Variety (Dec 1930)

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t & eee smoustacnes ‘Hg jand: and: ‘Co,. at the: jevitation| ‘Eva: Nigh dles., . Mrtists a Co ntista ae ily, apotted: gna Dare,: doing one of ‘the gone. adagio routines, are: STikewise. Grofessional.: aga. May: E a: the. snakeayiete we phere: -are 20:°: a" yoices for :the"general ‘background.: Entire stage. ;Bergonnel. numbers -60. people “and: the’: $2,500" cost, to “the ouse. te’ a' tribute. .to°P&M’s-smart | “showmanship: ‘anda great ‘preak: for! ‘the. : general. percentare-. Split: -be-. ween: the Chinese and Par. Ino 0: Ove. the. house: nut, a ee yeglonnaires: Marietta. makes: fier éntr nee: “ea amel and-.a: donkey: Is. also: there; }-wil _glong with the-other live: stock ‘con =: tributions; towards .a vealisticMoor dah ‘street: scene.” ‘Bresenttatlo yur '90,. ‘minutes: ‘ane. As. : moveltyand.. nuance: WCRI. ehitts * jng,: blending: ana doveétailihg. from’) one highlight, to, the: other.” “Larry” Ceballos’: contributed: ome le. ‘might’: ‘have. walked the | humans ‘} elemens,. “popular os kr PEwain”, . 7 to see: the’ “outpouring gt. ‘Feumle, W “tid: Jet | this. POE worry jeananay $4. nich’: AE \cablishine. avn caArUE “praeet ar We Ante the: Chicigo ‘theatre: wt. the. fest shows: : ahinking “it Board: [mien ‘hav e. No‘dowbt, zeke’ sia Sainivel | would. hate: beei ‘thei: hard-ea ithé::0f" epi your, ountry ‘short torial:presentation: -pook, Te r Saivy ].thre >, ParinjguutFig iDlix” OEpOr Aoi pis: front. the K {The ” motion: “picture indus cor: tines:to) make | picnics és, and does: itself. cal ‘ oe ‘Probably: thé: only hinge Hates i? OUSes-Leodad | BE. Leeura Aig this J week: WHE. be. the’. NUber, OF. ehi! : ‘haven cevery, cltild, de: serves. the. ben= borough: eduedtion: . Who: “SET ‘ture: Svoulan! * but: the Nears nanract. thie Bolte. : Own de." re. been. nifty “dance’.:and. . ‘general. ‘staging, | © Given fuller” opportunities : than’ on |. ‘previows: oceasions,-the:. stager . took. | fa. advantage’ “of: the, ‘possibilitles® “of: -mixinig: ‘up: ‘tire’ reds: ‘and: the. whites; asin that:.c colorful..cape ‘danice: VON" tine; thus, working. ‘in his| mosphere’ ‘effects: for. bestrretutn wee : “a ‘Stars* still , “1g : Paramount; Fox: and Nene newsaf “Feature: was marrea.|'$ reels § ‘follow: ed, . twiee © py. projection: booth Sbienks’ |S rather. ‘untoward ” chrshinistantes: for" sult’ 2 Bala: ‘preniiere, oe : : ite. ‘nroney “along. ‘Avith= ‘thes th ; ge OR tits ‘picture, although ot: ‘oine it _ for its: ‘OW: p: ‘ho : » Par: . 4 radio... proadéastine Studio”. foyer’ with: Jolin P: Medbuiy; “the. ‘Hearst: columnist—who. went: heavy “on ‘plugging: ‘Heéarst—doing. the an- ouncing * ‘on ‘4 ‘Enitea: Braiacasting | -hook-up.!: Medbury: ‘got: ‘paid ‘for -his’|: comedy" diiterpolatians®: which, were" cued. to alternate. ith his. announce: “ments. ‘of personalities.’ oa we r: took: aay : ‘take’ Of “one“of | “those “say >a “fev : *. routines: : by. slipping: in, a : Variety". tor baer the va e ee : “clowns; . does. Douglas. “Poronto, Nev: 29 mn + With Chevalier: ‘on-screen, ‘Arnaut, Bros.