who will | follow” Pincus Hie “New. ‘York: Fox. “Temices,: . el " “Because tig, Sani Belief, “uni-[ : Versal’s. “por. _ Buecessful:, ‘rovels. “Bott; types’ have to: ‘be"hot. or he: ‘refuses: to pay. : : unusud 4g. ‘| Manny :. Cohen’ Ss. “1930: 31 . ” line“Up: speaks |’ | loudet “in” theJegit:: play:. ‘direction | Toda: is-ri ‘Jack Gardner's ot onatng division in the-west. ‘s the: ‘city: ‘and: th ‘other’ ‘towns: ins the: inidwe est; ti disike, for‘shows" ‘or. pecause. of the}: lish ‘talkers. To ‘theni: ‘the. Pictures | 7 gare, more: than: ‘entertainment; Foteign | films’: have: ‘the |.” | thie. “Rox: organization: -an-: €lexchaiigabie: staff, pa. coasts, » dnability ‘to: ‘understand ‘the ~ ‘Eng . ‘Other alternating ‘moves probably: wie ‘be announced The. .aRernating.* ‘system wih, give acqtain ted: wi, : “them” the foreign, fligkers’, are: repre sentations : Of . the’ “old: “country. Diten, peer 2 fer thelr: native.’ “Pictures;': ‘and 5 J aecidéd. ae Nicholas: M, inion a Dave’ ‘Beunatein and: “arthur iM Zn" buying: ‘up: “460;000 shares: of Loew's: “State: ght. FCAV ork now, : roduc tions, =: fi Ksrigan “but: fox. foreign’ amet “They ‘are: Actinitely: -satisned , ‘by.: the | isa live of: the: past: year, that: ‘there.| 50 and. souling. them: to” Wil-. the: 2a" “questions” “propounded: “By. ssoumse} for: Stanton. An an: have 8 | fot ‘the “dialog. eae }. ve | biotsion. decision fast. praaye oe. ime court. directed. the defendants | Eye Undes ° ae sie ealen , Nelmoite’. Sattee, War as "alee nere™will * Toature ‘auting 7 Gemrber “an. ale day, free: “eats: : ducement eT : yn ‘2 “gterogt aphicrs ‘suppery. getting: ‘the, rome gitIs: early. inthe! day * ‘ana |: uttractinés : the: office. "beauits : after | Thought: 4 that: the. women, un: ay oid: stopping into” cafeterias | n: thé. ‘ifterngon:. or going. “home: for | With most women | ; ours, thie. night: meal: on, a. diet ies. figured ‘the, ‘theatre: can, . der ed. “Iden! “the. ; 7 coast: publicity’ head; will: vex |G [change post. and: place's vith Glendo ‘| studi : for:: a few. of ‘them: _ teoulan't “attora” ‘to. buy. 1.8200, 000. ror the. Tiphts: and: Hughes | ‘that: that. of: about | any, ‘other com" a Pty isthe “By? the ‘ganie,, yy three. original ” manu: | | known | for, e. ‘the’ tule layout. a ‘down. oo York.” ‘Par ‘amount often. ‘news events. to a.full: ‘fledged’ ‘display ‘on the. a> luxe. shoivs. Which: is*most-]', 1. Whethersthis:ingugurates: | °: . Meanwhileits: “plenty” dis; ‘| ‘cuit: orders... ‘companies’ pouring’, su much. money, : ‘time and” energy ‘into: “their News: “news clips’ .in“ ain. yaxpléltation’ is certainly: ‘mot’ responsible : for’, : thie’. Embassy's: ‘guctes “ paving hale: hours to: Hell, plang: ‘sites... a success: | Mane! ‘ ‘Ahotherof view. is-tha the ism in: | patssy was.” started. ‘on. Ate: 7 “news: house : “managers: the: impor ‘tance “of the.’ current: events But, a how “With the" ‘Various ° “Alm yeels: it: ‘secins . obyiotis . that: they’ re? “hardly : getting « “any: ‘publicity. or ats, . | tention in relitfion: to" the thy . expenditur ey A 1 \j Rewskeel ‘seems’ ‘satisfied: with: ‘its eeWay; fame sis ‘an. “old. “complaint: Phe: pe< culiar., -part:, is: ‘that. ‘nothing. aauel ‘a:new:sehenie’ of added minutes. to |: ; “Subjects: “is known: althorgh it's® possibl F trav ‘bean: ediét:-t aepenaine: on” ‘the’ : \ hasn't "yeally yneant. ‘any thing Ane. “the : ‘Winbassy.theatra: ‘undertook ite] ¢ |-all-newsxeel. ‘policy. _ ; rium: used ‘to ‘specialize it in. this: phase. |v ; ‘unto; “becoming: 19 fot, ‘its program - ith . Mrs. J Jessié fringe ot Stut esinan -iner : Hoosier.” ‘society: :leade curred ‘Nov: 21. at Bethesda, Ma, ie. ‘point “ ‘Whére’ poe F ti: the news. detually: was: ‘Known: tO, nee ., Crawfordsy : responsible for ‘a certain: -pércentage | ¢ ived a of. the’ -w eekly. gross... cause ‘a, 1B tena ¢ musical’ ‘version ‘was. figured too. costly, it is. ‘ambis ; et [thes ‘search “and, their only” Shavice | * ‘Twould |: be-. ithe -Riv oli, if ‘sur and. S$; “On: thé ’ other “hand. . “of the > new:. 