-on stage;.and ‘billing arureune~. Sack: ‘Pepper's final, “week* hi a: -e,,° back * of hese: "packed: th’ standees tonight: (28). ‘with. lag how ‘well uhder way...” _Arraut. boys’ ‘still. ‘doing? the wird teasing ‘act with. ‘whistling ‘duo, reg-: istering: ‘heavily: with..material they: have:.been using . ‘annually. ‘in focal vaiide houses: for ‘years.. F’ ‘eather ed “pantomimes. have: big: following 1 here: und! ‘had. no’ aiff sa in: getting. over. ‘this. pair’, weer 3 ‘hofrors,” “with: the. kia. winging | three:-numbers ‘and... three ‘choruses: of final. “song. before ‘epstomer: stap. ‘Pepper has! been here. ‘aga. Httle* uncertain ‘of .b nseélt “tiene ‘the «first. fortnight,» Heleb |; Kane's’ appearance : sited | ‘him: with pep: ‘and. ifs owe ; othe Peal: Dine sige piteseniation s we ties 2UP with ‘opening ..of |: --Kour Carltan'y: Bh So: Vol with: quartet. 2 hating es 8° dolng’:a./tap routhies | punctuated ‘with ‘Mahoney. faliss”. sallet. comes.‘out: : .on, “fulk SLABS’ mith band-at back-on* dais... Girly: in.” ‘salmon. chiffon:” ‘and: plumed : yead‘dress: add, flash; to-an already. plabo-rate and. pretentious: ‘getting of" siler -birches, -blue_ ‘skye and : ‘gunken: ®arden’ effects; doing’? eat ‘formation Work notable: tor, precision. ‘aind dis.) cipline;~. ‘Unbilled “girl singles . ‘with, violin: number.on ‘toes and. raristers.! She “is. Lillian’: Magner, .protece. of: Jack : Arthur. in: the’ old. ““Gprown, ‘days, ‘but ‘gird is" AG cand wins: ‘oh -mefit, ~* ike . :Pepper' follows. with. “Rewer! ‘a Fly? nut: song. ‘dre wing Encores” With: two, | 'Babyfalle., M6=:), livery goes, over With fenimes. and, calls: forthree | additional: choruses: h “Pepper getting” ble ; nee his first here: Ave.Ww Bo; Horace: (Cohar) -. “Lapp, ‘band leader, does’ the ‘pia. BP aaa “Paninnent. and goodsnaturedly . tak “ew lot ée kidding* ‘from the." ,: spattet.b back, or. stake: tna: noyelty: ins ne tea rene ae inact: dae . mG Jet back: for :finate," itis “this. tin “hi, yellow. feathered -costuiies Orta, Wiftemoving: Anish. 1: ure ations, Ment: and ‘sélis:: ; Morosco: ‘pening. ‘witha fe ‘rarely. “thik: of proses: “4S, :ASEO*: ‘clated Svith . nightshirts: wl “ Eniegly. ‘since opened;: and: the: big: , Late: ‘aLOuUNa: ‘the: comet plastered: ne ; “chi : a Oly Tania... ut sour anna phy ing ne ‘peosper. canier. thes self ee Ht: Bove ar Myy be this oun ey ‘OughE. ‘to.'se}]: ainething “be opley. themeelt Ki Wow probable "ie “use: “AS, happy: to" € at: sonigboily.” els Jwarking; : sake, ander. ‘the. title" ‘or Douglas, . “Ato st! ‘take:. the | the | Torerunner Of The “Ny Vebh's, bnterte a ned day. Be ane etadeen i fReeween ee A “ay: ao . j ‘reo taker “HL View ot [eo ; ; Yr ie: : t Wer: development; ° pend Seplely 0 ne. Maughing matte : aay" Sonieof our’ eininene suientints ia* ery continue 2 t5, een wheats: Lo Later. on. in.. the. safe act, At girls., ‘enter, from. ‘newhe! tie. other pdances; “and © ‘Me ebbpuis. off soriie ; old. “hokunr, pits, “and. "some | childré én 5. Germany “would “[probably:: “laugh: herselt, Wiiile: She: 000: ton. ‘com =: tie. “coriverted, time’ “Of |: “proceeds :to. ‘buila” 60! pmepeial: ships: that. cay. : neat-semi-. avunk comedy‘ ‘dance... si Rugsian: ‘atmosphere. ‘People, -prob-. ‘ably j enjoxed. ‘this: ‘act: and:: “Qidn't: time: wher. ‘their. ‘grandfather’ had: 16 be" ‘gatis-: 3 Peop +; Last! aet:. was the... Riissian Art “Rrioe “They have :an, idéa;; but. it's’ £00% “subtle... Jet : xdeuy? t months go; 77 He. is watiease and ‘Wire at-home: “With: Hiniselfand: his 2, Mark a \ket, off-the’. nut ate telly : “but this Ppa. thing. IRE |for. Bille : ‘Dove:‘and ‘gavea’ litte’ Ten théydo-| e-becailse ot’ ‘tho-|" They-iave probably, pete: : ‘ter suited: for ‘legit: Chaure., Souris t Although” ‘hel t oS . eres ré: XN" i, “yreying: 10" uae ii thre ugh: the ; deter ORE. doors than.. Mere ayibing: to plank, down, or hag: the dough: tO. AV hin" ao cota xave. : | plank: fons at th a biG... RY s : he «: 'S immedigte © Natitre ware alk, non: NT : not ‘even: ‘in: ‘on $ ahead », People's. © customers: ‘that “eons. Sit from. ie 0 " Sehoenstad vs a eonier, Where thie ILseu pietures Jina ‘Inere, de lus pensenher e 5 dy Wplds On ohineg Bat) a ‘sneak . in: the. re Yr AGors! “tan . pays av ute’, front.. tien, “campetiti vis: ete. Orgstal to thie: soriyh ¥ i to.; iE oh’ runs. nf the. Olynpia.. fe, : "Man, Trod bite" a "Spouble. featur s. five. the: out, “sines: dts Iss Poubtsu. the hqyse eoula: “take In “enous “SAnd evens if! : ‘. House Laid “go for: the’: “GoueBSS "fs erenr-the hig: comperitor: around: the varnet could. Riel ‘ens: ‘three. ply Luar ADA vt ren your bayiths g_ “Wart. Po Tages “ na 1) pro ray a t : 2 vest. Noon," eee £090 cmueh, iui “bad 1 Bee od. choris;; and “hardly-an . ‘Bhanksgiving: menus? ¥ hig, cast: Liberty: deluxer nas Keen turngs out. sonienifty. Httle“stage.. shows x one: 19... jet-down; : 3 eal | epultg” "the. copula ‘lio bess vueing: Dick Powell, 81.6080 Fe “Nothing -toit, ‘and JJittle “Dover 3 “| Bashiex;. back: in line.again, slat wld oyonsionally: still ‘steps out! for: pe ; ielalties’ With: Powell; stenting’. iW -ever ‘there --is.; to! steal; TT : ‘| Bushey: gar bears. wateliing:: as a mu--| steal < personality, : “do. WY. el} tO. ‘turn. & wv ve eH ‘or. whatever ; ‘ie they. One” in “at « 0: Linke : “Pnis. afternoon: the ckid: fiyns.. her nuniber with: Po: ef, hot? “Jt fOr: Ahe dressing: donv after” three or four: ;bows. toVehange., ack, into her ‘line costume, “and, the’ ‘mob: ‘| avas. still pounding” ‘their: “mits. tL avic Fhe ie and enoigh 4 pass: et ‘uta moderated N shivice JeMte, 7 v. wat And mivre: OE -Tnedit [Pe OVEN ; ‘ ca ‘ eowop. dialect AibROs é AW . “Was yi etter ctesspreait propor tas ate “epnigedy over Ly on eatilen x Mnitire n¥alt, the ‘was +} + s me des Sar ps sh. of: An -ASt: Hae ‘read : te: eetGieres the: “19 “War neti Ss awould: ig Regan. ie. :4: Zorilen, decorving ae, toi Klug jng's a: En te rei RIONE the. "stand Powell. yang in his: ‘pandnext For. By : ‘coupie:ot numbers,. some hoke, “Hale: foe: Yelujah’ ‘etuff:.on. "Sing: Something |iy¢ ‘Simple’ getting over. “Production: . ayuarber, ‘featured: Ariené “ana Nori ™ ‘mah, ‘* nice | that: looked. spretty” but. didn't niean Gal ‘almost: a: dega: 2 ‘fash’ to ani ordinary. youtine, _FEa-and Morton, ‘Beck :an inipny datter from: ‘bana, ‘any, OW tb eck’. boys “being intro-. diieed at! eonehisjon.for. hole: oven," ‘specialty. this team: ins last: couple’ of: . “once” were, .: “ ‘ . _ ate tee ee a ee Onen€d. svith’ their: ‘old. anid “Coniliar. [Mave AY indow “Washers”: sony,-then Anto! “purlesque ‘on: how: Barr: more } *Ii Ww “£in€.. a love. :$On&: “to tinkba.'