1, CO “op ye: Up: and: Up," a a play, Bot. $37, 000: ‘from: ‘the: ‘Laemimle |: ‘Wlett. $50,000: With: Broad --. way . for ‘Maniy.A. SUp,”: and ‘the | ‘same™ ‘for: “Little. ‘Accident?”, . “Free: ‘Loye™. Y téd..$35 be: ‘transferre; Holl TO", and, to, “questions.” ‘to. “be oe -*Phese have fo. -do “with: cofitract. ‘to™ obtain ‘control. 5 | me purchase oft ‘the. 450, ‘000 ‘shares: froin, phot ad Davi War field, David: ‘Di, Loew, Lee’ pou ‘ic id “349 : Johnson”. , are: * Hollywood, Deed. ‘Doing. “aly on: again ‘off ‘again wit “Saint. Jolinson,” aa ‘Universal again. ‘postponed. ‘production: ‘on the filmization ‘of thé“ western: ‘novel:° mel ‘is: rather: Yeeryr: a tee western Georg’ tivi isional. a has . 1 es. reasons, with the: idea: “or building ne in “the fat eo ‘Studio’. iS. alveady | 4, . Beginning + ‘to, Aine, uP stony mhaterial, Y ye in} | Season: instead... Making a. ERatcad “ 9 re ~ foemies years, ay i Stare "hee te ‘Lup: the. Tift: “pictures : ‘earlier: =| for’ Taiamount, star’ (3. ‘Dee. 18. ‘on “td a Second; Are. will ¢ ¢odite im eee . me Snetias te / tion“ ‘Cand: ‘igus may ‘not ‘be. made’ : , “‘Ttonlywooa, We Be : for” ‘DecenwWer:. ‘produc-, Hy PM re ox: new anitil: February.. ‘ Pa Letor: Es 24 ous. « MeLaglen and Q dria: ood, gy cA. bump. ‘fot: the: cnnaly again. with} nly. 2624" extras w Nor kiDe “during: the Ft we BT. degrees: he | low. average. “ 138 Ina, “Pathe: shor tvHarola Sees, ‘the. Thdians”..: ‘That: was" Also ‘tin Biggest s set. Of. the iti ‘ ‘tious: ihe Cre a ‘go after sucii plays'|: “ bi intér:-; AS: U. ‘offered, 7 * mpenedtast .) figured by.. ‘tHe’. company. as. its “AN » LQuiet"™, ay under "$40; 000... > they: are’ eau oa for 8 made. by'| treasury.: fins saharge.. scem.. satisfied to: | £0" at’ that. 5 000°. before Jit | “ould | ¢Peak was’ ‘Monday: with 638: ealled PAIL Blgpest. ‘roid: that day: was: “being” tr Unis” was’ traced ¢ and, “found.” PCy, ia t tlie R oxy: has: ‘cir: “Suspected ; of... | Mrs. . | number”. ‘|. been’ jiying:n. thie. ‘east and ‘Willian: of.” year 8. “Fevvon.“Foe: “Mys: Hays: ha Tlate. Jamés ome “Statesman; ‘forme on -thé, theory. crs ‘Se Minister to. that gountry ana? ‘to-do ‘Sow ould chasé néwsreel.‘fangi]:0'". “the Enibassy,. ex'dchave to. go orn i long. Broad: Rialto Jand “No. feat Self init: a steady: ANOEe: handling ‘as’. otherwise a she a st ‘daughter’ “of Thomas. ” : ‘after living-apart several years.with -: “ ‘| Hays. Branted: custody. of: nis’ s a ‘The: pare an ‘were : ‘iv orced: 'tVar y much’ conf £2 ae ‘gross from Ww eck to iveek, the: lads-|~ Tet -it heralding. to. draw: extra: business. ‘It's -ohyious: that. “hiey” “wane to"spend: ; .No telling: how, ynany | ts ; “puneh’*: ‘subjects: they’ ve. passed: “Up: ‘as ‘ttle: coin: ‘as. possible in -the. daily: |f papei' 3,": pt wi that they, don't-eve they’ ve--. Bot a “Ratural: ud “Hence, it it! ‘oeeasionally * ‘6B Its: channel “to: attract: special’ aie: -tention‘(and,Ats. its’® ‘this, ‘eountry)the ‘Yea ws at ‘the. ROXY to: het fin thts a behina “hit eke. the ‘i smibaasy Ou fe and: prices ae TK -|-Coburn,: : hounded: We: wil do. it as. a side: lines. oe | son, for: practically’ Auniiliating’ ox |. a : ye” yt’ Moviotone: x iainbassy . Praca policy. Was’ national publicity” for thet { ‘surprising = ‘is [- ; stir: themselves |) en nae | for:any.. } ind: ’ “Cat: and for:any.. kind of: & an “gobieet | 3 which: newspaper: stoi “The s hiaatiess “methods: ate ‘actors’: ‘agent,’ jias:: eae 7 nts teat » six! eamerainen navel but . none were: ass ‘to =the. Pict “pa been I which. first, “splurge 7 ane small Sh “} ih. -Biooidyn;: “Chicago, ues ve fone: ‘and, ary be. ‘Ane: oF two lother | ‘spots. Ww. hic iw ould: ‘feni “E national, ‘public ity” an , ny. AA: J 1|-suhtvan.: “for :| Maiks the. Spot,” || He “is “¢ pected: t-shew that the nw Walk: by! the obby, stop: “and got 20 the. “@inlog.: —_ rangsler * ‘pi c ‘Lupe. _ ALelly we suds eth -difeeting “sanies "What Tinies. ‘Squar et yet. Set, bit: ‘Guy ‘ane. ;