} closing dramatically” th veh “fay. the) a i, ante: burlesque, f Bast: e, On; gleh-y with “Song of. they. “blackaut..with “Powelt,|.¢ Bushey: that. didn't: ‘neélp |: : Soniething's: Happened to Bs ‘hallrodm:: dance |’ ote Vaudeénd; a igh. the Tx ; din thls Loew te Ay ; ‘that's: gat any: ot He 0 -flosing rus! ‘elosed: with: SOF ne. tan -sani | ta naking, Selbys “eoming. on ‘tor: finish, |. ‘The: Truth’ Abo wank na, here some: ray -audience,, even managing afew. bits.["~ .f veomedy:. now, and then. | Evans’ | "started: Out! as! a: pianist. though ihe. sometimes sings. , Canaries. king. “and ‘You: can “buy: theni:: fora: few: dale jats.-" Praple * ‘rarely: ‘think af sted, things: 4 ‘isbane: has tad yall that. for’ ‘theme : ° “With: Ahis “sight: front with a “sienthat read . raha Igeriininate = {gets® thei “nowy heres see Shanks ‘Bros “ 4eh6, “oper ssiall‘Spots ~ “in. the. “Ofte OA. ‘Tt. is one STEN: ‘hove shooting » Alley, Py Asi. phe api: tin ay ’ snelea “H rier. rthe., Situate “Ah othe ca yee “Or pine Taistrivt. in the: rence AiR oe dr AN “fa. om: he ia ta while ening te or eae bey. tie jeinter she alley. for '2 “people: gsiles: ha “ahee (OR. nak. aii i oo avert: Inter. eth. Va robalie. caet,’ he oa, S posiest COTINEN EWI dis: iestinvated some. 732000 ‘trod. daily, AV arneén Bros: took p-charice réeven “ariel: Gut. ‘down ‘thé’ Reatinzt Supa uf: the. Orpheuny fromm 430:. t6-. Tire ‘cutting and. Tedecoraticns, ne! “Ahoat $75,000," . “Also0% 18 dass Wei Ba) the Ls Puy hed “interpretation: Ad a fini : atte: powey And. nthe : wing : One, Teds fed. s Ieestey ‘alsin: eli how With, is te : Pee 6% romaine “Aine. -in, “eetung: “ints = ing to. Sa a ‘tl lok AVE. the house. avs dark ate | 4 * the.28 inch.” seats, Werer, Ww seat 2-inch : pews;: day the: house. falls: ‘fn the | jeation, with all, tiie pike Vs Tipe essing this‘fart, “ afew: years, abo; “becatine’ of “it: ek ding. Aight, Se apot: eas Pave sianiager;, R. hiss MC Cow Pram the ‘Highland. ithies tre. 7c josoted: to district hi te ‘ thi. C ‘ ee Mr Wines Ps “wehers, ‘instru yc. ov for any hand ors "et V4 “Because Ihe: “ Pulmate a tn rf “the House Eve po ing! be _AnOut she: ones, intlading tie \ ; With: aly “ye ae * ’ . go DBE avetem, Je. néw.Tt presents am 8 fe TD ‘if Bn of “| at 7 1D ins’ reteibes "OF, a *. apphii se: “ae ; siciy te. ahi ' Phy 3: Att shat thes ©): the. ieee week . cS P eelithee ‘Of the "Three: S ts ¢ pee ike end. AIG, “WAS: ; paves’ "pues “Gig eu seetin ond “ 4 t Ne BS irs ze. eich, Roshan Mer Vinre a asien: ee ‘ie. Pragcenbam ig tinge “ a Th wehie ie thé. Wide. of he tas ze smash. By inthe: ner O: 2 Alagh Wimoine i Thigy emnnid ‘ smite \ at witly fewer Ann: Seve ¢ ‘ Jar bite: pevt rine, awit slants tang atta wich “ple nty \" A's. why “the kids epeciati ie “ete: t ce! Lolo Ve: eeadae tango inte ‘gil nter py efative’ ‘ballet. Ai seLf an’, abe: i it if f° Sunes; Re Ses iffy. AlLthree: are. tdene™ with * Open ng, avhere ai ray tak his pirtn. Lie to. eppeai wand. apattier ont j * tiited>'na: “by “ove vue,’ we , “Hons “ant Dayle Te Ft, ¢ 4 aie “inti fn